WD_Pelley ago


Köçeks were much more sought after than the çengi ("belly dancers"), their female counterparts. Some youths were known to have been killed by the çengi, who were extremely jealous of men's attention toward the boys.[11][14]

Turks are a bunch of faggots, holy shit.

Anonz55z ago

deep state redpills archive


Please read it

veteran88 ago

It is time for the ride of the whore of the European people worldwide.

All of those who wish to harm and humiliate us must be exterminated.

Chempergrill ago

The historical part of this post checks out.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

All jews are foreign enemy combatants. There is a mountain of evidence

American-Patriot ago

This has to be one of the most intelligent things I have read on the net in a while.

ant_earth ago

Routine infant circumcision is one of the best examples of this humiliation.

Uncle_Slob ago

It's weirding me out. I literally just saw a video about this for the first time last night. The video was years old.

CynicalBastard ago

The truth does hurt.

Gorillion ago

This should be a permanent banner at the top of the site.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Just speculation on his part (common fault of the young). True we ARE nobodies and don't count for SHIT to the elites, DESPITE their bleating to the contrary. You find a CHOICE acorn? They WILL likely steal it. But this is NOT an occupation. They are simply the conquerors. Always have been, always will be. Their goal? To STAY at the top. PERIOD.

markrod420 ago

Thats... what being occupied is.

YouAreASlave ago

You're not deflecting shit you fucking kike. Deliberately crushing the spirit of the occupied keeps them compliant. Your head needs to be on a stick.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Not a kike. conqueries NEED to be conquered and put to use.

TexasVet ago

Reading this has made me angrier than I have been in a long time.

IsaacJan ago

Wow, he’s like gayest_shill for you. Good work

antiliberalsociety ago

A fraud is angry, call the papers.


TopTierCIAShill ago

You have no children and scam money from people for pretending to be a veteran. You of all people have no personal future and should be the one running for politics but you don't.

You have no reason to be angry, boomer.

TexasVet ago

Shut your lying fucking mouth. I was in the military and that gofundme was never a scam. Fuck you and your little clique of jewish shills smearing my name.

Splooge ago

The POG thing still gets me every time. wew

TopTierCIAShill ago

You spent money that was for groceries on gun scopes.

Go kill yourself, wigger.

antiliberalsociety ago

Who will inherit that single wide trailer of his?

TopTierCIAShill ago

haahahhaahah max kek.

Hear that, @TexasVet?

TexasVet ago

I spent that money on exactly what it was meant for for over 2 months. It was only after I had found employment that I used a portion of those funds for a rifle. The goal of the gofundme was clearly only 500 dollars so every penny given beyond that is by every standard a gift. I had every right to use the excess funds on anything I wanted to. I could have bought hookers and blow if I felt like it. You self righteous crusaders on here can kiss my ass.

TopTierCIAShill ago

every penny given beyond that is by every standard a gift

No, it wasn't. It was from people who were fooled by the likes such as yourself who wanted to help a fellow out.

Unfortunately, you decided to jew the European for his sympathy for his own personal gain.

Seriously, get off Voat, get off Gab, get off the god damned internet and take a good long look in the mirror. You are nothing but a useless boomer who is incapable of providing for himself. You are the definition of Untermensch and you do nothing but drag the White movement down.

Go fuck yourself, niggerkike.

antiliberalsociety ago

Still fraud you toofless faggot.

GeorgeWashingNigger ago

ok boomer.

angryspin ago

There's no denial we live in occupation, a fact most of us here on voat accepted a long time ago. The difference with this occupation is that it's through subversion operating from the shadows and not directly applied might. Can our might be suppressed by the jews indefinitely or will we reestablish our racial consciousness?

cyber_dum_runner3 ago

Bullshit revolutionary rhetoric.

BlueDrache ago

Found the Jew.

Rawrination ago

It's almost like these sort of threads are bait for them. I'm glad someone is making a list and checking it twice.

edwardbernays ago

How do you explain all the sodomy and deviance worship along with anti-white rhetoric? That shit make any sense to you? How come a politician has to be on the record as completely cool with sodomy to even be considered for office now?

mleczko ago


Muh-Shugana ago

Completely accurate.

RoundWheel ago

Demoralization propaganda. You can do anything to a demoralized populace.

godamn ago

Talking about the post or your personal life?

mleczko ago

make it fucking sticky

Muh-Shugana ago

Agreed, I'm tired of people wasting all their time on dead ends just as described in the OP.