21274642? ago

The Jewish Occult, Arab ritusl, the Knights changed their religion. A Frank group bruned London to the ground in 1666 ? Some banker people connected with 'The Grotto' funded some of the original BlackHat Hacker groups? They liked the Shah. What are M.O.V.P.E.R, a Babylon mix of Zoroastrianism & Islam? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3399914/20519901 Where is the information on this 'grotto'???

21152661? ago

both are genociding whites

21152748? ago

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that stems directly from European financial engineers.

21152439? ago

Who gives a fuck. Just stop taking money from people around the world to play their sick games.

21152484? ago

To not repeat the past, you have to know the past. Lies kill.