European Jews are distinct from real middle eastern Jews. The Ashkenazi are actually the remnants of the Phoenician people. The Khazar may have converted, later, but that is the third line. Third line genetic proof exists. They are court jew tagalongs.
The Phoenicians lost strength and had to regroup. They did so by founding the city state of what came to be called Venice. They look Italian because the bred with Italians. The Vatican knows. The Masons know, but favor actual Semitic Jews.
Most jews are never told this.
21274642? ago
The Jewish Occult, Arab ritusl, the Knights changed their religion. A Frank group bruned London to the ground in 1666 ? Some banker people connected with 'The Grotto' funded some of the original BlackHat Hacker groups? They liked the Shah. What are M.O.V.P.E.R, a Babylon mix of Zoroastrianism & Islam? Where is the information on this 'grotto'???
21152661? ago
both are genociding whites
21152748? ago
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that stems directly from European financial engineers.
21152439? ago
Who gives a fuck. Just stop taking money from people around the world to play their sick games.
21152484? ago
To not repeat the past, you have to know the past. Lies kill.