17592799? ago

If the NZ prime minister really wants to respect muslims she should resign. She needs to do more than just cover her head, she needs to stop thinking she is in power over men and submit to their will. https://www.voat.co/v/whatever/3112229

17826287? ago

Massacre was Masonic Gun Grab, says NZ Man https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3139803/17826085 'Well, no fucking shit.

Makow is a great source of information, though.'

17468360? ago

What have you done to the Shitposters Tavern banner? @ExpertShitposter you fucked up!!

17513500? ago

OMG! Uk police arrest 4 people who commented on NZ attack, on social media! THIS is 1984! https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3104832 'NZ guy facing 14 years for sharing video that the WHOLE world has seen - are you kidding me?

NZ is officially a shithole country - I was planning a trip there one day, but fuck that - no way will I support super assholes.'

17491372? ago

strange times!

17449400? ago

whats the real news ? @The_Venerable @Glory_Beckons ? @Thereunto @InternationalGoy @Master_Foo Turkey, N Korea, Freemasons, Pakistan some strange places

17449559? ago

I'm not sure why I'm being tagged here. But if the Freemasons are involved, then Sasquatch is probably closely linked as well. My personal theory is that (((THEY))) have figured out how to inject chemtrails into the internet. My proof for this is the rise in Autism on message boards.

17491391? ago

vid! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3105201/17484051 OMG, is it wearing a banana hammock?

17437595? ago

Big. Proof the shooter & Podesta connected. Nearly a dozen separate data points proving vicious attack was perpetrated by the pedo-satanic secret society that runs D.C, also known as the Deep State https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3101232

17491454? ago

'when you're so desperate to virtue signal you oppress yourself' https://www.voat.co/v/Worldnews/3105648/17488782

17396022? ago

4chan still available.

New Zealand might WANT to be australia, but its not.

17521524? ago

? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3108748/17521425 'wtf, who is this dude?'

17438208? ago

There was a lot of chatter online on how good it was so I installed it. Haven't found a need to use it yet. https://www.voat.co/v/Conspiracy/3100460/17430109

17421135? ago

A few years of his life missing this Aussie guy who shoots up in NZ...he was at Turkey, the Balkans, Pakistan ... https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3099074 Whats with the Freemason house in London?

17395433? ago

What about facebook, where it was streamed? God damn all this hypocrisy is maddening.

17540114? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3107390/17509057 'Q said "net shut down" this could be the beginnings'

17437354? ago

NewZealand attacker #Tarrant stayed in #Turkey for 43 DAYS in 2016. Before the Attempted #Coup and right after. Why?How was it financed? What was he doing in Turkey during this extended stay?! https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/3101213