16336773? ago

You know, I wonder if this is somehow reflected in search terms. Not that we can trust what these porn sites report about their users, but if the (((owners))) really are pushing things like interracial cuckolding, where it covers the front pages, then you might find people taking more effort to avoid it by searching for other things...

And if you search for "incest" you find videos of WHITE amateurs who look enthusiastic, and the label is just some Mechanical Turk level spam keyword. They label that "incest" for the same reason that the "black israelites" screaming at the Covington kids were throwing "incest" as an insult: they are trying to induce shame for whites preferring their own people.

16780801? ago

afraid to call out the industry of filth, exploitation and smut? @SanFranTrailerPark @bunnysupreme and Q anon went Jew Anon ? @fuckfuckfuck1 @Himfirst @Kirbyrambo

16799316? ago

Mindgeek is a black hole in finance terms. there is all sorts of offshore trusts and accounts in Europe; An INSANE amount of money is being passed through the accounts of Mindgeek.

I am convinced Mindgeek is a state psyop.

16384534? ago

just a conspiracy? @Taiaha what's the industry really doing ...

16315838? ago

Make pornography illegal again.

16525866? ago

named @yellowthread ?

16390628? ago

reddit promotes smut but bans MDEs @shoutout_to_burritos ?

16676650? ago

listen up ya'll soap box dindu nuffins !

16676657? ago

why u no like da soap hammer

16918703? ago

user @fluhthreeex bad talking about sbbh i see ?

good luck with shitty /v/EyesOnTheZOG sub

16683525? ago

you like listening to nig nog beats @jackthebutholeripper ?

16676716? ago

@Ghetto_Shitlord @Conspirologist dey be talkin bout dem niggaz n sheeeeeit @azurensis @TheFuglyAmerican @mentalbear u know wut im sayin ?

16694332? ago

sheeeit nigga @Diogenes_The_Cynic explain that pic

16695513? ago

My theory: They went for the biggest core audiences first, so thats men. They then went on to progressively smaller audiences for porn, and thats women. Porn is a sex fantasy, and it looks as if cuck porn is a power sex fantasy for women. If you don't like it, you're probably not the target audience.

16678744? ago

It's pretty simple. don't be a degenerate. don't support degenerates.

I don't care about banning things and being a prude - arguing that is reductio ad absurdum, for you fuckwit sodomy-loving wizards out there. We know these faggots prey on and create people with mental illnesses. Have some self-respect, take some responsibility, and boycott them; boycott their entire industry.

16678123? ago

Yes, I know. These kike pieces of shit are prostituting ex abused children to porn.

16315744? ago

Does any one have a site with all of the Iranian holocaust comics / art.

16320070? ago

users on voat posting here . .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net https://8ch.net/pol , https://gab.ai/topics ,, ... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , .. ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , https://phuks.co/ , steemit.com , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ .. , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ?? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/

16422931? ago

go fuck off back to reddit & your shitty anime sites @Pervert_Pete

16422935? ago

yeah @Pervert_Pete the dumb gay faggot post anime shit

16444955? ago

someone explain the post @RvBMan @Octoclops @admoae this anon sub ? @Itty-bitty_Tity-trap @Snarkfest soap box maybe !

16910321? ago

user @dman69 is a smut merchant

16526565? ago

Just thank @plankO /u/plankO for that shit show, does he respect freedom of speech? ... my ass! he's so full of shit

16533816? ago

Not anymore, I'm on the toilet

16634880? ago

16639412? ago

I don't remember

16315672? ago

What are the independent porn sites and why can't they stay in business?

16694561? ago

sbbh down vote @Drunkenst https://www.voat.co/v/theawakening/3028134/16694526 “One of these days Alice...,” Jackie Gleason as Ralph Cramden

16554520? ago

user @herbalism https://voat.co/v/whatever/2981264/16213100 'Stop watching porn. Nofap 4 life. '

16390665? ago

can street shitters code? @typhoonshores @ExplodingHead post porn spam in ur emailz

16315620? ago

And nigger/white nigger/jap porn. May as well jerk off to horse videos.

16315794? ago

juice are into bestiality so they project normal ppl are too

16384195? ago

go back to reddit u dumb fucking homosexual /u/Not-Lesbian-i-Swear @Not-Lesbian-i-Swear go post your retarded shit there

16527718? ago

do you swallow? i am asking for a friend