16367865? ago

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16023022? ago

people come on voat posting here . .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net , https://8ch.net/pol , https://gab.ai/topics ... dailymotion.com , https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , vidlii.com, skyrock.com/blog , www.uploadstars.com , https://poal.co/ , .. ... ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , https://phuks.co/ , steemit.com , www.bit.tube , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ .. , liveleak.com , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ?? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/

15759884? ago

Some Africa facts. Population per km for Italy about 200, UK about 400. Africa 50. Is 3 times the size of China but only home to 15% of world population.

Has the most fertile soil in the world but least used for agriculture, is actually a net importer of food.

Colonialists set up road and rail infersturcture, local government and law structures. Once they left all ground to a halt.

China are curreny making inroads, over the next 50 years they will bleed it dry.

15866161? ago

Frogistan dark meme magic? .. France is literally the real life Blacked.com global jew shitted smut website dedicated to pushing pornography and hateful Ethno-Masochism https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2906328

15782735? ago

German politician asks for a moment of silence for 14 year old girl raped and murdered by islamic illegal, https://www.voat.co/v/Germany/2819549 politician knew outcome but did it to openly highlight their hate for the natives.

15757668? ago

Africa is so rich with goodies it could sustain a lot of people.. not saying it needs more. But consider the vast amount of land and resources that these sub humans have/had access too for thousands of years. They rather kill each other, or come bother us for free gib me dats

15755708? ago

I wonder I'd they purposely make certain continents such as Africa appear smaller on the globe/certain maps?

15782717? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2814940 The (((media))) what is their plan? race mixing, open borders for the USA? Why no Open Borders for Saudi and Israel?