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TheAmerican ago

Told you so

Memorexem ago

Yet you're here. I mean, we already know you're a lying sack for the most part.

I just like to point it out.

TheAmerican ago

My lover responded as I said he would. So am I a liar?

Memorexem ago

Well. You're still here. So yeah. Shoo, now, and you won't be.

TheAmerican ago

When the Night Comes Darkness will fall upon you

Memorexem ago

It's night, it comes everyday and falls in everybody equally. You included.

Omg. Are you leaving, or admitting you're a lying sack of shit?

TheAmerican ago

I'm tired of you being such a jerk. You know what, I am leaving. Fuck you and goodbye

Memorexem ago

Thank you!

That's all I really wanted.

TheAmerican ago

You're probably my best friend

Memorexem ago


Wow... That's uh... Yeah, I'm gonna leave that ...

TheAmerican ago
