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Men13 ago

Soros is the founder of the Open Society Foundation (OSF).

OSF funds a LOT of anti-Israel organizations (see full list of organizations funded by OSF here), including:

  • New Israel Fund: This organization gives support to NGOs that regularly produce reports accusing Israel of human-rights violations and religious persecution. Most of Golstone's Israeli "anti-Israel" data came from these NGOs

  • Amnesty International: This organization directs a grossly disproportionate share of its criticism for human rights violations at the United States and Israel.

  • Arab American Institute Foundation: characterizes Israel as a brutal oppressor of the Palestinian people.

  • Gisha: Center for the Legal Protection of Freedom of Movement: This anti-Israel organization seeks to help Palestinians "exercise their right to freedom of movement."

  • Global Exchange: which advised Americans to examine "the root causes of resentment against the United States in the Arab world -- from our dependence on Middle Eastern oil to our biased policy towards Israel."

  • Human Rights Watch: he gave them $100 million (!!). That's the group that endorsed the Goldstone report, and whose own founder criticised it for being too much anti-Israel.

  • I'lam: This anti-Israel NGO seeks "to develop and empower the Arab media and to give voice to Palestinian issues."

  • Institute for Public Accuracy: This anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Israel organization sponsored actor Sean Penn’s celebrated visit to Baghdad in 2002. It also sponsored visits to Iraq by Democratic Congressmen Nick Rahall and former Democrat Senator James Abourezk

  • Machsom Watch: This organization describes itself as "a movement of Israeli women, peace activists from all sectors of Israeli society, who oppose the Israeli occupation and the denial of Palestinians' rights to move freely in their land."

  • Mercy Corps: Vis a vis the Arab-Israeli conflict, Mercy Corps places all blame for Palestinian poverty and suffering directly on Israel.

The only reason Soros "cut off FEMEN funding" is that they wanted their Israeli branch to also criticize Palestinian's treatment of women. Soros demanded that they only attack Israel and when they refused - he took that money and gave it to a group that only focused on demonizing Israel.

The Israeli political right have been working for years to outlaw Soros' organizations in Israel.

leonvmetcalf ago

Can someone explain to me why Soros is funding anti-Israeli groups when he is Jewish himself? What is the purpose of this?

Men13 ago

Although he is a Jew, he strongly views Israel as an apartheid state and as an illegitimate entity. He's similar to white liberals who think white people have no culture and blame whites for everything that's wrong in the world, male feminists that think males are the source of all evil etc.

cointelpro_shill ago

I doubt he was ever funding them in the first place. He's just the name people throw around whenever any far-left group gets too out of hand and people suspect Jewish/American meddling


Exactly. It's way better to write utter fiction than it is to write the opposite of fact. If you merely invert the opposite of facts, you will have the facts or at least some headway. The public isn't that dumb not to see that pattern. However if you constantly make use of proxy/red-herrings, you will be able to hide your actions and motives from the general public eye.

Gay_car_lol ago

Wrong dude. Had nothing to do with Palestine.

And those organizations create some spill over. They aren't directed at Israel. They cause more harm to the West than they do to Israel.

Men13 ago

Had nothing to do with Palestine.

The New Israel Fund that produce reports accusing Israel of human-rights violations and religious persecution of Palestinians has nothing to do with Palestine?

The Arab American Institute Foundation has nothing to do with Palestine?

Gisha, whose sole goal is to help Palestinians against the evil IDF has nothing to do with Palestine?

I'lam, whose stated goal is to have more Palestinian voices in the media has nothing to do with Palestine?

Machsom Watch, the group of Israeli women who exist only to oppose the Israeli occupation and the denial of Palestinians' rights to move freely in their land." has nothing to do with Palesting?

What are you talking about? The stated goal of many of these organization is specifically helping Palestine against Israel.

Gay_car_lol ago

Controlled opposition.

Full spectrum control.

ShineShooter ago

Oh hi there, are you trying to astroturf?

Gay_car_lol ago

I don't even know what that term means. I wasn't a forum board user until about 8 months ago.

I never even knew what SJW meant for the longest time.

ShineShooter ago

The term is related to rich people trying to buy others' opinions. Contested ideas such as Israel and the Jews can bring paid-for accounts into the conversation, attempting to sway public opinion (see JIDF.) It's not unheard of to see five or more brand new accounts all trying to push the same idea through this "astroturfing." You're a really new account commenting about a guy I really don't like.

Gay_car_lol ago

This is Amalek and I'm not a new user.

My username is in reference to a BMW ad I commented on where they call their product a " gay car".

ShineShooter ago

Caught ya cheeky cunt ;). In all fairness, it's a pretty faggy commercial.

BottomLine ago

This shit would all be great entertainment if we weren't in the middle of it.