51rH0n3y84d93r ago

I'm not big on cats. They're good at keeping the mice down, however.

calebm02 ago

Oh man so salty, I'm afraid of your big big words. :O so scared.

Failure ago

I gave him my username, I eagerly await his spam.

51rH0n3y84d93r ago

Censoring me by accusation?

TIGpro ago

The first 20 minutes or so were hard to listen to but after that the conversation really took a turn and time started to fly by (as some of the debaters actually started paying attention to the arguments).

It got very entertaining around the 1 hour mark. MA101 and the Voat debaters got along quite well from that point, they were even joking around and really engaging the viewpoints of each other. I was positively surprised.

So in review: I liked the debate a lot and I want to give big props to both sides. I recommend you listen to the whole thing yourself, I'm already hyped for the next debate.

Heru ago

Right on! You should join next time. I would love to meet more voaters. There is something more tangible about talking to a person live.

grlldcheese ago


Heru ago

Pretty much. Skip an hour in to get past it.

sgs ago

You're a faggot and everyone else who upvoted this spam is a faggot

sgs ago

You're mentally ill

Cid ago

It's like someone who had some shit talked to them on a video game and they never got over it. Now they're just raging at the world for revenge trying to emulate the person that made fun of them to regain a feeling of power and self-worth. With consistent shit like...

obvious hypocrite is obvious :) U MAD FAGGOT COWARD? LOL!

It all just seems so forced. There's something off with it and it's certainly not genuine by any means.

sgs ago

LOLOL U MAD :) :) :)

maxclitoris ago

Nah, I have a life.

oooooooh so that's why you're a little sissy bitch faggot keyboard warrior hiding behind your mommy's keyboard yet trying to debate here.. .because you have "a life"? LOLOL! U MAD FAGGOT MORON?

toobaditworks ago

Yes but a real debate you would give people a certain amount of time to speak without talking over them and then a certain amount of time for people to reply to what they said.

Heru ago

Took a while but eventually the moderator figured out the mute button and broke it down into a turn based debate after the free for all mess it started as.

Somali ago

Ah, I was curious about them. Are they actually "alpha" or just hyper-insecure spergies that they seem to be at first glance?

oftotc ago

hyper-insecure spergies
I intend to use this in the future - once you tell me what a spergie is ;-)

Heru ago

Leader is an alpha with a gang of beta want to be alphas in his tutelage.

calebm02 ago

Please just shut up. We don't care. Edit: I'm so scared if you use consecutive bad words to try and hurt me. Oh man what EVER will I do? Also, why are comments disabled?

Cid ago

To drive traffic to their site lol. Read the video's info.

oftotc ago

I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling. So why don't we just ignore each other till we go away?

DebateM8_2 ago

I'm thinking you're a little sissy faggot clown acting hard behind your mommy's keyboard, pretending that drooling into your alphabet soup qualifies as an education. Next time I need a good laugh I'll be sure to consult a faggot coward keyboard warrior like you about how to act hard and brave behind your mommy's keyboard LOL! U MAD LITTLE GIRL? :)

Heru ago

You go do that.

Cid ago

This seems like a giant scam to legitimize madhood101.


To avoid youtube censorship, comment here: http://madhood101.com/forums....

Comments are disabled for this video.

I wonder how many people actually fall for cheap tactics like this. It's not "youtube censorship", it's a ploy to drive visitors to your lame site.

smokratez ago

As far as I know, every liberal.

oftotc ago

I think you have discovered something important here.

icreams ago

To avoid youtube censorship

a coward like you wouldn't know anything about being censored by youtube. because we have the spine that you don't; we had our comments censored so we moved the discussion to our forum so there is no danger of being censored.

but again, you're too fucking stupid and cowardly to understand how that works. that's why a keyboard warrior like you HIDES like a scared little girl instead of debating live.

YOU are the hypocritical faggot who enjoys censoring others.

BTW love how you faggot voat crybabies complain about censorship WHILE CENSORING ME! LOLOL! HEIGHT OF HYPOCRISY! :)

DebateM8_2 ago

To avoid youtube censorship

you utter fucking moron, a faggot pussy coward like you wouldn't know anything about being censored by youtube. because we have the spine that you don't, we had our comments censored so we moved the discussion to our forum so there is no danger of being censored.

but again, you're to fucking stupid and cowardly to understand how that works. that's why a faggot little sissy bitch keyboard warrior like you HIDES BEHIND YOUR MOMMY'S KEYBOARD instead of debating live. you're the pathetic little faggot who enjoys censoring others lol! U MAD? :)

oftotc ago

Troll =/= manhood.
Asshole =/= manhood.

I reckon you'll fetch some followers from the weaker minds among us here at voat, which is obviously your intent. Those would be the kind who fail to notice the irony of your calling everyone who criticizes you a keyboard warrior.

Heru ago

Did they really? Isn't that silencing the conversation before it starts?

Cid ago

Heru ago

That's some fucking rediculous hypocrisy there!

ChillyHellion ago

Considering they have you advertising for them now, I'd say you didn't come out on top after all.

grlldcheese ago

Yep fuck him fuck them.

This is ridiculous.

@heru. You're a fucking retard. I suspect this community will see through your charade quite quickly.

Heru ago

Listen to the audio. I explain my aims and who I was in an earlier age of Voat

EIMR ago

And who were you before?

Heru ago


EIMR ago

Any proof or are we to take your word for it?

grlldcheese ago

I'm not listening to shit from you spamming retards.

Shut the fuck up.

Heru ago

Colour your self misinformed then. Have a nice day.

grlldcheese ago

Didn't i just tell you to shut the fuck up you spamming fucking twat?

Heru ago

You say a lot of things that don't matter, not sure, you may have. Don't care.

51rH0n3y84d93r ago

So you were debating a 13 year old? (not sarcasm)

Klaue_ ago

so you're into molesting little kids? (not sarcasm)

51rH0n3y84d93r ago

Projection much?

Heru ago

Voice changer, actually some dude in his 30's

51rH0n3y84d93r ago

Sounds like he wanted a 'safe space' then. ;-)

Heru ago

Fucking seriously.

Klaue_ ago

except you're the pathetic little faggot coward who was too scared to show up LOLOL! :)

51rH0n3y84d93r ago

Fortunately, I have more important things to do.

Heru ago

I represent my self. If you want a voice in a debate then join the next one. I'm not trying to be some Voat spokesman I'm trying to have meaningful discussions.

oftotc ago

So I'm 8 minutes in. The "Professor" is not "debating". He's shouting over any attempts by you to get a word in, interrupts with "wait, wait, wait..." after any phrase, and basically talks OVER anything you said. How long do I have to listen to this obnoxious, pretentious "Professor" refer to me as a faggot-keyboard-warrior before he shuts up long enough for you to even present a complete thought, because right now all I hear is the-

... idiot raging to make people feel small and stupid...

Spry ago

The professor is arguing with children that have a short attention span. If they would listen and understand what he's saying, he wouldn't have to talk over them.

Heru ago

About half of its like that. Skip ahead maybe?

Heru ago

They did that last time to call me out. I told them if debate 2 happens they need to chill on the spam. They want the debates so there is a carrot dangled in front of them.

DebateM8_2 ago

We would love nothing more than to address you and all the other cowardly faggot keyboard warriors polluting voat. Cinch up your pretty pink panties and get ready for ROUND 2!

So many frustrated keyboard warriors contacted me daring me to debate them after listening in on this one. I think the keyboard warriors are gonna get REALLY FUCKING BRAVE in the next debate and show up in drives to give me a piece of their mind. I welcome it!

BTW love how you faggot voat crybabies complain about censorship WHILE CENSORING ME! LOLOL! HEIGHT OF HYPOCRISY! :)

calebm02 ago

Let's do this.

Frenchgeek ago

Heru ago

Right? We were at it quite a while!