faissaloo ago

We need to redo this as a vector and get /u/atko to make it the cloudflare thing

Molotovtommy ago

I like the idea of adding it to cloudflare, but I disagree about redrawing it as a nice clean vector. The crude hand drawing (no offense intended, it's an awesome drawing) helps create the true TSA security experience reference. It's perfect as is.

go1dfish ago

None taken, it was intentionally quick and dirty and its damn hard to write legibly on a tablet.

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago


NeedleStack ago

Am I being penned? Am I free to graze??

Kleyno ago

The light is poor in there, so we may have to go deeper, just to be sure we don't miss anything.

Kleyno ago

Well, alright, but you won't like what you find, and just so we are clear, if you do find anything you don't like, I have never browsed that before in my life...

go1dfish ago

If you've browsed nothing wrong you have nothing to hide.

Kleyno ago

Excuse me while I eat my cookies for the last 24hrs.

morrwin ago

It's ok we have another copy of them on the NSA server.