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PuttItOut ago

Surprise! Poal is my website. You have my permission to say anything you want and I won't ban you. Trust me.

Hipsterrr ago

150BTC the voat addy and you can't run voat huh?

lmao. I always figured you were a honey pot fuck, but whatever honestly. hope life brings good things to you put. fuckin faggot.

PuttItOut ago

If I had a 150BTC I'd hire a real programmer to fix this crappy code. Maybe I'd rent a billboard too.

Hipsterrr ago

Don't worry, I can do the billboard for you. I have literally a few hundred stickers of the Goat logo. Voat will live in our hearts forever.

have a good day glowy, hope to see you around maybe. Tell @Atko he's a cuck for us though.