Hipsterrr ago

was searching for this. thanks a ton

capicua ago

get this published on one of those ebook platforms like kindle or something for $0.00

if they don't ban it, it will send redpills out there

DemocratsRTerrorists ago

I'd like a hard copy of this made.

Rotteuxx ago

Needs to be fluffed & re-edited first imo.

Acen ago

Thanks for this.

4725gvtr ago

It's great, highly recommended, lots of pictures and memes in the text for those fags who don't like to read.

Warnos44 ago

Thanks faggot.

Questionable_1 ago

I just gave it a quick scan. You should have offered it sooner, although I may have missed it.? Nicely done!

Rotteuxx ago

The third edition has been floating around for at least a year i think, no clue who put it together.

Vrblpollushin ago


New-World-Ebola ago

good job

Germ22 ago

this is loading so slow for me. it's been 15 minutes already

Rotteuxx ago

I'm sure catbox.moe will be slow in the next few days with all the archiving people will be doing.

Germ22 ago

i got it.

wow that is a lot of info. Did you make this?

Rotteuxx ago

Nope, i don't remember who made it. I think the third edition was a revision by a different goat than the original author.

NotAntifa ago

Thank You


I nuked my main account already.

It's been good man. Take it easy out there eh?

Rotteuxx ago

And remember, if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!


How do you spell skookum?