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Unreasonable ago

God... What am I at, 5 or 6 years? An hour or two every day, usually while smoking a J.

Fuck. This is tough.

So much learned. So much discussed. So many ups and downs.

I guess Christmas is the rubicon for many things.

I'll probably just stay off the internet from now on. Spend more time focused on the family.

Shit, I should download my account somehow. I think I'll want my kids to read it one day.

Guess we've learned all we need to learn from each other here.

I could almost sense it coming.

Gonna miss every one of you niggerfaggots.

un1ty ago

Shit, I should download my account somehow.

If that's possible, let me know.

Unreasonable ago

This thread is helpful.

un1ty ago

According to a post on ruqqus, the bitcoin wallet that Voat has access to has over $3M in it.

Why is this going away?

Unreasonable ago

We may never know the real reason.

But my cosmic guess would be that we've learned enough. That Christmas is the turning point, the crossing of the Delaware, the Rubicon.

That we don't need voat anymore.

Either it breaks one way and we have civil war, or breaks the other and this mess gets cleaned up and all sites are free speech from now on.

I really don't know.

un1ty ago

If I had a key to access a bank account with $3M in it, and when I went to access it, the gatekeeper showed up and said:

you have a choice. This money or the date online. One has to end; neither can co-exist and neither can be used for the other. Make your choice.

I'd probably say "fine, just let me blame it on personal finance issues and a vague message claiming main funding has flow the coop. I'll give you 96 hours or less."

Empire_of_the_mind ago

nigga i'd take the cash and tell you fags to start your own website with zero hesitation.