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Turnagain ago

So, 1,051,200 Americans died this year from the Chinky pox and another 1,000,000+ will die in 2021.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

re the latter, no because the vaccine will be available. But think how many people would still be alive if you'd all worn masks and socially distanced.

Turnagain ago

You can't really be as moronic as you pretend to be, can you?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

are you saying I'm wrong in saying the vaccine will save many people?

Turnagain ago

No, I'm saying that you're a fucking moron.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Thanks bro. I'm sure we'll meet up again somewhere. Merry Christmas.

Turnagain ago

If we meet up somewhere, don't come with nothing but five fingers in your hand,

PaulNeriAustralia ago

love ya!

UmActually ago

I am saying voat took the vaccine and is dying on December 25. Fucking monster you are Paul.