drhitler ago

you forgot a lot, like that kid Cannon Hinnant murdered by that filthy nigger a few months back.

Gigglestick ago

You think I forgot about him?

tastelessinvective ago

No one brings up the tremendous amounts of lead that were released into the air.

I don't think the French could afford to lose anymore IQ points and now that whole area is poisoned.

Ocelot ago

"Tried"? It was all but annihilated.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Whenever someone wonders why the there is antisemitism, people need to actually look at semite history. It's completely and totally fucked up and why people allow it to continue on and on is proof we are doomed to extinction as a species.

dampkitty ago

Notre Dame is an ugly building IMO, the Romans didn't have flying buttresses everywhere, they are an architectural bodge

Every single Mosque is more ugly, but sand niggers have no vocabulary for building

generate ago

just the beginning. Eurocucks buy hunting guns while you can

jewsbadnews ago

Tried? They did burn it down, all but the stone remains.

Nesano ago

Hundreds of cases of arson all throughout Europe, but that specific one wasn't arson because reasons.

I saw somebody on the internet say we should demolish it and build something else. I hope that subhuman piece of trash burns alive.

Arrvee ago

We still don't know that, but it's an educated guess.

51235521 ago

Don’t worry comrade. Pepperidge farms remembers.

Quasiman ago

The rush to blame "radical Moslems" for the church fires resembles the way arch conspirator Jerome Hauer had within minutes of the South Tower airstrike, asserted Osama bin Laden formulated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the WTC, whereas in the fullness of time the attacks are proven to have been carried out by Jews.

Jews are the church burners..

Jews are the church burners as well they sponsor abortion, sectarian strife and hostile immigration.

The desecration and destruction of Christian edifices resonates with Russia post the Jew inspired sham 1917 Revolution, where the emptying of churches was accomplished by the simple expedient of burning thousands of them down and building synagogues. The Mass Murder of Russian Christians, by Lasha Darkmoon.

"Jews Engineered the 1917 Russian Revolution, they killed 66 million Christians burnt their churches & built synagogues, at no other time in the history of the world has a country been so saturated with Jewish influence as the Soviet Union 1917 to 1953.

You must understand the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians they hated Russians, they hated Christians, driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.

It cannot be overstated, Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time, the fact that the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 200 years together.

The desecration and destruction of Christian edifices across Europe resonates with Russia post the Jew inspired sham 1917 Revolution, where the emptying of churches was accomplished by the simply expedient of burning them down—thousands of them—and building synagogues. The Mass Murder of Russian Christians and the Destruction of their Churches, by Lasha Darkmoon.

Furthermore attacks on places of worship whether they be Christian, Moslem or Jew are forbidden in the Koran, which means Moslems were not responsible for the Notra Dame Cathedral fire, other French church burnings or the Sri Lanka church bombings in any case.

SearchVoatBot ago

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dudelol ago

Pagan temple gets burned....whats wrong?

Helena73 ago

That is our pagan temple . You are a piece of shit if you enjoy seeing a magnificent cathedral burned.

dudelol ago

I cant wait till Jesus comes back and burns them all.

Helena73 ago

Is it pagan because its too roman (i.e. influenced by the pagans)? Too removed from scriptural basis? Where do you think catholicism started to go wrong? 33AD ? 325?

dudelol ago

Catholicism was pagan from jump.

Helena73 ago

So Peter was misinterpreting christ then. So Paul has deviated from christ’s message.

If that is not what you mean then you need to specify at what point the church, which has an unbroken line of succession from Peter to Francis went awry. The catholic church was basically established by the apostles.

dudelol ago

Your presuppositions have blinded you friend.

Helena73 ago

Enlighten me

dudelol ago

Christ is the rock not Peter.

Helena73 ago

Didn’t christ literally name peter the rock?

dudelol ago

Who is the cornerstone that the builders rejected?

Who is the rock of ages?

Who destroys the statue of nebuchadnezzers dream?

Its all so simple

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yeah and Kikerusalem is the only good city in the world right?

dudelol ago

Current state of Israel is a farce

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

You just seem like a mad kikel.

dudelol ago

White, English, Christian.

invisiblephrend ago

you seriously believe that catholicism is pagan and (((christianity))) is muh true white heritage? must be tough having down syndrome.

dudelol ago

Um......Catholicism is paganism.

invisiblephrend ago

it couldn't be any further from paganism, you retarded christ cuck. why don't you run along like a good little boomer and die while the adults talk?

dudelol ago

2Th 2:10-14 KJV 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

invisiblephrend ago

wow, it's super impressive that you know how to copy and paste. how does jewish cock taste, you fucking race traitor?

dudelol ago

Repent while you have time.

invisiblephrend ago

your "god" is a kike, your "messiah" is a dead kike, and you're just another race traitor.

dudelol ago

"Dead" lol nah Odin/Osiris/Nimrod is dead, Jesus is alive.

invisiblephrend ago

a god does not die and beg his daddy to save him.

dudelol ago

Implying that even happened lol

invisiblephrend ago

it's literally in your (((bible))), you absolute retard. you'd know that if you took time out of relishing in the extermination of white cultures and actually read the fucking book. nooo your religion certainly isn't kiked at all.

dudelol ago

What verse?

RoBatten ago

Cucked Catholic university. Problem?

NoApologyTour ago


SleepySleepy ago

Remember Michelle Obama just happened to be on a cocktail cruise floating by.

Groove_Control ago

Call 'her' Big Mike. Everyone will still know who we're talking about

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

We should blow up their black box

Promise2 ago

Try it, you little weasel. Before you can launch anything, my dick will be so far up your ass that you’ll see it coming out of your mouth.

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

Thats some gay shit brah

moosethenoose ago

Those oak boards supporting the roof were no joke.

The 'forest' was an accurate description.


Not sure we can get them again.

NotZorro ago

Then 1 year later, Easter was shut down worldwide.

It wasn’t camel jockeys that played the propaganda to make it so. Neither was it the chinks.

It was the (((group))) that puppets them both by pulling financial strings.

CaptnObvius ago

and don't forgive either.

MaunaLoona ago

Somehow synagogues remained standing. Hmmmm

anticlutch ago



TheSecretShakespeare ago

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

-- Leonardo de Vinci

I'm bustin' up!!

-- The Secret Shakespeare

Helena73 ago

No they fucking didn’t . It was fucking muslims. Don’t you have any sense for how these people operate? Not every godam thing was the jews.

mememeyou ago

Rabbi says Notre Dame Fire was 'Divine Punishment' for burning 24 carriage loads full of Talmuds in the streets of Paris in 1240AD

Jews lead fundraising efforts to rebuild Notre Dame

Man arrested in 2016 "test run", where gas tanks were found near Notre Dame Cathedral, was on the (((terror watch list))). Car abandonded w/ hazards flashing & Arab documents. Oye Vey

Ken_bingo2 ago

They really want us to believe there were 24 truckloads of the Talmud 200 years before the printing press? That is right up there with the 6 gorillion.

Chimaira92 ago

There were plenty of scribes and no video games/distractions like we have today. The kikes would have mass distributed their ideology amongst themselves to as it is why they have so much control over our nations today.

Broc_Lia ago

Rabbi says Notre Dame Fire was 'Divine Punishment' for burning 24 carriage loads full of Talmuds in the streets of Paris in 1240AD

Riiiiight. So yahweh decided to punish the Parisians, but instead of doing it immediately he took just under a thousand years to ensure it'd be highly ambiguous as to what exactly they were being punished for.

Ken_bingo2 ago

God does not have the ability to act immediately. Only through quantum entanglement. They don't worship God, though.

ZippityHoorah ago

semitic scribbles

Quantum entanglement is even faster than immediate.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yahweh doesn't exist. He like all other gods are mere fairy tales that keep on getting circlejerked every generation.

But I doubt jews are actually theistic

Helena73 ago

Broc wasn’t asserting the existence of yahweh. Do you literally need to repeat this litany every time someone mentions god in passing?

Broc_Lia ago

Although I do assert yaweh exists. That said, pretty sure if he wanted to avenge some talmuds he would have done it back in 1240

Helena73 ago

Some people practice atheism as an aggressive proselytizing religion. It is one of my pet peeves.

Broc_Lia ago

Yeah, it annoys me too. They seem a lot more concerned with talking about how smart they are than finding the truth.

Chimaira92 ago

I doubt it, the Jews are gods original chosen people and have fulfilled his blessings of obedience. God did promise control over every other nation and the home land of Isreal back to them for being obedient.

Helena73 ago

Which is why I think its a shitty religion. They still take that stuff seriously.

Chimaira92 ago

I think that about all religions

Helena73 ago

Do you believe in evolution? How come all existing societies have religion? Every human population exibits religious behavior. If any humans ever existed that did not use religion, they became extinct. What does that say of the usefulness of religion as an adaptive behavior? If all religiousness is “bad” for people, why is it ubiquitous?

Chimaira92 ago

Its so prevelant because it is a useful tool for controlling the masses. It exists in every society because it was a form of pseudo-science practices before real science was developed. There were many atheist tribes that were forcefully converted to religious doctrine or they were wiped out. Cant go having populations that can't be controlled existing afterall.

Helena73 ago

There are no atheist tribes. They all believed in magic and spirits etc.

The masses have to be controlled of course. You cant have a highly cooperative society without ground rules and you have to have a means of training the ground rules and enforcing them.

Being a filthy whore, spreading disease and making a bunch of bastard children who beg and steal because they have no father is objectively bad behavior for the group. It must be controlled. Who cares if you do it by brainwashing people that they will go to hell if they are whores? It brings results.

Does Evolution care about why Society A works so swimmingly with no whores and bastards running amok on its streets? No Evolution does not.

Societies with weak, failing religions become weak and chaotic. They fail. Stronger cultures take over and fill the void.

All cultures have some sort of religion. Atheists usually have some sort of religion. Most atheists have demonstrably irrational, magical beliefs like “All organized religion is unnatural and mean” or some shit like that.

It turns out that making decisions based on rational thinking is inefficient and leads to societal chaos. Humans categorize everything in to good and evil. Your religious software has told you all traditional religions are evil and trying to control people.

People living interdependently have to be controlled! You can’t just do whatever you want! What an absurd notion.

The United States was a relatively “free” country because for a long while everybody was a northwest european who agreed freedom was in the context of behaving like a good christian. But that cultural training was nuked by jewish television and other subversive shit. So there is no cultural unity. The basis of a successful country is cultural unity (ground rules) and that is pretty much always in the form of religion. Welcome to the new state religion, intersectional feminist marxism. Was christianity so bad?

If they set up a christian theocracy I would move there in a heartbeat, and I am an atheist.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yes, everytime I comment that the supernatural doesn't exist, I get a sense of moral satisfaction. My heart pumps blood into me faster, as I boldly claim that god doesn't exist with a smug look on my face.

Helena73 ago

Your a zealot. Why is your proselytizing less obnoxious than other religions’?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Me a zealot? No no no. The reason why my athestic proselytizing is less obnoxious is because atheists aren't organized enough to pester people in real life.

Helena73 ago

Yes. You. A zealot. A movement headed by progressive secular jews who systematically infiltrate cultural institutions like education and entertainment and law with an express purpose of undermining the traditional religions of whatever country they find themselves in? That isn’t organization? Communism or socialism —i.e. worship of government, belief that government is the salvation of the human race and can “fix” all disparities, essentially promising an end to darwinian competition— isn’t an organized religion? Of course it is. Anti-theist progessive atheism is the most organized religion on the planet and its got more money than any other religion . It attacks hinduism, buddhism, christianity, islam, whatever the native culture is. Its driven by jews.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Your mistake is assuming that I am apart of that group, or share their goals and views. Yes I think that relying on big daddy government is also fucking retarded, we should rely on ourselves and rise above self-retardation. Humans can solve any problem by themselves as long as they put their mind to it, and train long and hard enough.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

jews also ordered many beautiful euro-esque buildings to be demolished in Northern America

Ken_bingo2 ago

I wonder what roll they had in the carpet bombings of Europe.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Cohencidentally, a big mosque in jerusalem caught fire on the same day. It's almost as if (((somebody))) is trying to instigate shit between these two religions while hiding in the shadows and wringing their hands. Don't get me wrong, muzzies have definitely got to go, but the first priority are those who started all this.

Duchozz ago

Al Aqsa. Took that as a sign to muslims God doesn't want any of his places of worship burned. Al Aqsa is the 2nd most important mosque in Islam next to mecca

Sloppy_Joe ago

Right? Blaming Muslims would be like blaming the Hyenas in Lion King, when it was (((Scar))) pulling the strings all along.

SocialCredit_Nil ago

Mike Obama just so happened to on a cruise down the Siene when this happened. She denied they went by the cathedral, but some autist proved he lied. You can see the smoke in his champagne glass. They we there to document the event.


The champagne glass:


trevanorak ago

That's Big Mike to you ....

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

I didn't know about this. Holy fuck that's infuriating.

Sunflowerz ago

Wow, I missed this. Disgusting people.

Pointyball ago

They were successful by the way.

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