captainstrange ago

I've been hoping for internal reform to avert this. The problems with placement of individuals throughout our system could be easily solved with a well funded internally backed assassination campaign.

There is no money for any campaigns, peaceful or otherwise. That requires the top to back the middle, as all over turnings have always been done. And the top is what is currently attacking the middle.

So there is no money for any of it.

It would provide the smoothest transition I think towards restoring the USA and could be followed by a repatriation campaign and a birth incentivizing program to attempt to fix the White demographic collapse.

As long as the subversive element is present, this is a move that will be shutdown before it gets off the ground. It's a matter of order and tempo.

Their rapid return to Meso America would then destabilize those countries, which have it coming for conspiring with China in various capacities and running various subversive campaigns in the USA through the cartels.

I see no problem with this, but the cartels aren't antifa. Thats no picnic.

I might be a fool to think repatriation is still an option. But creating the conditions where the Meso Americans leave on their own would remove most of the burden of repatriation.

Agreed. Then again, when has paying the dane geld ever worked?

Have you considered that the USA is trying to play dead while the global world order collapses to avoid mutual obliteration while China, and perhaps other countries, fall?

Thats a possibility and I've seen policy papers and discussions by e.x. RAND in that direction.

If thats the case they've managed it badly and a lot of heads still need to roll for it.

captainstrange ago

You raise some interesting long-term questions.

First I would say that whether or not the online push for white nationalism is deliberate (it is), that doesn't necessarily mean the US genuinely wants it long term (or even that the US is the one pushing it, but they probably are).

I think the issue of foreigners in general is open ended, that is the state likes to keep it's options open. Replacement in some places, modulator in others (for example the u.s. uses it to artificially boost GDP. China uses ghost cities instead). The broader view is who has made GDP such an important indicator that we're forced, like all european nations, to debase our population while every non-european nation doesn't have to?

This is gonna elide into the obvious discussion of the jews.

Everyone argues whether the jews are a symptom or a cause. The misplaced sympathies of jews who agree with the right (and there are some), argue they're merely hapless vultures and aren't responsible for it. Those that argue they're the strict cause are correct. Both are wrong about the broader picture though. They're the symptom and the cause, because the banks at the highest level use them and jewish cultural networks as hegemonic middlemen. The rude surprise is going to come when the jewish people realize israel is not sacrosanct and is going to be forced to deal with mass immigration too (and shills will spin this as us winning, with the narrative that "our push to open israel's borders succeeded. we're winning!").

The other trap is the communism trap, which by it's natural design entraps us non-jews, but which is really designed specifically to trap jews. Why do you think banks so readily finance the

rise of communism? It's the next step of looting. When the jews, naturally fearful of persecution,

as their various demographic traits cause them to be, see the economic termoil from the cultural

break down their presence brings, they get nervous. The natural inclination is for host populations

to blame the most visible source of problems. The jewish people then 'side with the people',

and go to the most obvious answer: get rid of the banks.

The problem is marx fucking wrote a manual for how the banks could co-opt this cycle so they'd

never have another 'french revolution' or 'u.s. war of independance' against them again.

And that solution was communism.

This all seems like an aside but it's intimately related to what I see happening.

We think our enemies are jews, when jews are our enemys footsoldiers: middlemen, executives,

investors, influencers. Judaism is trapped too. The enemy is the banks and always has been.

You can co-opt any government, any bank, any nation you want, but the real solution is

a revolt of the middle against the top, and the real middle is judaism.

The jews have been put under a 'spell' as it were, so that the only other opposition they

see to banks is communism, so the solution won't originate with them but will come from them

as it were. Instead, where they revolt, they will always go headlong into the banks planned

economic slaughterhouse of communism.

It's almost a perfect system and it's exactly how I would have designed it were I running

the international banking system. Puts the most effective people in the middle, and

assures any revolt or uncontrollable element (as jews are known to be) leads to a predictable

outcome or end state.

Lastly, I don't think whoever is managing the territory of the united states really intends

for it to survive. I think the intent is to reduce us to communism in all but name, use

every method possible, every technique developed over decades, to keep us docile, and continue

the looting process. Seeing what our government does, how it has made no meaningful, real

moves to stop it, slow it, or fix it, but has in fact accelerated it, while attempting

to steer and control dissent, I can only conclude we are in practice, fully co-opted.

Others at this point will say you can't speak in public (not entirely true yet, but almost),

and you can't vote your way out (true at the federal level barring some near impossible wins

in congress or the senate). The federal government is gone, the american people have zero

say in it, and the momentum of u.s. institutions (namely demographic and political momentum--

they're full of fucking communists, lock stock and fucking barrel), means the only direction,

no matter who you get in office, that these institutions will ever go is full bolshevism

and the destruction of the u.s. No amount of people being fired, or replaced, is going to

change this, at all, ever. It would require the complete removal of these institutions and

agencies, and the people in them are so numerous, and competing orgs are so plentiful at

the federal level, that these people could cause real damage to the u.s., and then end up

being hired right back or going into an NGO and continuing full swing.

captainstrange ago

tl;dr, the federal government is done.

The states are still a possibility, but thats a mixed bag and a hard political/economic fight.

And they're infested with federalist backstabbers, traitors and (((sycophants))), in every

state, at all levels of state governments, all of them benefiting and fully-invested in

the u.s. federal government, attached at the hip to the false two party system.

The truth is, the treee doesn't need watering. It doesn't need branches removed even. It needs cut down entirely. Like washington with the cherry tree.

FBIglowNig ago

If that gets you in. I only said it’s hard, not impossible.

FBIglowNig ago

Look up Jewish genealogy, friendo.

I’ve lived around Jews. These people keep family pedigrees. It is so much easier for a Jew to infiltrate a white organization than it is for a non-Jew to infiltrate a Jewish Hillel. I’ve been in one of those, and they can smell the gentile so fast that you’re excluded almost immediately, yarmulke or no. They don’t care much for converts either. And some organizations WILL demand you get swabbed and provide your MyHeritage records.

It is HARD to fake being a Jew.

captainstrange ago

Once you're aware of how the antiamerican grapevine works, the one thats currently strangling america, it becomes incredibly easy to turn it into an achilles heel and fuck with the alphabet agencies running it.

FBIglowNig ago

It might. Try it. It’s harder to fake Jewish ancestry considering how small their population is and how well they keep records. Their record keeping is so good that they can tell you what the relations of one ethnic Jew to another.

TheSecretShakespeare ago

"The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without compaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests."

-- The Rothschild brothers of London, writing to associates in New York, 1863.

HaHawk ago

Close, but not entirely accurate.

They do this not with "taxpayer money", but by debasing the currency in the form of creating new money entirely, then giving it to (((selected groups))).

It's easy to win when you can create new money from nothing -- that's how all of this propaganda is so easily paid for. Meanwhile, everyone else has to slave away to earn their wage.

Creating new money through issuance of credit, money printing, and fractional reserve lending also carries the added power of destroying the value of what little money the opposition can scrounge together in the first place via inflation (currency debasement).

Always follow the money.

gazillions ago

Find a time in history wasn't doomsday wasn't here any second. I know you think it's different this time. It's always been differnt this time.

There were more survivors of Hiroshima than fatalities who lived normal spans afterwards. Doomsday comes and goes every day.

gazillions ago

As long as people pay taxes they will keep doing it.

HaHawk ago

They don't even need taxes. They create money from nothing. Over half -- more than 50 cents of every single dollar spent by the US government -- is "borrowed", which means it is created out of thin air by the Fed, and then "lent" to the Treasury.

This has the insidious effect of also making it continuously more difficult, day after day and year after year, for regular folk to simply get by in life, and maintain their current standard of living, because the buying power of their wages is reduced every day.

gazillions ago

Yes they make money, but they also slap it onto a debt your children and grand children are supposed to work and pay off. The worst thing you can do right now is keep giving them money if you want it to stop or if you want any say in government at all on any level. If you want to free your children stop giving them money.

New-World-Ebola ago

this needs to be printed and distributed everywhere

thebearfromstartrack ago

Soon this will change after a LOT of DEATHS. Hopefully deaths of EVIL. You SHOULD know who you ARE. You are RIGHT, if you're involved in SHIT like this.

PuttItinIsrael ago

yeahyeahyeah...put the hopium down.

we are fucked.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Fine. I'll go down SWINGING (shooting actually)

BrokenVoat ago

Sweden doesnt have jewish minority. There was never any jewish blocks in Sweden. There is a couple of jews here and there and a strange focus on the poor jews in Sweden.

Politically they are treated like the saviours of mankind.

FBIglowNig ago

Tell that to William Daniel Johnson. The Sam Wiesenthal center literally trains people to become deep cover sleepers. They work in tandem with the feds who either pay or blackmail individuals into informing for them. Think those fanatical communist spies. Same deal. They have more resources and experience than we do.

Anam ago

The great shutdown is a preparation for moslem takeover.

When the economy is appearing to recover again, look carefully! All the former Mom & Pop shops, the takeaways, the delicatessens, the craft boutiques,etc, that went bust will mysteriously be opened again under islamic ownership. The mohammadans will have been given large grants, will be charged lower rates, and will be subject to much lighter regulation, so that they can thrive where non-mudslimes would be driven to bankruptcy. It is already happening on a large scale around the world. You can already see it if you look.

JewsControlYou ago

You forgot the biggest of them all: $3.1bn in aid to Israel every fucking year of American tax payer dollars.

JewsControlYou ago

So $38bn in 2018... Obama also signed a deal for $38bn in 2016 as well, $3.8bn a year over ten years. Fucking unreal. These kikes just keep fleecing more and more money out of this country. This shit needs to end, and soon.

FBIglowNig ago

Jews infiltrate everything—even white nationalist organizations. Beware the crypto-Jew. They’re well-versed in Mischling law. They may only have 1 out of 4 grandparents that are Jews, but that’s enough for them to identify as one. Tell a white person that they have Jewish heritage and they visibly change before your eyes, like how fags unconsciously develop lisps.

gazillions ago

"The feds will infiltrate". "The jews will infiltrate". Jordan Peterson tells his victims that White guys shouldn't hang around with White.

Just stay home and make comments on the internet good goy Lo Fun

Too much planning and talking and jerking off your own importance before any strikes is how they get infiltrated.

You're doing it for the survival of your race, not yourself, and it has to be done fast.

FannyCraddock ago

Too long didn’t read

MuricaPersonified ago

Sounds like something a nigger would say.

FannyCraddock ago

That sounds like a very Jewish reaction

MuricaPersonified ago

What, reading? Ok faggot.

FannyCraddock ago

No, using niggers as weapons.

lord_nougat ago

Oy vey, I DUAL WIELD them!


Peanuts. That won't hold back the angry crowds.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Amazing post. Thank you for compiling this info!

She2002 ago

I'm disgusted