illuminalto2 ago

Nearly all of them.

And as a Christian, watching them defend the people who denied Jesus Christ as their messiah and had him murdered, turned away from God even though he gave them everything - it's fairly sickening.

You all need to read the New Testament again.

Jesus was not from "Israel."

Phantom42 ago

99% of them claim to be Christian.

In reality they're nothing more than blasphemous heretics that deserve to die for their betrayal.

illuminalto2 ago

In reality they're nothing more than blasphemous heretics that deserve to die for their betrayal.

I see them more as the ones who were fooled by the Pharisees and the Money Changers at the Temple - blinded by the "modern world" and all semblance of truth fed to them by the gatekeepers of truth (the masons/jews/illuminati/comm300/cfr/un/social media/etc...)

They are too shell shocked by the gimmick to see outside of it.

While you're technically correct, they don't know they are blaspheming, so they cannot be heretics because doesn't that imply they are against the church?


Phantom42 ago

Okay, let's say you're right.

They still support those who killed Christ. They support our enemies.

What do you call one who supports a hostile, while claiming to be on your side?

Final judgement is reserved for the Lord, no doubt.

Here however, due to his ever persistent silence and his requirement of us to discern between good and evil, as well as destroying said evil, I find them all guilty.

They will be purged.

fullAssed ago

Give us our nuclear material back you fucks


Most id say

NotaQjackass ago

They love Israel more than America, Fact!

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I thought they believed that Trump was saving Israel for last in his 6 million D chess game.

Swiiirlyhunter ago

Haha, they're so pathetic.

gazillions ago

Those may have been some early ones who noped out long ago.

I'll break the evil spell if you bring me an egg, a scarf and twelve thousand dollars

Oh_Well_ian ago

come get me, you commie piece of shit

btw... Q NEVER said Israel was our greatest ally

you're post is propaganda


commies always lie

jthun2 ago


lord_nougat ago

That's a required belief for them, is it not? Q personally excommunicates those who go against this central tenet of the Q philosophy or whatever!

Swiiirlyhunter ago

It's almost if, q is a Mossad psyop. But that would just be too obvious.

lord_nougat ago


Donald_Trumpstein ago

They aren't just our greatest ally, America wouldn't even exist if it weren't for Israel!

Swiiirlyhunter ago

Haha, thanks for the laugh trumpstein

veintisiete ago

Australia is our greatest ally! They actually fought alongside US soldiers.

anticlutch ago

For those unaware;


RCCollier ago

Way too many I assume......too many gullible folks think the jews and Israel are so wonderful......what a joke.

hillaryisanigger ago

I’ve read that part of their appeal is their popularity.


H3r0n ago

Yet they wouldn’t be popular at all if everyone was allowed to speak the truth about them, go figure

Swiiirlyhunter ago

I've lost faith in humanity, I'm ready for the sun to micro nova and set this world back a few thousand years.

Nowhiteguilt22 ago

Only then can the weak learn to fear and respect the strong.

RCCollier ago

Let nature hit the reset button. I wouldn't be opposed......