Blood-is-Nature ago

watching a movie

An offer met by consent (ones belief in the offered).

China is probably in on it too

(((Abortion))) allegedly caused a surplus of some 40 million Chinese males without female partners, which indicates yet another sacrificial lamb for a meat grinder ceremony (war) to cover for the sins of the next stage of usury (end of the ongoing fiat).

All wars are over Oil.

No. All division aims to keep us ignorant towards coexistence within motion. They are maintaining human ignorance towards self sustenance, by mimicking natural cycles and planning controlled burned offerings (holocaust) alongside those cycles.

ItIsAllaLie ago

That's why I put the edit of rumor of war. There is no war, never is, but there is an oil line that they are connecting. They keep everyone in conflict to stop us from killing them. There is no coexistance until they are exterminated.

Blood-is-Nature ago

There is no coexistence until they are exterminated.

They represent the consequences of our actions of selfish ignorance. Selfishness originates in claiming ownership over that which nature offers free for all, despite our existence being temporary aka we are allowed to use everything; but have no right to claim anything. Coexistence is defined by being within motion of energy. The different form we perceive all represent inspiration towards adherence to self sustenance.

From the parasite perspective it is us who chose to act parasitically to our host, and within a closed ecosystem the host cannot expel the parasites, which means it has to tackle the weakness within itself with an antibody (((a chosen one)))...a parasite within ourselves: ruthlessly exploiting our selfish ignorance until we learn our lesson and start adhering to self sustenance.Only nature defines order, and the chaotic consequences of our own actions are the inspiration to adhere to that order...we are just still too selfish to do it and so we have to suffer some more, while constantly consenting to the temptations they offer us. Porn is the obvious example for that...there's no rabbi around jerking you off; you do it all to yourself by consenting to their offer. This goes for everything.

ItIsAllaLie ago

This is a load of bullshit. This only applies if they also show you the alternative, which they don't, they work very hard to hide it! Very few people have the mental capacity to break free from the brainwashing because they are exposed to it from birth. The few groups that break away are slaughtered and labeled as cults.

People were starting to wake up and they created Q to shut them the fuck up. They aren't selfish, they are brainwashed!

Blood-is-Nature ago

This only applies if they also show you the alternative, which they don't, they work very hard to hide it!

They absolutely do.It's called the "sleight of hand". They simultaneously offer everything for "those with eyes to see", while building "towers of babel" (BA'BEL, noun [Heb.] Confusion; disorder.) on top of it as a deception for mass population control over those who are ignorant enough to believe their offers (which just so happens to be the utter majority of mankind constantly ignoring their needs; while falling for their wants).

Back to those with eyes to see...encoded within all religious scriptures you will find everything being done to us. Entertainment (enter tame mind) represents an alchemical ritual of transmuting reality with fiction, which allows them to communicated their intentions while supplying endless distractions for their cattle (goyim) slaves. From the MAtrix teaching you about red pills and blue pills, the fappening, the email hacks, Snowden, wikileaks, Q-anon, the truther movements, flat earth society, all the eBooks made available to us, google ngram viewer; Webster's 1828 dictionary, all the do it yourself youtube channels, gematria calculators, free piracy of everything, /pol/ -itically incorrect, the chan networks, Black's Law dictionary online, the rofschild threads and much more...that's not the goyim waking up; that's the few who control the many staging an enlightenment arc in their history (the lie agreed upon) to a) wash their hands of guilt; b) study the effects on all of us, and c) clean out or reincorporate the deceptions that worked (the moon landing hoax for example did not ruffle many feathers, and so it goes right back into their deck of cards for the next cycle).

We are being warned for thousands of years (if you believe their timelines) yet human ignorance stands victorious over the responsibility to sustain themselves.They will be ripped to pieces by their own selfish actions, and you, the one who sees through it, who attained a little self discernment; who actually showed self restrained over his wants with a little responsibility, you merely have to adhere to self sustenance, and avoid getting dragged down by these suicidal beasts that will kill each other for their selfish beliefs. This all is nature inspiring us to adhere to needs; instead of ignore for wants.

The problem with selfishness is that the solution lies within self. We can only try to inspire them to question themselves, not change their comprehension with force or deception towards adherence to self sustenance. The so called jews represent the antibody to ignorance; they leave mankind no other way than to overcome selfishness keep getting grinded to dust.

they created Q to shut them the fuck up

No. They control both sides of every conflict, because every conflict is based on the contract of belief. Every belief proclaimed into reality creates a conflict between believer vs non-believer. The topic is totally irrelevant to the conflict; just a selfish justifications for the conflict itself. They keep the conflicts going by adding contradictions to both sides of the argument (talmudic reasoning is all about that). In reality (energy in motion) there's no conflict; because the believers all act upon fiction; upon their own ignorance of reality.

Q is for those with eyes to see; those who do not restrict their own comprehension of reality by self imposed beliefs, an information trove of how all their rackets are operating, but of course the selfish believers immediately made an idol out of the fucking letter "Q", and so once again they are being burned down with it by those who offered the idol. One doesn't need to believe in Q to use that offer as inspiration for oneself, and one also doesn't need to oppose Q or the believers thereof to learn something.

If anything they are doing pretty much everything they can to allow us to see behind the curtain to save ourselves from what they set into motions, but the mask consenting zombies give you a pretty accurate picture of what the odds of survial are.

ItIsAllaLie ago

It is not the same. They don't teach The Bible but teach the 5 pillars. They tell 1 truth and mask it with 15 lies and 5 mockeries.

Alot of what you said I agree with but it isn't the same. Though, I suppose to them it is.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Underneath them; underneath all is nature; which is energy in motion, and energy is the source of all information. Energy is fundamental and cannot be meddled with from within. We can only adhere to it or ignore, which are both needed because energy is also self sustaining (energy creates motion; motion creates energy) therefore both loss of potentiality through forward motion and recharge of potentiality through the struggle of momentum (balance) within motion are needed to allow self sustenance.

They cannot hide nature; they can only try to corrupt our comprehension of it, which is also the only way to control us, by tricking us to ignore self. They promote division, because we are in coexistence, and the segregation of differences through motion represents the inspiration for adherence to self sustenance. Creation demands inspiration first, whcih is also why they promote to us ONE creator (deity), when it is ALL (energy) that allows each ONE within the act of creation out of the inspiration all other ones represent.

Unlike us they adhere to natural law, which is why the use offers (contracts of belief) to trick us to consent by our own free will to ignorance of reality; to self destruction, which they then (when consented to) keep feeding temptations (our wants)...for a price. They harvest the unused energy from our selfish ignorance. instead of choosing to struggle they chose to maintain the ignorance of all others, while befitting from it as long as there are still others left to deceive, which means they need to cyclically dumb their badges of the self destructive ignorant to maintain the deception, because every new cycle is weaker to their deceptions if the older cycles are still "active", hence generational divide and break up of the family unit.

And so no matter how utterly insane these fuckers act; it's all based on our consent of free will. We are their inspiration to continue. Try to inspire any selfish to question his own beliefs and he will fight you to death for it, meanwhile he ignores everything else just fine. A christian will calmly tell you that there's no free will, that this world is fallen and that there's salvation after death...yet contradict his belief and you are Satan himself and deserve eternal hell. It's just naked selfishness and only oneself can make the choice to put an end to it.


do you suppose they are waiting for 'the next Hitler' ? ie- the next 'great visionary' to come along so they can hitch on to that wagon (to ultimately exploit for greater impact).

a common 'trope' is that they lack creativity. the lack of ability to build great things as it has been said. And we know, as parasites, they are woefully reliant on upon the ignorant masses.

Perhaps they need us to usher in the next innovations so they have some leverage for which to launch their next era of deceptions.

Blood-is-Nature ago

do you suppose they are waiting for 'the next Hitler'

No. Idols are for believers; leadership is for those who shirk responsibility over the sole authority over self (free will of choice). It is the behavior of the selfish to shirk responsibility over self onto a false authority in others. That's the whole offer meets consent (contract of belief) tricked played to control others. They have have hierarchies, based on a collective intent (zion; a world of their own) , and that individual adherence towards a collective intent is what sustains their hierarchies. It's why they can pretty much subvert on their own, and only have to be dialed back when they step out of line.

the next 'great visionary'

"There's nothing new under the sun". Nature defines the demand to adhere to ones needs; but also defines through motion the constant temptations of ones wants. Visionary refers to those who offer imaginations aka temptations, so it's an idol presented to create a cult of personality as a tool for deception. It's all about supply and demand of wants (temptations) to keep use ignorance towards adherence of needs. One doesn't need imagination, because adherence to needs would "unlock" all the benefits existence has to offer. Imagination represents ones ignorance of that which is towards that which one wants to be..that's the motion of energy pulling us towards death.

so they can hitch on to that wagon

The selfish act to shirk responsibility over self to the false authority in others. Balance within motion (survival aka sustenance of life) demands struggle...the easy way is death, hence all temptations (wants) luring towards death.

a common 'trope' is that they lack creativity.

That's the allegory of "the devil can only mimic", which is a deception to trick us to not comprehend reality. Forward motion of energy (from beginning towards end) represents the natural "order". Energy is also the source of all information, so motion (order) offers information. The temporary momentum (balance) motion creates within itself represents chaos (which is why all existence is finite, because order destroys chaos). Momentum represents resistance within order, which allows chaos to mimic the information of order (through resonance). That is where all temporary form comes from. Each ONE can create out of ALL which is offered, so we are mimics, which is why our parasites are selling us on the opposite as usual.

As for them and lacking creativity...they maintain the self destructive ignorance of the many, and they utilize technology (creation set into motion) so that our selfishness gets attached to the material, which makes it easier for them to sell us the temptations that we "want" to kill us with. See, they have no incentive to create, because they fully comprehend that motion destroys all creation unless we maintain it by adherence to self sustenance. They need us ignorant, hence they have to also sacrifice creativity with us. They instead make a mockery out of creation by using idols, symbolism, and flat out ugliness to prevent us from benefiting from creation as well, because the fruits of our labor 8creation) is also inspiration for unity, maintenance and as always self sustenance.

as parasites, they are woefully reliant on upon the ignorant masses.

They are aware of that, which is why they try to balance the sacrifice of the ignorant with the exploitation of the less ignorant, so that they can stay in their position of control, which is futile in the long run, but since our selfishness created them and inspires them to continue, we have to learn the hard way to not adhere to natural law. There's nobody else to blame for selfishness but oneself, and without selfishness the parasites would have nothing to offer. Supply and demand...ever the happy merchants.

Perhaps they need us to usher in the next innovations so they have some leverage for which to launch their next era of deceptions.

That's one of the aspects I'm looking into these days, but so far it looks like as if they roll out technology cyclically, and then use their mass sacrifice events to restart the rollout, while suing historical revisionism and tyrannical censorship to clean up information (and more importantly comprehension) of what came before. Look into all these burial sites that conveniently are getting destroyed in terrorist attacks and wars. There are lots of indications that for example electricity was utilized way before we are indoctrinated to believe when it happened. It could very well be a "Groundhog's Day" scenario we find ourselves in, with them utilizing our ignorance to pull the same tricks over and over.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Planetary Penis. Solar Vagina.

It's all spinning waves and particles baby. waves and particles.