Nukeisrael ago

Where did you hear this?

ShapkaUshanka ago

And we still have streets named after her. Shame

fightknightHERO ago

jewish femoid

beaten to death

Fucking Based

AntiMason ago

I know. Happy Hanukkah!

Dr5trangegov ago

they also tried it here. look up "the wobbly massacre" and "the everett massacre" in washington state. they used the IWW, or the "wobblies". 1916 and 1917. they got hung for their trouble. its why they pushed so hard to culturally destroy the northwest, and succeeded.

Doglegwarrior ago

That whore being beaten to death was the high point of german culture


I'm so glad Q brought us to voat to learn about this stuff. We're blessed.

superspathi ago

They didn't have helicopters.

Chundarrr ago

Even good ol' Rosa could agree: better dead than red.

HulkScrotum ago

Watching a jew get beaten to death was probably the most enjoyable thing those people ever witnessed. Its right up there with the birth of your first child, brother.

Sleuth222 ago

She didn't fail, obviously. If she failed you wouldn't have heard of Hitler.

Gorillion ago

Um. Any film of that? know, for masturbatory purposes.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I was chatting with someone FROM Luxembourg a couple nights ago (another Never mentioned it.

AntiMason ago

That city is older than Rosa Luxemburg.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Interesting. Means she didn't found it for sure. Maybe her mom?

Skeptic5000 ago

Today, Rosa Luxemburg has a street with her name and is remembered as a german martyr. Tells you who won the war.

Glory_Beckons ago

They didn't fail entirely. This resulted in abolishing the German Empire, forming the Weimar Republic, and starting the Communist Party of Germany. Reposting from a previous thread:

In 1918, in the wake of WW I, Communist Revolutionaries attempted to violently take over Germany by force, in order to put in place a Communist government. The revolution lasted about a year, and resulted in the abolition of the German Empire, and the institution of the Weimar Republic, which of course is famous for the rampant degeneracy it produced.

The leaders of the Communist revolutionaries were:

Percentage of ✡ among leadership of Communist insurrection: 66.6%+

Percentage of ✡ among general German population at the time: 0.75%

For the visual thinkers: This is what that looks like

After the turmoil settled, the revolutionaries formed a new political party: The Communist Part of Germany

This is what their headquarters looked like

Note the flag logo, just right of center.

Another photo, from one of their rallies

While the main political party put on airs of peacefully pursuing humanitarian goals, they created and funded a paramilitary branch to be able to continue exerting political pressure through violence and intimidation, particularly during the 1933 election cycle.

They called it Antifa.

hang_em_high ago

Great post. Looks and sounds very similar to today. Where do you find all of this?

Glory_Beckons ago

As you can tell from the links, all of this information is undisputed and publicly available, even on Leftist controlled sites like Wikipedia. You only need to know to look for it.

I like sourcing from Wikipedia, simply because nobody can dismiss it by claiming it's just Right-wing propaganda that way.

As for knowing what to look for... While there were many things that put cracks in the facade of history for me, I think it was The Greatest Story Never Told that really burned it all down for me. I was still skeptical then, paused often, and looked up many things that I doubted. All of it checked out. And, most of the time, what I found was even more damning than what was being presented.

There was no going back after that. A lie, once exposed, will forever taste rotten, no matter how sweet it once was.

For further reading material, you can find a great many books on the subject right here on Voat.

hang_em_high ago

I was looking for something to do today. Going to finally finish TGSNT. Nice reading list too, thanks.

Angryelectrician ago

I just can't stomach the fucking music in TGSNT...why do people feel the need to add dramatic music to shit when the facts alone tell the story?

Nukeisrael ago

It’s called propaganda. People don’t change their mind when shown a scientific paper unless they are non lemmings which are less than 10% of the population. Plus they have to be low agreeableness and at least middling IQ.

CryptoBard ago

If you decide to be a kike on this level, you deserve it.

voatergoateryoda ago

This should be the fate of all communist kike traitors.

Nukeisrael ago

This isn’t going to be a communist revolution. It’s just going to be a slow leeching of wealth from the middle class to the top. They will make sure everyone has food, porn and Netflix. It’s neoliberalism that is raping us right now not communism.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

(((communism))) == (((neoliberalism))) == (((neoconservatism))) == (((crapitalism))) == (((neoconservatism))) == (((neoliberalism) == (((communism)))== (((neoliberalism))) == (((neoconservatism))) == (((crapitalism))) == (((neoconservatism))) == (((neoliberalism) == (((communism)))== (((neoliberalism))) == (((neoconservatism))) == (((crapitalism))) == (((neoconservatism))) == (((neoliberalism) == (((communism))) == ETC ETC ETC


worldofmadness ago

How nice it would be if the beat up of that jew bitch was recorded on cams.

israelmossadjewgold ago

should we put bill gates in prison for life or kill

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I was born in Germany. In every large city, there is a street or park named after this jewess cunt.

Interruptedagain ago

Is that where you went to shit?

That's where I would go to shit if 8 lived there!

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I was spawned from genetic trash

AntiMason ago


A_Punkass_Bitch ago

"Thirty minutes later, Luxemburg was brought through the hotel lobby, where a guard hit her twice in the head with his rifle butt.[8] More soldiers and officers joined in beating her up."


Tanlog ago

How cool if that gaurd was your great grandpa or something, family story time would be a blast

Maroonsaint ago

Like that Japanese guy that ran on stage and stabbed that guy and single handedly put an end to that commie shit

DanielR ago

this needs to become a Holiday

cultivated_ignorance ago

Luxemburg and Liebknecht were discovered in a Berlin-Wilmersdorf apartment by a citizen militia

What is that? Some kind of German thing?

tagia ago

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Moon_Central ago

The division's first staff officer, Major Waldemar Pabst, had them questioned.[6] He then called over the Marine-Squadron-Pflugk of torpedo boat captain Horst von Pflugk-Harttung, whom he ordered to transfer Liebknecht from the hotel to Moabit prison.[7] Liebknecht was beaten up, driven to Tiergarten Park and executed at close range with three shots.[8] The body was delivered as an unidentified man to a morgue.[8]

Thirty minutes later, Luxemburg was brought through the hotel lobby, where a guard hit her twice in the head with his rifle butt.[8] More soldiers and officers joined in beating her up.[8] Luxemburg may already have been dead at this point.[8] She was moved to a truck and shot once in the back of the head.[8] Her body was thrown into the Landwehr Canal, where, despite searches by fire-brigade divers, it was not found till months later on 1 June.[9]

Broc_Lia ago

Almost certainly referring to a Freikorps. The original Freikorps were bands of Prussian nationalists who fought during the Napoleonic wars and later. They were so named (free-body) because they were volunteers rather than the conscripts and prisoners found in most European armies at the time.

When the German soldiery returned from the front after WW1 they found their country being terrorised by revolutionary jews. They formed militias, calling themselves Freikorps, and restored order, killing a bunch of the jews in the process.

It's worth noting that the Imperial navy also mutinied and helped kill the German war-effort, but I've never been able to find out how many of the seamen actually supported the mutiny and how many were jewish.

contingency_cat ago

It refers to an apartment an a specific area of Berlin.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

It refers to...

He's referring to the idea of CITIZEN MILITIAS.


contingency_cat ago

Well, I'm a fool. Thank you!

CrustyBeaver52 ago

They took over 6 major cities in Canada and had to be put down by the army.

They were put down.

katabatic ago


cantaloupe6 ago

Any links to that? contemporaneously?

CrustyBeaver52 ago

It was called the Winnipeg General Strike. You can research that... it is deliberately not part of the Canadian public school curriculum.

Few Canadians, and very few people at all outside of Canada, have ever heard of it.

Jiggggg ago

I never have. Gonna go look this one up. Thanks

tourgen ago

Thank you for this uplifting and heart-warming recount of a small piece of our history.

6843153 ago

Yet what followed was the Jewish paradise, the Weimar republic

moveout ago

Followed by the nazis putting an end to that

6843153 ago

Followed by Hitler completing the Balfour declaration with the Havaara agreement and single handedly responsible for the state of Israel

DeadFox ago

Hitler didn't kill six million Jews

See Hitler rocks!

Hitler deports Jews

Hitler sucks, he made Israel!

You guys are bipolar, what would you have preferred, he just kept them?

Maroonsaint ago

That’s what I always said. If he was just kicking them out all he was doing was spreading the problem around. Killing them is the way to go. It’s like taking a bullet for the rest of humanity. You do the dirty work so the planet can stay clean forever

Skeptic5000 ago

It's not a good PR move (in terms of both politics and economics) to carry out a genocide. Also, totally immoral.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Its also a hell of a lot of work. Disposing of corpses in your own territory is a horrendous workload.

Skeptic5000 ago

Forget about it! Imagine disposing of 6 million bodies! The holocaust allegedly began in 41 and ended in 45 Let's round it up to 4 years. That 1,500,000 jews per year, 125,000 every month, 4098 people a day, 171 people per hour, three people per minute. This is if you do this non-stop, every day, with no exceptions, for four years while you are at war. The infrastructure of bringing millions of people and killing them all is unthinkable and inefficient; Why would you have facilities if you're just going to kill them? What sort of labor were these people doing?

In order for the events to make sense, they must have killed people en masse to compensate for all the time lost. It's ridiculous that they did that, let alone with gas chambers.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

In greatest war every known and fighting on two fronts

Have "supposedly" over 10 million people that could be used as labor in the war effort.

Kill them.

steven_feelsperg ago


It's OK to kill God's enemies. Jews are God's enemies.

Joshua and King David wiped out many of their ancestors, the Edomites and Canaanites respectively, but obviously some stragglers survived.

Skeptic5000 ago

When you can prove your religion is the true one, then we'll have it as a universal law. Meanwhile, I won't put my rights in the hands of any wacko.

What you ought to know is that the bible was never meant to be taken literally. It's full of allegories that only initiates in the mysteries understand. The "goyim" and the "chosen people" probably allude to the initiated vs. the uninitiated. You can find the same mysteries in Greece, Egypt, Arabia, China, Japan, India, Tibet, Western Europe, etc. under many different forms; jewish Kabbalah is just one of them, which Moses and Joseph allegedly learned from the Egyptians and taught to the hebrews. That is why there's so much esoteric and astrological symbolism in the bible.

6843153 ago

The Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have. This is why I hate hitler

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

he might have thought that was a good idea, get them out, have them all in one place.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Put all the Jews in one place

Promptly Sarin gas Israel

moveout ago

state of Israel

In Germany?


A tradition worth recognizing in the spirit of preserving History.

Gorillion ago

"The Beating of the Jew"

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

John 2:19 - And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables.


If they also happen to be part of a Communist plot to control 7 billion plus people. Then kill 6 billion of them.

tourgen ago

Indeed. Also, we beat these worms before. We can do it this time too, we just have to put in the effort.


If you go all-in. You lose EVERYTHING if your hand gets Trumped by a "Royal Flush".

fightknightHERO ago

i see (((goldenhead))) finally bought a good alt for his shilling

Maroonsaint ago

Well it does beat everything.

BrainPulper2 ago

Speak English you unholy retard.


Trump is about to flush out the Royal family. Learn to think a bit.

mk_parabellum ago

Trump isn't going to do shit - he's a cuck to the Jews. Not sure what it's going to take for people to understand there is no political option here. Trump isn't some genius savior of white people - he's just as corrupt as the rest, and as long as people still believe in Mr. Drain-the-swamp...the longer whites are going to continue to have the swamp pumped into our communities.

And I'm not even American.

DeadFox ago

Trump is a fucking senile old boomer who cares more about his brand then America. He won't do shit


Sure DeadFox.

DeadFox ago

Keep on waiting.

BrainPulper2 ago

Learn not to be a cunt. You fucking idiots think everything is a riddle. It's not. Riddles are used to distract your stupid diseased mind from actually doing anything.


Get over yourself Mr. Tense and self important. Talk to the Military and lecture them on how to conduct themselves. Maybe think of seeking Professional therapy for your anger issues.

BrainPulper2 ago

My God, you really are stupid. I bet you think Q is going to save you or that you need to "trust the plan". Will you hang yourself on January 20?


Don't you care about saving yourself and your family? You have until the 20th to relax and enjoy life.

BrainPulper2 ago

Of course I care. I care enough to understand that Trump had the election stolen from him, that there is no plan, and that there is no recourse. Relying on some anonymous internet deus ex machina is the height of stupidity. It's on you and me to protect our families. No one is coming to save you. You need to save yourself. The only thing Q and that bullshit does is lull you into a mentality where you feel like you aren't the one that needs to act.


Shut up and go cry elsewhere, you're an embarrassment.

BrainPulper2 ago

No, I have accepted reality. You must hang yourself on January 20 when you are wrong. There is no plan. You will commit suicide like a faggot when your false idol goes to prison.


If I'm wrong, I'll ask to be euthanized and my body parts sold on the Black Market.