HotJazzOnACatsMeow ago

Dogma. None of these faggots have even looked at a white paper they just repeat some talking head


The term " CHUTZPAH " has become both a factoid and a misnomer.

Right from a jew's mouth while on a project site in Toronto on Bathhurst street (all jews) 20 years ago....the old jew explained to me that Chutzpah is a term used to justify a rude denial of a favor to someone who was rude enough to ask for a if someone is rude enough to ask for money or the loan of personal equipment then the one being asked has every right to rudely say no.

Just so everyone here knows....carry on.

thirdsargon ago

It's never peak Chutzpah.

The USS Liberty was pretty peak.

So was us paying them to research the Iron Dome, and then trying to buy it from them, but they insisted on using their own spyware on it, so we couldn't.

That was pretty peak.

During the Civil War, the whole cotton bond thing was outrageously peak. Fash the Nation did a great deep dive on it.

The holocaust story was pretty peak.

Covering up the mass murder of Christians and Soviet crimes in general was pretty peak.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Helena73 ago

Guys check it out.

I looked up Ethan Siegel ’s old college webpage, EUREKA

Original source:

Which I archived:

Black face halloween page:

Note on the homepage where he refers to this guy as a monkey:

Looks pozzed w eyebrow ring maybe gay

111MrGuy111 ago

Just believe the science priests, heretic!

Civil_Warrior ago

Only jews know how you should think about things, ask a jew, he'll tell you to get six of your friends and come be his slaves.

CrudOMatic ago

Science is the new religion, goy - don't question anything because it is ALL settled. Except gravity, string theory, quantum physics, study of the brain, genetics, whether time actually exists, etc... ALL SETTLED.

psssst... be sure to tell the new "priests" that "settled science" is the most unscientific statement EVER, and that they are committing blasphemy by saying it.

kishind ago

He got this part right:

There’s an old saying that I’ve grown quite fond of recently: you can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. When most of us “research” an issue, what we are actually doing is:

Formulating an initial opinion the first time we hear about something,

Evaluating everything we encounter after that through that lens of our gut instinct,

Finding reasons to think positively about the portions of the narrative that support or justify our initial opinion,

and finding reasons to discount or otherwise dismiss the portions that detract from it.

Problem is, we catch "scientific experts" doing this regularly, with the added step of "collect data that supports my initial opinion, or the opinion of my funding."

cantaloupe6 ago

The problem is the scientists that get published have the opinions the pharmaceutical indusrty wants published.

keksupreme ago

only kike media personalities get to determine what is "science" got it. fucking kike scum

cantaloupe6 ago

Begging the question of how he's proven his statements.

shitface9000 ago

The universe is out there waiting for you to discover it lol

LarryWhiteContrary ago


278748 ago


ketoll ago

Bro, you're not supposed to follow the scientific process, you're supposed to leave that to the experts like articles on the front page of Reddit about vaccines and climate change, funded by the CCP Commies Tencent. It's science, bro!

Torqueness ago

"The Universe is out there, waiting for you discover it."

Translated as, "Don't place your faith in God, Goy. There is nothing beyond our religion of Science."

undertheshills ago

Even if youre a scientist yourself. If two Cuomos and a guy in a lab coat all agree on a premise it is now considered settled science, all further research and findings you come up with are irrelevant, you are a hack for even checking into something labeled settled science.

Helena73 ago

2 Cuomos and a guy in a lab coat == settled science

Well put. This is the sort of universal libtard aphorism that needs to be memorialized on bumber stickers or needlepoint pillows.

SuperToes845 ago

It's exhausting.

GuavaHabanero ago

Go to school for 12 years, go to college for 4 to 8 years. Get a degree and a job AND DON'T EVER THINK FOR YOURSELF GOY!

Oh and your vote counts.

DeusDos ago

I guess its time for the "they want to dumb down the population" conspiracy mask to drop.

Psiman ago

Per his request, I'll gladly exclude articles written by Ethan Siegel when examining scientific claims.

DeplorableSubhumanPi ago

Them Hews is slippery as hell, that takes no research just observation

veteran88 ago

Just listen to these jews and their lies.

Don't question just apologise for being alive and then kys.

PhilKDick ago

Scientists publish for free, and yet all their papers are behind a paywall. That's part of that peak chutzpah.

FridayJones ago

Hell, most of their work is partially or fully funded by the federal government.

child_abuse ago

The universe is out there, waiting for you to not discover it.

Derpfroot ago

Another pic, huh. Well, at least this one's a real article.

Monday685 ago

Thanks goat.

OP sucks donkey ass for not posting the article.

Plavonica ago

JFC that whole article is one giant appeal to authority. With heaps of gaslighting, strawmanning, poisoning of the well, and so on.

Real science is empirical and repeatable. And yes, it is encouraged to do your own, so long as you learn from it.

BMF1976 ago


puggy ago

You must trust the (((scientists))).

SparklingWiggle ago

Is it the first thing you look for now, too?

Guy_Justsome ago

Ethan Siegel

I am a Ph.D. astrophysicist, author, and science communicator, who professes physics and astronomy at various colleges. I have won numerous awards for science writing…

Notice how the "science communicator" uses an aminated GIF of the departing Messenger space probe that gives the impression it's moving away at 4 Earth diameters in 4 seconds.

This is what junk science does: dishonestly cheats and misleads you with badly-presented true facts that someone else discovered with hard, honest work.

You have to notice that the Earth rotates a half revolution in those 4 seconds, so the space probe travelled that distance in 12 hours. Still fast, but not light-speed fast.

You have to do your own thinking to avoid being victimized by the Siegels of the world.

Soyboy69 ago

This is what junk science does: dishonestly cheats and misleads you with badly-presented true facts that someone else discovered with hard, honest work.

You have to notice that the Earth rotates a half revolution in those 4 seconds, so the space probe travelled that distance in 12 hours. Still fast, but not light-speed fast.

It's not dishonest to use a speed up a visualization for something so simple which spans the course of hours, would anyone give enough of a shit to watch a dot move across the screen for twelve hours at a rate so slow it's hard to tell if its even moving?

Guy_Justsome ago

That's a perfectly good artistic justification to illustrate an edited scientific feat without any time lapse indicator, other than the observer's wiles and deduction.
Art is art. Art presented as science is fraud.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

What did you not understand about "Every. Single. Time."?

It literally is every single time.

Paint them blue.

New-World-Ebola ago

it's a shame the holocaust is a lie.

it needs to happen asap.

SparklingWiggle ago

Have a degree in bio-engineering ? Or chemistry?

Mugman ago

Focus on making the quickest way to dispose of waste.

CrudOMatic ago

Everything except the carbon and tungsten in the human body melts at the temperatures found in a vat of molten steel in a foundry. Everything in the human body except the iron can be pounded off as slag when working the metal. The metal working always has to be done, and the costs are just a little extra at the working step. Wink, wink.

SparklingWiggle ago

No, we need to focus on making the waste, and as efficiently as possible. Letting it rot in place is better than the problem it currently creates.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Do it

88gasoline_shekel ago

You must not do your own research when it comes to science... the universe is out there waiting for you to discover it. Lol

AtroNotsAreGay ago

"Thr universe" is a fake and gay lie

FridayJones ago

So you're more of a Multiverse guy then?

Nukeisrael ago

You literally think gorillas are all people in suits and that everyone is a tranny. You are the water muddier.

Tanlog ago

Careful fren, sensitive pussies will downvoat you if you dont believe what the freemasonry kike shills like Einstein and Newton said

2fat2move ago

Im used to it. I love triggering them.

They had to take oaths and lose their souls to become illuminated. God woke me up and I still get to go to heaven. So that's cool.

AtheismIsGreat ago

I love triggering them.

We're not "triggered", just disgusted by a tranny troll.

I still get to go to heaven

St. Peter's gonna slap your ass into hell and you know it.

CrudOMatic ago

if you believe the earth isnt flat, you took an oath

You need to take something; your meds.

Tanlog ago

Pot calling the kettle black. Dont start something you cant finish you retarded faggot. Imagine coming on here and being "red pilled" then believing something so blatantly retarded lol

2fat2move ago

Its people who know this as hidden knowledge and gatekeep and talk about planets all the time. Shills.

Hoppes9 ago

It's out there waiting for people who have appointed themselves experts to discover on your behalf and report back to you if they feel like it and what they feel like reporting.

LostInTheStatic ago

Who would you rather believe, us or your lying eyes?

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

Questioning the prophets is blasphemy.

Bros_B4_Nose ago

Kikes can't stand critical thinking..this is why they rely on stories and not facts, i.e. Hollyjewd. Fuck every last one of these criminal tribe members.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

"Based on actual events."

Bros_B4_Nose ago

Based on a Jew Story

peacegnome ago

for example, "it took place in germany"

nougat_lord ago

"Inspired by recollections of a true story"

celerycar ago

It is important to remember that 1/2 to 1/3 of all medical paper results cannot be reproduced in followup studies.

The data may be fake or 'finessed' to fit the desired hypothesis, and other teams cannot recreate the exact conditions.

Also important is that there is no funding for any 'repeated' studies - whether from the same team or from an independent body.

Most medical research is a single shot deal, and we base our health on that.


CrudOMatic ago

What about that free plant?

lord_nougat ago

RandomFurryDude ago

Audrey II.


SearchVoatBot ago

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