ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

Or a Native American man with a tomboy Loli

MrTerry ago

Because all the ad agencies are jew nigger owned.

Yuke ago

The production line out of Africa needs to be welcomed and accepted. Why else do you think they've turned that place into a veritable breeding farm? The game is rigged.

zombieapocalypse ago

The conceptual metaphor (loose reference of the red border around time magazine cover, as a snapshot of a second in time), is the white population of America as only the picture of America that people recognize as being the frame of America.

Metaphors we Live By, Lakoff

goer ago

simple. because the ugly nigger is the ultimate representation of a different race, how much nigger a race is, is the defining factor of being non-white. because the ADS are marketing to the multi-racial customer, and the nigger represents race mixing, and signals theyre not racist. but the real message is say no to racism.

GoatWhisperer ago

It's gone so turbo at this point, that I just saw a corporate Facebook page of a company that doesn't even show them mixed anymore-- just 100% black models at all times. Even the normies on Boomerbook were red-pilling the hell out of the comments on that page.

CanIPlay2 ago

It's just convenience. Lots of folks still watch tv. Perfect for mass programming/brainwashing/manipulation. It started out as entertainment, now it's just control.

TV, newspapers, magazines, radio commercials. It's all propaganda. When you stop watching, reading and listening, you stop purchasing the programming. It's a demoralization campaign waged against white males.

LeeDoverwood ago

It's more rare for an Asian guy to go with a black woman, so there's that.

Fun fact, you can look up stats on rape and there's plenty of FBI stats on black men raping black women. Plenty of black men raping white women but the percentage of white men raping black women is just a tiny sliver you almost can't see.

TheSecretShakespeare ago

The Female Nature is immune to the Higher Understanding, especially after being continually fed the lies of today which tickle her ears in saccharine flattery and praise her as goddess solely because she possesses a vagina.

She is the deadly enemy of all civilized society if she is 'empowered' by the flaccid-minded, cowardly man.

MGTOW, Gentlemen...MGTOW.

"For my part I consider that it is better to be adventurous than cautious, because fortune is a woman, and if you wish to keep her under it is necessary to beat and ill use her; and it is seen that she allows herself to be mastered by the adventurous rather than by those who go to work more coldly. She is, therefore, always, woman-like, a lover of young men, because they are less cautious, more violent, and with more audacity command her."

-- Niccolo Machiavelli, 'The Prince'

lord_nougat ago

Checks out. He did the math!

anticlutch ago

Notice the tsunami of anti-Whitefemale and OLD reposts of coalburner posts today?

GutterTrash ago

Probably because Mexicans are harder to control as evidenced by their voting habits.

voatuser1128 ago

The majority of them still vote Democrat. And they are the reason why California went from a red state to a stupidly blue state.

Fatti_Lahelle ago

Mexicans, yeah. Other Hispanics don't vote Democrat at such a high rate, like how Florida has become redder than before.

Nukeisrael ago

Wanna know why most of the time it’s some ugly black girl too for women’s products? This is going to piss off the ladies if there are any here. Women hate seeing attractive people on TV, it makes them self conscious. If a dude sees a ripped guy or something we usually think “fuck I need to get in shape.” When a woman sees a hot female they think “wow fuck her.” Women make up 80% of consumer spending including using their boyfriend/husband’s money. That’s why most commercials have an ugly sheboon, it’s “safe” to the 40+ white female which is the most able to consoom demographic in the country. That’s why there are never hot asian girls or even hot young White women in commercials anymore.

Fatti_Lahelle ago

Yeah, but it wasn't the way until recently. Women's clothing, cosmetics, etc. used to show exclusively slim and attractive women.

Women have gotten fatter and fatter and there's been more of a push for the notion that working to staying slim and attractive is "oppressive". Having standards is too oppressive nowadays.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Having standards is too harsh nowadays.

Most girls I see today are wearing sweat shirts and sweat pants and no makeup. They are total slobs.

BillHrny ago

Because they know that Latinos and Asians are some of the most "racist" people on the planet....but it's ok because they are not White.

Fatti_Lahelle ago

They're getting more shit for it, especially from the young females of their respective races (big surprise!). It's just a lot harder to weaponize empathy against them than it is to exploit it in whites. They tend to want to preserve their heritage and cultures more, and want to do what's in their best interests. Whites are too individualistic.

Bigdeal ago

Because instinctually black males are the least desirable among all woman. The fuckers think they are reprogramming people, which maybe they are since race mixing is up. Black fathers staying around are not though, hence the instincts being correct.

Fatti_Lahelle ago

Yeah, you can tear whites down, but you can't build blacks up.

Black men aren't going to suddenly start to become great fathers, husbands, workers and providers.

Maat4u ago

Make a society of retarded low iq niglets. Women are easily influenced. Hence why they were never allowed to vote prior to 1960’s

JesusRules ago

Or Jew with a nigger

lord_nougat ago

OY VEY, fellow whites!!

JesusRules ago


Mugman ago

With spics I've noticed is they push racial pride onto them more than they do on anyone else. All the Spanish commercials are always along the lines of do it cuz you're brown. Basically telling them fuck the states you're here now. I cant imagine how many jews and gentiles would come out of the woodwork just to demonize a white version if it were to happen.

RustinKohle ago

Dude look at ufc fighter cain velasquez big brown pride tattoo on his chest. Imagine if a white did that

robot7247 ago

We have a free trial for Hulu and the ad onslaught of black male / white female, fag & crossdresser shit is relentless. It is nearly every ad. I keep pointing this out to my wife and last night she replied "They just want to appeal to a different group of people.". I said "You mean just liberals that like virtue signaling?" "What business sense does it make to appeal to only half of consumers the majority of the time, is this ad creating buy signals for you?". She gets uncomfortable with this line of talk but less so now than 6 months ago, minor progress.

kishind ago

Redpilling your woman requires personal credibility and lots of patience. Just keep pushing the front line, don't try to "seize the capital" of her mind. The capital will fall in time.

robot7247 ago

It's been a long haul over many years. As she is in the medical profession much of her belief system comes from that discipline where you absolutely have to believe the info of record. If you don't people may die and/or you may be sued. So I have to work within those confines and always bring it up in the form of questions. Today's hit home, "Did you know that the CDC reported 2020 national death rate less than the last year(s)? How can it be that heart disease deaths, seasonal flu deaths, etc. have dropped when Covid-19 deaths have gone up?". She will be digging into that all day.

goatsandbros ago

Asians barely even acknowledge the existence of niggers. They're like an alien animal to them.

voatuser1128 ago

Asian men/Asian culture view fat people as disgusting.

And black women tend to be fat in general. I have actually never seen an Asian man with a black woman in real life.

goatsandbros ago

A turd with blood in it is pretty gross, but so is a turd by itself.

Fatti_Lahelle ago

Black females are always going on about how they love big penises. They like black men the most, and very hunky white and Latino guys, but those guys aren't interested in them. Asian men and black women have mutual disgust of each other.

lord_nougat ago

They're like an alien animal to them.


kishind ago

As they should be to all of us. It says something about the retardedness of white empathy that we even consider a foreign species to be human.

Nosferatjew ago

You also never see White guy/Asian woman mixes.

RustinKohle ago

Strange too as its the most popular one

Nosferatjew ago

They show us what they want, and don't show us what they don't want.

RustinKohle ago

Eh. They probably prefer miscengation in every form, that ones just lower on their hierarchy.

Nosferatjew ago

It is indeed a hierarchy, with the most destructive mixes at the top, and the least destructive at the bottom.

Shvonce ago

Go to California, white bitches love Mexicans

voatuser1128 ago

I actually seen more white bitches with niggers.

But the highest interracial mix are white guys with Asian women. Asian women hate their race so much they would fuck the lowest tier of white men. We need to ban immigration from Asia or else every white man would end up with super easy Asian pussy.

Firevine ago

I've seen two mixed race couples that weren't black/white. Two.

One is Asian lady and fat dopey white guy.

One is Indian lady and loser dopey white guy.

Both of these make it a point to portray the white guy as a total schlub.

voatuser1128 ago

Too be honest, most white guys who date non whites tend to be total schlubs. Because if you were a Chad white guy you could get a white woman unless you were super lazy and just wanted some super easy Asian pussy.

CeasarSalud ago

That's because those groups get annoyed at the idea. Just keep commenting how the videos are Erasure of black women and watch the hilarity Ensue

obvious-throwaway- ago


It's a really far out there theory, but hear me out. Services like Jewtube and Hulu and the sort all feature the ability to remove advertising if you pay them more shekels. Maybe, just maybe, the reason they make the ads so unbearable and cringe is so that white people will pay the premium fee to remove them? Also could be a push to get people to cancel cable/satellite and adopt their new digital services which have to be substantially cheaper for them to distribute. Just look at how well that model worked for HeeBO, pay money, no commercials.

AntiMason ago

No way. They think we are Edom and are trying to destroy us and conquor the planet.

BringtheRainOnIsrael ago

agreed. this is a fight for survival

the ironic thing is jews are such cowards they must fight from the shadows, while we will fight in the daylight and simply slaughter them much quicker then their whole "war of attrition" has done to us

It's time to kill or be killed.

vastrightwing ago

Make anti-miscegenation great again.

lord_nougat ago


MrPim ago

That's because there's a second layer of propaganda they'rere trying to push. There's the race mixing. But under that is the idea that niggers will replace the white middle class. Niggers outnumber the tacos. So the idea is Replace White Man, Become the New White Man. That's a lie of course. The middle class will be gone. But they aren't smart enough to figure that out.

There is Replacement propaganda and there is also Economic Propaganda all in one commercial/movie/tv show

Swiiirlyhunter ago

The real kicker is that these niggers are all part white or mexican. None of them are pure anymore in america.

So they're trying to replace white man with a mongoloid, that is just smart enough to hold a job (because of the white mixing), but so easily controlled en masse at the same time.

lord_nougat ago

But they're getting the same thing they got with the africanized honey bee! Dumb idiot stupids!

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con77 ago

I actually saw an commercial for Ex-Lax that had a white bitch in bed with a nigger. WTF?

paperfolder1 ago

No, that wasn't a nigger. That was showing the Ex-Lax worked so well she couldn't make it to the bathroom and shit the bed.

CuntReckTheRecord ago

I was thinking about that a while back, they should make ads with unusual race/gender combinations to illustrate the absurdity of it all, like...
black father, 100% chinese girl
black mother, 100% white boy
Just to make normies go, wait a minute...

BasedBabyYoda ago

They already started white couple black kid ads.

Fatti_Lahelle ago

That's more realistic because there are cucks who adopt black kids. Blacks aren't adopting and raising white or Asian kids.

mattsixteen24 ago

5% lesbian. I don't watch talmud and to those that do, why? My parents still watch that crap and whenever I'm over there I see that garbage.

lord_nougat ago

And of course that new tranny nigger christmas ad for whatever the fuck it was for. I do need to remember to make sure to actively avoid the product. Oh yeah, it's Ritz crackers. Don't buy those anymore pls.

Fatti_Lahelle ago

I did a survey where they showed that ad and wanted feedback on it, and I told them how I really felt about it and that I was fed up with all the tranny globalist bullshit.

Flirp ago

Eh, I buy the store brand. Sometimes they taste better than the brand crackers. And you can buy 2+ boxes for the price on 1 brand box.

lord_nougat ago

I just bought Saltines because they're better in both chili AND soup.

BasedWolf ago

Because beaners and chinks aren't the ones being invaded. The goal is to demoralize whites to the point where they don't mind their entire race being destroyed and their cultures replaced with some generic globalist metropolitan shit.

Hirion ago

Because whites and white beaners can still have a white-looking offspring whereas niggers completely kill white genes. We're completely incompatible with them. Remember that blacks share DNA with a mysterious "ghost population" of now-extinct ancient human-like creatures. So nogs aren't even technically 100% human. Don't forget they lack neanderthal genes.

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Orthalyx ago


prairie ago

Even beaners and chinks are too smart for that.

fightknightHERO ago

yeah the most common ones are black men and white women

but i've seen some White male and black/Mullato Woman ads at IKEA (they know well enough the cucks are the ones paying for the shitty made in china DIY furniture)

what really bugs me is the clothing/Fashion ads

they always put a fucking ugly as shit sheboon wearing some fancy ass cloths and for white women they put them in trashy, ripped cloths

and put a cigarette in their mouth in order to "masculize" em too

disgusting kikery at full display, daily reminder why i always buy my clothing from small independent stores that rip me the fuck off

because they need to pay the rent for their meager business that may be swallowed by kikes in a few months

Mmmmkaybitch ago

Why is it always a super Jewy soy dude with an ugly sheboon??? (((Every))) (((Single))) (((Time))).

BringtheRainOnIsrael ago

because due to their pervasive amount of genetic illnesses they need "new blood" so jews are culturally permitted by other jews to beg niggers hoping to get some "physical strength" from their genes

This is why niggers and jews should be not allowed to live in the united states, violates the 1948 UN Resolution on Genocide by promoting partial or complete destruction of whites

because how can being around blacks not lead to destruction...

thebearfromstartrack ago

Indians and niggers, but SOME (few) indeterminate race (still shit skins) as well. ALmost ALWAYS white women, and less often nigger mongrel women (half white).

hollywood2020 ago

Sam's Club has an ad featuring a black woman, mulatto kid, and a soy faggot white guy unloading groceries from an SUV in front of a mcmansion. All the staged pic shows is fantasy and obvious impossibility. It's like the fem ad agency wants us to buy this scenario even if nothing pictured has ever been seen. Why?

vastrightwing ago

Ideas sell. People fall in love with ideas. The actual reality doesn't matter. TV only shows ideas, seldom actual outcomes. You look at that beautiful sailboat and imagine all the fun you're going to have. They don't explain how much that boat costs in terms of money and time. That beautiful illusion is destroyed once you write the first check.

The idea of miscegenation is being sold as an illusion of how wonderful life is by mixing. While for some people it can work. The majority of miscegenation end in total destruction. Children suffer the most. Remember, we're in a hot war of kleptocrats against us deplorables. This is an attempt to have society self destruct.

Just give every family a sail boat.

hollywood2020 ago

Great post, will follow

lord_nougat ago

It's obvious hollywood's fault, in 2020.

hollywood2020 ago


lord_nougat ago


strommel ago

i don't own a TV (haven't in 10+ years), but saw a racemixed ad on amazon prime the other day. it had a black woman with a white man and a hella-fucked-up looking kid.

my emotional response was immediate pure disgust. i would never buy what was being advertised in such a manner.

bonghits4jeebus ago

Every show on Amazon prime is a race mixing ad

jewsbadnews ago

Went into a Kohl's the other day, I saw at least 3 giant posters of interracial couples, 2 out of the 3 I saw were BM/WF and the other was WM/BF. It's ONLY ever those two combinations.

SparklingWiggle ago

That was what they were selling.

hollywood2020 ago

This was online, was looking for a Costco or Sams. Sams is 50 miles.........and 100$ annual fee. Fine, but the pic on the first banner.......vomit a little. Thing is, none of that is real. What is real is Walmart locking up nigger products so they won't steal them. That is real

AntiMason ago

They are screwing with us on an industrial scale.

ReAwakened ago

Even an asian man can't eat a black woman.

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

Thats... gross.

NoTrueScotsman ago

It annoys me that after all that photo shop, they didn't put an asian picture and name on the asian one.

ex-feminist ago

ah, its a classic. oldie but goodie

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

I don’t like that meme because it subtly implies that exclusively dating white guys is what fat, ugly girls do

Hirion ago

She's not ugly by any means. It's the amount of fat that makes her look unattractive, but she could look pretty good if she lost some weight.

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

I don’t see it, but I agree her weight is the main problem. My guess would be average or maybe a little cute without all the fat.

Agent7851 ago

I took it as a “I know black men will want me but I can do better I only want white”

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

That makes sense. I think what matters most is how White women see it since they’re the intended audience.

Agent7851 ago

Prob took it as don’t be fat no one will want me.

LeeDoverwood ago

It's been photo shopped. I saw the original years back and it said only black men could handle this. The comments below tell the real story.

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

Hmm, I guess looking at the comments the whole thing is a lazy photoshop party. Look at time stamps, image and text alignment, etc.

I guess this also begs the question - is it better rhetoric to show a fugly white girl preferring niggers (normalizing any race mixing but making it a fat girl thing) or race purity (good natural message but undermined by her looks)

I think showing them prefer niggers makes more sense to an audience where it’s already normalized I guess.

LeeDoverwood ago

The responding comments are from the original. The OP comment is fake.

Sachabaronscolon ago

I like it because it's a joke.

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

I mean yeah it is funny. But...

“It’s just a joke, what’s the big deal? It’s funny!”

“It’s just an advertisement, what’s the big deal? They just want to appeal to different groups!”

“It’s just a song what’s the big deal? It’s got a catchy beat!”

“It’s just a movie, what’s the big deal? It’s good other than the casting”

See where I’m going with this?

Silver_Sky ago

We don't eat pork

Loooool thanks for reminding me of this.

chirogonemd ago

Too high in fat and grizzle. These Asians keep things lean. They don't mind some fish oil, but blacks are more like peanut oil combined with McDonalds fryer oil.

Plavonica ago

fat and grizzle


chirogonemd ago

Thanks for the correction. It's not often you have to spell that word, and I guess I was just going phonetically. I kind of thought it was just a colloquialism.

Plavonica ago

I guess I was just going phonetically

Yup, that's probably how it would read phonetically. I read an insane amount so I tend to remember stuff like that.

chirogonemd ago

You made me think about the fact that I've used the word gristly before, and wrote it properly in that context haha. My dumbass didn't make the connection I suppose.

Qnomenon ago

Nah, that's more of a hotdog in a hallway situation.

SparklingWiggle ago

Good luck finding the hallway.

voatuser1128 ago

Asian men/Asian culture view fat people as disgusting.

And black women tend to be fat in general.

I really wished more white slave owners fucked their female slaves. They might have fucked the nigger out if them before Ol Abe freed them.

SparklingWiggle ago

Abe wanted them sent to Liberia.

ketoll ago

More of a journey to the center of the earth situation.

PhilKDick ago

When tthey're really hungry, they eat dogs. Never black women