fatbuttgoblin ago

There are SO many interracial ads even my 60 year old boomer mom noticed and said something lol

SuckMyCock ago

There's nothing like an impotent rage post resulting from an inferiority complex by a cracker troglodyte cuck.

Go on, rage more. Nothing you do will make a majority of white women prefer non-white cock. I mean, what can your jobless ass do? Finger your own asshole while drinking cheap beer?

I'll give you a safe piece of advice: take a knife and cut off your balls. You won't need it, you aren't using it and you can always eat it for supplemental nutrition in case sucking cock can't get you enough money for the month.

Onward2_Sideways8 ago

I love you, man. You've said everything I've been thinking all in 3 perfect sentences. It must feel good to be you. lol

SubspaceDistortion ago

They don't care about interracial marriage. They are promoting interracial breeding. Where is the statistics for that figure?

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

This is literally why I turned off the TV, for like....forever. Honestly, it's been far more refreshing either playing some minor vidya, or reading books, or just generally taking care of life's day-to-day business.

Turn off the Talmud-vision.

MassTooter ago

2.1% of married White women and 2.3% of married White men had a non-White spouse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interracial_marriage_in_the_United_States#:~:text=Based%20on%20these%20figures%3A,had%20a%20non%2DWhite%20spouse.

Then you need to factor in all the non-married "single mom" type whites who have mixed kids now.

ShadowHelp ago

.068% source? Sounds way too low.

slapstick2 ago

How come there's this other post on the front page of boat saying its 13%. ......???!?!?!

ConanLibertatem ago

Talmud vision percentage much higher than 52% if you through in all the mulatto kids that signify the same.

WatchListMe ago

Where did you get this stat? I see niggers fucking white women all over the place here in California . It’s disgusting and they’re all so proud of it. I work with this Asian girl. She’s 26. She brags about how’s her kids are black, Asian, and Mexican.

Bigwhistle ago


dampkitty ago

Every clothing advert aimed at women has nigger models

jews always target females first

BordelonLoop ago

who downvoted this?



Hun, Over 15% of new marriages in the USA are interracial.

NoKiddin ago

.068% because most mudsharks don't get married to bucks, they just get knocked up and have a shotsprog. Think % is higher on mudsharking, but not as high as 52% I hope.

Floppyhorsecock ago

It has gone from white chick with black dude every ad to white dude with black chick half of them.

The most rare shit in the world are the North American Turkey Snipe and white dudes married to black chicks.

Mugman ago

Only interracial couples i know are the nahm guys who bagged themselves a gook.

New-World-Ebola ago

jews like 12 gauge loads up their hooked noses too the dirty fucking rodent faggots

Nichtlustig ago

I was put in a situation recently where I had to use the internet without adblocker for several weeks.... Hot damn if that wasn't a high scoring game of Spot the Nigger... I'm not kidding, I was actually laughing out loud after a certain point when every single ad that played on youtube was starring a black, even if it was just a voice over or a quick shot of a hand doing something.

What could it mean.... Hm....


Burn down and advertising agency

thebearfromstartrack ago

I feel the SAME way only more profoundly, with feeling and all that stuff.

Nowhiteguilt22 ago

The first defences is religion.

Then you can simply name the enemy.

After that you have to take their rights. Don’t allow them to hold power.

Plant_Boy ago

Just over 5%???

Isn't that around about the global margin of error? So interracial marriages could be a discrepancy within global statistics?

111MrGuy111 ago

Imagine a future where AI can body-swap people in movies, in real time. I predict a very selective viewing experience in that future.

Black Panther reimaged with only Whites

ClaytonBigsby313 ago

I see way more interracial couples, and way more pictures of interracial couples than that. Check your stats you're understating it. More like 5-10% overall on the first and 75-90% on the second.

THSenior ago

10.2% is the real number. OP is a jew.

Paranoiaattack ago

8.4 according to Pew

2010 Pew Research Center Report

The study (U.S. Census Bureau's 2010 American Community Survey) found that in 2010:[20]

A record 15.1% of all new marriages in the United States were between spouses of a different race or ethnicity from one another. This compares to 8.4% of all current marriages regardless of when they occurred.

THSenior ago

2010 Pew Research Center Report

Google a modern report, it's 10.2%

Paranoiaattack ago

Get me a link you lazy nigger

THSenior ago

you googled to find your bullshit number from 10 years ago, you can google to find a current one too

Paranoiaattack ago

lazy nigger

THSenior ago


BasedBabyYoda ago

How many are white women and niggers though?

noob_tube ago

I'd bet the majority are white men and asian women.

BasedBabyYoda ago

I think it is white women and hispanic men, mostly calafornia I would guess.

oneinchterror ago

Fewer than that, but marriage statistics don't tell the full miscegenation story anyway, since degenerate coal burners almost never get married anyway.

Paranoiaattack ago

Fair point. Simple minds sucked in to the jew's propaganda.

getshanked ago

That’s only an over-representation of 76,470% you bigot.

dmandnm ago

I even saw a nigger Keebler elf trying to sell me some cookies. A nigger elf FFS.

SearchVoatBot ago

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PeckerwoodPerry ago

Keebler orc.

blighty ago

Is there a source for either of these claims?

oneinchterror ago


calebagann ago

Anyone know of a compilation of these interracial ads? Trying to wake some people the fuck up

tempuser2 ago

1) Turn on tv

2) Enjoy the compilation

Paranoiaattack ago

You're not wrong...It's closer to 90% in my limited experience

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago


DanielR ago

Interracial Marriages = .068%

And most of those are jews, for some reason jewish women love to fuk niggers.

Even jewish pornstars go for every nigger contract they can get their hands on

lovehate123 ago

Actually dating a Hispanic Girl, I asked her If she is she loyal... Her Literal words "I dont fuck with these Niggers"

Everybody knows.

AllOfItAgain ago

Spics aren't people why don't you just fuck a goat at this point.

lovehate123 ago

This Girl. When I first Started talking to her I asked her about other guys Her exact words where "I don't fuck niggers" over a few weeks I heart it over and over. Man... their alright I understand where you are coming from thought. but many of them are ok.

AllOfItAgain ago

As someone who lived in socal: no they're not. They are like niggers in that even the 1% you think are decent are either using you or planning to hurt you when you least expect it. Good luck dude you'll need it.

lovehate123 ago

Used to work construction, id shoot them smokes from time to time they braught me water.

Went to Trucking School, Hispanic fella Stayed in absolutely pouring rain so I can Practice 90's, I got a 90 on my DMV exam couldn't have done it without his help. Guy Prays every morning lunch and after work Rubin is a top of the line Hispanic.

Dating a Hispanic Girl, Loyal to death, Wants 3+ kids will says she will follow me no matter what, Absolutely Fierce Family type, HAS BLUE EYES.

I dont hange around those short Wife beating gringos that will steel everything not bolted down.

AllOfItAgain ago

She's loyal to death until you're married to her and then you're trapped. These "delicate" "traditional" women from non-white cultures have been educated to say whatever they need to say to trap a white man. At least white women will tell you what they want up front and break up if it's not a fit. I have seen this Spic scam happen to several good white men, they just get played by these Spics. Spics do not have the same definition of honesty or loyalty that white people do. This will backfire on you.

lovehate123 ago

Actually She Does Tell me Up Front what She wants and intends to do, Actively Protects me from Her Mother Whos trying with all of her might to get me derailed and under heel.

She Is a Girl She wants Beauty flowers kids and all of that crapp, Straight up tells me What She wants without hassle.

Only Thing about This Girl I might go to jail for stabbing some one who gets to close.

I Actually Trust her... Watched her for a while now this ones a keeper.

AllOfItAgain ago

You seem a little slow, I just feel bad for you

lovehate123 ago

Psst. she is educated 10 years younger than me and hot af.... Seriously I shit you not.

AllOfItAgain ago

You're getting taken in. You should back out while you can. If you're as blue-collar as you sound, you won't be good enough for her, you won't have the earning potential. If she's actually 10 years younger and hot, she will use you as a stepping stone to get away from Mom. Then she's going to ditch you for a finance guy or lawyer.

Let her Mom break you up, because she will be the Mom on steroids once you're together. You will never be good enough for her. She will make your life hell. She's not going to be a good wife, and she's not being truthful with you about her goals. She's not going to shit out 4 kids, at least not with you. They all do this. You CANNOT trust them. You should find a white girl of similar intelligence who'll be honest with you. This latin whore is going to ruin your life.

lovehate123 ago

On a bad day my IQ is 140 and I have formal education in medicine, I am Old school European and I have planned quite a few things to keep her busy so that I dont get myself into a mess down the road by knocking her up ASAP.

Her Mom, Yhe this woman has my balls locked with a laser pointer... But Again.... Slowly I calmed her the eff down, the Girl Calming her the Eff down little by little defusing and changing the situation, constantly complimenting her of How Loyal her Personality is, How Fiercely she defends her mother.

I plan on going Reckless Honest perfect husband with about 15 grand in Gifts right from the get go. But its not reckless at all, just a gamble.

I know money impresses Her, But Slowly but Surely. she is paying more attention to family matters fully convinced I will share everything... I will if She plays along.

The Situation is under control and I think I kinda love her to.

Her Mom, is a wild card.... Gotta be careful with her, I also Understand The 26 year old Girl knows what her mom is thinking and hinting at her to do to me.. very aware...

So Far iv gotten away with minor battles, like being able to say "You really should have not..." and She now Understands that I am a person.....Its gonna be tough first 3 years. but I wont stress.

That 15 grand of gifts I throw at her is a hell of allot better then legally signing paperwork and losing 100 grand after 3 years.

I hope for the best for myself and her whatever she decides to do in life, worst case scenario she becomes a best friend, gonna nail her one way or another.

AllOfItAgain ago

Why are you working as a trucker if you have a medical qualification? Nothing about your story adds up LOL.

I will tell you again: This girl will become the mom the second you're linked more closely. Whether that's a formal marriage or having a kid. You're getting taken in here dude.

lovehate123 ago

Will actually take that into consideration, that actually sounds allot like what my Father would tell me.

Medical, It was a while ago but Basically I trained as a midwife in Europe which translates to RN Nurse here in the States, 80 grand for a Super high stress Job.... Plus a Criminal Record.... so I went into Trucking Met a few people took some advice here and there and im on a path to turn this into a business that will net me half a million a year in about 2 or 3 years and All I really do is Sit on my ass and Drive safe! then get a pat on the back, Kids motioning at me to toot People waving at me from Bridges, Got to see ALL of America... You know I actually Fell in love with this country somewhere between 4 and 5 AM when I got lost on Amish Roads.

Yes, If You are Truly Competent Sociable good Looking and hard working You will find a way to make some good money.

But You gotta be Healthy and have good eating habits.

Yhe I am VERY wary of Her mom... VERY... Im not retarded and before I start signing papers, I still got a few things to figure out with Her.

She is who she is but I think Her Major Problems are her mom and holy shit, she will stay on my ass half a day, what are you doing? What exactly are you doing right now... like that.... also one of those told you so, should have done it my way.... I rather put up with that than some of the horror stories I heard about.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Is it really only 52%?

I could have sworn that it was much more.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

Both of those stats probably aren't right, and asking here isn't the correct way to get an accurate answer

The_Dogfck ago

The other 48% is faggots

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

we need a venn diagram to show the niggerfaggot percentile

CanIPlay2 ago

Thanks for saving me the time on having to type that out.

mundanest ago

Your comment was longer.

wokeasfook ago

No no no goy it's the chinese

DontBeRacist ago

People just don't get married anymore, but they'll do everything you're supposed to do when married without it.

DavidGydeon ago

Wow. You guys are so fucking desperate its awkward to watch....

Just had the urge to freak out about interracial marriage advertising and then, BOOM!, its muh-joos???

CarltheCuck88 ago

More like DavidGOYdeon

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Qtards submission by @NorthSeaPagan.

Posted automatically (#151255) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@DavidGydeon: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NorthSeaPagan)

NorthSeaPagan ago

Wow, a Qoomoid boomer subhuman (if not worse, a nigger/shitskin and/or kike) you should literally be killed.

DavidGydeon ago


I don't hide behind a VPN. I AIN'T hard to find.

Anytime bud. Just show up. I dare you. I want you to.

You won't. Just another angry incel nazifag....

Nukeisrael ago

You are literally disgusting.

DavidGydeon ago

Literally? Fag.

Thats it? Thats all you got? Ain't got a set to do something?

You nazifags are alllllllllll the same. Never do shit. All talk about "one day" this, and "you're all gonna die" that.

Anytime champ. Just show up....

500five ago

Post your address.

Nukeisrael ago

You literally type like you suck cock dude.

DavidGydeon ago

Says the "literally" guy....

Nukeisrael ago

Yes. You sound like you’re a faggot.

NorthSeaPagan ago

One day we will find you and kill you and your entire family.

HiJoker ago

Arguing with your sock puppets doing it for you?

DavidGydeon ago

"WE" ....LOL

Listen to you! You admit you're a fucking cuck!

Can you not read? I'm INVITING you to give it your best shot.

Shit, bring your nazifag brokeback buddies too if you need em. You clearly have never met a Southern-raised Jew before...

And my family? LOL. I'd bet on my 2 CHILDREN over your crew any day, without blinking.

You ain't gonna do shiiiiiiiiiit.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Hahaha, at least you admit to being a literal subhuman kike

DavidGydeon ago

If I am sub-human, why are you having such a hard time following through?

Because you're full of shit.

You get your shit pushed in, regularly.

And YOU ain't gonna do shit. You know it, I know it, and any poor chick you tricked into getting near that micro-dick and ball-less sac knows it.

Big threats. No mess.

ANY time, my man. Your move.

Nukeisrael ago


Kike_Slayer_88 ago

Ok kike.

DavidGydeon ago

Do something.

I'm openly inviting you to do SOMETHING.

Dare ya, nazifag. I don't hide behind a VPN. I would LOVE for one of you computer-commandos to march on over and try.

You won't. You haven't. You're an angry incel. My kids could wipe the floor with you.

Seriously, do something.

LeeDoverwood ago

Am I missing the fact that no one threatened you yet you are literally begging for it? Go hide behind your kids you fucking coward.

DavidGydeon ago

Yes, you missed it. Tighten up.

"NorthSeaPagan 2 points (+2|-0) 49 minutes ago One day we will find you and kill you and your entire family."

Onward2_Sideways8 ago

Wt makes y think I h't "done sg" aly?

DavidGydeon ago

I dont speak retard.

Anytime. Can I be any more clear?

Onward2_Sideways8 ago

what... ...makes... ...you... ...think... ...I... ...haven't... "done ...sg" aly?...

DavidGydeon ago

Because you're still sitting behind a computer...?

Kike_Slayer_88 ago

LOL kvetch some more and dilate kike :^)


DavidGydeon ago

All my guns are legal. Ammo too.

DO SOMETHING BRO. I don't hide behind a VPN.

Anytime you're ready, just roll up....

twb-gold ago

Why do you care so much what race people are in their marriage or in commercials? Eventually you realize that it doesn't matter what race or religion someone is. What matters is their character. And you start seeing things like interracial marriages as good because it means we aren't punishing someone for their race.

500five ago

nigger are genetically different. Not only do they have large lips and wide noses, they lack development in their prefrontal cortex.

The differences are more than skin, they have different brains. jews know this and push niggers to fuck Whites as an insult and to genetically destroy Europeans.

twb-gold ago

Their brains aren't any worse than other races, as far as I can tell.

500five ago

There are differences in IQ and race.

Also, they are the most impulsive out of all races. Hence why they fight and shoot each other so often.

twb-gold ago

I don't think there is any significant difference in IQ or impulsiveness due to race. If there are differences, it's due to economics and other social differences. Not genetics. IMHO.

Cletusaurus ago

Please stop being a retard:


Nukeisrael ago

You don’t know what race is. You think it’s skin color. Your axioms are wrong so your conclusions are useless.

DontBeRacist ago

But the truth is that the vast majority of niggers are shit. So that means race does matter.

twb-gold ago

The majority of black people I know are amazing people.

DontBeRacist ago

I guess you haven't been around typical niggers, or your judgment and standards are messed up. The two niggers I know are holding jobs, but they are pieces of shit. Nigger one is a fat, lazy sack of shit that likes weed, drinking, strip clubs, and listens to nigger monkey shit like most niggers do. The other one is this sheboon that popped out 3 keeids and has "They dad" in her phone. I guess that nigger is still around. She is with some other nigger she doesn't respect because that nigger is obviously a pretty typical nigger. She also has that nigger abusiveness mentality. The only way to control kids or people is to be abusive to them. She probably had to live with that shit while she was growing up too.

twb-gold ago

Yeah, but that doesn't mean it's OK to stereotype. There are some black people who are extremely hardworking and smart.

DontBeRacist ago

Who let the faggot leftist in here? Yeah, you can deal with individuals as individuals when you know them, but this doesn't mean you shouldn't have expectations for people of certain groups. Niggers are quite often, loud, dumb, crooked, and lazy, and I don't expect much different from an unknown nigger. They also most likely listen to vile nigger shit. Aside from this a group of niggers will always be a group of niggers and is very unlikely to be stratified enough to be significantly different from the group averages.

twb-gold ago

I'm not a leftist, I'm very pro-capitalism. I'm also not gay, just a huge supporter of gay rights and gay marriage.

Kike_Slayer_88 ago

LOL ok cuckservative.


LegitimatePen ago

Because bestiality is just plain wrong

VoataoV ago

Need source on that interracial marriage statistic buddy.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/JewboxGarbage comment.

Posted automatically (#151293) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@VoataoV: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

tempuser2 ago

Yeah this doesn't pass the sniff test, at all.

Onward2_Sideways8 ago

You might need a source, but you can go touch your pink rectum while you're at it.

VoataoV ago

So you're saying you're putting out discreditable information on this platform as false talking points? Thanks Shlomo.

Onward2_Sideways8 ago


hahaha... and you call ME Shlomo.

VoataoV ago

Listen Shlomo, on voat you only have two options:

A) You arm your fellow man with excellent due diligence in order to combat the scourge of the Jew

B) You arm your fellow man with garbage that easily gets ripped apart by a liberal

You're doing B) which is setting people here up to fail with incorrect and unestablished information.

Therefore, you're a Shlomo.

Onward2_Sideways8 ago

And while you're playing by the rules, the fucking kikes are running your government, making a mockery of your election and teaching your kids how wonderful niggers are. Fuck all of that. How many nuclear weapons does Israel have? Who cares? It'll only take 3 to wipe that shithole off the map. 4 if you include one for NYC.

VoataoV ago

What does that have to do with arming yourself and your fellow voater with proper due diligence and strong apologetics?

AttackHelicopter ago

Completely irrelevant to the post you're responding to. It makes you look like the Shlomo he is calling you.

DankSniper ago

It's hard to get married when he knocks you up and leaves

prairie ago

Just like depiction of gays and gender confused.

redwing14 ago

interracial is like 5-10% . They want a majority mixed race though.

con77 ago

its nowhere near that. Fags are < 2% too. Dont buy the hype

oneinchterror ago

He's right and you're coping.

con77 ago

youre wrong about that

mudbear ago

but i heard that homosexuality is over 30%!!!

that means if you have two friends chances are one of you is gay!

its all fucking bullshit. those are probably their projected numbers if they are successful.

con77 ago

and if you watch commercials on TV blacks are 70% of the population and upper middle class

mudbear ago

yes, blacks are intellectual and cultured, while that retarded white in his office that had everything handed to him and doesnt know how he got there just constantly embarrasses his race.

con77 ago

keep slurpin that propaganda nigger

mudbear ago

its really hard to get sarcasm across with only typing but seriously i'd have figured you following this thread you would pick it up without me having to explain it...

oneinchterror ago

@con77 is one of the dumbest boomers on this website. It's frankly astonishing how dumb he is.

con77 ago

and i was gonna invite yo to my birthday party

oneinchterror ago

Hey I'll still come, I have a lot of dumb friends.

con77 ago

Patron silver please

Firevine ago

Only 52%? Shocks the shit out of me.

PanteraFan99 ago

I was thinking the same, 52% sounds about 20% off.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Must be nominal to unique ads. If they were counting % of all ad exposures I am certain it would be 98%+.

RCCollier ago

Too many ads with too many niggers. Every ad has a nigger in it. They're compensating for how "racist" they are by having blacks in their ads by proving to everything "Hey we're not a racist company! We love niggers! You see the niggers in our ads that are portrayed in an unrealistic but positive light? We love niggers! Now buy out shit!"

drhitler ago

meanwhile whites have to constantly avow and still be called racist

Killnigs3 ago

the rest are all niggers

SDem ago

Or faggots

Killnigs3 ago

aye or faggots or niggerfaggots or niggerfaggotjews

i like using jew its an deeper insult than heeb or kike or kikel or heeby or goblin or trollgoblin etc

Nukeisrael ago

Literally every single ad has a nigger.

111MrGuy111 ago

Agitation propaganda. Why are they provoking you?

GrayGadfly ago

The iams commercial is an all white family.

JanoyCresva ago

Niggers don’t buy pet food. If they ever do have a pet, it’s a fucking pitbull they use to dog fight like Mike Vick, and they just feed it leftover fried chicken bones.

Nukeisrael ago

Wow because niggers probably fucking kill their pets or some shit.

obvious-throwaway- ago

It's rare that I ever see ads as I have ad blocker for the net and no cable or satellite, mostly just hear about them on here. Reminds me of CD's, they sold them in the stores long after white people figured out mp3, but I'd still see beaners and niggers standing in the CD isle looking at the pictures on the boxes before slipping them underneath their clothes.

Killnigs3 ago

i count it as kike anticounterfedposting because ever one i see makes me hate niggers and jews waaaaay wayyy more

Nukeisrael ago

I have a kike phone and when I watch YouTube on it every single ad is some nigger family (lol). Every single commercial has a nigger. It’s just normalization for the lemming retards to do nothing when niggers start raping their ass.

Q_From_Star_Trek ago

Brave blocks those ads. But they might be an even better broswer

500five ago

Killnigs3 ago

get youtube vanced it works without an account its just annoying to have to open to open kiketube vids but no ads. we may be forced to use their kiked platforms but we dont have to make them more money doing so.

Nukeisrael ago

At this point I just want to throw them into pits and light them on fire dude.

Killnigs3 ago

i get that vibes bro i get them vibes real hard