The whole system seems so rotten and corrupt that one wonders where would you even start? (whatever)
submitted 4.2 years ago by vdwcdfwmmypwybua
I'll direct this question to those calling for a revolution as well. Where would you even start?
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VandalayIndustries 4.2 years ago
Small business needs to all open up.
Mass non compliance is only way.
NorthSeaPagan 4.2 years ago
"If only human nature worked in the way I want it too hurr durr"
vdwcdfwmmypwybua 4.2 years ago
Free will does not exist and small businesses will never just "open all up" because that is not how human nature works, peaceful movements never work unless they have the backing of the state.
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VandalayIndustries ago
Small business needs to all open up.
Mass non compliance is only way.
NorthSeaPagan ago
"If only human nature worked in the way I want it too hurr durr"
vdwcdfwmmypwybua ago
NorthSeaPagan ago
Free will does not exist and small businesses will never just "open all up" because that is not how human nature works, peaceful movements never work unless they have the backing of the state.