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greydragon ago

Just thinking about something here. What if one were to make a hidden website that was the repository of videos and had one (or more) client-facing site(s) as the proxy(ies)? That way, went one gets DDoSed or whatever other problem, it is just the proxy getting taken down, not the hidden repository of videos. The only entity that could figure out the hidden site would be the hosting site of the proxies. Thus, new proxies could be made in literally an hour.

The data on the proxies would be extremely "thin" and easily replicated. Drunk, but am I missing something?

privategoat ago

This method works for some time, but depending how popular it gets and how bad other actors want the videos pulled, they can do some correlation and figure out where the real parent repository is and from there find it's physical location etc. I've seen some large scale CP distribution (and other) ops traced when the criminal had a solid setup.