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TheSecretShakespeare ago

It's inevitable that men of True Will and Courage must eventually have to stop typing dissent from behind the 'anonymous' keyboard.

'The Strong Man is Mightiest Alone' is the name of a chapter from a book that you should all deeply understand...but you don't.

The author of this book knows the power of the spoken word, the word spoken before men in the public square, even if that public square is a crowded beer hall.

You gabby digital fools who claim to understand and only spout current events and past insights which are not known by the majority are not aware of the power and danger of spontaneously standing and bearing witness to Truth.

It's dangerous to do so and requires a unique genius of character and a rare fortitude that you won't find here on VOAT.

The test of your hypocrisy is how you respond to the fact that this truth was spoken and lived by the Noble Wolf himself, but then again, you don't know who that is.

Do you? Forest for the trees...

-- The Secret Shakespeare

"Comically enough, the committee embodied the very principle against which the movement itself wanted to fight with all its energy, namely, the principle of parliamentarianism. Here was a principle which personified everything that was being opposed by the movement, from the smallest local groups to the district and regional groups, the state groups and finally the national directorate itself. It was a system under which we all suffered and are still suffering.

It was imperative to change this state of affairs forthwith, if this bad foundation in the internal organization was not to keep the movement insecure and render the fulfilment of its high mission impossible."

-- The Noble Wolf