TheKnightOfGod ago

"Spread the word daily."


Watch this niggerfaggots

- Europa: The Last Battle

- The Greatest Story Ever Told

New-World-Ebola ago

i think everyone on voat should have watched these by now... you gotta tell people offline who never get exposed to any of this.

Civil_Warrior ago

killing more jews faster than they can procreate. This is what is best.

LettItBurn ago

The single most important thing the Trump administration has done is to make the world awaken to FAKE NEWS. That awareness is shortly followed by FAKE HISTORY.

Death Camps? Why were so many Jewish families spared from the ravages of war?

Death Camps? ...then why are so many still alive?

Death Camps? The nation of Germany is still paying 5 thousand Deutschmarks per month to any jew claiming a ride on a train in 1933.

...fucking fake bullshit.

I'll bet that burning bush and the flight from Egypt are lies, too.

Babadookk ago

Trump spreads fake news himself all of the time

‘China is the greatest threat’

Moon_Central ago

Awakening people and expelling the jews won't solve the problem.

extrakushy ago

If only we could take the ((bankers)) out of the equation. People are so fucking brainwashed now it’s never going to happen.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

How do you prepare?

boekanier ago

the problem is, that the jews started this, but in the meantime, they have lots and lots followers, self-hating whites, useful idiots, leftists of all sorts

New-World-Ebola ago

so... PERSIST!!!!

tourgen ago

You just sound crazy. You are going about this all wrong.

How do you pull someone out of a cult? You don't do it by telling people about a nebulous threat they have no direct experience with. You haven't even identified the most immediate problem and threat.

Also, "... and prepare accordingly" is maybe the stupidest thing I've seen here on Voat all day. Explain what you mean. I dare you to be specific. I know you probably can't because you have spent exactly 0 effort in this area. If you want to make a useful post here, disregard all the joooish fear-porn and post actionable, specific ideas to make progress toward our goal.

New-World-Ebola ago

my lack of specificity is directly related to the threat mentioned.

i don't want people being arrested for "thought crimes" you dopey cunt.

the west is under communism but it will take some years before the sheep realise.

MuzzieJuice ago

No one is going to be arrested for ambiguous hints as to the direction the average goat should focus his efforts upon. Most people have the want, just not the know-how.

Give him a hint, nigger.

MetalAegis ago

Producing many white children is as important, arguably more important.

New-World-Ebola ago

you need to do everything to your advantage... there is no time to waste.

AdaptOrDie ago

Our ancestors were all wrong for not eliminating this threat.

AnotherGrayman ago

What are you doing differently?

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

Our descendants will say the same about us

SearchVoatBot ago

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New-World-Ebola ago

phrase it however you deem necessary... the most important thing is that you actually communicate it somehow to your people.

everyone is responsible for their own neighbourhood.

AlfredENewman ago



j3wish_fabl3s ago


New-World-Ebola ago

comments disabled... not a fan.

Doglegwarrior ago

If you try you end up with no friends and labeled a conspiracy theorist tin foil hat wearing crazy person...

Ask me how I know the sad part is I have a history degree was a teacher for 7 years have read the book the German Civil War of 1919 I read more and have researched more about the holahoax and the people I tried to awaken have read nothing but sit on the moral high ground of 70 years of brainwashing. This moral high ground is literaly impossible to defeat the saying it is easier to fool a man then convince him he has been fooled comes to mind.

86USSLiberty ago

Same story. They fucking dismiss me when all I did was get a masters in history and actually read. Peoples fucking eyes glaze over when you hand them source material to read.

RoundWheel ago

First of all, they have to want to know. Most people prefer a comfortable lie to the ugly truth. Most people are incapable of admitting they've been tricked. Their world view is shaped by comfortable lies.

Secondly, you must avoid cognitive dissonance. Which means a slow burn. Most people fail to convert others because they try to push the big truths. Brains shutdown and rebel. You will only be effective with small truths and questions which allow them to question their own position. Socratic method. Slow and steady wins the race.

I have roughly a 100% conversion rate for the people around me - of whom I've tried. Took me a decade for my father.

Pick your battles. Go slow.

Doglegwarrior ago

I'm checking out sorry.

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

Don't name the jew in the sense of trying to fight against all the retarded Kikey-wood brainwashing. Instead, focus on the money-changers, the banking system that fucker the German people over for decades. Use the typical 'McShekelberg Goldstein' angle to turn on the lights in peoples heads, or at least plant the seed of thinking. Americans, at least, care far more about their paychecks and money/banks than they do about some + half-century old political party that most Americans could really care less about. The shole financial history of Germany during the late 1800's through roughly the rise of Hitler is a non-stop rollercoaster of crashes. That's exactly why the German people were left destitute. Pretty much the same game plan the kikes are doing to America right now.

If you tell them who's stealing from them, they may be far more inclined to sharpen their knives.

Jiggggg ago

Damn man I can't imagine how hard it would be to be a history academic while knowing the truth.

jimibulgin ago

If you try you end up with no friends and labeled a conspiracy theorist tin foil hat wearing crazy person...

Already there.

New-World-Ebola ago


toggafreggin ago

They lack insight. The culture has bred it out of them.

stealthygeek ago

Or, "If you were being lied to all this time wouldn't you want to know??"

New-World-Ebola ago

you're getting there my friend. persist.

romanstock ago

i've already done this with my family.. but they still just vote for the two major parties and are apathetic about it. and they are never going to sit down and actively watch documentaries or read up a bit to find out the truth. so even when i make them submit to the fact that jews control the world and certain jew facts, they still overwhelmingly believe false propaganda and have no understanding to perceive the truth. i cannot compete with the massive amount of information flow that the jew is putting into their heads. i'm a boulder in a river.

i can't even compete in the most basic regards. everytime my boomer father brings up china i have to tell him jews control communism, not the chinese. and it doesn't get through. he just says oh ok yeah. and then does it again later. he doesn't understand what i'm saying at all because he will never put in a modicum of self-effort to find out the truth for himself. and because the mainstream media is constantly talking about chinese infiltration. he just keeps thinking it's china trying to take us over. lol

New-World-Ebola ago

i'm not going to argue with you about the influence of jews, but even if jews suddenly ceased to exist, we would still be faced with china and islam at the same rate.

they have become exclusive threats in and of themselves. If you were able to make your stubborn boomer parents watch a single video do you have it already designated?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

why would china and islam be at the same rate when we're already in 5 islamic countries?

why do you fucking kikes insist on equivalencies when we can reasonably measure the factors that you're implying?

New-World-Ebola ago

probably because there's at least a million chinese in Australia, canada, probably NZ and more than 4 million of the cunts in USA... that might be why, kike.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


have they attacked us? muslims have killed friends of mine already. you said same rate.

stop using fucking equivalency language and laundry lists. This is a conversation about your shitty kike rhetoric, WHICH IS KINDA FAILING TBH.

where are the chinese rape gangs lol?

New-World-Ebola ago

you're speaking about your own fucked up perception.

moslems act almost exclusively from indoctrinated impulse.

chinese IQ is significantly higher and they are playing the long game for total victory.

"chinese rape gangs" are inevitable if immigration continues.

albatrosv15 ago

chinese IQ is significantly higher

Hah, you blew it. I almost wanted to believe you weere talking logic and stuff.

Chinese copy-paste, steal and cheat. The tests are given to the elitest of elite and even then they cheat.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

equivalencies are highly fallacious.

he's trying to trick you.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

ah... so not at the same rate at all.

just say that your equivalency language is fallacious.

maybe stop using laundry lists and grossly fallacious equivalencies?

New-World-Ebola ago

just stop being a faggot.

i've still got a transport option for you.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

i just don't see how laundry lists and equivalencies help jews.

you're like the little kid who got caught playing hookie who wants someone to do detention with him.

New-World-Ebola ago

(((for real!!!)))

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

I think about that a lot... the reactions of these international entities is so similar to the things that children do when they get in trouble, but just on a much grander scale.

New-World-Ebola ago

you mean to say they do things that resemble humans? that's mind blowing shit rabbi.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

There you go with equivalencies again.

Children become adults at 18 and are treated differently under the law.

Plus adults have a greater tendency to be sneaky and camouflage their actions and intent more than children.

New-World-Ebola ago

so are you chinese or jewish? you can tell me

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

I tell you what...

I’m both... in equivalent parts lol

Do you like what I did there?

romanstock ago

i've already shown him several videos. he always talks over the top of them and doesn't listen. i tell him to shut up and listen. he has the attention span of a boomer.

New-World-Ebola ago

hahaha... can't save em all.

obvious-throwaway- ago

The most depressing thing about all of this is that if England and the United States had joined Japan and Germany, Russia, China and the kikes would have all fallen and people would be reading this comment on a space station orbiting Mars.

The1stLantern ago

Fuck that hurts to read :/

Babadookk ago

Fdr was a jew

toggafreggin ago

Nope. Civilization is falling apart because it's psychopathic, unsustainable, and unnatural. It will always end in dysevolution and collapse, no matter which group of psychopaths is running the show.

Our real enemies are complacency, comfort, domestication, laziness, ignorance, and hubris, and no war can defeat them.

jthun2 ago

Prove it.

Our real enemies have hooked noses and a belief that they are the chosen people of God.

toggafreggin ago

Search my previous comments. If it's not blatantly obvious to you after that, you're either a moron, or a shill.

BringtheRainOnIsrael ago

nah you prove it kikle, everytime jews are deported that culture has a golden age...clearly the kikle needs to be destroyed and the white man needs white only places so niggers and inbred fucks don't taint our culture anymore.

toggafreggin ago

I agree that we should preserve diversity by claiming and solely occupying homelands. It's also wise to occupy climates that we're genetically adapted to though, so claiming the US as home, is stupid.

I hear Poland is nice.

ruck_feddit ago

Complacency got the romans.

Essentially_Silenced ago

I've said it for awhile...

Our new drug is convenience.

Most people will sacrifice everything if it means they keep their conveniences.

Everyone knows about the invasion of privacy, but no one is interested in giving up the services that track them.

"I use my gps too much to turn off location"

And that's just one solitary example. If we could manage to muster up some honor and find just a little bit of genuine purpose in life, all of these things could be tossed aside with little thought.

toggafreggin ago

It gets all civilizations eventually.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

so depressing lol

so emotional.

New-World-Ebola ago

yep, the world would be all good.

now it's a total shithole.

negrojohnny ago

I really hate matzah ball soup. And unless you want to keep being force fed gefilte fish, you better get off this bus to hell.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

I just tell normies that the last one to the party is a spy.

They get more cookies for doing it faster that way.

You’re not going to unlock a secured gate during the war to go proselytize to normies right? At some point it ends. You have to reward the fast ones and scare the slow ones.

SearchVoatBot ago

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NorthSeaPagan ago

But no one listens


We can't even get most of Voat on our side, they just worship ZOGnold.

Fence_sitter ago

Offer an alternative.

Babadookk ago

Don’t suck up to jews.. ever

NorthSeaPagan ago


watts2db ago

we dont worship him its just the other options are even worse

Babadookk ago

You do worship him. You give him tons of free publicity

NorthSeaPagan ago

Oh, well I guess you should never fight back and just suck ZOGnolds cock forever.

New-World-Ebola ago

what the fuck is your problem with donald jew trumpstein? don't you want to MIGA??????

NorthSeaPagan ago

Of course, nothing is more important than worshiping ZOG team red to "stop" (lol) ZOG team blue from taking power!!!

New-World-Ebola ago

jewnald will save you