voacoal ago

Yuuuup this is so apparent. Like what is the end game liberals? You get your wish of brown people being the majority and get to live in another South Africa where whites are murdered and robbed en masse? Great plan morons.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

the driving force behind white liberal love for other cultures is a seething hate for their own

petevoat ago

Actually, no.

The free thinking want the US to be strong and number one because the US is still an experiment for true freedom after all.

DeplorableSubhumanPi ago

Truest words never spoken

123456788 ago

The thing is, most every 3rd world country, you can make a great life for yourself. Affordable housing, food, etc. The literal only difference is most people have chinese brand phones instead of iphone or samsung. In many cases, their quality of life is better than in expensive big city western areas. The left wants you to think every non-western country is desperate, starving, and lacks a good quality of life... this is simply NOT TRUE and very ignorant thing to think.


A man who's lived years in developing nations and traveled a lot

reason247 ago

Encourage them all to get their. Vaccine as soon as possible. ... :)

ketoll ago

White liberal childless women have an empathy trait which is exploited and weaponized to bring about the self-suicide of western civilization.

cueanon2 ago

Liberals don't love other cultures. They pit different cultures against each other, because the goal is to get to "no culture."

oldblo ago

I love my family more than a stranger. Especially more than those who would wrong me.


Why dont you love those you cant stand as much as everyone else?

I know which side im on.

magameme ago

I agree. I love my family and care about my race, but loving a stranger because they're from a different culture is sick and unnatural.

heilmf ago

Liberals only care about one thing, what their Jewish overlords tell them to care about for that day, week, or month. You think they actually care about other cultures? No.

They care about what the current trend is that can feed their emotional feel good ego

BasedWolf ago

Of course. Even if we give some liberals the benefit of the doubt, and take their ideas at face value and not just believe they're all subversive pieces of shit, they're still pathologically altruistic retards.

What they think is basically a globalized version of the noble savage myth. They're inadvertently white supremacists, thinking only white men have the capacity to be cunning, competitive, imperialist, etc. They're like women who post on Facebook about how dogs are so perfect and innocent because they don't betray people or judge your character and whatever. Liberals think niggers and other non-whites are like dogs; mentally incapable of committing "evil".

Obviously they're completely wrong. Every racial group and culture is out for its collective well-being. Every race and culture would destroy, rape, plunder, pillage if/when it was conducive to their continued existence and success.

What liberals view as whites being mean and non-whites being innocent, is actually just whites winning the game by being better at it than everyone else. Everyone else was still playing the game, and trying to conquer and plunder, they just sucked at it compared to Europeans.

gazillions ago

What you're describing in liberals is pure narcissism, which they learned in the state schools and through afternoon talk shows.

The American obsession with charity is part of the problem as well. We can try to assail them through the taxes AND still more charity? angle. Money is everyone's weak point

Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

The gays need to visit Muslim countries which they admire and support so much. (Muslims don't return the love.)

26638524? ago

What are you talking about? In a the US gays have to come out of the closet. In Muslim countries gays get to jump off buildings and soar in the sky.

Sw0rdofDamocles ago

500five ago

In Muslim countries they put them back into the closet.

TheSeer ago

Whats a 'liberal'? Oh, you mean leftists?

magameme ago

Yeah, leftists.

TheSeer ago

Never call them liberal, there is nothing liberal about them. Maybe at some point there was, but it would be so long ago now that none alive can remember it.

Young Bolsheviks or Communists is another accurate and descriptive term for 'em.

BasedWolf ago

They are liberal, as are mainstream "conservatives" and probably 95% of people. Anyone who isn't natsoc, fascist, or neo-monarchist is liberal.

TheSeer ago

Get help.

BasedWolf ago

Sure can you point me in the direction of anyone who is an actual right winger, and not a globalist shill who just believes in 10 year old shitlib policies repackaged as "conservative"? I could use their help.

TheSeer ago

"Everyone even slightly to the left of me is a liberal waah waah"

God, family, and country, son. That's all that matters. Well, that and mind, body and soul.

Nukeisrael ago

Liberals are anyone who isn’t a communist or a fascist essentially. So yes, shitlibs are liberals and conservatives are liberals. They are actually neoliberals to be exact. Classical liberals are not good either, they are morons who led us down this path in the first place and those views only work in a white ethnostate.

TheSeer ago

Oh OK, and what is a fascist?

BasedWolf ago

Right wing collectivism. Capitalism and individualism for the benefit of the nation as a whole not just personal gain.

TheSeer ago

Collectivism that is simultaneously individualism! This I gotta see. So where is this 'fascism'?

BasedWolf ago

It's not "simultaneously" individualism, it just doesn't destroy the individual. https://files.catbox.moe/df7r3n.jpeg

The closest country to it today is China. Pre-rapefugee (1970s) Scandinavia would have been somewhat close as well, at least in spirit.

TheSeer ago

Oh, so you are one of these guys that says "China isn't real Communism" and "China is fascist".... Wow...

Nukeisrael ago

Because it literally isn’t communist and literally is third position. North Korea is not a democratic republic.

TheSeer ago

Get help.

"The ChiComs aren't real Communists"


You fell for the economic definition of Communism. You are like a parody of a real person. Its sad bro. What China is, is literally Communist. Communism = CCP-run China. Its right there. It does what it says on the tin!

You think it is only Communism once 'society has gained control of the means of production'? Damn, son.

Nukeisrael ago

No, I’ve just read Marx and they aren’t communist you actual retard. They are third position. No amount of screaming and crying will change that. They know communism is retarded and outdated. Keep boomer posting and maybe your fictional world will come true. Retard.

TheSeer ago

LOL "I've read Marx".

They are the epitome of Communism. Literally. Communism isn't something Communists get to define, it is defined by their actions. Hence, the USSR, Communist China, North Korea.

I can't believe you fell for the Commie trap of "That wasn't real Communism", LOL.

If they aren't Communist... Uhh... Why is the only legal political party literally called the Chinese Communist Party? Ahahaha. Too funny.

Communism is: 1) global in scope (hence why they are trying to take over Europe and North America, Africa, etc)

2) godless (remind you of the ChiComs at all?)

3) totalitarian (again, Chinese goverment to a t)

4) materialist

Wait wait, are you defending Communism because you are a NatSoc? I feel bad for you, but I can keep holding your hand, if you like.

Nukeisrael ago

You have zero clue what communism is or how China operates. You’re just a complete moron.

BasedWolf ago

Lol, these guys are so confident in their retardation it's hilarious.

I'm gonna create a political party called "the best political party in human history", and then regardless of my actual policies, it will be the best, you know why?


Sometimes I actually miss reddit. No plebbitor shitlib would think modern China is communist. Of course they would think China is evil because it's fascist, but at least they know it's not communist lol.

BasedWolf ago

I see you left race out of that, congrats on being kiked.

Explain to me why mainstream conservative political parties just have the same policies as liberals from like 10 years ago? Why do modern conservatives support gay marriage and legal mass migration?

TheSeer ago

I didn't say the country should be 'diverse', bro. Its called repatriation, look it up.

BasedWolf ago

That's decently based. So why are you arguing against me? You're to the right of like 99% of mainstream conservatives with that opinion alone.

TheSeer ago

Its more your attitude. We need ALLIES. As many allies as we can get. Same reason I criticize the edgy pagans on here. They think they are gonna get the job done alone.

BasedWolf ago

They're worthless until society collapses enough that they lose their grills and sportsballs. They're just going to keep voting for jew team red, they're not overthrowing the kikes or voting in the next Hitler any time soon.

TheSeer ago

Look at Ontario Canada. What has been the touchpoint there, regarding COVID (!?!!!!) lockdowns. A BBQ restaurant.

A huge spectacle because a guy wouldn't shut down his BBQ restaurant. And that creates support from normies.

GutterTrash ago

They do not care about other cultures either because if they did then they would not rewrite a lot of it to satisfy their white savior complex

Granite_Pill ago

If you are a gringo they see you as nothing more than a walking-talking ATM, so be careful how you interact with people from the third world. Many of them have an entirely different mindset than we do.

Promise2 ago

They come up to you and ask for money?

Granite_Pill ago

In a way, yes.

poopdawg15 ago

who insist on playing the game

of life with opponents who have long ago abandoned the rules

CryptoBard ago

Taking advantage of our innate altruism to destroy us.

mattsixteen24 ago

That's because they are stuck in the matrix.

Babadookk ago

Yeah because jews don’t live as much in other cultures. They won’t leave us alone

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nougat_lord ago

Ive noticed, liberals love infesting conservative areas for their free speech. Try infesting their areas and you get banned and doxxed. Fucking slime needs to be shot and killed

Nukeisrael ago

The Chinese refer to everyone who isn’t a fascist as baizuo, not just Shitlibs. Chances are if you don’t like Hitler or are a lolbert faggot you’re a baizuo.

BasedWolf ago

Chinks are based as shit.

cuntnpaste ago

(((They))) hate us 'cause they ain't us.

Vrblpollushin ago

Other cultures look at it them as weak, and a means to exploit.

NorthSeaPagan ago

You can thank your (((lord))) and ((("savior"))) (((Jewsus Christ)))