romanstock ago

i think the inevitable cyber attack that klaus schwab said was incoming will be blamed on iran

DragonKnight ago

Ironically blacks hate jews but media never covers rhata

Carpools ago

Yes. The slavers intend on WW3.

gardella ago

If you haven't start prepping

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

What 'attack in Iran'? A top nuke scientist was murdered by Mossad/CIA, but that's not much

NotaQjackass ago

Q jackasses love Israel and Mossad more than America don't be fooled.

123whatevs ago

You must be new here. The irony is Q did more to redpill people on the JQ than most of you faggots ever did.

The reason he doesn't just name the jew is because he has a lot of boomer and normie followers who are still asleep. And in spite of that he still named Mossad's intervention in our politics and news media.

He even said that Israel is the biggest kike hub of them all the infamous "we'll leave Israel for last"

midnightblue1335 ago

The reason he doesn't just name the jew is because he has a lot of boomer and normie followers who are still asleep.

This logic fails, and here's why:

Q has his cult firmly established. Those who, using your own words, are his "followers" cling to every word he says as absolute truth. He's been at this for YEARS now. Qultists would all walk into the ocean if Q posted "Trump will win if you all drown yourselves". They are this loyal to him.

So why not just fucking say "it's the jews, it's always been the jews, I was careful about saying this because you have all been conditioned to be afraid of criticizing jews. Jews make up most of our government." What's going to happen, is he going to offend the normies?

No, it would make the normies look into the jews. Anyone who looks into the jews eventually finds the truth. But Q won't say it, because he is probably multiple glowniggers performing a psyop.

You can't have it both ways. Either he has followers who are willing to believe HORRIFIC things like the concept of a "deep state", or he has followers that will be repulsed when he reveals horrific concepts related specifically to the jews. I am almost embarrassed for you for defending Q's refusal to name the jew. You have to twist yourself up into pretzel and blame boomers/normies in order to make any sense out of this lack of naming.

892012518HEROS ago

Covid is not as dangerous as they tell us so most people don't take it seriously but what if they release a more deadly version of it no one would take it seriously and millions would die

TripleZ ago

According to the CDC, they haven't even isolated covid.

Page 39

"Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available"

These fuckers admit they've never isolated the covid virus.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

COVID-19 is the false flag right now. They could certainly do additional ones but COVID is the main one

The1stLantern ago

They are already discussing the next crisis. Klaus and the WEF cronies are already telegraphing it in an event 201 style pre-plan. It will be a "cyber covid" (CRINGE) directed at economy and critical infrastructure.

Here - Cullen over at Computing Forever did a great piece on it

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

I saw that one. Scary stuff

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Wheatstone ago

The current push is to destroy the global economy and crash the markets.

This could kill hundreds of millions!

If Trump isn't prepared for this it will be hell.

I really hope he has a great plan and lots of gold.

mean_dot ago

He let his daughter marry a fucking jew.

midnightblue1335 ago

Most people seem to think that feudalism is long-dead.

This is largely true... for the typical person. But among the "blue bloods" and (((them))), feudalism is alive and well. Alliances are formed by marrying daughters/sons off to certain families.

In this context, Trump forged an alliance (or submitted) to Kushner and his (((faction))) by literally giving his daughter to Jared Kushner.

fullAssed ago

Trump's dad won awards for helping Jews.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Drumpff won awards for helping niggers

TripleZ ago

He gave land for a synagogue to be built. Makes you wonder if Trump is a crypto.

Fat_is_healthy ago

Trump has won awards for helping jews and blacks.

Yuke ago

They know because they're the fucking perpetrators of them. But yeah, what better way to make everyone suddenly forget about the US election than to, oh I don't know, fling us all into a war? Nobody thought about the missing Pentagon trillions for quite some time after 9/11. It's easily done.

123whatevs ago

They already tried. Remember when in January they launched missiles at US bases in Iraq trying to bait us into a war with Iran? Trump responded by killing Soleimani and everyone thought WW3 was about to start.

It's good thing that Trump isn't Obama or Bush or we would have been at war with Iran by now.