Fragile_white_cuck ago

Wah wah, hey get back to work the French fries are getting cold

New-World-Ebola ago

i don't feed niggers

BlowjaySimpson ago

“If the day should ever come when we must go, if some day we are compelled to leave the scene of history, we will slam the door so hard that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction...

thebearfromstartrack ago

It's also against God's LAW against interracial mixing (MAMZERs).

Blood-is-Nature ago set into motion.

Sleuth222 ago

It's funny you mention Trudeau as a target to take out but you don't mention the names of any prominent Canadian jewish families. How about the Laurentiens? or the Sleemans? Are you even aware of the actual people you're against or do you think the puppets are the masters?

New-World-Ebola ago

so funny that i don't mention absolutely everyone responsible... have a slow clap, autistic shit cunt.

Sleuth222 ago

Funny that you ignore the point I made in order to make a childish insult.

Here, I'll help you understand. The reason you don't mention any prominent Canadian families, who are in charge controlling the monetary supply, is because you're not even aware of their existence. To you, the leader is the Prime Minister and the highest target. When you said most others, you were referring to other country puppets, not to the prominent bankers behind them.

PsyOp ago

Don't sweat it, bro...this guy is most likely a jew, the jews love calling people "kikes" (because the word jew isn't as over-the-top racist as "kike" is...and that's what Voat is: a place where the jews can make over-the-top/outrageous antisemitic/racist comments so that they can then point to us and say "See? They want to kill us all! It's another Shoah!! This fills the ADL's coffers). lol...the word 'kike' was invented and used by the jews to insult other jews! :D


"The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.” ~ Joseph Goebbels

New-World-Ebola ago

you are beyond retarded.

i saw "JEW" every fucking day.

PsyOp ago

You lying jew motherfucker! You spend all your time here spewing your bullshit in this (((echo chamber))).

New-World-Ebola ago

that's pretty decent projection there shlomo, keep that up and they might give you a shekel.

noob_tube ago

I like kike. I think kike is just fun to say.

New-World-Ebola ago

this must be your first day on voat... congratulations kikesucker

Sleuth222 ago

See the thing about voat is you can see how long a user has been here...


lol. Go pul another pil

Civil_Warrior ago

Dont forget homosexuality for those that look forward to more desperate penis entering the country

Child rapists looking forward to 3rd world child bungholes on the way..

GREEDY business thinks it wont affect them but hopefully it kills them.

SearchVoatBot ago

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New-World-Ebola ago

all faggots need to be straight out killed.

that means every jew.

greydragon ago

Sometimes we agree there.

englishwebster ago

I had a chat with a leftie at the dog park recently. She listened heavily to the CBC (Canadian government radio), and here I am with my MAGA hat on. It was civil because of her age...she was in her 60s. I Did nothing but ask questions and discuss globalism vs nationalism generally. Basically I contended that we split the earth into chunks for a reason and each chunk should be not just able to handle its own affairs but create its own culture of its own kind.

Her solution - get this - was to allow the immigrants into the nation, and then split the nation up into chunks to allow each race and culture to be allowed to flourish.

so basically the same thing, except we lose most of our nation in the process. all my wtf.

And no. I did not call her a boomer nor do I think of her as one. Respect your elders, even when they are wrong.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

You should have thrown her dog down a well, and kicked her in the cunt

insanitea ago

Hey, leave the dog out of this. Throw her down the well instead.

BearDolphin1488 ago

You were interesting until your little cuck rant to mommy at the end there

englishwebster ago

i know. if it makes you feel better to call all old people boomers you go right on ahead.

weezkitty ago

And no. I did not call her a boomer nor do I think of her as one. Respect your elders, even when they are wrong.

Respect has to be earned. If you show yourself to be an idiot, you don't deserve respect.

englishwebster ago

Someone who disagrees with you isn't being disrespectful, but believing that they are trying to be disrespectful is the whole logic behind BLM, Antifa, the LGBTQ community, and now apparently you.

Angryelectrician ago

I got this same idea from a white dude in his thirties. He wanted to give immigrants their own states and cities. Of course he had no children and was overpayed in a worthless job.

Civil_Warrior ago

we already made states and let the niggers do what thet felt like.



New-World-Ebola ago

fuck off. the cunt should be shot in the back of the skull.

englishwebster ago

OK thanks for that feedback.

New-World-Ebola ago

anyone dumb enough to call themself a leftist or globalist during a time of islamic rape and terrorism needs to fucking die.

englishwebster ago

She never said she was a leftist or a globalist, but its clear that she was.

Also, I agree with your statement except for one correction: Anyone dumb enough to actually be a leftist or a globalist....

UndercoverGoyim ago

The only answer in the long run is a coup. You can't expect to stop White genocide by voting for ziocucked GOP shills that are controlled by the same people who seek to destroy this country.

As far as punishment goes, I advocate burning at the stake the marxist treacherous leaders in the political class who influenced the demographics, elections, social and economic situation in this country. While the average Joes are nothing more than lemmings and blind cult followers, said leaders need to be punished in very gruesome ways so that we can get back on the right track.

Civil_Warrior ago

there is a legal avenue but it is well kiked

Kill the goddamn jews and send the to israel in bodybags.

BasedWolf ago

That's the thing, it's not "their" nation. The people making these decisions are either jewish globalists, or in league with jewish globalists. They're hyper rich elites who likely own property and have bank accounts in several foreign countries. They believe in pure hedonism, they're probably nihilistic, they have no sense of greater values or purpose, and no sense of comradery with their fellow man.

Trudeau straight up admitted he sees Canada as a "post-national" country. That means it's just a materialistic, consumerist hub where zog drones slave away and then mindlessly gorge themselves on products. And look around, that's exactly what's happening.

Killnigs3 ago

They have cut themselves off from God and lkve in fear of death and not the fear of Goss divine judgement they will die having mever known themselves or God and shall not live on but perish.

Skeptic5000 ago

The jews do have a national sense. They don't do this for profit only. They do this out of a national sentiment of jewry, to fulfill the commandment of destroying "Amalek" and "Edom" (according to jewish tradition; Germany, Rome, Christianity and America) and to bring about the messianic "utopian" world government. Freemasons and other societies do share that common goal since they're based on kabbalah. They want to creat a one world government ruled by kabbalistic elites of "philosopher kings" who will lead humanity to a long-lost golden age and establish the "true religion" on the world (as stated by Manly P. Hall and Albert Pike, both 33rd degree freemasons).

DontBeRacist ago

Even Bezos as the world's richest man is a lie. There are so many Jewish banksters not being counted.

Iheartcatfood ago

Here is the solution. Stop being profitable citizens, stop holding this system together. Lay down and do nothing. Be the biggest drain on the system you possibly can be.

Actually no, dont do nothing. Go and have a ton of children you cant afford and have the system pay for it. Fix the demographic replacement at the same time.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

If we all stop working, things would be fixed quick.

Babadookk ago

I agree

BasedWolf ago

Lol, funnily that probably would work. Total disengagement from the system, or acting as a drain on the system, like you said, would be the quickest and most accelerationist way to get a do over. This usurious, pyramid scheme of a system we have is fully reliant on continued contributions from the zogged out, white working class.

Problem is people are cowards, including myself if I'm being honest, and probably you too. I'm already so indoctrinated and so dependent on what little good things and luxuries I enjoy, giving it all up is difficult, especially when you risk being the only one doing it, losing the prisoner's dilemma, and being totally fucked for nothing.

I'm sure that is by design.

Killnigs3 ago

you must hear these words mt friend join me and walk in the light of the lord. i have lost all fear i walk in the protection of God I do not fear death for i know in mt heart that i will live on forever through jesus christ.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

While I like the idea of being a professional leach, I would be too ashamed to apply/be interviewed in person at a welfare/gibs/charity office. I also get a lot of satisfaction from being a self-employed worker bee.

The_Dogfck ago

Canada is beyond redemption and Canadians (of the European variety) are completely apathetic and oblivious to what's going on. In a way, our "strict" points based immigration system has made it possible as they really were "sending their best". This is opposed to Europe where islamist beheadings tend to wake people up, and we don't have many nigs like in America. Of course, Trudeau & Co, along with our Somali immigration minister, are now just bringing in any trash they can get their hands on, but it will be too late by time the problem really rears its ugly consequences. So we are full steam ahead with demographic change now approaching a 1% shift per year.

BasedWolf ago

Right, and points based immigration gives the false sense of "improving" Canada to normies, because all they see are these first gen immigrants that made it past the system, and so must be these incredibly intelligent, skilled, and driven individuals.

This completely fails to account for things like regression to the mean, and group expression of values/traits vs individuals.

It is probably true that sprinkling in a few token high skill immigrants in key industries would benefit the country overall. The thing is, the more of these people they bring in, the more likely they are to balkanize and form their own communities based on their own original ethnic backgrounds and cultures. They only "assimilate" as much as they absolutely have to to survive. Once assimilation is no longer as necessary, since they have built large communities of people who look and talk like them and worship the same gods and whatever else, they regress back to the culture that they originally came from.

This is empirically obvious and observable when you compare Japanese immigrants/exchange students to China towns and Korea towns. The nips show up here in small groups to study or travel, some of them marry white bois, and they end up more or less disappearing and assimilating into Canadian/American society. But chinks move here in much greater numbers, and as a result have formed china towns which, as they grow, continue to resemble China more and more.

The fact that people can drive ten minutes in the GTA and take a look at china town, korea town, and even ethnic white breakdowns like greektown, or North York where mostly Ruskies live, and then still think that "multiculturalism" is a real, workable, or desirable ideology, just shows how braindead and zogged most people really are.

And this is without even mentioning the aesthetic/spiritual arguments, like the fact that it's nicer to have a world full of separate, distinct, and unique people instead of trying to blend everyone together into a generic, brown mass with no values other than mindless materialism.

The_Dogfck ago

This meme really does encapsulate it:

KLDB ago

They follow Natural Law. Might is Right.

badruns ago

Only if you view subversion and subterfuge as might. Many view those characteristics as antithetical to functional civilization.

KLDB ago

Yes I do. Because in the end there is only 1 victor. It would be the fault of the person who didn't expect their enemy to sink low and expect to need to counter it. Mind against Mind, Might against Might, Money against Money, and all to the winner.

badruns ago

News for you moron: think long term. You cannot build a civilization based off of duplicity. You can only destroy. How's the weather in Tel Aviv btw?

KLDB ago

Natural Law Governs all things.

Next is Mans law.

Right. Currently what you are seeing is the globalist WILL to submit the American people is stronger then the WILL of the American people to be free. This election will decide if the tides are turning.

Natural Law still governs over a healthy civilization. For in a healthy civilization the people with the most power Must be the people who have their civilizations best interest at heart, which is ultimately their future... or children.

badruns ago

You didn't answer my question. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

KLDB ago

I didn't see the edit yet. But your questions aren't about Natural Law. What is the difference between marketing and subversion? What is the difference between subterfuge and subliminal messaging?

I am Metis, Canuck AF. Not a jew.

badruns ago

The application and the subject matter. Also in most cases, the source of funding.

KLDB ago

Exactly. Is one more Just or Moral then the other?

badruns ago

One leads to the continuity of functionality in whatever system we are describing. The other guarantees its destruction given enough time. What do you think this means civilization given its now "globalization"-based nature and its global economy?

KLDB ago

well you just dodge my question. I didn't ask about function I asked you to judge them.

badruns ago

I literally answered it.

Is one more Just or Moral then the other?

No. One leads to the continui...

KLDB ago

Correct,We judge this using Man's Laws. Be it informed by your empathy or your religious beliefs or the outcomes.

Under Natural Law there isn't any morality. Both are paths to reach a desired result.

Is it Evil for the coyote to eat the rabbit? No the Coyote is strong enough to subvert and use subterfuge to hunt the rabbit so it can live another day. Blessed is the Mighty Coyote. Might is Right.

Judaism holds the belief that all other peoples are just like cows. And treat them that way. They follow Natural Law. They use all tools against their enemies. aaannnd Might is Right. they do have the most power globally... it seems don't it?

Natural Law governs All things.

badruns ago

Israel is the furthest thing possible from your "man's law" or "natural law". They are incapable of self sufficiency and will collapse shortly after the West collapses, if not before.

KLDB ago

Currently the Mightiest is a parasite. Want to change it? Go change it. Might is Right. And you see it clearly. Your argument is literally... "Nuh uh"

badruns ago

Dear god your nose must be huge. Yes, cheating will get you ahead in the short term. Your argument is literally "coin clipping is natural law because it has the best short term outcome! Jews are mighty because of the coin clipping!" No, they are simply destructive vultures. There is no long term hope for them.

KLDB ago

Yes Coin flipping follows Natural Law. Cause and Effect. Vultures also Follow Natural Law. And They are king in the desert. Vultures succeed off of the failure of others to secure their own survival in the desert. Natural Law governs all Things. Might is Right.

badruns ago

Lol, even funnier. Coin clipping is might! Make sure to get some some cream cheese with your bagel.

KLDB ago

Natural Law Governs all things. Even you.

badruns ago

Wow, you're a fatalist now huh?

KLDB ago

free will or fate? answer is both. and that Follows Natural Law.

badruns ago

You're literally just using the term "Natural Law" as a euphemism for fate at this point. You should have saved me time and told me you were retarded at the start.

KLDB ago

Not at all. I said Might is Right. Which you havent been able to refute. You just don't (edit) like the Idea of a parasite being stronger then the host.

badruns ago

Not at all, we just have different definitions of Strength. Needing to cheat off of others to sustain oneself is a weakness, not a strength. Your working definition of "might" is such a stretch that gymnasts would blush too.

KLDB ago

so. It's me vs you. to the death. The Mightiest will win... And all is fair in love and war.

badruns ago

There you go with the short sightedness again. What happens after both of us die?

KLDB ago

Not sure, I've never died before...

Life is for the living. I live my life to secure the future of my children, So they can do the same. I do this by being the strongest person I can. I follow Natural Law. Then I follow Man's Law. So I have a Strong community. I do not want to surround my self with the meek and lowly. But I assure you I can't fight an enemy expecting them to be a Nobel fighter. For all is fair in love and war and I would then be a fool for trusting an enemy.

badruns ago

Ah so it comes down to your family. Think generationally. I assume they'll still live on this planet. How will your progeny and their progeny fair when your actions today destabilize and make worse the civilization and society they live in?

Civil_Warrior ago

if you can give america away without a fight to the death...

GTFO muh country.

philmchawk ago

It is already given away, and no amount of tough guy larping will change that. America hasn't been a nation state in 100 years. It is an economic zone.

Civil_Warrior ago

thats a philosophy that needs nothing to back it up think about that. Vapor.

RoryBellowsLives ago

Canada appears to be better at representing American stereotypes than Americans. Now only if you’ll can be the one to fight Israel’s wars.

maaaxheadroom ago

Saw a fair share of Canadians in Afghanistan.

RoryBellowsLives ago

Maybe one day they’ll be the only ones there fighting our former forever wars.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Your a slave class under ZOG. Trudeau is just a puppet. If you want to kill the snake go for the head in Israel

Civil_Warrior ago

the head is not in the shithole of israel. More likely on a really cool island somewhere, or deep underground, or a mountain fortress.

captainstrange ago

Your a slave class under ZOG. Trudeau is just a puppet.

Trudeau isn't merely a puppet. Trudeau is a figurehead.

Whats the difference?

Like in the bad old ages in the middle east, when invaders toppled the idols of those they would conquer, the inhabitants would flee.

Thats what he is, a golden idol, a monument. And just as in the bad old days, if he were toppled, the inhabitants who erected him would flee.

So it starts with the reachable ground.

Israel goes last because you don't simply skip ahead to the final battle, in fact you can't.

The nations they control would swarm you.

No. You gotta topple each of their peripheries and proxies, or a fair number of them first.

Short of that, you topple their idols.

Babadookk ago

Uh the second you destroy Israel they lose their common country. They’ll have to fend for themselves in countries that hate them

voatusernamevoat ago

jew head isn't in israel, it's jews everywhere.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

It's where jews escape to after they have been discovered. It's the HQ of their criminal organization. It must be done away with asap first and foremost.

Civil_Warrior ago

that door can be shut with a swipe of an executive pen.

voatusernamevoat ago

Yes, it's where jews skip out to to avoid prosecution and it's the planned hq of their jewing organization, a focus of jews as they're still building it, but it's not yet jew hq. First and foremost for Americans is jewing jews in America and since America is jews' gollum, that's pretty much the case globally.

New-World-Ebola ago

you are a street shit lying in an indian gutter CUNT

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Oh right that is right I forgot MIGA goy, baste conservativism is all I need!

Civil_Warrior ago

lol at baste. Nigger.

New-World-Ebola ago

it's almost saturday... you'll have another infant soon rabbi