Stuffdbagel ago

Stabbing while crying out in pain, jews are the eternal enemies of humanity.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I got half of these. What's the Hebrew one?

anticlutch ago

jews aren't semites

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

These slavic vermin won't give it a rest. They keep trying to agitate Americans against one another.

lepersbell ago

so is it to the tune of "We Didn't Start the Fire" or "It's the End of the World As We Know It"?

UA_Hammer ago

i have a functional brain

BiggestDickOnVoat ago

Should I be proud that I'm familiar with 95% of the things listed, or ashamed of not knowing about the other 5%?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Shame is a great motivator, fren

King_Freya ago

I too hate The Melting Pot restaurant.

CrudOMatic ago

>Kalegi Prize

IT IS NOT THE KALERGI PRIZE, it is the Charlemagne Prize - quit getting this wrong. Jewish disinfo agents say Kalergi Prize so when people google it they find nothing.

Repeat after me:

Charlemagne Prize

Charlemagne Prize

Charlemagne Prize

On 19 December 1949, Kurt Pfeiffer presented to the reading group "Corona Legentium Aquensis", which he had founded, his proposals for the prize: "We have the honour of proposing annual presentation of an international prize for the most valuable contribution in the services of Western European understanding and work for the community, and in the services of humanity and world peace. This contribution may be in the field of literary, scientific, economic or political endeavour".

The sponsors of the prize, the City of Aachen, refer to Charlemagne as the "Founder of Western Culture", and assert that under his reign, the City of Aachen was once the spiritual and political centre of the whole of what is now western Europe.

The first Charlemagne Prize was awarded to Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, the founder of the Pan-European Movement.

Gorillion ago

Is this related to the Charlemagne Time* conspiracy concept?

*IIRC, it's the theory that The Dark Ages were largely faked and a few centuries were added to the calendar to hit 1000ad ahead of time.

Okay, here it is. I learned it as "Charlemagne Time", but damn has that term been scrubbed any kind of easy search. He's name-dropped in the first para though.

The phantom time hypothesis is a historical conspiracy theory asserted by Heribert Illig. First published in 1991, it hypothesizes a conspiracy by the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, Pope Sylvester II, and possibly the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII, to fabricate the Anno Domini dating system retrospectively, in order to place them at the special year of AD 1000, and to rewrite history[1] to legitimize Otto's claim to the Holy Roman Empire. Illig believed that this was achieved through the alteration, misrepresentation and forgery of documentary and physical evidence.[2] According to this scenario, the entire Carolingian period, including the figure of Charlemagne, is a fabrication, with a "phantom time" of 297 years (AD 614–911) added to the Early Middle Ages.

Yep, see. Old Charley himself is meant to be a complete fabrication. Which, when labelled the "Founder of Western Culture" in this jewy a context does tend to get the autistic brain humming...

Essentially making it the "Duper's Delight" Prize for a monumental act of Goy-Fucking.

CrudOMatic ago

I don't buy that theory in the slightest. Calling Charlemagne the "Father of Western Society" is jewey as fuck, as Western society existed for thousands of years before Charley, but I don't buy that hundreds of years were added to the calendar and that ol' Charley is fake.

thebearfromstartrack ago

The Kenites (synagogue of Satan (Rev CH3), children of Satan/Cain) LOVE to make out our indictments of THEIR EVIL as indictments of their ENTIRE race. Just like niggers, JUST LIKE FEMINISTS. JUST LIKE FAGS. Plain evil. ALWAYS LIES.

Veridic ago

Khazar milkers is on the list?

noob_tube ago

But I like Khazar milkers...

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago


voatusernamevoat ago

Doesn't matter, while enough race realist Whites in power does.

Psalm19_1 ago

Where is the comunism?

Inaminit ago

But, jews are not semitic.

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HuginnOgMuninn ago

You think they were Japhetites or Hamites then?

Or are you one of those weirdos that doesn't believe we're all descendants of Noah's three sons?

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

This BS was promulgated by the jew Arthur Koestler to deflect blame from the jews for killing Jesus Christ. Genetic, linguistic, and archaeological studies show that the jews moved from the Middle East to Central Europe to Eastern Europe NOT into the other direction.
But even the jews that murdered Christ were not "jews" not Israelites. They were impostors. A mongrel mixed race of Canaanites Edomites Egyptians genetically deformed by centuries of incest, consanguinity, miscegenation, and congenital STD's. They did not speak Hebrew and they did not follow the religion of Moses and Abraham. They follow the "Tradition of the Elders" which became the Talmud which is nothing more than an instruction manual for circumventing God's Commandments. They weren't even called jews until the middle of the 19th century when they started their "God's Chosen" psy-op which really took off with their publication of the Scofield Bible. Before that their religion was called Rabbinism.

She2002 ago

Correct. There was no such thing as Judaism, it's a reaction to Christianity

AlfonsHilter ago

It seems like something i'd like to believe but could you provide some source for that? It seems completely possible but if i ever try to redpill someone about the kikefaggots with that i would like some backing for these claims.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Khazar mass conversion theory is BS.

There was some intermingling but it was from jews moving from west to east.

Its called the Jewish Rhineland Migration

These are some good in-depth videos about true nature of the "jews"

HuginnOgMuninn ago

um.. That would be semitic, those are the descendants of shem. Japhetites are europeans and Hamites are africans.

Perhaps you could educate me on the difference between Israel and Judea?

fightknightHERO ago

they are, not just semitic but turkic as well (after the assyrian conquest of cannan some of the jews fled to Anatolia where they mixed with the Hittites, the Proto-turkroachs)

infact Polacks 100 years past have considered them as negroids!

She2002 ago

Eh, just inbreeding between kinfolk

noob_tube ago

Free Palestine! BDS is the very first thing in that list.