ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago


Destroy the alien crystal tower cube of the moons Sinus Medii, thats the Human soul capture antenna.

"At some point in time I thought it would be interesting to remote view the moon. i relaxed in my chair, and pointed myself up there. i saw 6 or seven aliens looking right at me grinning and smiling. they had red eyes like the reddit alien but no antenna. As soon as I saw these creatures i immediately felt hurt like a piece was taken out of my. every time I thought about that incident I felt pain. it took 4 months of prayer before I felt completely healed and i could remember the incident without feeling hurt." - pellian, 2011

"Earth, Lear asserted, is a "farm for harvesting souls," and when people die their souls travel to the moon where they are processed by a huge machine (likely the miles-high "glass tower" spotted by Richard C. Hoagland in NASA photos) that erases their memory and eventually sends them back to Earth to be reincarnated."

"There is currently a harvest, as you might call it, a harvest of souls that is occurring upon your planet. We are attempting to extract the greatest possible harvest from this planet. This is our mission, for we are the harvesters." - arcturians, August 3, 2014.

"The moon is a satellite that was constructed. It was built and anchored outside Earth's atmosphere as a mediating and monitoring device, a supercomputer or eye in the sky. It affects all life forms on this planet.

Earth must be owned by those who dwell here; however, it is not. You have outside gods, creator energies, who prevent you, as a species, from having free rein..."

Take a hard biological and genetic standpoint: You're all livestock enacting the alien epigenetic agenda through alien telepathy. Doesn't matter what you do here, there's no god, no heaven no hell, the aliens with millions of years advance technology and planning have made your afterlife in the moon because what you think doesnt matter, what human DNA has been warred and diseased-into for population and ethnic crafting is what many species of aliens are here for.

"Abductees live normal lives except for their involuntary participation in a lifelong abduction program. They come from around the world and they have no common overt traits that suggest they are being abducted. Abductees appear to be randomly distributed across all demographics. Interestingly, health is rarely a barrier to abduction. People who suffer from cardiac disease, diabetes, cancer, and other serious medical problems are all abducted. They do not report miracle cures. The aliens are not “healers.” In fact, the only people who are not candidates for abduction seem to be those with significant physical and neurological infirmities that prevent them from doing their duties as part of the abduction program."

Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity - David M. Jacobs, PhD

geovoat ago

That is some crazy stuff right there.

Saving it.


Destroy the alien crystal tower cube of the moons Sinus Medii, thats the Human soul capture antenna.

"At some point in time I thought it would be interesting to remote view the moon. i relaxed in my chair, and pointed myself up there. i saw 6 or seven aliens looking right at me grinning and smiling. they had red eyes like the reddit alien but no antenna. As soon as I saw these creatures i immediately felt hurt like a piece was taken out of my. every time I thought about that incident I felt pain. it took 4 months of prayer before I felt completely healed and i could remember the incident without feeling hurt." - pellian, 2011

"Earth, Lear asserted, is a "farm for harvesting souls," and when people die their souls travel to the moon where they are processed by a huge machine (likely the miles-high "glass tower" spotted by Richard C. Hoagland in NASA photos) that erases their memory and eventually sends them back to Earth to be reincarnated."

"There is currently a harvest, as you might call it, a harvest of souls that is occurring upon your planet. We are attempting to extract the greatest possible harvest from this planet. This is our mission, for we are the harvesters." - arcturians, August 3, 2014.

"The moon is a satellite that was constructed. It was built and anchored outside Earth's atmosphere as a mediating and monitoring device, a supercomputer or eye in the sky. It affects all life forms on this planet.

Earth must be owned by those who dwell here; however, it is not. You have outside gods, creator energies, who prevent you, as a species, from having free rein..."

Take a hard biological and genetic standpoint: You're all livestock enacting the alien epigenetic agenda through alien telepathy. Doesn't matter what you do here, there's no god, no heaven no hell, the aliens with millions of years advance technology and planning have made your afterlife in the moon because what you think doesnt matter, what human DNA has been warred and diseased-into for population and ethnic crafting is what many species of aliens are here for.

"Abductees live normal lives except for their involuntary participation in a lifelong abduction program. They come from around the world and they have no common overt traits that suggest they are being abducted. Abductees appear to be randomly distributed across all demographics. Interestingly, health is rarely a barrier to abduction. People who suffer from cardiac disease, diabetes, cancer, and other serious medical problems are all abducted. They do not report miracle cures. The aliens are not “healers.” In fact, the only people who are not candidates for abduction seem to be those with significant physical and neurological infirmities that prevent them from doing their duties as part of the abduction program."

Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity - David M. Jacobs, PhD

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

The most improbable celestial object ever observed. 1/4 the size of earth, 1/400th the size of the sun, at 1/400th the distance to the sun, the only known object that doesnt spin, with a circular orbit, that causes a total eclipse. Its regolith occurs no where else on earth, and its composition is a consistent impact-resistant dust. Yeah, thats a Trojan Horse, we're Troy, its a base and a weapon. It was designed to cut our body energy off from the sun.

DesolationRoad ago

That was a hell of a read. May I ask what role the Jews play in this alien soul harvestor on the moon?

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

Havent figured that out yet. Me and the other Targeted Individuals see the jews as their puppets. We've established that over 40 species have 22 agendas. Jews also have a 22-letter alphabet. There are behavioral parallels: both are economically and religiously interested, both have lineage-based structures, both are entrenched within human media systems (I have multiple personal data sets about that), both are interested in a progressive genomic takeover, as Israel is to Palestine, so are the hubrids learning to live here. Of the latter, after the disclosure dust settles, I believe that those who are second or third generation human-hybrid will push for citizenship in the U.S. This country is, after all, the aliens premier country experiment, and theyll probably get it because theyre telepathic. Telepathy, upon the human brain, is seamless and defenseless.

DesolationRoad ago

It's no more preposterous than discussions of Atlantis, Vrill or the myth that blue eyed gods descended from the sky in flaming chariots and ruling over the ancient Japanese, Egyptians and Hindus. In this blue eyed Gods theory... They are considered by some Aliens much like you discuss. Here to rule over lesser hominids.

Us nazis tend to side with the blue eyed God "master race" theory but me personally I don't think of them as aliens from another planet but simply hominids like cro magnon that developed on a different part of the earth. Kinda like how an Octopus developed different than a squirrel. They're so different they might think of each other as aliens it they ever met.

Now it seems in your theory there's evolved reptiles, avaians and some other alien types. I think it's possible. I personally think the Octopus is such a strange creature I expect we'll one day find out they are the children of a far off visitor. I don't eat them for this reason. I have a strong feeling about the Octopus I don't feel about any other animal.

Fat_is_healthy ago

What's this got to do with the nigra?

anticlutch ago


Because niggers are 0% Neanderthal.

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Empire_of_the_mind ago

Homo Naledi

romanstock ago

denisovan must've been a primitive fucker, he's highly prevalent in papus and australian abos.

facepaint ago

Yeah, I don't think that Denisovan admixture helped out a whole heck of a lot.

romanstock ago

and the world is a better place that they were wiped out. so why haven't we done the same to blacks? once it's done it's done. whatever liberal tears about it will evaporate in no time and the world will become a much better place.

crankyspanky ago

Really interesting indeed.

gimpyoldman ago

African not listed?

Broc_Lia ago

I wouldn't expect to see much of either in Africa.

Plus, Africa is a mess of weird archaic hominid DNA.

geovoat ago

The conclusion was that while Europeans and Neanderthals downbred with north africans that Africans downbred with an apelike human ancester.

anticlutch ago

The hominid ancestry of niggers and Humans is completely distinct. There is only incidental likeness.

Broc_Lia ago

Not sure about completely distinct: If it were we'd be unlikely to produce viable offspring. Certainly very different though.

UlyssesMcGill ago

How many years were the niggers and the Homo Africanus banging each other eating fruit off the ground while the neaderthals and denisovans and homo sapiens were admixing with each other?

2000 years? 10,000 years? 100,000 years? 2.5 million years?