The boogaloo is a reference to the coming civil war. The "Boogaloo Bois" are something the MSM made up to create a far right straw man to attack. They need a name,a label,to throw on people and justify attacking them and they noticed "the boogaloo" was getting mentioned alot. It should also be noted that "boi" is a term usually associated with young effeminate gay men. Which connects the whole thing even less with the far right.
This narrative falls apart faster than toilet paper in a washing machine.
It's a pejorative for anyone that believes a boogaloo is coming and are doing something to prepare. Just like accelerationism or having anarco as a prefix on your ideoogy it is not a unified movement and there are people all over the spectrum that it applies to.
No your first thought is correct. Lots of people trying, and succeeding, to cash in on it in any way they can has created a shit load of different groups all running under the same name.
This is why reddit circle jerking about "most terrorism being right wing" is such a joke. It's impossible to be labeled a left-wing terrorist, because violence (particularly lethal violence) is a far right behaviour. And this is why the left should be very fucking careful, because if a left-wing extremist is violent they are actually far right instigators.
Just look at what we've seen this year. Riots, labelled right wing terrorism or peaceful protests. Racially motivated homicides by black men against white people. Anarchists planned to kill the Michigan governor. Multiple left wing "autonomous zones" were created and resulted in rapes, murders, vehicular manslaughter and shootings. Yet none of this is left wing terrorism by the news. We literally watched a left wing news agent shoot and kill a trump supporter, now it seems like "NATO bombing of the Radio Television of Serbia headquarters" 2: Electric Boogaloo might be set in the US.
What the left is unintentionally coasting on is historic pacifism. Boomers think the left are hippy pacifists, but zoomers don't. The view the left are pacifists is going to quickly evaporate and then all these propaganda mind games built on old paradigms will just fall apart. Because pacifism is a core foundation of the propaganda. The 13-56 meme is also destroying the left's narrative of everyone is equal. And since all blacks vote democrat, I'm curious what are the violence numbers for democrat vs republican.
Hypernormalisation documentary by Adam Curtis comes true. All opposition to the deep state is run by the deep state. Everything is a honeypot. The world runs on blackmail. Wake the fuck up.
Is it possible that someone on the far right was pretending to be leftist to somehow make them look even worse? The Boogaloo people just seem to want chaos.
i couldn't stand a fucking minute wading through all the sliding, shilling, and general retardation that is (((4Cucked))) pol
speaking of pol, which of the following i mentioned still has a thriving community? afaik after 9chan got co-opted by jew mods it's nearly impossible to find a good alternative
I’d guess 1 out of 10 post aren’t slide or shill threads. They found out the voting fraud the other day that the feds are saying was Iran. I was reading it live as they were taking about being able to log into 10 different states election pages with just a name and DOB. Then 4 days later the feds are saying Iran was doing it.
and they're going to achieve it through applying puppet Politicians on the Iranian side and having totally ZOGGED politicians on the American side lobbying for the interest of Israel
to further expand their borders
if i'm not mistaken, didn't israel recently this year announced their claim to expand their borders into the west bank?
I’ll agree that Trump is kiked to the gills but disagree on him pushing for wars. If he wanted to have started a war he would have done that long ago. It’s actually the only thing I fully support him on.
These people are the ones that shun you if you believe in conspiracy theories. But their own people doing bad things? "Noooo it's a conspiracy by the alt right nazis to make us all look bad! the police and the government and the CIA are racist!!"
i guess this is saying rwers attacked a police precinct in order to fan the flames of what the looters were already doing, to start a civil war. I guess the blacks and soyboys in BLM saw that and were inspired to loot more? I could see how it might be the acceleration theory. Get the violence over with quicker by helping it increase now.
This is how they will characterize the riots. Some have even said the BLM riots didn't burn anything down, rather they blamed right wing agitators. It's already been going on.
I love how nigger nigger nigger (calling a nigger 'martin luther' or 'king' is ridiculous) has his fucking record sealed for another 80 years because of possible "damage to his civil rights work"
The impression I got is that they're extreme individualists/anti-government i.e., more down than either left or right. They seem less concerned about black 'victims' than general over-policing. Somebody needs to clue them in on fentanyl, aggressive breeds and (((who))) is really behind government not being aligned with the interests of European descendants.
Anyone who stops in the "libertarian" aisle on their political journey for more than a week and doesn't leave it with a trail of gasoline behind them and a match in hand cannot be helped. Their inherent foolish selfishness and stubborn ignorance prevents them from seeing modern liberty as the Masonic invention for control over them that it is. Their fate is to be lied to, for good or ill, forever. Just ignore them, like history will.
What a fucking idiot you are. So instead of letting people make their own choices you would rather, what? What great fucking idea do you have that it has to be imposed with the barrel of a gun?
Ah, here's one now. The "great idea" is Nature's Law, the very thing National Socialism was built around and the very thing the Rothschilds beat us over the head with daily. You must have a heirarchy and a born leader making the decisions, just like you must cull the weak and not allow them to breed, just like women mustn't ever be in charge of anything beyond nurturing and protecting children, and so on, or everything goes to shit. A fucking animal knows these things, and you did once, but thanks to the constant assault of modern propaganda, no longer. That's why in the Protocols they admit the only thing they fear is a despot. That's why they pushed suffrage and had the CIA push feminism. The average person will never figure out he was tricked into being a net negative for their own kin, not even after 100 years. These people DO NOT DESERVE to make their own decisions that may impact the race, period.
You must have a heirarchy and a born leader making the decisions,
Thank you for demonstrating you know absolutely fucking nothing about libertarianism. Whats worse s you actually claimed to study it. You are fucking stupid and someone should cut out your tongue since you are too dumb to figure it out.
Nice cherrypicking into ad hom, were you planning to actually make an argument promoting the bizarre fantasy lolbergs tend to have about a founding father being reincarnated and SOMEHOW (key word here) overcoming centuries of Jewish subversion, wealth stockpile and subhuman race control to finally let everyone sit on their ass and repeat the process all over again or do you want to talk about how you need a Reich to clean up the country before your degenerate downward trend can even be considered?
There would be more and better hierarchies in libertarian society. The leaders would be natural as there would lack an artificial and authoritarian system forcing satanic pedophiles down people throats. Government is essentially a monopoly on leadership.
You continue to demonstrate you are too stupid to understand any of this though. "Ad hominen", no need for that when in your own words you contradict the core of the philosophy. I don't care if you agree with it or not. But your dumb ass statement about needing leaders shows how much you don't know.
I remember being somewhere around there on the political axis. Then I looked into the Federal Reserve and paid attention to Weiner, Bronfman, and Epstein and started putting things together. Some of them are probably ripe for red pilling if the tech giants can't censor us out of it.
I’d guess a large percentage of us long time voat users came from the same libertarian philosophy before we came here. Then we started noticing patterns that could no longer be ignored. Now we all know that libertarianism is the most kiked of then all unless we started our ethnostate it would work. But so would socialism.
Socialism is still dysgenic (unless we're talking the right wing kind which is more about meritocracy and investing in the future and less about taking care of useless and helpless dependents to increase dependency). Libertarianism's meritocracy makes up for a lot of its other flaws, but when your capitalist class isn't capitalist ideologically, sometimes you do need a class war (and of course communism was created to ensure that any class war would result in victory for the kike ruling class).
For sure I’m referring to what would be considered right wing socialism. I mean, left wing socialism is communism 100% of the time. If you took x number of whites that have 100plus IQ, you could make any society successful. Except communism.
It just means "anybody that makes us look bad". Corrupt Democrat politicians? Yea, fascists. Violent rioters? DEFINITELY fascists in disguise. Elite pedophiles connected to networks of Democrats in Hollywood, politics and academia? DEFINITELY fascist, definitely Trump's right hand man.
You can successfully gaslight someone for a limited period of time. The lie only lasts so long before the truth leaks out and people realize they have lived in an altered reality.
The cabal morons have subjected the whole world to ever intensifying gaslighting over the last few years and that's what's waking everyone up. Psychopaths think they can just throw trantrums and smash things when they are losing. But that just exposes them more.
Look at how Hollywood has fallen from grace!
Look at the now distrusted news media!
Look at the attitude towards the police and justice system!
Look at the lack of trust in politicians!
Look at the fall of the UN!
I could go on with this list. But the more people that can see the cabal and call them out the bigger the trantrum they will throw. The more destructive and dishonest they are the more we can dump the truth on them and them see we have the truth. That the destruction will get to a point where they will be willing to look past their cognitive dissonance and listen with an open mind.
We are at the point where so many people are awake that we are everywhere! We are well past critical mass. We are close to showing the normies what their employees have been doing behind the scenes.
We are at the point where people are starting to seek the truth on their own. That's why everyone is bitching about all the newbies on the boards. They are here looking for answers where to start.
you people in the suburbs will feel the failures of the corrupt "leaders" in those metro areas if not now, eventually you will, through higher taxes, higher crime, expanding homeless, illegal shitskin immigration, etc....
Watch out. Kikes have been working on trying to infiltrate small town America governments over the last decade or two and it is accelerating. Go to your local meetings and keep up before a jew accidentally gets voted in. Local elections are the only ones left we have any real influence on.
I get why you’re saying it will get worse, it will, but how is it possible someone could read this and not see it as complete bull shit? Outside of the media, no one would read this and believe it.
Because free will doesn’t exist and tech has made hyperrealism a reality. The sooner you learn that it’s program or be programmed it’s pretty simple. “You don’t want to look dumb in front of your peers right? You must believe the media like all the other ‘smart people’ don’t you?” And then society will police itself. Ted k was right about tech.
Simple, they have been exposed to many pieces of information which are congruent with this new information. It fits in perfectly with the lies they already accepted. People overlook the simplest explanations. Toobin got caught whacking it, but you can bet your ass he'd already done it two dozen times before he forgot to turn off the camera.
You'd think that the self-contradiction of a right-winger cheering for Floyd would make it less believable, but that's not so. It creates a more powerful belief in a smaller number of people. Identity issues and self-contradictory beliefs are the foundation of any strong brainwashing.
Too late for kindergarten. The leftists have infiltrated it as well. Google 'radical cram school - youtube videos' (look for the playlist). For the best in braindead Comrades, you have to start the indoctrination way early.
I admit that on its face this seems incredibly specious. I recommend you to read the full article as the feds have messages between the alleged perpetrators. It seems the intent of the criminals had all to do with accelerationism rather than anything to do with Floyd.
What better place to seriously fuck up some shit than a riot-in-progress. @kishind@davidshogg
This should turn out to be an interesting story if coverage continues.
Never forget the dude that set himself on fire with the Molotov
Why do they keep getting caught? Why do they keep communicating with an informant? Why are they incapable of being successful in causing any amount of damage. Why would they plot a kidnapping with the feds instead of just Minecrafting her? They are front for the feds is the answer to each of those questions.
I would say that it's also a great deal of learned helplessness thrown in, which is the logical result of a population that has been made useless and reliant through poor education by a system that is openly hostile and abusive towards them.
Too true, never thought the land of the brave and free would turn into the reliant and fearful. You have absolutely nailed it, the spirit of fear is rife in this land and disarms many a person.
RacistCatWhistle ago
“Gaslighting” doesn’t mean what you think it does
Merlynn ago
The boogaloo is a reference to the coming civil war. The "Boogaloo Bois" are something the MSM made up to create a far right straw man to attack. They need a name,a label,to throw on people and justify attacking them and they noticed "the boogaloo" was getting mentioned alot. It should also be noted that "boi" is a term usually associated with young effeminate gay men. Which connects the whole thing even less with the far right.
This narrative falls apart faster than toilet paper in a washing machine.
Fuhrer1488 ago
In order to reboot the simulation we must close all instances of Jews.exe
shifty_pete ago
Are the boogaloo bois a real group? I thought it was just a weekend gunnit meme that spread to Instagram.
CulturalImperialist ago
It's a pejorative for anyone that believes a boogaloo is coming and are doing something to prepare. Just like accelerationism or having anarco as a prefix on your ideoogy it is not a unified movement and there are people all over the spectrum that it applies to.
223_556_1776 ago
No your first thought is correct. Lots of people trying, and succeeding, to cash in on it in any way they can has created a shit load of different groups all running under the same name.
ToxicWhiteMale ago
Ya, like that happened!
PewterKey ago
This is why reddit circle jerking about "most terrorism being right wing" is such a joke. It's impossible to be labeled a left-wing terrorist, because violence (particularly lethal violence) is a far right behaviour. And this is why the left should be very fucking careful, because if a left-wing extremist is violent they are actually far right instigators.
Just look at what we've seen this year. Riots, labelled right wing terrorism or peaceful protests. Racially motivated homicides by black men against white people. Anarchists planned to kill the Michigan governor. Multiple left wing "autonomous zones" were created and resulted in rapes, murders, vehicular manslaughter and shootings. Yet none of this is left wing terrorism by the news. We literally watched a left wing news agent shoot and kill a trump supporter, now it seems like "NATO bombing of the Radio Television of Serbia headquarters" 2: Electric Boogaloo might be set in the US.
What the left is unintentionally coasting on is historic pacifism. Boomers think the left are hippy pacifists, but zoomers don't. The view the left are pacifists is going to quickly evaporate and then all these propaganda mind games built on old paradigms will just fall apart. Because pacifism is a core foundation of the propaganda. The 13-56 meme is also destroying the left's narrative of everyone is equal. And since all blacks vote democrat, I'm curious what are the violence numbers for democrat vs republican.
fightknightHERO ago
Considering how many lies were conjured about WW2 Germany
i can only imagine the fucking Chutzpah of these kikes will grow bigger and bigger
the jews have no shame and no humanity, they are just a bunch of lying goblins and they should exterminated like goblins
LaserTagg ago
It really is.
6MAmZPaZ ago
Ah, it's one of the shape shifters again.
BigGlobe ago
Hypernormalisation documentary by Adam Curtis comes true. All opposition to the deep state is run by the deep state. Everything is a honeypot. The world runs on blackmail. Wake the fuck up.
Mr_Wolf ago
no ones buying the proud boys anymore!
quick change the name!!
poor bois is just an idea!!
accidently creates holocaust 2.0 for real
Nicoladepierola ago
Is it possible that someone on the far right was pretending to be leftist to somehow make them look even worse? The Boogaloo people just seem to want chaos.
Nesano ago
I'd say you can't make this shit up, but they just did.
CowWithBeef ago
The far right position is the cops should have killed George Floyd but were robbed of the opportunity by his fentanyl overdose.
reason247 ago
Huh? What a cluster fuck of jewing right there.
CuckleberryFinn ago
Are history books of the future going to blame our recent/current riots on huhwhite supremes?
obvious-throwaway- ago
Seriously, where do you guys find this shit?
DavidsHogg ago
fightknightHERO ago
Which? 4chan? bestchan? endchan? moe? 9chan?
DavidsHogg ago
fightknightHERO ago
4chan pol is not being complete shit?? how!?
DavidsHogg ago
Just have to wade through the shit to get to the gold.
fightknightHERO ago
You sir deserve a medal
i couldn't stand a fucking minute wading through all the sliding, shilling, and general retardation that is (((4Cucked))) pol
speaking of pol, which of the following i mentioned still has a thriving community? afaik after 9chan got co-opted by jew mods it's nearly impossible to find a good alternative
edit: they also nuked
fucking kikes
DavidsHogg ago
I’d guess 1 out of 10 post aren’t slide or shill threads. They found out the voting fraud the other day that the feds are saying was Iran. I was reading it live as they were taking about being able to log into 10 different states election pages with just a name and DOB. Then 4 days later the feds are saying Iran was doing it.
fightknightHERO ago
Man, have the kikes's Chuzpah has gotten really blatant lately
is there a new jewish holiday in the horizon or something?
DavidsHogg ago
Their mutilated dicks are perma hard thinking the us is going to start a war with Iran as soon as Biden is elected.
fightknightHERO ago
Biden or Trump it doesn't matter
the Jewnited States of America is a defacto Vassal state of international Jewry and will carry out their demands indiscriminately
but Iran isn't even close to being as based the kikes would have us believe, they just wanna steal their land and resources
and they're going to achieve it through applying puppet Politicians on the Iranian side and having totally ZOGGED politicians on the American side lobbying for the interest of Israel
to further expand their borders
if i'm not mistaken, didn't israel recently this year announced their claim to expand their borders into the west bank?
DavidsHogg ago
I’ll agree that Trump is kiked to the gills but disagree on him pushing for wars. If he wanted to have started a war he would have done that long ago. It’s actually the only thing I fully support him on.
fightknightHERO ago
the reason why they didn't go to war because the Casus Belli was so fucking bad (a fucking gasoline in a kayak)
and obvious that the population would not support the war
esp since the majority of the American population are liberal faggots who consider israel to be a "white supramacist state"
and wouldn't be too happy Killing sand-niggers for a bunch of apartheid kikes in Jerusalem
BjornIronside ago
You what?
LettItBurn ago
Do these motherfuckers even know how insane they sound?
Humansized ago
what kind of faggotry did i just read? "bois"??
OyGoy ago
Illiterate kike. What, do you call a rioting nigger a black lives matter?
Well they must know the identity of the person who did it if they know that it was a "boogaloo boy" so what's his name?
Bigdeal ago
Fuck Floyd the Groid. He got what was coming to him.
Count_Monte_Cristo ago
Boogaloo Bois is entirely manufactured by the FBI.
wokeasfook ago
waucka ago
Here's a link to the tweet:
The article itself is paywalled.
fightknightHERO ago
meaning absolutely nobody is going to read it
Skeptic5000 ago
These people are the ones that shun you if you believe in conspiracy theories. But their own people doing bad things? "Noooo it's a conspiracy by the alt right nazis to make us all look bad! the police and the government and the CIA are racist!!"
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
i guess this is saying rwers attacked a police precinct in order to fan the flames of what the looters were already doing, to start a civil war. I guess the blacks and soyboys in BLM saw that and were inspired to loot more? I could see how it might be the acceleration theory. Get the violence over with quicker by helping it increase now.
ingeedingee ago
They've been faking hate crimes against themselves for years to justify their crybully victim narrative in response to the "trump-effect."
version7 ago
This is how they will characterize the riots. Some have even said the BLM riots didn't burn anything down, rather they blamed right wing agitators. It's already been going on.
gazillions ago
Wait for the dark skinned Christians shouting ally ackbar
newfag322 ago
Yup, this is how future history textbooks will characterize it. Likely how they made Martin Luther King Jr. Or the depiction of the WW2.
areyoumygaffer ago
I love how nigger nigger nigger (calling a nigger 'martin luther' or 'king' is ridiculous) has his fucking record sealed for another 80 years because of possible "damage to his civil rights work"
because he hated niggers to.
Hey, know what MLK would be if he was white?
Warnos44 ago
Too bad we don't have any hackers capable of getting the info.
Zestyclose_Marketing ago
The NSA already baleeted the data on behalf of the kikes and the CIA
Warnos44 ago
It really is amazing things aren't leaked all the time.
Zestyclose_Marketing ago
Because 99% of the NSA staff jobs is wiping unapproved data
Scroobius ago
When was this tweet made?
memik ago
36 minutes ago, retard.
pixelkitteh ago
Ahhh another left wing nutcase I am not even remotely surpri... WAIT... what??? RIGHT WING? Oh fuck off!
kawyzoqau ago
They've gone all in on openly LYING, betting on enough people being stupid enough to fall for it.
edwardbernays ago
It's worse than lying. The media is in the business of bending reality to its will... and it's working
anoncastillo ago
Ummmmm no.
bix_node ago
jews to the left of me. jews to the right. Stuck in the middle with jew.
all 'movements' are led by jews. anyone who resists this fact should join the Al Gore Carbon Tax fan club.
xenoPsychologist ago
and who spells it "boi"? not anyone on the right, thats for sure.
buckhorn ago
Reason just did a profile on the 'Boogaloo Boys':
The impression I got is that they're extreme individualists/anti-government i.e., more down than either left or right. They seem less concerned about black 'victims' than general over-policing. Somebody needs to clue them in on fentanyl, aggressive breeds and (((who))) is really behind government not being aligned with the interests of European descendants.
hitlerist ago
Anyone who stops in the "libertarian" aisle on their political journey for more than a week and doesn't leave it with a trail of gasoline behind them and a match in hand cannot be helped. Their inherent foolish selfishness and stubborn ignorance prevents them from seeing modern liberty as the Masonic invention for control over them that it is. Their fate is to be lied to, for good or ill, forever. Just ignore them, like history will.
KikesOnTrikes ago
What a fucking idiot you are. So instead of letting people make their own choices you would rather, what? What great fucking idea do you have that it has to be imposed with the barrel of a gun?
hitlerist ago
Ah, here's one now. The "great idea" is Nature's Law, the very thing National Socialism was built around and the very thing the Rothschilds beat us over the head with daily. You must have a heirarchy and a born leader making the decisions, just like you must cull the weak and not allow them to breed, just like women mustn't ever be in charge of anything beyond nurturing and protecting children, and so on, or everything goes to shit. A fucking animal knows these things, and you did once, but thanks to the constant assault of modern propaganda, no longer. That's why in the Protocols they admit the only thing they fear is a despot. That's why they pushed suffrage and had the CIA push feminism. The average person will never figure out he was tricked into being a net negative for their own kin, not even after 100 years. These people DO NOT DESERVE to make their own decisions that may impact the race, period.
KikesOnTrikes ago
Thank you for demonstrating you know absolutely fucking nothing about libertarianism. Whats worse s you actually claimed to study it. You are fucking stupid and someone should cut out your tongue since you are too dumb to figure it out.
hitlerist ago
Nice cherrypicking into ad hom, were you planning to actually make an argument promoting the bizarre fantasy lolbergs tend to have about a founding father being reincarnated and SOMEHOW (key word here) overcoming centuries of Jewish subversion, wealth stockpile and subhuman race control to finally let everyone sit on their ass and repeat the process all over again or do you want to talk about how you need a Reich to clean up the country before your degenerate downward trend can even be considered?
KikesOnTrikes ago
There would be more and better hierarchies in libertarian society. The leaders would be natural as there would lack an artificial and authoritarian system forcing satanic pedophiles down people throats. Government is essentially a monopoly on leadership.
You continue to demonstrate you are too stupid to understand any of this though. "Ad hominen", no need for that when in your own words you contradict the core of the philosophy. I don't care if you agree with it or not. But your dumb ass statement about needing leaders shows how much you don't know.
anoncastillo ago
I remember being somewhere around there on the political axis. Then I looked into the Federal Reserve and paid attention to Weiner, Bronfman, and Epstein and started putting things together. Some of them are probably ripe for red pilling if the tech giants can't censor us out of it.
DavidsHogg ago
I’d guess a large percentage of us long time voat users came from the same libertarian philosophy before we came here. Then we started noticing patterns that could no longer be ignored. Now we all know that libertarianism is the most kiked of then all unless we started our ethnostate it would work. But so would socialism.
anoncastillo ago
Socialism is still dysgenic (unless we're talking the right wing kind which is more about meritocracy and investing in the future and less about taking care of useless and helpless dependents to increase dependency). Libertarianism's meritocracy makes up for a lot of its other flaws, but when your capitalist class isn't capitalist ideologically, sometimes you do need a class war (and of course communism was created to ensure that any class war would result in victory for the kike ruling class).
DavidsHogg ago
For sure I’m referring to what would be considered right wing socialism. I mean, left wing socialism is communism 100% of the time. If you took x number of whites that have 100plus IQ, you could make any society successful. Except communism.
GovernmentShill ago
He had this lol-tard flag on his FB:
badruns ago
Wow, now that's an organic symbol if I've ever seen one!
BoomerHater1488er ago
Most of what the media calls far right is still left wing
Trash_Panda ago
It just means "anybody that makes us look bad". Corrupt Democrat politicians? Yea, fascists. Violent rioters? DEFINITELY fascists in disguise. Elite pedophiles connected to networks of Democrats in Hollywood, politics and academia? DEFINITELY fascist, definitely Trump's right hand man.
Nukeisrael ago
I wish we had actual fascists in government.
con77 ago
unrelated: check from Soros found in perps wallet
RageAgainstTheAmish ago
I think the Jews are confusing boogaloo for jigaboo
Wheatstone ago
How did they manage to change BLM to boogaloo boys?
Who do these pedo tactic using masons think they are fooling with this!?!
GovernmentShill ago
b boys are 50% anti-racist.
Nukeisrael ago
It’s probably fooling like half of the country and 99% of females. We live in hyperreality and post truth times.
Wheatstone ago
I honestly disagree based on my own observations!
You can successfully gaslight someone for a limited period of time. The lie only lasts so long before the truth leaks out and people realize they have lived in an altered reality.
The cabal morons have subjected the whole world to ever intensifying gaslighting over the last few years and that's what's waking everyone up. Psychopaths think they can just throw trantrums and smash things when they are losing. But that just exposes them more.
Look at how Hollywood has fallen from grace!
Look at the now distrusted news media!
Look at the attitude towards the police and justice system!
Look at the lack of trust in politicians!
Look at the fall of the UN!
I could go on with this list. But the more people that can see the cabal and call them out the bigger the trantrum they will throw. The more destructive and dishonest they are the more we can dump the truth on them and them see we have the truth. That the destruction will get to a point where they will be willing to look past their cognitive dissonance and listen with an open mind.
We are at the point where so many people are awake that we are everywhere! We are well past critical mass. We are close to showing the normies what their employees have been doing behind the scenes.
We are at the point where people are starting to seek the truth on their own. That's why everyone is bitching about all the newbies on the boards. They are here looking for answers where to start.
shitface9000 ago
Minnesota is deeply fucked.
0rion ago
It's fine once you get outside of the (((metro areas))).
fnbs010 ago
you people in the suburbs will feel the failures of the corrupt "leaders" in those metro areas if not now, eventually you will, through higher taxes, higher crime, expanding homeless, illegal shitskin immigration, etc....
Zestyclose_Marketing ago
It's already happening.
JohnGaltApproves ago
Holey became a nice town after all the rat hype died down.
Gorillion ago
Count your churches, then count your mosques.
Ken_bingo2 ago
Watch out. Kikes have been working on trying to infiltrate small town America governments over the last decade or two and it is accelerating. Go to your local meetings and keep up before a jew accidentally gets voted in. Local elections are the only ones left we have any real influence on.
Clubbooradley ago
We need to send in our military snipers, hardened and honed from ops in the middle east, to pick these punks off when they’re using deadly weapons.
When enough of these losers are turned into crimson mist by .50 cals, they’ll slink back to their barista jobs.
Our admin could end all of this shit right now. I wonder why they don’t.
86USSLiberty ago
Take a look at the admins son in law. Take a look at who his sons fuck. Look up some of his dads favorite causes and friends.
user9713 ago
Republicans aren't driven by results; they're driven by fear.
Trump hasn't done shit in 4 years and many people will still vote for him because they fear the alternative (and rightfully so).
shitface9000 ago
Meanwhile I'm just going to keep playing CODM.
kishind ago
Nope, it gets sillier. Better gather some heads and expose them to better memes than their monopolistic feeds will.
DavidsHogg ago
I get why you’re saying it will get worse, it will, but how is it possible someone could read this and not see it as complete bull shit? Outside of the media, no one would read this and believe it.
Nukeisrael ago
Because free will doesn’t exist and tech has made hyperrealism a reality. The sooner you learn that it’s program or be programmed it’s pretty simple. “You don’t want to look dumb in front of your peers right? You must believe the media like all the other ‘smart people’ don’t you?” And then society will police itself. Ted k was right about tech.
kishind ago
Simple, they have been exposed to many pieces of information which are congruent with this new information. It fits in perfectly with the lies they already accepted. People overlook the simplest explanations. Toobin got caught whacking it, but you can bet your ass he'd already done it two dozen times before he forgot to turn off the camera.
You'd think that the self-contradiction of a right-winger cheering for Floyd would make it less believable, but that's not so. It creates a more powerful belief in a smaller number of people. Identity issues and self-contradictory beliefs are the foundation of any strong brainwashing.
NeoNazarite ago
The people who can believe this think it's totally fine to murder their baby.
Deshy ago
Critical thinking and analytical skills are all but lost apart from a small percentage.
The fact that it still surprises us that people take this bs seriously is probably the next level for us to overcome.
We have to take so many back to kindergarten basics just to comprehend how utterly ridiculous all this propaganda really is. :/
Nukeisrael ago
It’s been like that for eternity.
Albarin ago
Too late for kindergarten. The leftists have infiltrated it as well. Google 'radical cram school - youtube videos' (look for the playlist). For the best in braindead Comrades, you have to start the indoctrination way early.
heygeorge ago
I admit that on its face this seems incredibly specious. I recommend you to read the full article as the feds have messages between the alleged perpetrators. It seems the intent of the criminals had all to do with accelerationism rather than anything to do with Floyd.
What better place to seriously fuck up some shit than a riot-in-progress. @kishind @davidshogg
This should turn out to be an interesting story if coverage continues.
Never forget the dude that set himself on fire with the Molotov
DavidsHogg ago
Why do they keep getting caught? Why do they keep communicating with an informant? Why are they incapable of being successful in causing any amount of damage. Why would they plot a kidnapping with the feds instead of just Minecrafting her? They are front for the feds is the answer to each of those questions.
Deshy ago
Kuddos to him though, it took music videos to a whole new level though, Mister George! :)
La_Chalupacabra ago
I would say that it's also a great deal of learned helplessness thrown in, which is the logical result of a population that has been made useless and reliant through poor education by a system that is openly hostile and abusive towards them.
Deshy ago
Too true, never thought the land of the brave and free would turn into the reliant and fearful. You have absolutely nailed it, the spirit of fear is rife in this land and disarms many a person.