A student set him up 100%

wokeasfook ago

Now we might never know the motive

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QueensNewYorkGuy ago

We should have Christians as protective of their religion. The main problem with this is that it’s yet another attempt at creating a heterogenous society. Let them practice their religion in their own country.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

And all the gullible goys fell for another staged event

ArcturianDeathTrap2 ago

Peacefully raping and bombing everyday without MSM coverage.

DemocratsAreAssholes ago

I think you got their motto all's not "religion of PEACE", it actually "religion of PIECE(S)".

It's very subtle, but do you see now?

greiierg ago

Muslim kills British soldier Lee Rigby in broad daylight on a London street in 2013.

uab ago

It is a religion of peace; your problem is you don't know that 'peace' is an internal cult jargon word.

If you look up 'house of peace,' you will discover what they mean when they say worship of the black cube is a 'religion of peace'

englishwebster ago

the religion of peace strikes again.

son23a ago

Hard to have a sympathy with the French knowing what kind of assholes they are, and knowing that they repeatedly voted for multiculturalism.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I was wrong.

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

They killed the murderer? Why not just shoot him in the leg? kek

hwong ago

same thing happened to Theo van gogh He was super anti-islam, tried warning the dutch when the musliums first started getting imported.
Started the first "draw muhamaid day"
after a year or two of the musliums coming in, two walked right up behind him in the town square , in front of about 2,oooo fellow dutch whom were out having coffees and the like, in broad daylight, shot him then and cut his head off and pinned a knife to his body with a manifesto.

This is what spurned the charlie Hebro stuff (they published a picture of muhamid in solidarity to the VVGIII death: Ie.e "we will not be intimidated" and we all know how that ended up....

Also spurned the seattle 8 and the draw muhamid day non-sence.

maaaxheadroom ago

The upshot being even goats are afraid to draw Mohammed. I’d show @maroonsaint my dick before I’d draw Mohammed.

ThAssOfHats ago

hwong ago

yup.... Exactly as planned.

Maroonsaint ago

Don’t be a pussy: you’re going to die no matter what.

SearchVoatBot ago

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thebearfromstartrack ago

Shit skin perspective: You HAVE to give EVERY shit skin (eg nigger) a CHANCE to cut your head off. Don't judge us ALL.

LIFE doesn't WORK like that. racism is NOT about SKIN color.

philomath ago

Apparently he was Chechen, so likely white. Just as retarded, though.

thebearfromstartrack ago

White muslims? Inconceivable. Suppose it's possible though. What is THEIR story?

philomath ago

Proximity. Chechnya is close to Azerbaijan and the other Muslim majority countries.

Khabib burg something is the current UFC badass - Muslim from Chechnya

thebearfromstartrack ago

Whites brow beaten into Islam by neighboring NME's?

WNwoman ago

It's so frustrating. The White European men have cucked themselves into a corner. They are not like us. Wake up. Save yourselves and your children.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Let's get the message clear. It's not Islam, it's Arabs. They're cousin fucking morons who get offended at the slightest provocation. That's what inbreeding does. There are a billion muslims and they're not all out killing, burning, and maiming heretics. Not even a majority support it. It's Arabs who are the problem.

I thought voat was smart enough to see things through the filter of race. Whites are hard working good people with or without Christianity, Arabs are backwards goat fucking marauders with or without Islam.

GutterTrash ago

It is islam you fucking jew

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Have you ever met a muslim, fucktard? Most are no different than your average Christian: earnest and gullible. The trouble is avuncular marriages which also plauged Portugal, Ireland, Southern Italy, Greece, and Spain: the shit holes of Western Europe. It's the marriage pattern, and thus the inbreeding, which combined with the je ne sais quoi nigger quality correlated with dark skin, which makes arabs the sand niggers they are.

This country has religious liberty for a reason. Keep it out of the government. I'm aware of Political Islam and it's dangers, but they're the same issues Catholicism brought with their inbred immigrants at the start of the 20th century.

We've already experienced The Passing of the Great Race, it's niggers all the way down.

Cucky_Sanders ago

your about half right. lslam is shit tier and arabs are nigger tier.

I do however wish whites had even 25% of their devotion to muslim supremacy and Al-Wala wal-Bara (war on infidels)

madmardigan ago

The french are literally cucks, legally as well since paternity tests are illegal. Hopefully after most of the french are murdered, raped, and enslaved the men of europe will come as fix the continent and give the french women real men and healthy babies.

RandomFurryDude ago

Literally the only reason you'd ban paternity tests is if you thought your male population would go crazy from the results.

That's a bad sign for France.

bigrex99 ago

The French media apparently has more balls than the US (((media))) - they publish mohammed cartoons and actually encourage critical thought.

Meanwhile the US (((msm))) can't suck Buden's balls deep enough.
Wonder what would happen if similar attacks happened in the US - in minecraft obviously.

madmardigan ago

Depends on the part of the US. Cities are screwed, anywhere there is low community cohesion, or, lots of diversity. But that doesn't matter, my point of the french being legally cucked is fact.

bruddah ago

I don't know man, you don't see the US demoralized to the state of open beheadings in broad daylight yet... not to say most of our marxist "educators" don't deserve it

bigrex99 ago

My point is that if the US public were to engage in atrocities toward the press the same way the mudslimes do, maybe the US (((media))) would grow some balls of their own and push back with critical reporting.

Just a thought.

steven_feelsperg ago


critical reporting

Pick one.

whatisbestinlife ago

the french are just as guilty as anyone else. everyone allows everything everywhere

ThAssOfHats ago

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