voatgoat2 ago

Awesome thankx for the post

headfire ago

Precisely the reaction of (((the guilty))).

Jews are insectile retards.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Vile little demon kikels starting to kvetch as soon as he names the jew, and to correct Rockwel, it should be not 80, but 100% of said jews who should be tried and executed.

binrobinro ago

ACTUAL critical race theory.

UA_Hammer ago


starrychloe ago

Glad he recognized not every Jewish person. Some are really awesome.

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Maat4u ago

Who is this guy and why I haven’t heard of him before.

MrDarkWater ago

He is absolutely excellent

GutterTrash ago

You know why. History is only written by the victors.

prairie ago

I was hoping he'd add in passing, "and now those 80% are trying to stop this interview."

dassaer ago

Or even better " It looks like the other 20% have shown up here ... Oh vey ..." .

Civil_Warrior ago

Oh Rockwell, you so crazy.❤❤❤❤❤

RCCollier ago

Folks are getting to get red pilled so hard with Rockwell. Greatest modern American hero for the White race. Our previous generations didn't know what they had.

Hipsterrr ago

is the ANP legit?

https://www.americannaziparty.com/ I've never heard of them, nor seen them on this site.

Does anyone have any info?

Civil_Warrior ago

long ago infiltrated by the fbi jews no doubt.

bonghits4jeebus ago

They were so nice to him. Can't imagine that today

AlwaysBWhitePositive ago

Never saw this one. GLR had balls of steel.

Civil_Warrior ago

bbbbbbballls of STEEL

500five ago

Even back then you can see they had our Q type boomers.

Dr_strangegov ago

The lollipop guild be pissed.

RabbiPuttitout ago

Jill Kews

Nukeisrael ago

Based Rockwell.

jewsbadnews ago

What happened to Patrick Little?

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onikage ago

People realized he was actually playing into the role jews would have him play. He got humiliated in a debate vs nick fuentes and i think most of his fans switched over.

Doglegwarrior ago

wow I need to watch that debate. I am surprized fuentes seems like a little midget faggot controled oppositiom while patrick little was spewing venom against the jews. how do you lose a debate when you have the truth on your side?

Warnos44 ago

It's highly probable they're both controlled opposition. You burn one to give the other exponential trust/influential power through appearing to have gotten rid of the fake.

jewsbadnews ago

If you really think that than just give up. The jews are unstoppable.

Warnos44 ago

Oh yes, there are only two options. You sound a lot like a kike yourself.

jewsbadnews ago

You really think Nick and Little are secretly working for the jews?

Warnos44 ago

I do not know. But I do know what history tells us. I suppose you could say we'll know in ten years.

When we put our hopes on someone they fail nearly every time. This isn't just on political theater scene, but in personal life too. Having theater stars is a control mechanism to get us to live vicariously through them. This is why television, movies, fiction books have all been excellent tools to pacify and distract us. There's no coincidence that they floated reality TV past us in the nineties, which was a ridiculous success, before they created the same politically. While many of us have completely rejected computer games, television, movies, there are many who think that what is put on social media that agrees with their view point must be real especially if they think it goes against the narrative.

I propose that it is nothing but hegelian dialect. They need both power and to get the kikes back home to Israel for their stupid religious beliefs. But most kikes, just as in WW2, want nothing to do with going "home" to Israel. So problem, reaction, solution. Play both sides, the power structure to keep the power, and the evil anti Semite, to stir up enough pressure to make kikes feel unsafe and go to Israel.

We know they do this. They openly state it time and again. They created the concept of antisemitism because none of the kikes who aren't of the Zionist doctrine will never have a reason to go to Israel without it. They constantly false flag "hate" crime swastikas and property destruction, because whites simply aren't the monster they make us to be. There is a huge push by them to create a real hatred, they're willing to sacrifice their own to get what they want. Listen to the 1% Zionist who pull strings talk about how Hitler was the best thing that ever happened to them. Not just for the control of muh holohoax, but for their state.

jewsbadnews ago

So you think people like Patrick Little and Dicky Spencer who are redpilled on everything about jews and all they do would still work for them? So it's possible to be redpilled and still not turn to our side? Do they know something we don't? Are the jews actually G_d's chosen people?

Warnos44 ago

There's a really great pdf book on the Illuminati mind control techniques, I'll be happy to look up the link if you're interested. More than anything it goes into history and different technology they use. There is indication that they have used a form of mind control as early as ancient Egypt. I did not expect it to be as in depth as it is.

It is shocking to find out that the CIA has used things like alcoholics anonymous, weight loss clinics, cancer support groups, anywhere you're likely to find people without a support group, to find assets. They look for IQ above 120, inclination towards hypnosis, and isolated. But it's common for those who are the wealthy involved in Kaballah to have this done to their own children from a very early age. You see this with many of the movie and music stars. The children like Britney spears and miley cyrus are broken from an early age. They create the alter for cute innocent Mickey mouse club performance, then a beta sex kitten for the evenings when they're abused sexually. This keeps the front alter from knowing what was done to them. I would suspect it is the reason it seems like a switch is thrown in the lives of these girls, where they go from fairly decent if not ditzy performers to complete over drive sexual

There is usually a young alter that never ages, always remains the age they were when they began their programming around 3-4. There is a very disturbing video of who I thought was Courtney love but I don't know stars very well, she is very pregnant and rocking back and forth. Her daughter is painting her face like a clown, and she's talking in a little girl voice about her tummy hurting and she must have gas bubbles (baby moving). I couldn't find it. Almost all of these kinds of things have become very difficult to find.

They often use a church or weekly meet association like Scientology or Jehovah's to anchor them to keep an eye on them as well. You see this with people like Tom cruise and the will smith guy. Sometimes you'll see them malfunction. There was a basketball guy who changed alters in the middle of a game and didn't know it was even a game. I think he ended up hugging someone and the game stopped. They tried to interview him after but he had a hoodie drawn heavily over his face and wanted to be called a different name. There's videos of Serena williams where she can't hit the ball over the net, try after try. She has a video where she talks about her alter egos and what each one is really good for.

So after all this, my point: it doesn't matter what some of them think, feel, or believe. Some of them do manage to escape. That is how manuals like what I'm referencing were able to be created, and how there are psychologists who specialize in trying to remove the programming they've received.

Do I think all are programmed? Absolutely not. But just as there was a post earlier about a silly kike blogger pretending to be white young female looking for a white Christian man , a divorced and bitter white man who was working to sacrifice anything for his aryan brotherhood, and an aryan queen to write a book about evil whitey, there are crypto jews who will gleefully play a part to make whites look bad, and encourage their fellow jews to continue their ingroup preference and push towards repatriation to Israel.

Stereotypical jews are nothing like Jesus. And God created his chosen people with his virtues written in their DNA. There is only one race that, time after time, naturally inclines towards the Christian virtues even when atheist. We're not talking about everyone, there are always exceptions to the rule. This does not mean that jews aren't capable of being saved or loved by Jesus and God. Through miscegenation, just like many blacks have become empathetic and less violent, some jews do care for their fellow humans. But ultimately the rejection of the Christian God and Jesus in favor of Kabbalah practices is them returning to their father. Just as most Christians never really read the Bible, I think many jews never read into their books. They're discouraged from reading the Talmud until they're 40. I've known a couple jews, and they were very stereotypical, step on others to get ahead. At the time I knew nothing at all about jews, never knew anyone to say anything negative about them, so I just figured they just weren't very nice white people. But I never had the sense that they loathed me or viewed me as chattel or cattle. They definitely did have the air of better than you, but so do a lot of non jews. So, no the average jew knows nothing more than anyone else. Those at the top may have partitioned knowledge. After learning all that I have, I have tremendous sympathy for those who never had a choice in their programming. Many lower IQ, high propensity to hypnosis, are equally programmed through media. The world is truly a mad house.

I would assume the reason you wrote God the way you did is because you're jewish.

onikage ago

It was more about tactics than facts.

ravensedgesom ago

because if little was controlled opposition from the beginning the fix was in. MSM doesn't cover real voices, so keep that in mind when someone else comes along.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

lol who is that?

Atlo2 ago

George Lincoln Rockwell. Here is a talk from him.


CowWithBeef ago

George Lincoln Rockwell

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago


Marou ago

GLR was a stand up guy. We need more like him.

Nukeisrael ago

He had conviction and wasn’t afraid. Listen to his speech at brown, he even brings up race realism. I couldn’t believe people were taking about this shit back then.

Special_Que ago

Holy fuck. That was one hell of an eye opener.

Civil_Warrior ago


starrychloe ago

Didn’t you hear him? He said only 80% are bad.

Civil_Warrior ago

Are treasonous...

100% are bad. The 20% he left out are patriotic swindling childfuckers dedicated to the system that allows them to FEED.

dassaer ago

It was 'in his estimation, about 80% of them that are actively involved in agitating and needing to be put on trial for that'. He didn't say '20% are good guys' or imply that at all ...

recon_johnny ago

Some people knew about the jews and history.

we_kill_creativity ago

I couldn’t believe people were taking about this shit back then.

It used to not even need to be said...an unspoken truth...so commonly and universally understerstood that no one thought it was worth saying, because obviously everyone knew it. It would be like having an argument about water being wet.

Hell, racial segregation used to be self-done by all the races involved. Even "whites" used to segregate based on race. Thus you had separate Italian, Polish, name your European race, neighborhoods. It still happens today with Chinatowns in basically every large city and no one bats an eye. It's not seen as racist, it's just one group of people prefering to live with themselves, as it always has been.

If left to our own devices, the races would natural self-segregate and no hatred whatsoever would need to be involved. If that happened, if you had 99% white towns and 99% black towns in America, you'd naturally have local schools, churces, whatever as "segregated", no segregation laws needed. AND...I promise you race relations in this country would better than they have been since over a hundred years ago.

Just remember, the African races aren't here because of Africans, and they didn't get bused to the cities by Africans....There's always been one group of people who have created the totally unnatural state of race mixing today, and they're here on Voat, and they want you to hate the Africans more than you hate the Jews that are causing all this.

Nukeisrael ago

I realize this now but when I first heard it it just connect dots in your head that you already had and strengthens them. I know everyone on earth was race realist until 1960 and even still everyone but western whites still is.

vingt-sept ago

Most jews would sell-out their host countries. Being traitorous is in their nature.

CalibanFresco ago

I suppose it's hard to be a traitor when they were never on our side to begin with.

Civil_Warrior ago

because jews have no country. They are parasites...eternal parasites.

CalibanFresco ago

A vampire cannot survive without someone to feed on.

Civil_Warrior ago

Childfucker jews, there is no other kind.


Derpfroot ago

There were jews that were actually against the creation of israel.  Not because they would be taking over someone else's territory, but because it could be noted that they had a place to leave to (when invariably they wore out their welcome and it was time to leave).  They wanted to be nomadic parasites forever.

Civil_Warrior ago

Other jews protested the bullshit state of palestine Israel.

Their argument was Israel must be a gift from God as a result of true Jewish repentance from their horrific scandalous culture of Satan worship. Instead, the Satan worshippers took it by force in the hopes of opening the doors to hell. Got a Netflix subscription? Shop on AMAZON? Etcc..etc... if so you are helping these child fucking satan worshipping blood cultists niggers.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Selling out somebody elses country is NOT treason. Treason is selling your own country. Whites are selling out to jews, so whites are the real traitors. Jews are just parasites.

dummythicc ago

This is what I've always said. Another variation is Canada, look at Justin Trudeau, he's not a cuck the general public is, they stand around while they watch him fuck the country every which way.

Draco777 ago

White traitors are the most dangerous enemy.

robot7247 ago

"Do it to her!"

Niggertoes ago

Under the spreading arms of the chestnut tree

9000timesempty ago

I wish I could say the world state is a shame but it's all supposed to happen and get much much worse. As prophesied and even told by Christ. The world will get even crazier.

GreenSlug ago

Thanks, god, so glad this is the only way you could achieve your masterplans. Really appreciate it

Civil_Warrior ago

always remember its the jews that made up christ to be an anti Roman antifa...there is wisdom in the bible...but always remember the jews attitude to the goy as set forth in the Talmud. The jews God demands blood sacrifice, preferably enemy blood...christ is a tool to sate that dark god with THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB.

Pllatinum ago

Yeah just trust on that child-like naivety and your jeezuz will come save you. Do nothing in the meanwhile.

Kleemin ago

keep waiting for the magic sky man to come and save you cuck.

Nukeisrael ago

“Trust da plan.”

It’s all so tiresome. Superman isn’t coming to save you.

illuminalto2 ago

Yes but Jesus didn't ask for you do just do nothing until that moment comes.

9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

Reminds me of the joke about the flood. To make it short:

A flood overtakes a town to the point that residents are forced to their roofs to survive. One lady is on her roof when a rescue boat comes, but she refuses saying, "God will provide." A while later the flood waters are still rising when another rescue boat comes, but she again refuses. "God will provide," she says. Finally, the flood waters are at her feet when a third boat arrives. Still she refuses the rescue. "God will provide," she says again. The flood keeps rising and she drowns. In Heaven she asks God why he didn't save her. "Lady! I sent three fuckin' boats!"

tomdogg ago

That’s what I think about too. Everyone thinks trump is going to save us - and he’s been great in the short term - but we eventually lose until it’s over and we finally win. But that loving part is going to be terrible for the entire world.

illuminalto2 ago

It's on us.

Jesus doesn't want you to wait around until the rapture, you have to do good works and fight the beast.