I like how the obama niglets aren't even mentioned because monkeys don't count

winterdreams7 ago

This is international as well, Putin's daughter married a jew.

VitGet ago

Obama's children? This is faggotry.

CouldBeTrump ago

Is English your second language?

dummythicc ago

Putting a bulldog mask on over the paper bag would be a major improvement for (((Melissa Cohen))). Good fucking god.

I do find it interesting that with how obsessed jews are with blood and racial purity etc that they are so willing to dilute it like this. I'm almost starting to think they don't really care and all that matters is money and power (except the inbred physically hideous mutations that call themselves orthodox).

Merlynn ago

You have "pureblood jews" and "hybrid jews". Most of the jews you see in public are hybrid jews,mixed with some other group for infiltration. Pureblood jews are kept hidden away and protected. You don't see them much. You probably wouldn't want to.

But yeah,they keep a stock of "purebloods" around to make sure they stay somewhat "pure". I also wouldn't be surprised if jews who married non-jews didn't have some "pure jew" kids before marrying into a powerful family.

nazidog ago

Is Baron Trump based enough to break the vicious cycle?

wokeasfook ago

How many times did that guy Q anon mention "follow the wives"?

Could this be what he meant?

Maat4u ago

There’s no future after trump. His kids ect are Jew married. They infiltrated all aspects of our gov and media. Jews always marry into or slide their way into everything.

WNwoman ago

Hmmm for such a tiny percentage of the population they sure do get around, don’t they?

goatsandbros ago

Still voting for Trump

kishind ago

There is no Trump, only ZOG.

fuckyourownface ago

Someone post a stat of percentage of kikes in the military. Please.

dassaer ago

The Israeli military or the pseudo Israeli (US) military ?? ....

fuckyourownface ago

How many kikes in our military. I think there's 6

dassaer ago

And they're all in supply and accounting ??? ....

B166-ER ago

But but but, MAGA and Q. Waaaahhhh....

Skeptic5000 ago

Anyone who understands how dynasties works will understand why they do this. It's a way to secure your family being on the winning side and forming political alliances.

Kat-the-Cat ago

This is one of the reasons I get frustrated when people screech "muh democrats" or "muh republicans". They are two different means heading to the same communistic end. And they are laughing at us while chipping away fundamental rights.

letsgoallthewhey ago

Mezvinsky took one for the team, er, tribe.

Special_Que ago

If this doesn't wake people up I don't what will. Hey while we're here can anyone help me with something? I'm trying to prove that every ((moderator)) in each and every "debate" is a jew. I've proven two of them so far. The others are requiring a little more effort. Thanks goats.

LittleTony ago

Stop noticing things, it’s antisemetic

psilocyb ago

Day of rope please

A_Punkass_Bitch ago


dampkitty ago

"Chelsea Clinton: a woman so ugly that oral counts as anal" - hah, great line

EyeOfHorus ago

How difficult is it to manipulate a President's child? Surround the target with jews and run interference against competing love interests. Same shit they do to blackmail politicians. Same shit they did injecting Epstein into social circles.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were a team of jews assigned to each high value celebrity and politician.

jthun2 ago

Same story in Britain.

Jews marry into the richest and most powerful gentile families in order to extend their influence and take over.

Credible_Hulk ago

I like that photoshop photo of Trump that gets passed around like OPs mom

romanstock ago

Both of Stalin's children did the same.

the_magic_man ago

Donald would have too but there's no Jewish hookers

GasnSniff ago

eric trump is soooo ugly dude. fuck

Shakenstein ago

Looks like that habsbourg's jaw to me....fishy.

kishind ago

Jews love to cuck powerful men... That horrid overbite is also a jewish attribute.

fuckyourownface ago

Yup. They convince powerful people into believing that connecting to the tribe brings prosperity. Its lies based on lies based on some kike printing paper and charging interest

tourgen ago

It's their reward for helping sacrifice the goyim.

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

Alliances were formed.

LettItBurn ago

...and then one day, for no reason at all, Titus beat the fucking shit out of Jerusalem.

worldofmadness ago

Fuck Titus, his show of mercy to the jews by not finishing the job has doomed this planet. He had the chance to permanently solve the jewish question but didn't because he had a little thing for certain jewish individuals such as the one jewish bitch he had an affair with and also the befriending of that jewish traitor, Josephus.

voatuser1128 ago

For real, Rome should have done treated Jerusalem like Carthage.

jewish traitor, Josephus.

That is one cunning Jew. For example, he and his comrades were hiding in a well and convinced the others to commit suicide in such a way that he was the last one.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Saving grace: DTJ is dating Kim Guilfoyle, a Irish/PR babe

EyeOfHorus ago

DTJ 47 years old is fucking Governor Gavin Newsom's 50 year old ex wife.


StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Yr homo if u wouldn't sniff her old beef flaps

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

are you sick of winning yet!!!

the_magic_man ago

"babe"? Don't be a fucking retard.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

u r gay, admit it

iam ago

That's weird as fuck. If Obama's two daughters marry jews, then this is confirmed.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Ocelot ago

Four isn't enough for you? It's always the fucking jews, brother.

SumerBreeze ago

dont be fucking stupid - one president like this is already too much

PhilKDick ago

Nice visualization. Great for red-pilling

EnigmaticSimian ago

A “Cohencidence”

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onikage ago

Barron hasn't married one.

UndercoverGoyim ago

Not yet*

jimibulgin ago

"...who [have gotten] married".

Obama's adopted niglesses haven't married either.

FroglipsJones ago

It's quite hard to get a kike to marry a sheboon. They'll take time.

ScottMAGA ago

One of them will "man up" to marry the sheboon. Just look at that reddit guy who married that orcish tennis player.

onikage ago

Good point. Missed that.

toobaditworks ago

Maybe they think jews really are the choosen ones and want to infect their kids with that jewsian blood. Or these marriages are arranged the way two crime families or Kings arrange marriages between countries.

Vc83 ago

it's called blackmail and selling your children to the kikes, all for power

whatisbestinlife ago

i think they offer a dowry and favoritism for a white daughter and they organize jewish women to try to seduce white men with little to no cost

BadBoyBubby ago

royalty marriages is what came to my mind as well

fuckyourownface ago

Yeah someone planted the idea in their mind that, 'imagine the benefits of your kid getting hitched to the tribe'. It's just cohencidence though. I'm antisemitic

TheSeer ago

That's right. Political alliance. It is a way of telling the politician, "Yeah, the future is grim for white people. But don't worry, that won't apply to your children if...."

Mugman ago

Now let's pass that law making it illegal to question jews and our vaccine industry.

TheSeer ago

Asking questions, let alone making a critique, is just an anti-semitic dog whistle.

dassaer ago

"Woof Woof, nigger ", lol ....

TheGook ago

Everything infiltrated.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I infiltrated yo mudda's pusai again last night

TheGook ago

Not mother, you drunk and fuck old hobo dude. He said to call him soon. He have to tell you he have Herpe.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

That was afterwards, for dessert