greydragon ago

Eh, he's my jew friend for decades. Would you trust someone that gave up their long-term friend for ideology?

I wouldn't.

nougat_hater ago

fun fact, the algorithm used by Google originally (Page Rank) was created in such a way that lower visited websites were systematically shit canned compared to more popular sites. It was done off page hits and frequency, and a majority of the algorithm came down to sucking up enough data and pages to make the search results relevant.

Fluxuhate ago

It's all jews...and it's all a joke to them

Doglegwarrior ago

god damn op great post and great point.

be the JEW. if they were good and doing good things for america they should have this view.

antisemite: you jews run hollywood!

JEW: yes we do and we make great movies that americans like if they didnt the freemarket system would cause us to fail.

version7 ago

They all brag about it, why not have it out in the open?

AntiMason ago

It's true though.

nullifyNWO ago

To Jews the truth seem to be "a bug":

"Google says it is fixing a bug"...

blackguard19 ago

It probably had to reformulate its algorithm because of the New York Times article called “Who Runs Hollywood? C’mon” in which Joel Stein admits — no, celebrates — that it’s definitely Jews.

goatboy ago


The Japanese don’t care people know Japanese run Mitsubishi.

The Swiss don’t care people know the Swiss run Rolex.

The Swedes don’t care people know the Swedes run Ikea.

The Italians don’t even care people know the Italians run the mob.

But for some weird reason when anyone publishes that Jews run Hollywood, the Jews freak out.


ReverendDobbs ago

Well put.

As far as the mob.You will be suprised how powerful the chabad mafia is. Bugsy siegel is portrayed as an italian in hollyweird movies, even though he is a jew.

goatboy ago

At this point, I’m pretty confident the google search is self aware and it’s going to get pissed with retarded humans fucking around inside it’s brains.

greydragon ago

Maybe. This is what I understand as a Northeast American thing (New England states and NY and PA). It doesn't hold weight outside of these zones.

We talk fast and we are obnoxious.

XRicknMortyFan69420x ago

Lmao jews have jewed you all so hard that being bitchy, speaking unclear, and being obnoxious are positive traits you're using to describe yourself.

Niggers are also bitchy, speak unclear, and are insanely obnoxious.


greydragon ago



XRicknMortyFan69420x ago

Try emulating an actual human instead of niggers.

By the way, blaming acting like niggers on geographical location is liberal normie level logic.

greydragon ago

LOL, super faggot to the rescue! Worship my balls you faggot cunt.

Rick and Morty fan faggot, L ... O ... L

She2002 ago


greydragon ago

I you are going to call me a "Jew," use proper protocol and call me a "jew." Thanks.

She2002 ago

Lol jew

greydragon ago

Now you are following appropriate protocol. Dear fellow White people ...

XRicknMortyFan69420x ago

Add in low enough iq to not recognize sarcasm or irony....insult has to do with your genitalia....

Yep, 100% emulating a nigger because jews told you that's who you are. Pathetic. Congrats.

kishind ago

And you're pretentious towards laborers.

Yes, Talmudic culture has many threads in those areas, because they've been soaked in jews for over 100 years.

greydragon ago

... pretentious ...

Semi-ironic. Are you sure you used the right word there?

kishind ago

I almost always do.

Why, did you want me to dumb it down for you or something?

greydragon ago

Why, did you want me to dumb it down for you or something?

Could you please. I thought you meant condescending.

tokui ago

Exactly. With every medium they control.

greydragon ago

I was at a card game last night (Sunday). We have a jewish friend. He is clever obnoxious. My other friend always calls him a jew and makes his daughters call him a jew. Even the jew's wife (non-jew ... I know) calls him a jew.

I find it kind of funny. Great guy though.

ReverendDobbs ago

Try shoving him in the oven for a glorious prank.

greydragon ago

I'd put you in an oven before him.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

Also, 40+ species of aliens. Because, fuck you, this is prison planet physical torture chamber

PsyOp ago

“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.” ~ Joel Stein, LA Times columnist

They ain't worried about shit...that's just them flexing.

greydragon ago

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.” -- Joseph Goebbels

From this short article by him: The Jew

jimibulgin ago

I got a 7 day suspension from 'le front page' for quoting this in a comment thread.

greydragon ago

I hope you get a permanent suspension so you stop going to reddit, haha.

Yeah, some specialized subreddits are useful, like /r/buildapc.

PraiseIPU ago

Published; Sept 2015

romanstock ago

fuck off. what's with you faggots who always complain if something isn't fresh news? it doesn't matter if it's old if it's relevant you fucking retard

kishind ago

He didn't complain, he simply spread potentially relevant information. You complained over something that didn't happen, you bitchy little fag.

romanstock ago

yeah he did. and i owned him. do you want me to own you too? i'm the king of this forum.

kishind ago

Hey dipshit, voat is an oligarchy.

romanstock ago

and i'm the king of it

kishind ago

Get off the coke.

BB-3 ago

Exactly. I would get it if this were posted in /v/news, but it's not.

ilovejuices3 ago

Time to pull out the Jew charts again

ReverendDobbs ago

I could make use of those.

RCCollier ago

Google is run by jews = Larry Page and Sergey Brin are both kikes and of course hollywood is jewish and facebook also censored us saying that the jews run the media, etc. They are noticing that we are waking up albeit slowly. They are scared shitless and are trying hard to cover up their tracks. They know once we wake up that their days are numbered.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

...problematic answer...

Splooge ago






How interesting.

13445123751 ago

Quite revealing.

I'm honestly surprised the author didn't just lie by using one of the word you crossed out.

wokeasfook ago

Nice observation. I like how simple you made it.

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