AlphaOmega ago

Porn is a weapon. Literally a fucking weapon of war. Jews use it against countries to degrade their men and make them easier to subvert.

fightknightHERO ago

They have the audacity to call his FILTH art?!!?

the sheer Chutzpah is staggering

ravensedgesom ago

If someone takes this kike out the world will only be a better place.

NeilCuckmann ago

no fedposting please

ravensedgesom ago

in minecraft.

skullfuku ago

nigger-rich gangsta kike glamshot lmao

500five ago

He loves niggers so much he wants to be one.

fightknightHERO ago

25778507? ago

Jewfro is a thing.

Yuke ago

I just love how they used the other guys parents house to film a porno in and didn't think anything of it. Pure scum; always.

Doglegwarrior ago

ok anyone ready for the 110th expulsion?

brandnewset ago

195 countries in 2020.

109 plus 194 is 303

Let us make it 303

fightknightHERO ago

expulsions--i sleep

total ethnic cleansing--real shit

hillaryisanigger ago

That won’t fix anything

con77 ago

(((lansky))) that says it all