Nowhiteguilt22 ago

For a short time This year a small part of China was producing more CO2 than anywhere else.

GhastlySkulduggery ago



Sulfur dioxide pollution in march in Wuhan was concentrated at over 1000ug per cubic meter.

More than Norilsk.

Who you might have seen in the headlines recently, for "accelerating climate change".

Yeah. That happened.

And this is a screen grab I got on the 16th March.

iyskreem ago

You know, that magic reality-warping German engineering we don't see anymore

voatergoateryoda ago

Wu Flu is a bunch of bullshit. Those chinks were nerve gassed.

fellowwhiteperson ago

You just throw them in a pit and toss a match and they just go up like magic!

wokeasfook ago

jews are just more flammable

Mrwarmind ago

They get roasted too easily


60 million whites died in WWII. Disposing of bodies en masse is not difficult.

6 gorillion is an obvious lie but this tired argument is beyond stupid.

Granite_Pill ago

Italy too

Nukeisrael ago

The official narrative these days is massive fixed grills that they used wood to burn the bodies with. Equally impossible and would have burned the entire forest around the camp down.

wigson ago

During their secret experiments in the occult the Nazis discovered black magic which enabled them to burn bodies 1000x faster.

fellowwhiteperson ago

This is true. The powers that be do not want is discovering this tech because it holds the secret to limitless energy. /r/magicovens

Astupidname69 ago

Italy too, they were struggling with a few 100s/1000s of bodies but Germany magically ovened literally millions no problem.

wigson ago

Germany magically ovened literally millions no problem.

We all wish that were the case.

Nosferatjew ago

What bodies? Where was the actual evidence that there ever were mass corpse burnings in China. Where was the actual evidence there was even a deadly viral pandemic in China? As far as I can tell, they faked it, all of it.

ChickenDeath ago

I vaguely remember some aerial thermo photos showing large heat signatures around wuhan at the time.

Nosferatjew ago

Doesn't exactly prove the mass burning of bodies though, does it?

MrDarkWater ago

I get your point, and I know the truth about the 20th century, but do we believe the stuff from China about covid19?

Mr_Wolf ago

it was all theater, at worst they got rid of a large elderly and undesirable population (cripples and mentally ill as an example)

TheGook ago

I heard Nazi put jew baby in soccer ball and kick them in oven tee hee

areyoumygaffer ago

was watching something on forensics of testing ashes of someone with arsenic poisoning. it said it could be up to 3 hours at 2000 degrees as average. my wife asked how so many jews could have been burned.

the pill is almost there.

Mugman ago

Those orotestors sure did quiet up really quick after the kungpow. Wonder if they just put lead in their heads or if they did the ant people way and tortured them?

Mr_Wolf ago

The hong kong protesters stayed inside for awhile then went back into the streets before the take over became official.
Hong Kong was actually carrying American flags and shouting for help from the US before the virus was released. It was perfect theater for China to take over HK without them receiving any help from anyone.

ThAssOfHats ago

White people do everything better.

negrojohnny ago

The evidence keeps building doesn't it? Eventually, the scales have to tip, if you know what I mean.

Drkadrka ago

But if they were so efficient, why put them in camps to feed and house and store them and quite often transfer them between camps as well, all before killing them and burning them?

Camp guards must have had a heckuva union representative to negotiate a deal like that. Cushy posting with long term job security, plus they had their own prisoner orchestras, theater companies, gardens, swim team, libraries, etc. Sweet sweet gig. I'd sign up.

Pissed_Mapleboi ago

Not the Tom and Jerry shotgun wall!

greydragon ago

I'm partial to the roller coaster of death!

Shit jews make up

Shakenstein ago

" right behind it came another cart". Must have cost alot of money and time building those carts to just burn them off aswell... the jews didnt even think about what to do with the now emptied cart....were the other carts then pushing the last one into the oven? Was it a 2 side tracks? Or a loop so the cart comes back empty? like they ask us to just put logic aside...

nowhat ago

I mean if you have a surplus of slave labor all you need is for them to make the carts for you.

greydragon ago

Your logic is anti-semetic, haha.

GreenSlug ago

If i were a degenerate jew, id come up with a machine that would masturbate my seed out of me until i died! Oh wait... already been done

greydragon ago

The masturbation machines were a good one as well. Perhaps that is what Antifa is truly rioting for.

I saw a recent one on Voat about jew children (not infants) being sewn into soccer balls for Nazis to kick around, lol.

friendshipistragic ago

Was watching a documentary by Mark Felton once. Talked about what happened to the bodies of the 11 Nazi officials that were sentenced to death at Nuremberg. It took the all day to cremate 11 bodies at a professional crematorium there.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shadenfreude ago

It does seem a bit suspicious that six million people died but there are no mass graves or memorials because the remains were vaporized in super efficient German crematoriums.🤔

I don’t know what really happened there, but I kind of think they just pulled the six million number out of their asses without any kind of documentation, kind of like how no one knows an exact number of people killed by Stalin or Mao. None of them were officially executed after a trial. They just disappeared and their records were erased.

LordIntrepid ago

Would be interesting to see other sources for those papers. Like news archives or other collectors. Its too easy to dismiss when its just one guy with prestine, crisp, brand new looking newspapers. People will just assume its some crazy who printed off custom newspapers to make up a story.

Hoodboarder ago

The longer you look at these claims more proofs of the big lie of WWII appear. Go to Israel and see what they are doing there you will have all the evidence you need to know jews are evil liars.

Keres ago

Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must "vanish" before the state of Israel can be formed. "You shall return minus 6 million." That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the "6 million" is an attempt to transform the Holocaust story into state religion.

lanre ago

Honestly, there are plenty of lost arts, and Chinese are retarded bug people, so comparing them to Germans operating at peak efficiency is a bit silly.

MrPim ago

It takes 90 minutes to dispose of a body in modern crematoria. The Germans didnt have magic crematoria. A body burns at a certain rate and creating more heat to burn them faster requires a fuel which will burn hotter and an oven which can withstand this. These ovens don't exist or we would have them. We don't

Further, when a body is burned it leaves behind what are called cremains. Which are essentially unburned bones. Hip bones mostly because they are large and thick and dont burn away. This would leave thousands of pounds of cremains which would need disposed of. Oddly, none of these can be found.

I feel like you're a jew. Are you perhaps one of the Abrahamic children?