the_illusive_man ago

Because there is a shortage of educated labor in this country...there is a dearth of doctors and engineers and computer scientists in this country. Go to any STEM program in the country and it will be dominated by Chinese and Indians....meanwhile, less than half of whites in this country hold a bachelors (and the numbers are probably less than 25% in STEM) and those who do get bachelors end up joining the work force immediately or getting a mastwrs/doctorate in bullshit like psychology.

minx88 ago

because of the poisonous antigentilust synogogue of satan demonic backstabbing jew

DeportNiggers ago

Fuck This country I’m sick of it.

Same. Makes me want to say things I probably shouldn't say on the internet.

NoKiddin ago

Because everyone gets gibs but white working tax payers in the US.

Merlynn ago

Well,it does several things.

Demoralization- Whites watch as the niglets take their kids' spots,in the universities they built,for free,keeping them from getting an affordable,high quality higher education. Even if they get in,they'll be surrounded by niggers and will be unable to learn properly because of their nigger shines.

Incentives- It gives niglets and spics and other forms of brown shits a reason to invade white countries because they get free shit.

Lower quality workers- Because niggers of all types perform at a lower level than whites and have lower standards,they'll ask for less money and fewer benefits. Most jobs are busy work anyway so it doesn't matter if they're good at it. Anything important can be done by the white workers who know what they're doing and everything else can fall to shit for all the jew cares. What's important is making niggers feel like they matter so they get a big ego and try to start shit with whites.

And that's just off the top of my head. It does a lot to destroy white countries.

rubberdougie ago

Because fuck you whitey. Pay your taxes.

PaddyMcInfidel ago

Democracy is retarded. A person who requires public assistance and welfare to survive should never have an equal vote to a person who is self sustaining and produces wealth and income. Should a child have an equal say in family matters as his father?

Repeal the 15th, 19th, 24th and 26th. Only land owning males have the right to vote.

BasedWolf ago

It's probably a combination of leftist/jewish elite divide and conquer tactics, as well as submissive, pathologically altruistic tendencies from cucked whites.

White people are supposedly getting more atheist yet have never been closer to nailing themselves to a cross for the sake of some retarded moral principles than ever before.

spudsuds ago

Because the country has been demoralized and subverted, silly.

Dalai_Llama ago

Because Israel is our greatest ally.

Granite_Pill ago

UT gives them free tuition too.

possiblezombie22 ago

I've been asking that same question since 2006 when I found out all the local illegal muzzies with 7 wives get free college and grants, Thanks Obama.

minx88 ago

yeah Obama he’s the bitch to the Jew who puts his ass in the air for BAL his demon that they worship along with the Jew the synagogue of Satan Middle Eastern shit they’re not enemies they’re the same shit it’s called a confusion tactic where in war they’re using psychological war tactics like blame shifting and guilt tripping and gaslighting I want to see what they are they’re transparent did you guys are using this shit they’re refunding the antifa bolshevik hyenas their funding the Muslim Nager‘s to have a hotel

to attack when the jew says so

It’s the Jews the Jews need to die the Muslims need to die the Nager’s need to die they are the same shit and they’re never going to stop murdering women and children until we kill them and if you leave one of these fucking things alive the start this whole shit over again every centuce we did the same thing every fucking time

Vc83 ago

Because jew colleges fleece the US government for taxpayer money and funnel it through to any student, they don't care where they are from.

Smokybubbles ago

US citizens must be prioritized above all others. We need to reap the benefits of the society we built, not the dregs of the third world.

Xantha ago

The country was founded on White Anglo-Saxon Protestant principles, so when White Anglo-Saxon Protestants are no longer a majority (or Whites in general); America as the civnats circle-jerk off to it, will be completely and utterly dead.

You're going to have deport ~50 million people at minimum or America is dead by 2050 and gone by 2100.

Kike_Slayer_88 ago

Real (White) Americans must be prioritized above all to be exact.

Skeptic5000 ago

Jews and the left thinking in the long term. Herding low IQ brown people to keep them voting, extinguish whites and ensure their supremacy.

minx88 ago

except that Jews are not supreme they have inferiority complex so the only way to make them feel less fucking ugly and retarded like Einstein the plagiarist is to think that they are superior because they worship their Satan bitch but they’re not there a demonic Jewish ritual murder synagogue of Satan deformed ass ugly Middle Eastern shit skins they only look white because they blended with whites but they’re not the Middle Eastern shit inferior shit and they know it and they’re scared of whites that’s why they put the lock down and the masksBut everything is exposed exposed himself and they cursed themselves by bringing these Muslim shit and Nager shit here jew soro needs to die jew Roth Childs needs to die jew pousionois rat gates needs to die

Oh and watch out look at Fauci pretending to be humble and playing victim hood like with a teacher to the Muslims a Nager’s to do they use victim has a weapon the first time in the back and then they cry in order to get you more in the shit it’s a weapon don’t listen to this shit to be manipulated by the fucking Jew stop listening to the Constant victim hood gaslighting guilt tripping blame shifting projection and the confusion tactics it’s all inferior bullshit did you think they’re smart but they’re not they’re just Scammers and thieves and liars and deceivers Tuesdays pathological lying psychotic jealous inferior shit and they need to go back into the ass of the demon that squeeze them out every single one of them because every single one of them is a Backstabber always have been always will be

Skeptic5000 ago

Let me put it this way. You have three families:

O'Bannon/Gianelli family: devout protestants/catholics, gun owners, above average IQ, work ethic, don't tread on me, would like to keep beaners and niggers out of their country.

Sánchez family: illegal migrants, lower IQ, higher crime rate, high birth rate.

Jackson family: highest crime, lowest IQ, high birth rate.

If you were the left... which families would vote for you? Traditional whites certainly won't. The rest have no background or education. You can just blame whites for their failures, hand them money and grant them amnesty for crimes. Of course they're gonna vote for you. They'll gladly vote their liberties away because they don't know any better. It's a good long-term strategy.

Maat4u ago

Vote Biden. Because fuck you. That’s why. Quit playing games. At least he was racist.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Because they vote democrat

clubberlang ago

Nothing new bro. This has been going on since I can remember. Been passed over for promotions and jobs because back in the day they awarded points on applications if you selected other than white or caucasian, though they'll deny this reverse racism entirely to evade being sued.

ALIENS2222 ago


romanstock ago

Because Trump is in charge and he is a total fraud. There's scores of these types of things that he has done nothing about that you or anyone normal would've got rid of immediately. He only did the critical race crap because of the election.. he had 3 1/2 yrs to do that. Same bullshit over and over... he was never an outsider, he was always establishment, his daughter dated nathan rothschild. He exists to keep his rising base appeased with bs rhetoric until it's too late to rise up. Nothing ever changes with these people.

Olivefigs ago

Wtf!? Is this when they get the green card?

KosherHiveKicker ago

All thanks the ((( Multiculturalists ))) !!!

cyclops1771 ago

It's a false bullshit complaint.

The complaint needs to be "Why the fuck does ANYONE get free college money from FAFSA and TAP"?

DanielR ago

Are you not tired of (((winning))) my fellow Trump supporter ?

minx88 ago


Was getting things done and he’s better than Obama and he’s better than the child molester last stage of dementia New World order Biden

or Senile bolshevik Bernie and nobody else wants a Nager either

But Trump has been too nice with the Jews and the blacks and he’s got that creepy jew son-in-law hanging around and also now he’s threatening forced vaccine with the military he needs to be careful oh he’s showing his himself to be the the bitch to the Jew.

We need a right wing For white people not an actor not a Jew lover not a Nager lover

DanielR ago

also believe it or not, first term Obama was 100% more based and red pilled then kikeTrump

Obama first teerm was anti-fags, anti-illigals, pro-mass deportation, anti-Israel and so on

AttilaHitler ago


Maat4u ago

Remember Hitler? Rothchild bastard child? He exposed what the Jews were doing. Yet destroyed German Europe. Then lived Argentina. Today. They expose more what they do. Like Reagan did. And they will continue. This time they have AI’s help to control behavior such as the Q psyop. We are being replaced. Godspeed

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Jews and nigger loving Papists and Churchians like Amy Bennet who would force her daughters to live with Haitian boys under the same roof.

minx88 ago

Please like Francis the Jew and the and the faggot Jewish priest did not represent Catholicism a lot of people who are pushing with his Judeo Christian are corrupt as they are Jews like an inquisition when they pretended to be Christian and Catholic to hide that really scared them they are scared of us that’s why I did that they did the lockdown and the Covid fake shit Cove it is agenda 21 it’s nothing more than a cold.

It’s the biggest hoax since the holocaust

gosso920 ago

Because, fuck you, goy! That's why.

Smittenacious ago

I was told I couldn’t go to college because I am white. You are worried about some gibs.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Ha... You adjust know the answer. Why are you asking?

Shotinthedark ago

The short answer is jews

green_man ago

They shouldn't be here in the first place.

AdaptOrDie ago

It's the fucking KIKE ZOG controlled government.

Do you not realize this by now???!!

Nukeisrael ago

Because kikes hate white people. I would be 100% okay with free shit like college and healthcare for those who deserve it using taxes in a white ethnostate but in current day shithole USA? Fuck no. It becomes de facto wealth redistribution based on race.

minx88 ago

Because of the Jewish parasite the Jewish ritual murder demonic vampire thief deceiver two-faced pathological lying psychotically jealous hateful satanic no rumors subhuman Middle Eastern invader did you fucking daemonic shit every single one of them and if they denied and bitch and moan victimhood it’s called Sanhedrin LIE JEW and there lies the constant lies

BasedWolf ago

You're right. Not counting the recent apparent far left social nonsense that seems to be plaguing some of them, the Scandinavian countries seemed to be perfect examples of this. When most of your countrymen are decent, hardworking white people with similar values and character, there's nothing wrong with strong social safety nets and a welfare system because it's never plundered and exploited by dregs and niggers like it is in the US.

Nukeisrael ago

Yeah socialism isn’t bad at all in a high iq ethnostate where you actually give a fuck about your neighbors and countrymen because you’re all on the same team. Also most people probably pay net lifetime taxes in those nordic socialistic democracies meaning its affordable and can actually be used for what it’s made for. I don’t like the muh individualism lolberts who think there will ever not be taxes or that a state won’t exist but I can see why in the USA we have people like that. We are completely zogged by materialism and me, me, me individualism. I mean that’s pretty much what boomers act like even to their own children. But yeah the word “socialism” is like a Pavlovian no no word to boomers and they were trained that way. It’s why you’ll see a person like Steven crowder go up to a bunch of white union members protesting in the streets because they are getting undercut by paco and get his ass beat for trying to preach lolbertism. Lolberts are useful idiots for megacorps just in the same way leftoids are but for different reasons.

BasedWolf ago

Yeah I agree, and it's even more funny to me how liberals attempt to blame all of this exclusively on Republicans, meanwhile they're the ones in favour of mass migration and empowering minority interest groups, including degenerate faggots.

Liberals will accuse conservatives of not caring about social unity and the common good, which sounds okay on paper, but then you realize what they actually mean is working to support dregs, degenerates, and niggers. It's like you said, the social unity/cohesion ideology makes sense when you're actually among your own tribe. When you're working for the sake of people you hate, hate you, and/or aren't contributors, it becomes less "work together" and more "work for niggers under the guise of working together".

Like you said, it's understandable why lolberts view taxation as theft and appeals to the good of society as bullshit and coercion, because they clearly see that plenty of people in society aren't on the same side as them. But what they don't seem to understand is that, even if lolbertarianism had actual merit, there's no way of successfully implementing and maintaining it, ESPECIALLY in a society full of niggers and run by kikes.

areyoumygaffer ago

because kikes run the programs giving niggers and shit skins money. niggers are too stupid to know.

badbot ago

you know (((why)))

whiteboyday ago

even without education, Whites are smarter than non-Whites. so education doesn't do shit for them

Nukeisrael ago

Education doesn’t increase iq. It gives you knowledge and some people are unable to learn certain things due to lower iq. Intelligence is a base genetic trait. Now in college they teach lies so people with midwit level iq are actually factually wrong on lots of things because the software they download into them is wrong.

Nicoladepierola ago

I'm for sending them all home. But if they are going to be here I'd much rather they learn how to read.

boystosoys ago

do they need free college/healthcare/ebt to learn how to read?

lovehate123 ago

Because they are being funded by the international bank Mafia desperately trying to stay in control, people culture and everything is irreverent to them.

minx88 ago

bank mafia = jew

globslist= jews

elite= jew


new workd order = jew

infiltrated francis poope n fag priests = jew

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TheGook ago

Because fuck white round eye, say the jews.

MrPim ago


greydragon ago

It's the ____.

Need a letter?

Animals9 ago

Seriously, all kinds of comments on this thread and yet jews is all one needs to say.

Good on ya!

MrPim ago

It's all that really needs said. I admit I haven't looked but you know if you looked at who proposed and sponsored these laws...jews. You know its true. There's a goldberg or sheklestein or cohen at the bottom of it.

Nosferatjew ago

Always is.

MrPim ago

Its not even worth looking up to verify. You know, just absolutely know that at the root, there's a jew whining about poor immigrants blah blah blah

veteran88 ago

shouldn't be capitalized.

it pisses them off, they take misspellings and such as a sign of disrespect, especially if they know you know and that is why you intentionally did it.

MaunaLoona ago

Shortly after we stopped capitalizing jews they started to intentionally capitalize Black but not white.

veteran88 ago


These kikes need therapists.

To bad the entire field is fake and gay.

Swiiirlyhunter ago

Most people don't need therapy, they need a set schedule filled with hard, but rewarding work outside in the sun.

Humans aren't designed to be sat still in front of a screen for 8+ hours a day.

They just put these people on SSRI'S and tell them to go back to work.

MrPim ago

Damit. I usually lower case that but didn't think about it.

500five ago

Go the extra mile, lol: jews

MrPim ago

I've seen you doing this. It cracks me up

109Expulsions ago

Government steals from working class citizens at gunpoint to give welfare to niggers for votes.

Rinse, repeat. America is a Kleptocracy.

MDE_Refugee ago

It's sad, I'm sure I'll be eaten alive here for saying this, but I honestly believe that socialism is a great step for any modern society. And by modern I mean one homogenous society with no non whites in it. There's a reason why the Jews have made national socialism into basically a curse word to normies and its because they know that you can't exploit people that care and respect their fellow men.

When you have a "melting pot" country like America it'd never work because of niggers and Jews, just to start.

Swiiirlyhunter ago

Your thoughts are correct. Keep them close, the time comes.

109Expulsions ago

I could envision a dozen different ways socialism could be great for humanity, unfortunately 100% of them are destroyed (either immediately, or eventually) by human greed.

The only possible future I see for humanity is one where the humans collectively make the rules among themselves and then AI is used to give them realistic real-time data to which to adjust those rules to actually make sense among a large aggregate of humanity - because today we have a small number of humans trying to create rules for the aggregate. Any aggregate treats people like objects, not actual people.

As long as humans and their natural corruption and emotional bias are at the wheel of executing the rules, then the old Animal farm proverb will always ring true: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others".

It's not until we are actually equal, which I suspect would only happen with AI at the wheel of executing the rules we create so that nobody can cheat for self-gain, that we will ever be free of this cycle. I believe humanity will destroy itself far before this is possible with our current trajectory being a rapid downward spiral towards consolidated control of all human resources by a small select few of a single tribe.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Rich jews steal from the native working class to give to the blacks/mexs/white liberals to vote for them to continue exploting the native working class and push whatever degenerate agenda they want because it literally doesn't matter what it is.

minx88 ago

Get rid of the Jews disrobe this bar and put electric chair the jew judge distructatyorney.

Get rid of the Jews in politics worldwide get rid of the Jews in the UN eu

get rid of sorrows and Roth Childs burn all of them because they’re the ones who are funding the Muslim invasion as we speak there’s hundreds of them in hot four-star hotels just here to outnumber us and the Jews would give them guns so they can outnumber and murder innocent people that use a Muslim Nager‘s need to be killed otherwise they will never stop and they will lie and they will victimhood and use guilt tripping stop being manipulated by these fucking Jews

GoldenHead ago

Oligarchies always steal from and oppress the people.

Trump has a meritocracy in reserve.

It all ends once you all openly demand constitutional reform from Trump.

GasnSniff ago

you should just leave dude.

I have NEVER seen an sccount get such uniform hate.

you are dangerously tarded, scrote.

I almost pity you.

GoldenHead ago

You're stuck playing a game good has already won.

GasnSniff ago

don't go all schizo and associate us with pedo jews just because you're upset about being a socially retarded fucking scrote.


take a good look at yourself, you fucking kike.

GoldenHead ago

You're late.

You've been late the entire time.

Ready for ratification in January?

GasnSniff ago


GoldenHead ago

I get my information from everywhere. This site is forever stuck in 2018.

You have no idea what I've truly been up to.

GasnSniff ago


moshe, LOL.

you are so retarded.

GoldenHead ago

Aut disce aut discede.


GasnSniff ago

es stultus.


Nukeisrael ago

Trump is a kike pet and you’re a retard. Spamming oligarch meritocracy, republic and constitution in every thread doesn’t mean shit.