Poinifie ago

Damn, so true it hurts.

13445123751 ago

Why did you have sex with a woman you weren't married to, you degenerate? Don't blame the state when you could have avoided this retarded situation by not laying with a whore.

LibertarianForChrist ago

In someones logic, being forced to work for free by jews is not slavery unless it happened to your ancestors 150 years ago and your skin color is black.

GasnSniff ago

you are such a nigger, OP.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

You've never touched a boob, eh?

High_Sierra_Trail ago

Been there. Done that. You are 100% accurate.

yewotm8 ago

women aren't introspective

You don't fucking say? Next you'll tell us that they lie whenever it personally benefits them.

JohnGoodman ago

I have primary custody of my son but I still have to pay child support. Transfer of wealth by gunpoint is all that it comes down to.

01001010110100101101 ago

I am fine with child support as long as the system was equal. It isn't. Men are unfairly punished. My friend couldn't get a license due to child support. How can he pay child support if he can't drive? System is broken.

138 ago

Yeah but what the fuck are you gonna do about it?

Repository ago

All of this revolves around one of the most important decisions you make in life. Your choice of wife will dictate the course of your life, make sure you are aligned on many matters before bringing a child into the world. That philosophy has paid dividends for myself and Family.

Hirion ago

This is why you shouldn't marry or claim fatherhoof. This way the father is unkown and they can't lay hands on your money.

tourgen ago

Women fucks over a man and this dipshit christcuck blames the man. Always stabbing people in the back, aren't you christcuck? cuckcuckcuck is all I hear when you talk.

tourgen ago

Good luck dude. It's a rough spot to be in and no one really seems to care. Besides being a slave, that part feels pretty bad too.

Women run the system so of course they write the story to make themselves feel good. It can also never change, because again, women run the system.

Catfishbelly ago

Awarding custody to the mother is not how it used to be. The courts would see that the mother had no means to support children and would award custody to the bread bringer, makes sense huh?

LibertarianForChrist ago

That was when they wanted then children to grow up normal and successful. Now the opposite is their objective.

Hirion ago

This is how it should've been. Parent who wants the kids should be required to provide for them. If you have two kids then one should stay with the father and the other with mother. It makes perfect logical sense, but I love how women lose their shit when common sense is applied.

flashrucker ago

Why did you choose a woman who's lazy trailer trash to have your kid? Sounds like terrible judgment on your part

toggafreggin ago

Fart smeller. ;)

Planetoftheclown ago

They aren't introspective enough to see what they are doing or honest enough to admit it.

Are you serious? They're acting in their own self interests because they have a child to care for. Did you get custody? Apparently not. The government empowers women in this matter because the government doesn't want be saddled with taking care of your spawn so they stick that responsibility to you. I know it sucks. But when you put your pee pee in a woman this is the result. Self interests drive all decisions with very few exceptions. When you start looking at people's decisions through the lenses of their self interests you're going to find that you'll be right more times than you are wrong.

All while they can do the worst possible job of raising the kid

Then go back to court and fight for custody. Then you can get child support. I know. The courts are biased in favor of the women, but you knew that going into this, yes?

Tell me this is not worse than slavery.

Are you being whipped until your skin peels off? No? STFU.

They're all fucking hypocrites.

Protip: EVERYONE IS A FUCKING HYPOCRITE. E V E R Y O N E!!!!!!!!!!! The entire court system is hypocritical. Women can choose to kill your child in the womb or not entirely without your permission potentially saddling you with 18 years of financial responsibility. Women are legally enabled to be entirely in control of you at the point of conception.

I am not unsympathetic. But you know the world in which you live. 50% of marriages end in divorce initially overwhelmingly by women. Women get custody in 90% of the court cases. Shit man. You've a better chance playing Russian roulette, but you still wouldn't play that game, would you? Why the fuck did you stick your dick in a woman, produce a child and expect you were not going to be entangled in the legal system? How could you not know? Were you expecting to get someone pregnant and not have any responsibility in this day and age?

There's two ways to win that game: 1) Be wealthy and buy your court victories or 2) don't get a woman pregnant.

Here are your option: 1) Prove she is an unfit mother and win custody. 2) Become an expat and refuse to pay child support. 3) Have a debilitating injury, prove you can't work and seek shelter from the ADA.

There is one thing I admire about muslim countries, their political treatment of women as 2nd class citizens to men as not to disempower themselves and find themselves in the situation we find ourselves here.

toggafreggin ago

Exactly. Then comes on the internet to bitch about it on top if it all.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

the proper response is to fuck that woman into submission so you never enter such a situation. women are simple.

toggafreggin ago

That used to work but these days it takes some good ol fashioned blackmail seems necessary too.

kaloora ago

And you too. I'm sorry for your situation. If only women would realize what they are really doing is not only hurting themselves, but also, their children, which they didn't conceive immaculately, their children's father, plus the family on either side. Oh how these children are deprived of what they should have. Sorry again sir. Everything will get better, look to the future, and stay positive.

kafkaq ago

Demand an itemized bill for everything your child is supposed to receive, just your child not the ho 'mamma. It's child support, realistically it should never need come to a court decision what you should pay. A doting reliable father in employment knows himself what his own child can't go without and thats clothes shoes books food, toys as a treat for birthdays and Christmas.

DontBeRacist ago

There is some sense in child support and sometimes women have to pay it to men, but in a lot of cases, you have good for nothing bitches extorting money out of men and barely spend any of it on the child.

DanaNordic ago

All I can say is don't let the bitterness you feel towards your ex effect your child. Both sons and daughters need their fathers in their life. They need to know you do not reject or blame them for anything. Do not speak badly of their mother in front of them regardless what she may say about you. Know if she starts seeing other men, chances are your child will be abused either physically, sexually, or psychologically. Pay attention. Fight for shared custody.

PygmyGoat ago

You’re assuming he is allowed to visit with his children. Most women I’ve seen get female judges in these things who decide automatically for the woman and even grant restraining orders that weren’t asked for.

DontBeRacist ago

Money is also going to fix niggers. Maybe if we spend a million dollars each schooling Tyrone and Jamal with the best textbooks and teachers, they will end up becoming doctors and scientists. Let's not acknowledge the mountain of evidence showing that IQ is genetic. We need to burn money trying to get monkeys to act like doctors an sheeit.

ReAwakened ago

You're trying to figure out women logic? Good luck with that.

rj850 ago

The moral of this story is don’t date, don’t marry, don’t cohabitate and let the system crash.....it’s grossly unfairly to men

Mrwarmind ago

While I agree that women especially western ones are highly hypocritical, still men take a huge portion of the blame over this marriage slavery thing

The man is the one who chose to love a woman who wouldn't have given him anytime if the day back when they were younger

The man is the one who chose to marry a woman with a body count that is higher than the victims of 9/11

The man is the one who bent his knee in front of her and said he wants to spend the rest of his life caring for her

The man is the one who calls her his "better" half and treat her as if she is the superior member in this marriage while lying to himself and thinking it's equality

Yes, it is slavery, but one that is easily avoidable, just don't play the game, don't marry but if you did it then don't marry a western woman and if you did that then at least don't settle in a western country, i stopped having sympathy for men who marry western women then get screwed over by them, they see countless examples as to why this kind of marriages is very bad yet decide to do it anyways, yes it is slavery but men sign up for it with their free will the moment they kneel and put a ring on a western woman's finger

thisgoyfux ago

I'm glad you're stuck paying for it and not me or my tax dollars. I wonder why you don't have joint custody which would cancel any need for child support? Probably because you're not fit to be a parent. I mean look at you: you blow inside a woman that you now call trailer trash, and then complain about the issue like it wasn't completely avoidable.

PygmyGoat ago

You do know what the definition is for “woman” right?

ReAwakened ago

That's full on top shelf bullshit. The man's qualification as a parent rarely has anything to do with the award of joint custody. I was by far the demonstrably the better parent and the Democrat judge still gave the kids to my neglectful abusive alcoholic ex-wife.

The_Venerable ago

I feel for you. Fuck some of the cucks in this thread. Handing your hard earned money to your baby momma doesn't equal taking care of your child. It's completely different. She pockets most of that money.

25757101? ago

I dont think my mother ever spent much or any of the child support on me.

ReAwakened ago

That's right. My ex apparently thought the kids needed for her to have a boob job.

crazy_eyes ago

Take some responsibility for your own actions

yaksarefinetoo ago

Can you summarize this please?

Thorne39 ago

Make more White babies.

yaksarefinetoo ago


toggafreggin ago

It leaves out the part where you have to find some way to blackmail a woman into being loyal and faithful before ever even thinking about having kids with her. I think the secret is some kind of deadman switch. You have to convince them something terrible will happen to them or a loved one if you're not in the mood to stop it every day. It sounds awful, but threatening their lives if they break your trust actually turns them on. It's one of the reasons they're drawn to niggers and "bad boys".

It_was_the_juice ago

That's utterly ridiculous and sounds stressful to maintain. Honestly the way to keep most women happy is to just let them splurge on every once in a while on dumb shit like clothes and occasionally buy her expensive looking shit like fake jewelry or knock off handbags.

If she had a two digit IQ and is really into "bad boys", just imply you have some sort of side hustle going on like working for cash or selling drugs. Super easy.

It's never a good idea to be open about how much money and wealth you have. Especially when dating you definitely want to downplay it a lot to avoid the bloodsuckers. Then play it up when you are married and she doesn't think you can afford another kid.

toggafreggin ago

Not worth the trouble.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Not really, just find a racist woman with the same ideals.

toggafreggin ago

She's still been polluted by Disney and has government backing to run your life and steal half of your shit.

BoomerHater1488er ago

And she's probably aware of and resents that.

Unfortunately, such a woman is in high demand. Unless you're a truly exceptional man yourself, you'll probably have to make do with a lesser woman.

That's something that bothers me about the borderline incels that whine that women are ruined - they're not. But you're not gonna find the kind of woman you're looking for if you're making $50,000 a year, slightly overweight, and spend your free time on video games.

toggafreggin ago

You are admitting that they're all gold digging whores. lol

If you're "making" $50k a year, you're giving $40k of it to the psychopaths that are ruining everything for everyone. They more you "make", the more they get.

As far ZOG is concerned, I'm homeless and disabled, but even if the economy tanks, my chances of survival are exponentially higher than any "successful" civi slave. If I put dollar amounts on my transactions and business ventures, I'd probably be a millionaire, but I interact with my community in an ethical and direct manner. Modern women can't comprehend the fact that men that have figured out how to have the freedom to interact with the system in a voluntary manner are much more stable and able to provide than the guy who will lose everything to the bank if for some unexpected reason, he has to miss a week of work.

If you see women using money as a primary metric for deciding who to breed with as a good thing, you might be retarded.

BoomerHater1488er ago

gold digging whores

Women are attracted to status and power. Salary is a pretty good indication of that. There's nothing wrong with a woman desiring status and power just as there's nothing wrong with a man desiring youth and beauty.

You're a homeless disabled millionaire? Sure thing, buddy. Sounds like you're an incel with delusions of grandeur.

toggafreggin ago

A slave that's dependent upon a fucked up system that's failing, who usually doesn't have the spare time necessary to raise a family, is less stable than most homeless people.

I figured out a way to thrive outside the game. The monopoly dollars that you fight for daily just aren't necessary for me to enjoy a stable and peaceful life. My lifestyle doesn't empower psychopaths either. If women could recognize real skill, stability, and sustainability, humanity would be much better off. Suggesting that being a good team player in an inherently psychopathic and destructive system is ignorant for so many reasons, but the worst is probably doing it to impress a whore.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lmfao you're deluded.

toggafreggin ago

You suck Zionist $$$ cock and encourage breeding with gold digging whores by attempting to be a better psychopath. I'd rather be deluded.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

Hate your ex but support your offspring. Don't punish your child, you idiot.

lanre ago

Unfortunately the woman will spend the money on shit for herself instead of for the children in many cases.

by2inthemorning ago

400 a month is getting off easy for two kids . thats what a friend of mine gets and since shes getting the child support she cant get the food stamps.

He know damn well he would be spending more if they were still together.

tourgen ago

The reality of it is they are NOT his kids anymore. That particular story is over.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Do what most other people who hate their ex-wives do: Lower your income significantly. Once you are poor long enough to get the payments down they will stop expecting much and you will slip off the radar a bit. That's when you can start using your side-business earnings.

NoisySilence ago

Guilty as charged, truth hurts.

xenoPsychologist ago

also, they think theyre independent.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

Lol! Yeah. That's a fact. "Don't need no man. Where's my money???? REEEEEE!"

xenoPsychologist ago

big daddy government is apparently the manliest man. that and theyll always call a cop on ya, which is another man.

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