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romanstock ago

da chinese were more advanced than us us white ppl r so arrogant and silly ha ha

mendelbot ago

Their civilization goes back a long time. In terms of extent of regional influence and organization, certainly it is plausible by some metrics. Another example would be the mongolians, who dominated raiding people from neighboring countries, and at one time had the largest geographic dominance in history. However, local eco-systems were left relatively autonomous in terms of organization, since they lacked the willingness or ability to impose their own system on other peoples or replace them demographically. So the extent of their 'power' is arguable. That's never going to be summarized in a graphic.

The chart is intriguing because of its scope, not as a definitive measure. Nobody could estimate that.

romanstock ago

I can:

Nothing has changed over time. If whites invent everything today, why do you think that would have been different in the past? Did all of these races sprout geniuses, but then just suddenly stopped in the last 500 years? That's what we're currently supposed to believe. It is pure nonsense. In every civilisation there are white fingerprints, even in the beginnings of China. Where do you think they got the dragon symbology from?

Infearmal ago

Things chineses invented :

  • Gundowder, rifles, canons, flamethrowers, grenades, rockets

  • Crossbows

  • Compass, extremely big naval fleet

  • Postal system

  • Paper money

  • Officials recruitment exams.

  • Prinery

"There certainly does not exist on Earth a more intelligent race than the Chineses." -Marco Polo, 1254-1324

Voat boomers are so boring when they start spitting on asians. A real shame to national socialism.

romanstock ago

only the first 3 are genuine inventions. they have of course invented other small things as well that you haven't mentioned, but all of this massively pales in comparison to what whites have done.

as for the first invention, you have disingenously elaborated. they invented the 'precursor' to all of those things, a very primitive design that was ineffectual. they lacked the knowhow to take it any further. as soon as a white brain got these things they made them useful immediately and built upon them to change the world.

secondly, nobody actually knows who invented the crossbow. it seems likely it was china, so i'll just give it to them.

thirdly, the chinks invented the magnetic compass, however other forms of 'compass' existed and medieval travellers knew how to determine n/s/e/w with very high accuracy. it 'changed the world' with how much naval explorers used it, however if it didn't exist i daresay it wouldn't have changed much. and it's more of a discovery than an invention.. the chink mind certainly could never fathom how magnetism worked, but once in the hands of whites they eventually figured out a whole new invisible world and fields of science.

they did invent paper, which is definitely their best invention. full credit to them for that.

however with their few inventions, i'm not sure they're even competing with the muslims in this regard, although all muslim inventions are suspect considering how many 'white muslims' there were.

CouldBeTrump ago

they lacked the knowhow to take it any further.

Alternative hypothesis: Chinese city walls were built differently than European castle walls. It wasn't feasible for early cannonry to penetrate Chinese walls (massive mounds of dirt and rubble clad in stone) and so they didn't experience the same cannon arms race as the West, where castles were built with relatively thin (yet more upright and nearly unclimbable) walls much more vulnerable to high-power projectiles. Chinese walls offered good artillery resistance up until WWI, whereas the West stopped building walled cities after the fall of Constantinople. By the time of the First Opium War, Chinese gunpowder was optimized for long-term storage and British gunpowder was optimized for raw power.

romanstock ago

that type of theory only works to explain a lack in one area. the fact that they were so far behind whites in every field says a lot.

mendelbot ago

Shame? What about guilt? Have you the conscience that tortures you when everyone tells you it was right?

There is no real dissent between national socialism versus democratic egalitarianism. It is between totalitarian versus self-determination. Those who think they can be the total force unto themselves will be deterministically subject to the hive.

Infearmal ago

The fuck are you talking about?