Goat7 ago

Edited like a BOSS!

Gotz-17thPGD ago

Jewish kike bullshit is been injected into every form of entertainment there is, it's weird how so many people are blind to it.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

Once upon a time we had Americans that would voice their opposition to this travesty. But that era is gone, and we have been cucked into submission. The End.

minx88 ago

Well the fact that there were no Nager’s in the course of history until the jews brought them here .

Is there constantly bitching about the slavery thing proving that they weren’t here before that

They were the Knigge’s were still naked with sticks sitting in their own shit because they could not make a sewer system build a house or even make a wheel

They were never kings they were just no frontal lobe lower Q violent subspecies of monkeys Which they still are and only because the Jew gives the money and jobs and get some of the University and cups and to keep the job is the only reason why the Nager’s are here they weren’t here before that so they definitely were not part of European history

Because of the European history that’s shown in this was centuries before the Jews brought them with the boats so that destroys that whole idea

So BBC and anybody who shows these films with Nager’s playing figures from the 15 century is a fucking joke and they need to be boycotted and destroyed stop watching these shows BBC and anybody who makes this Hass to go bankrupt

regularjesus ago

Does anyone have a link to the video about the white privelege documentary that ends on her wikipedia page showing her jewish ancestry with the "Curb your Enthusiasm" song?

FreeSpeechForever ago

Compare this to Hackshaw Ridge. The entire cast is only White people, about white heroism in world war 2 against a completely homogenous Japanese enemy.

Directed by non other than Mel Gibson.

Far2Long2 ago

That's an odd coincidence. I watched the film for the first time just two days ago. Thoroughly enjoyed it, and was astonished to see it was directed by based Mel.

ardvarcus ago

I was singing along with the music:

"Everywhere a nigger Jew, nigger Jew, nigger Jew,

Everywhere a nigger Jew, a nigger Jew is all."

ToxicWhiteMale ago

It won't open??

IceMansLadder ago

Noticing intensifies

Olivefigs ago

Wow good work!

Amazon prime was pushing this new show based on Catherine the great, I gave it a go. Within half an episode I deleted it. It’s making fun of all men in her life, painting them as hedonistic toddlers, devoid of intellect. The only sane and intelligent man is a pajeet!! In 18th century Russia!! With a Russian surname!!!!

MetaCog ago

Has anyone noticed the BBC & FCC, or just the Jews?

It's really not an issue if a Jew make bad films; it's only an issue when Jews use the government monopoly to spread their lies.

In b4 dumb red neck's heads explode from thinking too hard.

PsyOp ago

I have noticed that the christians keep inviting the jews into their countries...over and over and over and over again. I also have noticed that they always passively allow the jews to take control of their countries and wreck and ruin them...forcing untold billions of unwitting people, even themselves, to endure jewish tyranny.

pequalsnp ago

as much as some don't want to admit it, you cannot separate the Judaeo- from Judaeo-Christianity. All those who take their Bible seriously or literally will notice the pretty clear Jewish supremacy written. For example, there's absolutely no way for a Christian to condemn circumcision. See Genesis, ch. 17

Dauphin ago


petevoat ago

I missed the point, what was it?

chittybang ago

David Simon, show runner, author, THE WIRE Black Baltimore etc etc

Simon was born in Washington, D.C., the son of Dorothy Simon (née Ligeti), a homemaker, and Bernard Simon, a former journalist and then public relations director for B'nai B'rith for 20 years.[4][5][6][7] Simon was raised in a Jewish family, and had a Bar Mitzvah ceremony.[8]

Enaashby ago

Cultural appropriation only works one way doesn't it?

Nice catch on the directors involved.

Not many of us are that surprised.

aishvivo ago

I notice many Jewish directors facilitate interracial romances in their movies. Dun dun dun.

mendelbot ago

This one hasn't started noticing. We'll hold him back a grade.

aishvivo ago

Ha, happy to be held back in racist curriculum.

mendelbot ago

I call it pattern recognition. Racism is the outcome.

aishvivo ago

Care to explain why racism is an advantage compared to evaluating people based on their character?

Long story short racism seems to be an oversimplification of people, a way to prejudge a group of people or individuals and give them an expectation that is fated to be bad.

Why is that smart?

mendelbot ago

Here is a VERY good run-down on why I believe what I do: https://thosewhocansee.blogspot.com/2018/10/so-where-does-multiculturalism-work.html

That discusses several multicultural (ie. Multi-ethnic) regions over a long period of time. Those scenarios are what we would expect to happen here: Balkanization, civil wars that result in national splits or strong-man states where different groups are held in check by overwhelming force.

People are not equal or interchangeable. They differ in traits and thrive in different eco-systems. Many others thrive in a high concentration of whites due to our egalitarianism and higher IQ. It will kill the golden goose eventually. That's put briefly. Racial politics will re-assert themselves even if we deny that character traits do, in fact, differ among the races and civilizations.

When I talk about racial politics, you will observe over time that no racial constituencies, without needing any animus, identify themselves as a somewhat cohesive group. When they are put in proximity, the influx of people will result in major conflict. I'd like to avoid that.

For what it's worth, I apologize for the drive-by insult.

aishvivo ago

People are not equal or interchangeable. --> I agree. (well except under the law, I think people should be equal under the law but they are not equal generally.)

I believe at the core of your argument is this finding via Robert Putnam (quoted from your website):

"Robert Putnam -- famous for "Bowling Alone," his 2000 book on declining civic engagement -- has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. " --> The opposite of this is your golden goose, I believe, which is what I want to facilitate in society as well.

The problem with racism is that it is inherently xenophobic and to some degree misanthropic. It robs people of the opportunity of getting along and facilitating relationships that wouldn't have happened otherwise. It is the opposite of diplomatic. It results in violence and painful life experiences for those that are treated racistly.

I do not disagree with these findings of Robert Putnam, but because racism is so common I think that is why these findings are important. The people in those communities are just as racist as everyone else, which is why they don't trust and why they are in a frayed community. When there is no reason for them not to trust each other even if they were in a community of the same race.

The Balkanization you referenced can happen and has happened historically, but I truly believe people are thinking past it and over coming it. Multicultural politics is an intellectual idea that combats the balkanization of these communities.

I was to prevent disharmony in communities as well. I don't want the golden goose killed, and though it is easier to just have each race to be with their own race and have their communities in harmony. I really do believe human beings are smart enough to overcome these racist ideas. It might just be a self-fulfilling prophecy via multiculturalism politics, but at the core of multiculturalism is the idea that individuals are judged by their character and any individual can have a romance with any other individual via consent.

One of the reasons why I am on Voat is because I actually think a lot of people are racist as hell, damn I think I use to be and still am at times, but I have to literally out think it. I had to keep myself in check and check my own personal beliefs and realize that people are just people and their skin doesn't matter. Ironically confronting racist ideas has helped me to become relentlessly not racist or at least to desire this.

At the end of the day it is weird and uncomfortable confronting these ideas, and recognizing your own racism and knowing racism isn't an intellectual advantage. What I disagree with on most Voters is that they seem to embrace racism. They don't seem to understand that if you embrace racism, which really is intellectually easier, you undermine your own intellect and the expectation of the intellect of others.

I appreciate the apology and I truly hope to have some sort of positive conversation, from one person to another.

All the best.

mendelbot ago

All the best to you too!

"The Balkanization you referenced can happen and has happened historically, but I truly believe people are thinking past it and over coming it."

How? Our culture is in denial. Why would we assume we can overcome 'prejudices' which predate sentient thought? That happens across the animal kingdon, specifically in what people do. It's only logical, but does not result from our logic or efforts. Simply, cohesion is a biological advantage.

" I had to keep myself in check and check my own personal beliefs and realize that people are just people and their skin doesn't matter."

We both agree that people cannot be judged skin deep. But you already know that genetic and ecological differences are not skin deep. Mindlessly throwing mass numbers of biologically distinct, culturally distinct organisms together (whose replication rate and characteristics differ) is a very different thing from being nice. It is dangerous and cruel.

"... if you embrace racism... you undermine your own intellect"

I think you're partly right! Human's recent evolution of intellect is not as strong or durable as the patterns of biology, and cannot overcome everything - particularly if we live in denial. Distinctions between genetic lineage is necessary for understanding ourselves and simply compassionate to others.

aishvivo ago

How? Our culture is in denial. Why would we assume we can overcome 'prejudices' which predate sentient thought? That happens across the animal kingdon, specifically in what people do. It's only logical, but does not result from our logic or efforts. Simply, cohesion is a biological advantage.

I over come prejudice thinking all the time. The quote from Aristotle about intelligence is "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

Care to define logic? I think you are defining it very subjectively.

Mindlessly throwing mass numbers of biologically distinct, culturally distinct organisms together (whose replication rate and characteristics differ) is a very different thing from being nice. It is dangerous and cruel.

I disagree with this as well. I think a lot of human experience comes down to nature vs nurture and regardless of the genetics we have, the majority have a consciousness that is adaptable and refine-able. I wish I could find the study now, but there was a study about expectations teachers had with their students. If a person told a teacher which students were 'smart' before a school year. The teacher would end up going out of their way to understand nurture and further educate the 'smart' students, just because they were labeled that way. In a controlled study any student labeled smart had a better educational experience and relationship with the teacher than the students that didn't.

Also I really don't think there is any way to prevent multiculturalism even if you wanted to. It is the only path towards international peace. To be against this I think is pretty narrow minded.

mendelbot ago

What is inherited? Not just the sccidents of nature, but the recurrent necessities of survival. The instinct reflects it, it is not the cause of clannishness, ethnic cohesion or the vulnerability to pathological altruism.

aishvivo ago

Ironically if these beliefs were just inherited and established you wouldn't have to articulate them or argue for them. They would just be and be obvious to everyone (like an animal I guess). But this is definitely not the case. Also the idea that altruism is pathological is an oxymoron.

Racism facilitates war, it facilitates frayed relationships, and I dare to say it even facilitates multiculturalism. A lot of people that are tried and true members of multicultural communities come from racist families that they resent.

Honestly I think people would be better off if they still got along with their families rather than being cut of an alienated by them. Racism does that all the time.

mendelbot ago

That's just my point. I don't have to argue that natural selection has created an in-group bias. The consequences emerge whatever we believe. You know white flight? Those tend to be liberals, with the best of intentions.

I agree that racial animus facilitates turmoil. But tensions will arise between certain ethnic groups, particularly the distantly related, if they are pushed into proximity. And things never go well for an indigenous group that is swamped by new-comers.

Interestingly, this is an issue I find many recent immigrants can relate to my views. They often flee conflicts of this nature.

aishvivo ago

So we are forever limited to what natural selection has facilitated in our world? We don't get to out think natural selection? I mean natural selection is violent as hell. Maybe this is where we truly disagree. I truly believe that every single person can be at peace with each other. That international peace is possible and a very good thing amongst nations, religions, and different ethnic groups.
From your perspective there isn't even harmony in a few generations of a single family that is racist because people react so negatively to it within the family. Rejected members of a racist family go running to multiculturalism. And though multiculturalism isn't a panacea, it is definitely an ideal that is worth striving towards.
I think we are going around in circles at this point in the conversation, but I appreciated having it civilly.

mendelbot ago

You're a rare bird. A substantive conversations on a fora specifically designed to drive you out with its dialectic? A cacophony, and you stood out within it. Thank you, sincerely. I thought of you when I visited my over-grown garden. Natural weeds had formed their own little territories. I cut one down colony and dug up the roots. Others I pulled away underlying rocks that prevented them from taking root.

Good luck to you. You're a gentleman. And lest we make a mistake about gentleness, back in the day, gentlemen were the only ones allowed to carry swords.

aishvivo ago

Maybe we both have a goal of being gentlemen. Not sure where I got it, but truly I appreciate your comments and our conversation. If only sincere conversations were more appreciated.

Ha, when I studied chemistry and a little bio-chemistry I learned there was no such thing as a weed. I understand though.

Wishing you well.

mendelbot ago

I know it is bad manner, crude, to reply after the goodbye. In defense of weeds. It was a relative of the dandelion, so I cut it down so not to disturb the neighbors gardens. But when I emptied the box of dismembered plants, I saw a cloud of seeds flying away.Any reduction of seeds planted were seeking life just as effectively as if their parent survived.

freespeechplease ago

We will not fight a civil war on (((their))) terms

Empire_of_the_mind ago

The best part is when they don't look up the name or anything they just zoom in on his fucking face

ordinarymike ago

Well done!

u_r_wat_u_eat ago


I had to break it to 110

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

All these people talk about white washing and at the same time completely ignore the fact that they are black washed everything.

the_illusive_man ago

This was amazing. Highly effective for redpilling normies

BoraxTheFungarian ago

That was both poignant and obviously infuriating. And here I was trying to not watch an eleven year old twerking... Seriously, well editted, yet included CP. Almost seems like a jew made it. Fuck this version of reality. I'm gonna fix it somehow... Probably with God's help of course.

The1stLantern ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

It has been CREEPING IN for DECADES! I'm looking on, historically, with DIFFERENT EYES and seeing it RIGHT IN FRONT of MY FACE!! Mongrels, niggers, interracial (WHY IF NIGGERS ARE SO SUPERIOR?)...ALWAYS white women with NIGGER MEN.

Jew Kenites (Children of Satan) are about to be INDICTED...AGAIN. THIS time, let's get it RIGHT.


CrocodileDindu ago

we wuz kangz!!

Blehblehbleh73 ago

That was intense!

Also, what's the name of this song?

mendelbot ago

Outstanding work! Well researched and well presented.

Definitely something I should look into doing in my spare time. Kudos.

Quasarback ago

Just like the They Live glasses.

Zinnsee ago

Exactly, but the glasses you can lose. You can't switch of the kike radar once you achieved it.

1Sorry_SOB ago

How many times do these Jewish film makers portray Jewish characters race mixing?

Zinnsee ago

Only if it's a white character played by a jew

Shotinthedark ago

Excellent production

1Sorry_SOB ago

The pictures of those Jews.....UGH

Zinnsee ago

Gods chosen people xD

nullifyNWO ago

Their goal is to destroy Christian civilisations and the white race. Their love of money is just a means for that.

voatusernamevoat ago

christian's goal is to destroy White people.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Once you start noticing how Slavic vermin lie shamelessly when they edit Wikipedia you hate them more.

Derek Wax doesn't have any proof of Jewish ancestry.

Glen Bass doesn't either.

Tessa Ross has a link to an article that doesn't mention her ancestry at all.

Frank Miller is listed as Irish Catholic on his wiki.

If Slavic vermin lie so shamelessly about who they claim as Jewish, what else do they lie about. A simple search proves the intent of this video was to promote the dishonesty the Slavic filth commonly engage in.

Slavs are truly subhuman and we should notice their attempts at disinformation.

11hrr ago


Smallest_Skil ago

they are quite the disgusting tribe. perverts.

1Sorry_SOB ago

See, We can create entertaining media too, jews.

fightknightHERO ago

Every Fucking Time

jews are such fucking termites

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Every Fucking Time the slavs make claims about Jews, its based on dishonesty. Don't believe the Slavs you idiot.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Expose what you subhuman? You havent exposed anything.

Fuck back off to your unheated commieblock tenement building you have nothing to say. You're weak. You wanna be dishonest because thats a tool for losers.

fightknightHERO ago


(((it))) kvetches so hard

PygmyGoat ago

Ezekiel 37: Zombie nation.

DrowningShrimp ago

Haha fucking brilliant

BaBs88 ago

High quality red pill showing the Jewish influence in film of race mixing. Spread this.

500five ago

Bravo! Bravo!!

Donald_Trumpstein ago

Whatever you do, don't do one about american politicians! Especially ones that say they're all about "america first"

jc99ta ago

I arrived here naive. Had no problem with the Jews, they seemed nice enough.

I'm ready to fire up the ovens again. Wtf!

minx88 ago

Because you have intelligence and you know how to do the research and you listen when people give you the truth

The Jews are afraid of our intelligence they know that they were doing research that’s why they put the masks in on people and their social distancing because they’re afraid that people are going to find out what they are and what they’re doing

like Jewish ritual murder andrenochrome

MarauderShields ago

You're not alone.

Mrwarmind ago

"they seemed nice enough." that's how they get you to drop your guard, while I wouldn't call myself pro nazi, still I have to give it to them for understanding the danger of the Jewish poison back when everybody treated them nicely, the nazis sure were ahead of their time and if they were here with us today, we probably would've colonized the moon by now

Their mistake was using very loud methods for getting rid of jews that garnered too much attention until the jews called in their British and American lapdogs to fight Germany on their behalf, the Germans should've kept it low profile, establishing Jewish neighborhoods then inject them with something that kills them slowly and silently, the nazis other mistake was starting multiple wars at the same time

Wonder_Boy ago

That was me 3 years ago.

N0F4TCH1X ago

Same here, I'll admit I don't know anything about jews, I have one question though, exactly why are they trying to force multicultural shit on us ?

minx88 ago

Because they want to do white genocide just look at their tower mode or just do the research on the Internet on bitch shoot about the talmood

Watch the videos on Jewish ritual murder

When you see about the Talmud you will see what they really are and yes every single one of them think this way it is demonic and because they are pathological liars and two-faced scheming thieving that is why they are not to be trusted.Because they play victim hood while stabbing you in the back because I like antifa they swarm you like rats and then hit you from behind and then again cry victim hood that’s why people hate them that’s why they are so vile because they rape children murder and torture them like Podesta because they want to poison And murder and trackpeople like gates

LibertarianForChrist ago

Short answer: Their book, the talmud, tells them to.

Long answer: The are jealous of white accomplishments and beauty. Literally be around one for a little bit and you will be able to tell. They are massively inbred due to a Roman emperor almost killing them off. That gives them genetic traits such as paranoia and narcissism. They have no country, only subversion of others. So close yet so far.

They hate Christ, who took away their elitist power and gave it to anyone who believed in him. White people are overwhelmingly Christian.

They think of us (all non-jew humans) as cattle, and the jews are the only ones worthy of the afterlife. They see white people as the biggest threat to their world domination, hence they want to eliminate us. This is in order to enslave the rest of the world like cattle and bring about their one world order under moloch (their god).

N0F4TCH1X ago

I see, I understand better now, crazy what fairy tales can make you do. I mean do people really still believe in the after life ?

I don't even believe Jesus existed. Fuck religions, ALL of them.

CuckleberryFinn ago

It reduces cohesiveness among other established races and cultures making them easier to conquer.

dassaer ago

Therefore allowing them to fulfil their self-prophesized role as 'God's Chosen' to rule over all the earth ....

N0F4TCH1X ago

I see now, makes sense, I know they are all about money though, so make everyone else kill each other and make more profit is the end goal I guess, am i right ?

MarauderShields ago

Not so much money. It is power.

CuckleberryFinn ago

They don't want us dead, they need slaves. So they'll try and cull the numbers via subversion as they always do. Bring the goyim under heel, like herding cattle.

Rabbis say that when their Meshiah comes the goys will be enslaved so the jews.

voat4895 ago

also white people have higher IQs, smarter races are harder to control, they just keep figuring things out. So mix them with races that have lower IQs and again it helps create a population that is easier to control to serve the Jewish race.

voatusernamevoat ago

they seemed nice enough.


non_alcoholic_nignog ago

I'm not wasting a bunch of energy firing up the ovens. We already know it didn't work during ww2. They've outlined their kalergi plan, why not just take their plan and use it against them? Subvert them, drop their fertility, and have them self-select out.

minx88 ago

Although you have a good idea of dropping their fertility that’s very good idea.Mix the blacks with the Jews oh wait they are already that they are the same shit

There needs to be other ways and self select out yes turn their own game around on them

minx88 ago

yeah well they actually didn’t do that in the World War II that was a lie everyone does at the holocaust is a lie with the Jews they use that because he wanted to give because Hitler want to get rid of the New World order and he wanted to get the Jews to stop their Usery and free us from the parasite that is the Jew but it’s into inquisition that scared them because it’s a burn the Jew is what needs to be they do need to be put in the ovens they need to be tortured like what they did children they do to the children like podesta and Hillary and did you jack the ripper because ofJewish ritual murder which were they were kicked out numerous times because of but it’s not gonna work kicking them out doesn’t work putting them in a work camp doesn’t work you’re right they need to be burned the only way to get rid of these demons is to burn them because look at holodomor that’s the real holocaust That’s the Jews projecting their shit using victimhood and blame shifting and guilt tripping and gaslighting all the psychological war tactics transparent when she find amount they need to be finished because they will never stop now they brought their muscles and Nager hordes debris like cockroaches and murder innocent women and children there’s no war and the only way to stop these subhuman demons which is what did you eat it is not a human Muslims and blacks are not human stop thinking that stop being surprised at their bad behavior stop thinking that they’re human they are daemonic shit and the only way to get rid of these things because they will never stop and I will only get worse and worse and worse as you can see that thatOnly way to get rid of them is to burn them the only way to get rid of evil is to burn it the Talmud you need to burn the crowd need to burn did you Muslim Nager follow that yes every single one of them oh that some blacks will pretend to be Christian and some juice will pretend to be Christian but that’s a fucking lie and if you’d like one of these fucking things live they will come back into the same shit again as I have done century after century

alacrity167 ago

use punctuation you fucking subhuman

crazy_eyes ago

you must eradicate parasites

minx88 ago

agree fully!!!

dassaer ago

'The parasite always destroys it's host' ....

crazy_eyes ago

not if the host eradicates it

1Sorry_SOB ago

I arrived here naive. Had no problem with the Jews, they seemed nice enough. I'm ready to fire up the ovens again. Wtf!


Zinnsee ago

Praise Amalek, he died for our sins.

LionElTrump ago

This should be voat's intro

JJNova ago

The Frank Miller one is mis-leading. The "Jewish" part they zoom in on is from an article about wanting to "take Superman back to his Jewish roots". It's no secret that Superman was created by two Jewish boys, and the early stories especially reflected Jewish ideals.


Zinnsee ago

As I see it all superhero movies depict kikes flaunting their powers (kike privilege, nepotism, control over the banks and media, the holohoax etc.) into our faces.

DamonAxemaker ago

I can't do it anymore. Entertainment is supposed to be escapism. All of a sudden there's a black person standing out like a sore thumb and it takes me out of it.

I was giving another show a chance- this one about a family in the Appalacian mountains and the crime syndicate they have going on up there (not sure if that's what it's about, I had to stop watching). They throw a black girl into the movie and she has this scene where she gets upset at the name 'Coon Hollow' and all of a sudden I'm having a lecture on racism in the middle of this show. No more entertainment. It's bad enough that they pounded fake racial bullshit into me for years, now I have to sit through it on my own time.

It's so bad I question any black person on any show. It could be a documentary on Mike Tyson and I'd wonder why they have so many black people. I hit my peak a while ago, just please stop sticking black people in fucking everything.

Olivefigs ago

Entertainment ain’t entertaining no mo’

favoritecoloriswhite ago

black people



It's only getting worse. Since this stupid fucking BLM bullshit fired up again, it's like everything you see & hear is from a nigger. Even shit like Pandora, where there is just someone talking in an ad, you can tell it's a fucking nigger.

minx88 ago

yep the Jews want to put the knickers in so that they push miscegenation but the idea of a Nager being in European history is a fucking joke because blacks have no frontal lobe or and have a IQ of 50 to 70 which is clinical retardation so they could not to do any kind of building of castles or anything of society because when we were doing these things knickers were still naked with spears sitting in their own shit not even able to invent the wheel but the Jews don’t care they know that the Nager‘s is retarded but they just keep wanting to do Do you have blacks in this bullshit Hollywood films or BBC bullshit films in order to try to erase we are P in history but it’s fucking ridiculous I mean look at his account talking about slavery well that was in what they brought them here and then on the ships in the 18 century and there’s thinking they’re trying to say that Jonah Vark which was in the 13th century no Knigge is a sub species of monkeys they were sitting in the spring their own shit when we were building castles it’s impossible so stop watching these shows immediately boycott them make them go bankrupt make thejew go bankrupt

Let the theater is close stop giving money to the Jew Hollywood stop giving money to the BBC or any shows that put blacks anywhere or juice for that fact and watch how quickly did you start backtracking because I don’t like to lose their shekels but still they don’t care they’re gonna always do the same shit over again over and over again every century they do the same shit

CuckleberryFinn ago

No shit. Every fucking ad I see now has niggers in it.

minx88 ago

jews Trying to erase white history with retarded Nager’s that they contradict themselves talking about the slave trade all the time but that was centuries ago so the Nager’s were not part of European history diggers whenever canes they were nothing more than chimp with Spiers n plates in thier moouths Having sex with monkeys and eating monkeys oh wait wait they still do that the only reason why they’re in European countries is because

the Jews brought them here

Did you that gives the entrance do you schools and universities even if the Knigge cannot barely say a three letter word is to do that gets them into the the jobs even when they get the Jew in it when did you get the Nager into positions of law or music or they still are doing crime because they’re retarded Knigge’s are retarded does it matter how much education of money they get it’s not gonna stop them from being clincally retarded


Right? God damn, ads were bad enough as they were. Now, they're literal nigger ads. ...Or literal ad niggers. ...or both. Fuck, it's just too much. It's disorienting.

DamonAxemaker ago

At it's core it's a fetish

doxxed ago

The best thing I've seen on here

Doglegwarrior ago

it is literaly fucking everywhere! we are being tricked into genociding ourselves and it starts with

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits

and keeps going on the rest of our lives

Zed_Leppelin ago

(pic of exasperated Chinese man)

It's all so tiresome...

last18500 ago


Zinnsee ago


noob_tube ago


Killnigs3 ago

kn the chans were working on a tv project to out all of this down to the quotes inthe shows and the progression of the pozzing

TheGook ago

Absolute frail without TLOU2 on there.

sguevar ago

Amazing compilation.

FridayJones ago

Nicely made!

Rebooted ago

Ugh at the end that was tough. I was wondering if you'd step it up at the end and you did. Now I feel sick.

Zinnsee ago

I didn't make the video, just sharing it snowflake ;)

Attac ago


edwardbernays ago

we're at the point now where if it isn't a clint eastwood or mel gibson movie i just assume it's kikes


U guys love the kushner family though, who will support their fellow jew elites in hollywood.

edwardbernays ago

irrelevant, poorly written and borderline inscrutable take

ducatiduke ago

I can't think of the last movie that I have watched... Fuck all of that industry

minx88 ago

Stop watching films stop watching those shows that are giving the award shows stop watching any films that come from Hollywood to stop .let the theaters close down. And watch the Jews scramble to try to put more whites in the shows because they realize they’re gonna lose shekels.

Watch did you pretend to be humble but that is a fucking lie they are two-faced schizophrenic rats and they will always do victimhood and pretend to be submissive and humble but they will always be the back stabber people need to learn this real quick

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

and this is why i've stopped watching all that shit--i'm not even boycotting; kikes are simply too dumb to come up with anything original or interesting

minx88 ago

Yes that’s true you’re right they’re never original or interesting look at the end of the flag same one since the 30s look at the attempting to release criminals the same thing as a the Russian revolution Is communist faggot propaganda posters are the same as the LGBT shit

Jews are not original they are thieves and scammers and copycats and they take credit for other peoples work like Einstein the plagiarist you’re not smart at all they don’t have a high IQ they’re still primates like the monkey but they have blood with ways to look white but they are nothing but Arab shit skins

And they do nothing but scam and steal and pathological liar like the fake holocaust but the thing is that you cannot allow these cake pieces of shit to get away with trying to a race white history with black deformed ass ugly stinkijg retard Nager’s.

We have to boycott them don’t watch this shit anymore stop watching Netflix stop watching which is also pedophilia with this cutie should stop watching BBC stop watching any channel that has all the Jews putting blacks as European figures because blacks were still naked with spears a smearing shit everywhere when we were building castles.

Africans cannot ever build their own thing they did not even have the wheel before the whites came they cannot make make a plane they cannot make a boat even the Jews can’t do anything they always get the whites to do it and I will stop doing that stop working for the Jew stop watching anything that did you makes stop going to any restaurant where there is Nager’s because it’s usually ownee by a jew And by the way Muslims in knickers put shit in the food and drinks so don’t go anywhere where there is a certain any black working there especially not a Muslim or on the Jews poison people to like Bill Gates so they need to be finished so stop watching this shit boycott them because if you continue to allow this to happen they will parasite and leech and poison and parasite in Leech and poison and murdered children stop giving your money to the Jew stop allowing it make them go bankrupt

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

I’m thinking this is the output of GPT3

Plavonica ago

There is a vast amount of quality content in old films, music, and especially books. Be wary though, the subversion is everywhere and it has been going on longer than any one of us can remember.

Brawndosaurus ago

This. They lack the devine gift of God to create beauty.

minx88 ago

As they are the destroyers the synagogue of Satan every single Jew is a backstabbing pathological lying rat

minx88 ago


InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

It is amazing when you look at the great movies of the 80s like "They Live!" (honestly not that great), Predator, The Thing, Terminator, Robocop, Ghostbusters (though heavy Jew in that one)... etc. All non-jews making fucking timeless movies. And obviously the list goes on and on before that, but that's about the last great decade of movie making before the Jews initiated the hostile takeover of Hollywood and turned it into fucking contrived or rebooted bullshit. It's amazing how quickly movies went to shit once the white creativity was replaced with Jewish attempts at shekel grabbing with no understanding of the audience or art in general.

Butterbread ago

Ghostbusters sucks.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Nah it really doesn't. Yea it's heavily jewed but so was the original Star Wars and really at the time Jews were just trying to fit in to make it in Hollywood, so they copied the White greatness. I can appreciate a good copy of art when I see it, but once Jews got to making their preferred films that forwarded their agenda, it went to shit really quickly.

I give my honest-to-God best not to hate Jews. I still listen to Ben Shapiro. But he's like a Herschel Walker in a sea of niggers... salient as his points may be, a clean sweep is probably the best way to go. Like a garden overrun by weeds - yea, you could weed and weed and weed until your hands bled, or you could burn the shit to the ground, killing the seeds of the weeds, and start anew.

I choose burn.

Butterbread ago

You wouldn't know if the non-weed wasn't just a weed in sheep's grass. If somehow everyone awakened to the cancerous influence on people's minds, the economy, government, on practically everything, would that change anything or would jews just go to sleep for 50 years? What's the permanent way out? Burn? Coexist? Escape? Nothing will be easy. God help us.

Ghostbusters is ok but I get the feeling people who say they like it watched it as kids and don't see it for what it really is.

mundanest ago

The last American director

Zinnsee ago

Ha me too!

And so far this method works great.

voatusernamevoat ago

Anyone recall the name of the classical music score?

tankingwrong ago

The Alton Towers promotional theme song.

No really. It's been in every single one of their ride advertisements except for one for the past twenty some odd years.

It is Hall of the Mountain King, though.

Broc_Lia ago

For more wholesome whitepill music from the same suite look up "morning".

Zinnsee ago

At first I thought you spelled it "morning wood" and had a chuckle, then I realized it probably was a Freudian misreading. Damn kikes always fucking with me!

But yeah the whole Peer Gynt play is pretty awesome.

Broc_Lia ago


Sounds more like "Anitra's Dance." At one point during the suite Pier Gynt has all his money stolen by a stripper.

Zinnsee ago

"Anitra's Dance" is one of my favorites.

But "Solveigs Song" is awesome too.

Broc_Lia ago

Beautiful, thanks.

SumerBreeze ago

Edward Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite #2, movement 4 - Hall of the Mountain King

Gorillion ago

Good choice. This is the same musical used in Fritz Lang's "M" (1930) - about a pedo serial killer played by (((Peter Lorre)).

He whistles the basic tune as he stalks his prey earlier in the movie. The endpiece is Lorre screaming about how "he can't help himself". Evading responsibility due to (((mental disorder))). Shades of the ADL's Leo Frank all over it (hanged by outraged citizens in 1913).

And yes, Lang's mother was Jewish (but went Catholic Crypto). Very very very likely "M" is about the Leo Frank case, displaced to Germany where the jews really held all institutional and influencer power at the time.

SumerBreeze ago

no one cares about how the master composer was used in a kike movie - if they do, they are retards (like you).

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

"he can't help himself"

Its actually true that the Jews can't help themselves. Subversion and degeneracy is in their DNA. This makes them MORE dangerous because they can't be reformed and their latent predisposition for evil can manifest at any time.

dassaer ago

All joos ever, "It was real in my mind !!"

Zinnsee ago

Peer Gynt - In the Hall of the Mountain King

Mr_Wolf ago

everywhere in film, look up and search everyone involved in Sausage Party for instance. It's all jews and family except for the asian company that did the animation. look up any movie same results

WD_Pelley ago

Sausage Party

Only a goblin could take a wholesome concept like VeggieTales and subvert it into garbage.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

I didn't even watch 8 minutes of it and deleted it. Told people not to use my link for buying but if they did buy to be sure to use my link.

SexMachine ago

Buy what?

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

The movies through my links, for commission. A movie reviewer, and specialized in legal release day sales.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

No wonder the aliens like directing hollywood: theyre kikes

Zinnsee ago

I don't know who made this video. Found it on twatter and had to share it with my fellow goats.

voatusernamevoat ago

If you have the twitter link, the comments should be a fun read.

Zinnsee ago

olinneserpona ago

Thanks, it goes right in my folder.

mendelbot ago

Always back up the good ones.

freespeechplease ago

I sware they (((google))) deletes the good ones off my phone

mendelbot ago

If they haven't already, they will not stop at that.

That's why books will become valuable in the future.

veteran88 ago

We will need a movie that deaths shindlers list showing the crimes of the Jewish bolsheviks.

And include a scene where they discuss inventing the lolocaust.

pdpbigbang ago

Stop watching TalmudVision. The reality is far more interesting

minx88 ago


Stop watching any Hollywood film until the Jews go out of business and are bankrupt

tsoleveryday44 ago

Talmudvision. That made me lol.

Butterbread ago

Fuck off back to reddit, you faggot.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

Harry Potter kissed an asian girl in the HaRRY pOTTEr movies but that is straight out of the books so it would be JK Rowlings fault. At least not a black girl and Harry gets with red headed Ginny in the end.

Thadeus ago

Rowling is pretty based and although unpopular I generally don’t mind asian americans (brits).

Most asians from asia tho... no no no.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yeah the only real reason to hate on JK is that she's a single mom. I don't think she wrote the books tho, a team of men did, just used her as the public face. A common thing in the book world.

Thadeus ago

A group of people are always involved in the writing of a book.

She wrote the first draft. The protagonist is a white kid rising above the odds, I have few issues with the Harry Potter books.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

I mean maybe not even a first draft or anything, doubt she is even literate

Thadeus ago

From her pen she birthed Harry Potter world in Orlando and a billion dollar franchise. A testament of human achievement.

Make your fucking bed then criticize.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

white knight faggot

Thadeus ago

I’ll always defend the contributors to society over the dregs.

NiggadermCQ ago

Thought there was lots of sexual tension between Horney and Hermaphrodite

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

HP is all propaganda

minx88 ago

She s a jew?

Moose_of_Reason ago

Yes and had several different authors.

13445123751 ago

Niggerus lynchus

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

Expelliarmus from 93 countries!

romanstock ago

yeah that one shouldn't have been included

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

for that, JK may have been pressured by jewish editors to put shit like that in her books. She seems to have had enough of the tranny bullshit in recent years at least tho. I like how she has goblins as bankers, definite symbolism that she got by the censors.

minx88 ago

Yeah I doubt she is the one who wrote all that stuff and she did her research into the dark magic I doubt she did all that research herself

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yeah like a pen name for a guy and the woman was hired as like a spokesman, they wanted to be able a strong bold woman wrote a best seller

romanstock ago

nah, she was already pressured by jewish editors in all facets of life since birth. she would've done it 'naturally'.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

jewish editors were pressuring little baby JK Rowling?

noob_tube ago

Its called "schooling" or "educating" when you do it to babies.

romanstock ago


CelticMutt ago

Harry gets not even sloppy seconds with the coal burning Ginny.

Olivefigs ago

I don’t remember Ginny getting blacked

CelticMutt ago

In the sixth book she dates a black dude, which is the final catalyst for Harry to realize he wants to bone his best friend's sister.

Torqueness ago

Lmao, Ginny the slut.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

he should have conjured up a rope

WesternCarnival ago


bourbon90 ago

Good video, saved

albatrosv15 ago

This is some high quality kosher free production.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

High quality see you on the front page TOOT TOOT!

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Doesn't say much, I could get a Pic of dog turd on the front page. Well done though.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

You can tell this faggot's a fucking jew because they're obsessed with shit.

freespeechplease ago

Jew likes his poo.

WhatsThatSkaSong ago

Do it. No text overlay. Get a dog turd on the front page.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

One Stanley Steamer Coming Up!!



Ill ping you when the deed is done, later. A hair busy for games right now, but I will play.

elfmaster5 ago

Absolute QUALITY

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Absolute QUALITY

+6 gorillion

minx88 ago

Carilion is a very good word because they are gorillas and that’s including the Jew did you only looks right because they blended with whites in the Barbary slave trade yes they had white slaves so did the Muslims and it was the turks that juice which are talks that blended with whites in order to get weights little bit way to skin and even though landing with us since that time to get blue eyes and blond hair to manipulate and two to infiltrate and backstab but the Jews are nothing but Middle Eastern shit skins

alacrity167 ago

it was very hard to read that

c0ck ago

We need more of this. Relevant.

Ave_Satanas ago

I'd love to see the source article for that image at 11 seconds in

c0ck ago

JaimeL_ ago

This is amazing hahaha

Zinnsee ago

That's a good one, thanks!

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swingline ago

this is freaking great

MisterIdealInLead ago

Well done