prairie ago

Version 2.0 probably won't repeat the mistakes of the first.

BW-414 ago

the israeli guy knows his race is hated for being parasitoids. all he is concerned about is portraying his race as victims, when host countries defend themselves.

KnifesEdge ago

He isn't wrong. His reasons are the "why?" behind the doubling of the effort to erode the Constitution and Bill of Rights and stop teaching about the founding of this country.

SearchVoatBot ago

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checkthenose ago

Here's a link to some of his other speeches. Haven't got the chance to listen to them, but I'm sure they're great.

Whitegoy ago

Can’t open on phone! Eyez stoopid

kishind ago

I would literally send this to my mom except for that watermark.

On-time ago

Awesome red pill. Thank you.

Greensbr ago

Remove the watermark.

TreeMan32 ago

series of intelligent answers to snake questions.

superspathi ago

When I was a young guy, a friend of mine staged a little community theater play about the holocaust. This is long before I'd ever even heard of holocaust revisionism, like back in the 1980s. So I was still a believer in the whole deal. But I had also come across the very interesting psychological experiment by Stanley Milgram called "Obedience to Authority".

For those that don't know, Milgram staged this experiment where he basically placed unwitting test subjects in the position of being ordered to deliver what they believed to be dangerous electric shocks to another test subject. The whole thing was a setup, and there were no actual electric shocks being delivered, but the person being tested didn't know that. They would be placed before the "electric shock" machine with all these alarming labels indicating when the voltage levels were considered dangerous, and then told to deliver ever increasing shocks to the other participant who would pretend to feel pain when "shocked". Over the course of the experiment the subject would be ordered to keep increasing the voltage to higher and higher levels. Eventually the person receiving the fake shocks would be screaming in apparent agony and begging to be released from the experiment. This would continue until the shock machine was set at "death" level, and the supposed participant completely unresponsive and apparently dead, or when the person running the shock machine refused to continue despite being ordered to do so by the authority figure.

What Milgram was rather shocked to discover was that a very high percentages of apparently average Americans were quite willing to electrocute an innocent person to death, simply because a guy in a white lab coat told them to do it.

I thought this was really interesting and I suggested to my friend that he explore this concept of obedience to authority in relation to the holocaust play he was putting on. I thought Milgram's experiment might indicate how a population of regular people used to obedience could be led to commit atrocities.

But my friend had no interest in that. He wanted to portray the Germans as pure monsters who loved to kill jews for no apparent reason at all. Just unreasoning hatred. At no point did he attempt to present their perspective on why they would be shooting jewish infants in the face. He just wanted to show them murdering infants. He told me that his expected audience of elderly jews would want it that way.

TinyBunch ago

Milgram's experiment was a hoax.

The people who saw through the whole thing were more likely to go along with it.

ggolemg ago

A hero.

Phoenix21 ago

Where is this from? Not surprisingly, Youtube has either several minute clips or attacks against him on there.

P3NCE ago

or the user had been banned.

pdpbigbang ago

Believe in karma. Because it believes in you.

The internet is forever. That means sooner or later the truth shall be revealed and remain so forever.

500five ago

Better save this, good find OP.

DantesInf ago

When was this recorded?

Octocopter ago

Not sure but the man is Ernst Zündel.

1Sorry_SOB ago


kevf4 ago

The last four years have been an eye opener for me. The Jewish control of media and specific high ranking officials is destroying the United States of America.

1Sorry_SOB ago

It was always there. All you have to do is start noticing who is Jewish. Patterns emerge.

HndrxMn ago

I'm starting to think my Grandpa -who fought in the Battle of the Bulge- got PTS (or PTSD or Shellshock or whatever the hell it is when you realize shit just hit the fan and you might have been in the wrong) when he realized this. Unfortunately he died when I was in high school and I wasn't fully aware of these patterns to ask him about it.

steelydave ago

nothing will happen until there is a severe economic collapse. normal everyday people don't want change. most people just want to work their jobs until they're old enough to collect social security.

Evileddie13 ago

Yep, I totally agree. When our currency inflqtes sky high or the food trucks stop running.

Octocopter ago

Covid taking their liberties and savings away has done a lot of that already.

P3NCE ago

What is the date this was recorded, any info on the video? Would love to put a timeline to see how accurate his premonition was. Judging by video quality, maybe late 80's early 90's?

Octocopter ago

Sorry can't give you more info than some interview with Ernst Zündel, a "neo-nazi" as labelled by the kikes as they "unpersoned" him.

jimibulgin ago

He mentions for fall of East Germany and the USSR, so that oughta clue you in.

wokeasfook ago

I believe in karma

ThereIsAGoldenRule ago

There is a golden rule.

rumorhazard ago


This guy is outstanding.

Surely the fucking jews must be aware of this and have some contingency plan?

kishind ago

Tldr: the ones with stronger future orientation do. That's a minority. Their plan is to protect Israelis by any means necessary.

Well you know that the kikes have each other's backs before any outgroup. But I believe there is a significant jewish minority opposed to child sex trafficking... Not on any moral basis, but because that's the one thing that makes people determined to kill them. They could use gentiles as tax slaves from here to the end of the sun and never be in any danger.

However, kikes gotta kike the way nigs gotta nig. The bloodlines with tiny frontal lobes can't help themselves... literally. Like psychopaths, they have trouble anticipating consequences meaningfully. Poverty-level jews aren't a rare occurrence, as a direct result. They are naturally prone to high-risk behaviors. Like narcissists, they believe they can get away with anything.

The tension between the Zionists and the International Jews never really went away. The Zionists still want jewish preservation above all. The IJs still want jewish domination above all. Generally these are not mutually exclusive goals. They are if the international sex trafficking ring is exposed.

Israel is their contingency plan. I'm sure they have some extraordinary measures in place to protect it, nuclear weapons being the obvious pillar. They harbor everyone who passes the DNA test, no matter their crimes elsewhere. Unsurprisingly, it's got a huge number of violent sex offenders.

Other than Israel, expect them to use the same tactics as last time: run or hide, or some combination. Invade a new host. Their subversion of China is ongoing, and halfbreeds abound.

It's all there in basic subversion training ahem "Hebrew school". The Talmud is an amazing book.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Jews are really smart but they are also blind to many things. You think they would scale back but they can't help themselves.

Jujubean ago

Kikes got to kike. They cannot help themselves.

c0ck ago

Level-headed and accurate. Of course the kike ends with “when that happens, will it be a happy day for you?” pointing the finger once more, to ostracize him on personal beliefs, as opposed to having a moment of self-reflection and logical processing of the historical patterns he mentions.

Fucking kikes.

robot7247 ago

And then suddenly, for no reason at all...

drozzxd ago

Also yes. It will be a new holiday as great as the 4th of July. Death to all kikes!

Jujubean ago

The like cannot help but be a like. That is why it's inevitable. I believe that economic conditions will trigger the party.

Tandemlee ago

Shifting the conversation from facts to feelings like women do.

kishind ago

That's why the serpent started with Eve. And every culture that walked towards degeneracy and destruction started on that path by giving power to women.

dummythicc ago

No brainlet, this has nothing to do with your make believe.

Mah_Selectah ago

Disgusting porn, attempts to erase whites culture and our very presence, destruction of the family unit, forced transgendered acceptance, degeneracy on all levels.... at some point shaming someone for being intolerant will be met by a push back, and it will be something to behold.

Doglegwarrior ago

how are so many fucking sheeple blinded by the jews? it is unbelievable how well the (((MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT EDUCATION ADVERTISING COMPLEX))) works on the average american

Joesf23 ago

The other day on a conservative page I mentioned that jews control hollwood. They damn near booted me from the site and told me I was a lying nazi and jews dont run hollywood. Cuckservatives refuse to open their fucking eyes for fear of being called antisemite or fox still has them brainwashed thinking jews love republicans because of muh israel support. (Even though jews vote 85% D)

Atkho ago

indoctrination from childhood. We must protect our children.

HndrxMn ago

Exactly. Kids are never taught to question why, they are only taught to accept this or that as "fact." Growing up I became increasingly distressed with the lack of answers to the questions I asked ("why must we do it this way instead of that" type of question, I didn't become aware of the JQ till high school). I'm slowly redpilling my wife -who is a teacher- and I constantly have to warn her that she isn't going to like what she learns. All of this crap going on and we are bringing a child into it soon. I can't wait to see his/her face when they are born, I just know it is going to be a fight with friends and family that haven't been redpilled to keep jewish propaganda away (no tablets with internet access and preferably physical books to an electronic device). I'm pissed and rambling and I need to make dinner for my pregnant wife.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Be careful.

My ex wife was conservative and open to discussion of the JQ.

When the "lightswitch effect" happened, she threw that shit back in my face.

wiggerfaggot ago

Whatever you do dont mutilate his dick

Doglegwarrior ago

once you see the agenda you see it literaly everywhere and when you see someone speak truth it stands out like a shooting star! Gingrich two words blew the fucking minds of the tv talking heads and it was a shooting star moment... good luck with the baby! have as many white kids as you can

mitoriomyt ago

It's good you're redpilling her because one of the institutions marxists aim for is education. They're taken over that institution and the only hope that anybody can have for youth is that a large percentage of people pull their kids out of schools and homeschool them.

One of the side benefits to the chink flu is that parents woke up to the mask agenda and are opting to homeschool.

Ocelot ago

They want to believe the lie, and they don't want to not believe it. That's it.

GoldenHead ago

Yes, we know. They all know. This is 2018 information.

Trump has already stolen the revolution. It's only a matter of time before he finishes his reforms.

Octocopter ago

There are more that know but never let on, what they really succeeded on was destroying everyone one who shared openly, the world has never been more connected than it is now.

jimibulgin ago

Mmmmmm...., no. I think they are all still fully under the jewish spell, and just don't fucking get it. They are not just "not talking about it".

ChiCom ago

Yesterday we had an article that half of France knows about the great replacement.

Will they fight the US v France if too many Americans wake up?

CanadianNatSoc ago

RIP Ernst Zundel, Canada was grateful to have you here.

Tacops777 ago


robot7247 ago


That's a new one, thanks.

Tacops777 ago


robot7247 ago

New to me TIMMY, new to me.

HappyGoLuckyGoy ago


Because even a well written argument in full caps makes you out to be unhinged and desperate. I can't read your comment effectively because full caps slows the pacing of the text. If your argument is sound, you don't need to shout it.

Tacops777 ago


TheSeer ago

RIP, you mean Rest in Power, right?

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Is that the speaker?

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Thought he sounded irish.

getshanked ago

Great man. He was the one who converted former believer David Irving into a “denier”.

CanadianNatSoc ago

Sure is, here's the full interview. Even more astonishing that he's being interveiwed by an israeli.

SearchVoatBot ago

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BlowjaySimpson ago

Ernst Zündel

KosherHiveKicker ago

That's exactly what the Jews fear most.

Americans realizing this truth nationwide, and repeating history. Americans have for more weapons than the Weimar Germans.

1Sorry_SOB ago


An amazing thing has happened. In just a few years, American knowledge of black violence has gone mainstream. It was systematically hidden from the US since the 1950's (as documented in Time magazine). A large percentage of normies comment on ending black on black homicides every time BLM is mentioned.

How much longer before the JQ goes mainstream? It could be 4 years. I'm thinking 10. That's the tipping point when most white people are going to be making complaints about Jewish power.

itssomatic ago

Race-pill precedes Jew-Pill, usually. Buckle up.

KosherHiveKicker ago

How much longer before the JQ goes mainstream? It could be 4 years. I'm thinking 10. That's the tipping point when most white people are going to be making complaints about Jewish power.

This is exactly why FoxNews shit themselves when Newt began broadcasting that Soros and cabal of Kike are behind the violence of ANTIF-BlackLiesMatter.

Nichtlustig ago

It had better be 10 years at the most, we only have 20 years before the tipping point. 2040 is the projected date that whites officially become a minority in America. We might still win then, if we were really organized and determined, but every day they get more soldiers.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

The idea that we need 50+% whites to do anything is silly. Even 5% of whites participating in any sort of cleansing would be more than enough to do it successfully.

Nichtlustig ago

Maybe, if like I said there was enough organization and will. I still say the more of them there are, the worse position we're in.

jimibulgin ago

I think it has happened over and over and over again. We just know about German because it is recent and America because it is now.

Hell, 12 of the fuckers went down into Egypt, kiked up the government (recall that joseph was the #2 guy) and walked away with all Egypt's loot. Then they were "exiled" to Babylon and ended up looting that civilization, too. (This is all from the twisted POV of the jew storytellers of course...)

I'd bet they are behind the downfall of every civilization: Greece, Rome, HRE, Portugal, Spain, Holland, France, Austria, Britain, Russia, Germany, USA.... Hundreds of years in the future, it maybe China or Brazil or Mexico, but they will subvert those too....

robot7247 ago

This is going to be the reveal, every downfall has been precipitated by them.

SixTeaNine ago

The difference now? Partially, American exceptionalism and gun ownership. But to a much larger extent, the existence of the internet. Never before have the globalists had to fight against an enemy like real-time comprehensive sharing of information.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I'd bet they are behind the downfall of every civilization: Greece, Rome, HRE, Portugal, Spain, Holland, France, Austria, Britain, Russia, Germany, USA


We know for a fact that The Jews subverted Portugal, Spain, Britain, France, Russia, Germany, and currently working within the United States.

FridayJones ago

And Rome fell because of a kike-based, kike-invented "religion." And then Europe laid in darkness for centuries.