StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Should be sent to Leavenworth for 20 years, at hard labor, bread and water rations, no visitation or phone

tastelessinvective ago

Has anyone had any real life experience with an advertising agency?

Are they 100% Jewish women?

Ocelot ago

There are very few advertising agencies (for example, TV commercials are all done by like 5-10 different agencies at most) and yes they're absolutely stuffed with niggers faggots and kikes.

eongoat ago

"He's a rescue"

Sanpa33 ago

Are you sure this will get people to enlist into the Army?
---Enlist? Army???

thebearfromstartrack ago

WHY do WHITE people need to raise NIGGER babies? Something WRONG with NIGGERS?

Credible_Hulk ago

I propose if you are going to adopt needs to be your own race period. Why confuse the child? Oh yeah and sacrifice the black ones to the kikes more useful to them .

AttackHelicopter ago

Batty boys should be seething.

New-World-Ebola ago

absolutely... fucking jew puppets dumber than shit that think they're hard

buckhorn ago

Not sure if he's the cuck or if they're a cucked couple (couckle?) where they're both raising someone else's skid.

ScottMAGA ago

Maybe just stock photo actors.

incey ago

was thinking the same thing, just a bad placement of the token

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Don't most military wives cheat on their husbands?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

All milwives are degenerate whores

redwing14 ago

being in the military is being a big cuck. you do what your masters say. The wives like these cucks, and will fuck another dude. Women have no respect for cucks.

Oh_Well_ian ago

not having a military means being conquered by China

that is why Neocons and Neoliberals attempted to destroy our military

There are many good people in the US Military, and the President is helping them fix it.

Zeusvolt ago

Wrong, wrong, maybe.

It's clear you don't have a clue about either group, who both use the US military to advance their global agenda.

Oh_Well_ian ago

disband the military, is that the rallying call now, commie boy?

The US Military under this President is being repaired and will no longer be used against our interests by Israel.

You arrogant dipshits can never quite get there, can you?

TripleZ ago

The US Military under this President is being repaired and will no longer be used against our interests by Israel.


Oh_Well_ian ago

my son is in the US Army, asshat and American hating piece of shit jew boy

you crytpo-kikes are not fooling anyone

btw, Hilter was a jew sock puppet that got +14million Germans exterminated

Dishsoap ago

It's depressingly common. Worse, guess who gets fucked when the wife cheats?

Intrixina ago

Of course it's the guy serving - and then he has to pay spousal maintenance to fund the whore's lifestyle with the prick she cheated with.

Dishsoap ago


That's after he gets kicked out of his home (that he'll still pay for) and forced back into the barracks, forced to continue giving his BAS (that's food money for you civilians) to his estranged spouse (which means he doesn't receive a meal card because he's still receiving BAS, so he has to pay for his meals out-of-pocket, but because he's now in the barracks he has no option to prepare his own food) and probably forced to stay away from his kids because she took out a military protective order (MPO, similar to a civilian restraining order except the unit commander can issue one without a hearing upon request), and forced to maintain any joint bank accounts and credit cards (and will be threatened with disciplinary action should he fail to provide for her "needs" regardless of if she spends all of the money on booze and shoes or of the fact that he's on a fixed salary). This is before divorce proceedings begin.

He'll also be charged with adultery - yes, they will court-martial you for adultery - if he cheated (but a female service member will never see adultery charges). A decade of active duty, and not once did I see or hear about a female getting hit with adultery charges.

Then, after his personal life is in ruins and the divorce is finalized, if they've been married more than 10 years and the male service member gets a retirement, she gets half on top of whatever else the divorce court imposed.

itssomatic ago

Keep on cuckin' in the Free World!

Intrixina ago

This is why I'm firmly of the opinion that it should be that proven adultery means the adulterer relinquishes all rights to marital property and leaves with just the clothes on their back. And that a pre-nup (with a duress clause) should be a thing in all marriages which is enforceable, so that no cuntery can happen in the marriage.

Maroonsaint ago

You ever see that episode of cops where the guy gets home after work and his wife is cheating on him. So he calls the cops and they make him leave his own house

offender ago

Does he also send you a dick pic afterwards?

Maroonsaint ago


No, I’m drink now. I’ll see if I can find you the video. It’s angry porn. It’s guaranteed to piss you off. Remind me

Dishsoap ago

No but sounds legit

Maroonsaint ago

You should let me see your dick

Dishsoap ago


Maroonsaint ago

Lame ass jokes.

Dishsoap ago

There's no pleasing some people.

HitlerDinduNufin ago


OldGoatNewKid ago

Hahahaha fuck america is pathetic.

spaceman84 ago

Used to be it was Jodie who fucked your girl when you were on deployment, now it's JaMarcus and Jaquantrayvius and the cuck is watching from the corner.

SearchVoatBot ago

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rumorhazard ago

Fight for israel!

Get cucked at home and abroad!

Waste shitskin farmers for kikes!



Indigobunting ago

That is a pretty good description of the military these days. Basically let everyone in your life fuck you besides your wife and be proud of it. Hey, at least you get 10% of at Dennys.

itssomatic ago

If the recruiter had told me I'd get high-fructose "maple-syrup" gibs, I might've signed on the dotted line.

TripleZ ago

Hey, at least you get 10% of at Dennys.

Holy shit, where do I sign up?

Nukeisrael ago

Thanks jews!

reason247 ago

Pretty much what I saw in the military.

Maroonsaint ago

Did you see a lot dicks in the military?

dummythicc ago

MaroonBot auto-responds to the top comment about dicks in a kosher attempt to slide the thread.

Maroonsaint ago

Do I now. Am I’m a pretty robot

BadBoyBubby ago

rabbi over here wants to know about the dicks

Maroonsaint ago


Dishsoap ago

Except the wife was never anywhere near that thin.

SIayfire122 ago

Look at the arms; she's getting there. It takes time to build up a dependapotamus and her size directly correlates with the number of strips on the guy's sleeve.

Ocelot ago

Her arms look normal to me, some women have slightly larger arms. This picture is clearly just stock actors picked out by some kike.

Monday685 ago


aduda ago

Know why he hid his face.