StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Just from the headline, I assume he is Jewish

86USSLiberty ago

He looks like a kike and his name is money. I’m not buying welsh/English background at all.

bourbon90 ago

Looking for proof this guy is a jew. He looks slimey enough but I need confirmation. I don't go at normies with the JQ unless I've got confirmation every jew I bring up is actually a jew.

Side note, I learned Roman Polanski is a fucking jew the other day, never knew.

ketoll ago

WHO ICD-11 now trying to normalize gender confusion.

Boomerkiller ago

Those parents should be in prison. Mutilated their child at birth. Then proceeded to Mutilate him even more than Mutilate his brain.

shmuklidooha ago


WyattMale ago

The gender-insanity dates back all the way to Weimar.

Look up Magnus Hirschfeld and his co-workers, Bernhard Schapiro, Ludwig Levy-Lenz, and August Fleischmann.

Make an educated guess what they had in common....

PendingWar ago

Every leader of any political movement or anything close to it is probably just a tranny.

8Ball_Jacket_Guy ago

Remember this sicko from the most heartbreaking documentary ever: Doctor Money and the Boy with No Penis

HatefulTwerp ago

The inventor of toxic masculinity is a trans “woman” (ie a man who cut off his penis and testicles).

The inventor of white privilege is a Jew.

The inventor of racism=privilege+power is a Jew.

keksupreme ago

look at that nose...

PaddyMcInfidel ago

He stated that both sexual researchers and the public do not make distinctions between affectional pedophilia and sadistic pedophilia. Money asserted that affectional pedophilia was about love and not sex...Money held the view that affectional pedophilia is caused by a surplus of parental love that became erotic, and is not a behavioral disorder.

I also do not make a distinction between "types" of pedophiles or care about their motivation or complete confusion over the definitions of love/hate.

You touch kids, you die. Simple.

kishind ago

Jesus Christ, "affectionate" pedophilia IS sadistic. Only a twisted fucking jew pedo could think their child rape through manipulation and deception is a form of "love".

whatisbestinlife ago

looks like noam chomsky

GhastlySkulduggery ago

John Money.

Interestingly, he actually seemed disturbed by what he was responsible for, once he actually realized what sort of fallout he caused.

But that's really neither here, nor there. He was possessed by evil and though he was making groundbreaking strides. Arguably he was, even if for all the wrong reasons.

Just remember, this is the father of gender malleability.

The sick people who advocate this line of thinking are worse than Money was. They were able to see the full result, and then decided it's an acceptable method of thinking.

14.45 to 17.25 is worth checking out.

14.38 to 17.28 would be better.

Or just watch the whole thing.

AgentSakura ago

Sexual Warfare, Sexual Imprinting, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Monarch Programming (Split Personality), Adrenochrome,Trauma Based Mind Control, Ritual Abuse & Torture, Generational Sexual Trauma, Homosexual Rape & Torture as Mind Control, Sexual Bullying, Forced Prostitution, Molka (Hidden Cameras), Cybersex Slavery, Black Mass Rituals, Pedophilia, Save The Children, Child Sex Trafficking, PizzaGate, Pedogate, Child Pornography, Torture Porn, Snuff Porn, Adult Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, Pimping, Adult Pornography, Grooming Gangs, Rape Gangs, Ethnic Sexual Conquest, Ethnic Warfare, Communism, Gender Wars, Red Mafia, Police Corruption, State Corruption, Media Corruption, Business Corruption, Sexual Psychological Warfare, Sexualization through the Media; Music, Television and Movies

Jews are mostly gay because they have been tortured into it by their parents and the jewish community. Ever wonder why they are all the same and have a strong in group preference? It's because they are under satanic mind control through ritual sexual trauma starting with the orthodox circumcision ritual. They feel deep shame from having been sexually molested and then further abuse others to make themselves feel better about their molestations. It's called generational trauma and the jew use this psychological and sexual weapon against their prey namely straight white Europeans to further their agenda of White Genocide under the Kalergi Plan, Eurocide, Genocide Operation.

Dysgenics through Miscegenation, Gender Dysphoria and Psychological and Sexual Warfare programs, The Gay Agenda etc. It's all part of their evil plan for Global Communist Domination. 5G Neuro Weapons, Neurology - Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuralink, AI, Cybernetics, Mass Surveillance and Nanotechnocracy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Psycho Analysis, Pharmacology, DNA alteration through forced vaccines are also a part of the plan.

The Serpent has been caught !

being a jew is automatic gayification

that's how they control their people, though satanic ritual abuse and trauma based mind control

same with the satanic illuminati and masonic secret society cults, skull and bones etc

they all use homosexual and depraved sexual trauma to break the mind and shatter the psyche

and they think it is a good thing and that it makes you stronger, every evil stuff...

read Thank for the Memories

Warning you will never be able to forget her trauma after reading this, it's extremely disturbing material but very important to understand and I think all adults should read at least the first section detailing the techniques on how ritual trauma and torture is used to shatter the mind and control the victims.

It's a planned out meticulously implemented act of genocide by the communist illuminati and cabal.

The jews and their lackeys are systematically exterminating the white races and are making a killing off of it literally while they torture and rape our little kids in their diddle caves everyday.

Sexual Warfare bolshevik zionist communist psyop to destabilize sexual relations; feminism and MGTOW included.

Imagine being brainwashed to cut off your dick and then realize you were fucked over then you kill yourself.

Now imagine that there is a kike subversive communist agent in government and media promoting transgenderism and transhumanism.

Are the two connected somehow?

Now consider was this a murder or a suicide?

xenochrist15 ago

We live in the age of information, yet no Crusades have happened...demoralized.

tweety51 ago

After reading this I remembered this from so long ago. How horrific for this family and especially these young men. This is a very evil man and you can tell because he is doing exactly what satan does...subvert the will of God. Boys are boys and girls are girls and no matter what anyone does that won't change.

Olivefigs ago

He was a Christian but paedo nonetheless

kishind ago

That face is 100% kike, like your comment.

Are you confused? Do you think we can't spot you people as plain as the nose on your face?

Olivefigs ago

Hahahahaha good one!
Yes, he looks jewish, I’m just saying the Wikipedia article says he is English and Welsh, no mention of jewish ancestry. I also read somewhere else he was not jewish despite his name.

I’m not defending him, he is a disgusting depraved demon. I was just sort of mourning that even people coming from Christian families can be devastating for humanity.

PaddyMcInfidel ago

If your life's work is perverting God's created order and abusing children, you are not a Christian.

Regardless I would like to see your source on why you think he was a Christian.

Olivefigs ago

I didn’t mean religious Christian.
The wiki article linked here itself says he was of English and Welsh descent.
Plus, I read somewhere some time ago, despite his name there was no indication of him being Jewish.

PaddyMcInfidel ago

I am only aware of one religion that is linked to ethnicity and/or belief and it isn't Christianity.

The Jews would call a person w a Jewish surname a Jew. Why do you discount this classification but would call a person of English/Welsh descent Christian?

Olivefigs ago

On Wikipedia, they almost always specify Jewish descent either as religion or ethnicity. By only mentioning English and Welsh, it makes sense to assume he is not Jewish. Christianity is the predominant religion in those countries, and given his age it’s likely he was at least raised by Christian parents, if not Christian himself.

Valcgo ago

I will disown my children if they do that tranny shit. No joke.

wonderfuldonut ago

Quacks always have to create "conditions" to explain away their own twisted beliefs.

What is being pushed is akin to a dog being born in a stable, and being told to believe it is a horse because it was born in a stable

Its illogical and has no validity in reality!

PoopityScoopy ago

Sick bastard

veteran88 ago

All pedophiles deserve the rope.

NoisySilence ago

You're being gentile.

knightwarrior41 ago

what a piece of shit

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Money sounds like the perfect name for a jew.........just saying

500five ago

Just look at his facial structure.

gazillions ago

His background had been erased. supposedly he came from New Zealand, but he would have been of age to be in ww2, and here is no mention of that all anywhere. All of his bullshit insane theories were right out of the Wiemar Republic and an exact copy of Magnus Hirschfeld's sex institute frankenstein tranny work.

Money was never anything but a self glorifying filthy dirty pervert. He's dead but his fans are not dead enough

SulemonSeinfeld ago


-He stated that both sexual researchers and the public do not make distinctions between affectional pedophilia and sadistic pedophilia. Money asserted that affectional pedophilia was about love and not sex.

gazillions ago

This is the pedophilia that feminists and the United Nations endorses. Its why the British establishment wont arrest the muslim pimps. It's a choice according to them.

Globalists have to die.

23423534246 ago

once your eyes are open everything makes so much fucking sense

Vc83 ago

It's all jews?

Always has been...

tury ago

Welcome Neo.

KLDB ago

it's almost as if faggotry is a predatory construct.

Vc83 ago

Maybe the mental health issues trans people have is them ignoring their biological sex, and trying to ignore reality. Giving them a pat on the back and a medal doesn't seem to be reducing the suicide rate, it's as high as it's every been, and there's more tranny shit everywhere than ever before.

Windmill4theLand ago

That article made me cry.

gazillions ago

And Wikipedia Whitewashed it because the entire progressive movement revolves around th John Money version of jewish subversion that necessarily created Hitler in the 1930's.

Babadookk ago

you cant remove gender from a boy. even if you give him growth hormones. his testosterone while exposed in the bomb is near the level of when he hits puberty. he is never going to be a girl

Olivefigs ago

Wow is this true?

DerJudenfresser ago

Yes. It was because one of the boys as an infant, experienced a botched circumcision which severely injured their penis. The parents were given medical advice that he should transition and be raised as a girl.

Babadookk ago

My point was that he couldn’t transition because his brain was already masculinized

NoisySilence ago

There's something about reading Empirical truths, a feeling.

The_Exodite ago


Babadookk ago


videocodec ago

The important thing is this is not a one off. This is just one out of many.

Nukeisrael ago

John (((Money)))

armday2day ago

And I always thought jews with "gold" in the surname were too on the nose!

kishind ago

Byecep boy is named Gaige Grosskruetz, the meaning of Gaige is "pledge or oath, especially an oath of repayment to a moneylender."

If I were a jew, I'd mock gentiles for not noticing.

armday2day ago

All kikes are pedophiles, never forget

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NoisySilence ago

For many you cannot tell them the truth.

You must show them.

antiliberalsociety ago

Ehh even then they ignore it. NPC is a real deal.