binrobinro ago

It's face is half gums.

AgentSakura ago

Sexual Warfare, Sexual Imprinting, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Monarch Programming (Split Personality), Adrenochrome,Trauma Based Mind Control, Ritual Abuse & Torture, Generational Sexual Trauma, Homosexual Rape & Torture as Mind Control, Sexual Bullying, Forced Prostitution, Molka (Hidden Cameras), Cybersex Slavery, Black Mass Rituals, Pedophilia, Save The Children, Child Sex Trafficking, PizzaGate, Pedogate, Child Pornography, Torture Porn, Snuff Porn, Adult Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, Pimping, Adult Pornography, Grooming Gangs, Rape Gangs, Ethnic Sexual Conquest, Ethnic Warfare, Communism, Gender Wars, Red Mafia, Police Corruption, State Corruption, Media Corruption, Business Corruption, Sexual Psychological Warfare, Sexualization through the Media; Music, Television and Movies

Jews are mostly gay because they have been tortured into it by their parents and the jewish community. Ever wonder why they are all the same and have a strong in group preference? It's because they are under satanic mind control through ritual sexual trauma starting with the orthodox circumcision ritual. They feel deep shame from having been sexually molested and then further abuse others to make themselves feel better about their molestations. It's called generational trauma and the jew use this psychological and sexual weapon against their prey namely straight white Europeans to further their agenda of White Genocide under the Kalergi Plan, Eurocide, Genocide Operation.

Dysgenics through Miscegenation, Gender Dysphoria and Psychological and Sexual Warfare programs, The Gay Agenda etc. It's all part of their evil plan for Global Communist Domination. 5G Neuro Weapons, Neurology - Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuralink, AI, Cybernetics, Mass Surveillance and Nanotechnocracy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Psycho Analysis, Pharmacology, DNA alteration through forced vaccines are also a part of the plan.

The Serpent has been caught !

Being a jew is almost a guaranteed & automatic gayification. The ritual homosexual traumatization begins with the foreskin removal ceremony in the Orthedox sects and also the generational trauma, bullying and abuse inflicted upon them from their families and pears.

That's how they control most of their people; though satanic ritual abuse and trauma based mind control.

It's the same thing with the Satanic Illuminati and Free Masonic Cult and other secret societies, Skull and Bones etc

They all use ritualistic homosexual and depraved sexual trauma to break the mind and shatter the psyche.

The worst part abount it is that they believe that it is a good thing and that it makes you stronger, very evil stuff...

For a personal account regarding Trauma Based Mind Control read Thank for the Memories:

Warning you will never be able to forget her trauma after reading this, it's extremely disturbing material but very important to understand and I think all adults should read at least the first section detailing the techniques on how ritual trauma, torture and mind control work and how it is used to shatter the psyche to control the victims.

What the Globalist Cabal of Criminal Communists are doing is a completely planned out meticulously implementation of Global Genocide.

The jews and their lackeys are systematically exterminating the white races and are making a killing off of it literally while they torture and rape our little kids, are young men and women in their diddle caves everyday.

It is a Sexual Warfare Bolshevik Zionist Communist Psyop to destabilize sexual relations; feminism and MGTOW included.

The people conducting these operations are Biological, Chemical, Neurological, Psychological, Sexual & Social Secret Communist Guerilla Warfare Agents conducting Terrorism for the Zionist Occupational Governments and their leadership who control all aspect of modern society.

Imagine being one of their victims; brainwashed to race mix and hate their race and gender, stolen and raped by pedophiles and subhuman non whites, to have them cut off their dick off and then they realize they were fucked over then they kill themselves.

Now imagine that there is a kike subversive communist agent in government and media promoting race mixing, homosexuality, transgenderism and transhumanism.

Are the two connected somehow?

Now consider was this a murder or a suicide?

It is White Genocide.

Stop the Mass Murder & Mass Rape of Gentile Whites and then we can save the other races too.

God Speed!

Napierdalator ago

They can't fucking smile. They try to mimic it, but you can tell right away.

FannyCraddock ago


LycanChoke ago

When you hear a nickel hit the floor in the other room.

Nosferatjew ago

Horse mouth... gross.

knightwarrior41 ago

stupid jew

lxto ago

Imagine how satisfying it would be to punch these fucking ugly teeth in.

Olivefigs ago

All paedophiles are terribly ugly

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Every fucking time!

glassuser ago

I'm jewish, not an insane person with bad taste in cocktails

A la reddit... porque no los dos?

hang_em_high ago

Her name is Rosenberg.. Did we need investigation to figure out a berg is a kike?

dadudemon1 ago

That's a lotta teeth and gums.

Garglemysac ago

Weimarica the jewtiful

ManchesterT ago

This time there will be no USA for the communists to run to for help.

Alpha-As-Fuck ago

Diversity for Israel!

1Sorry_SOB ago

This is normal for Jews.

JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

I am not looking a black girls at any time .. so that is as far as I got.

Valcgo ago

It's sooo ugly

TheGook ago

I think round eye Cheese right. All jew demon.

BeerNinja727 ago

And the chinks are worthless bug people rice niggers

jimibulgin ago

I've seen about a dozen articles like this. Literally, "Every. Single. Time." it was written by a jew.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

The Post is owned by Jeff [(Bezos)], alleged crypto-Jew

TreeMan32 ago

can one be any more worthless?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I wonder if she ever learned to code.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I guess 'blogger' is worse, but not by much

Chempergrill ago


Glory_Beckons ago

Oy vey, that's some first degree felony noticing. Don't you know correlations are antisemitic?

operation_wetvac ago

Nice. I was expecting Pennywise or that one Cenobite from Hellraiser, but that's even better.

ex-feminist ago

who wore it better?

Scyber ago

These writers are getting paid by Nutfux to push this bullshit.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Why do they all look like demons?

Moln0014 ago

What do you get when you put make up on a pig? A Jewish girl

hollywood2020 ago

is the whole more gums showing and horse teeth a genetic jew thing? Like the Brits, with bad teeth. Does the UK not do dentists?

svipbo ago

I think it's a physiognomic trait of lesbians.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

It's a genetic thing, kikes almost always look like hideous abominations.

offender ago

It's caused by having a shit diet and bad tongue placement.

Astralax ago

I feel like it's just one dot.


C'mon everybody, if you're disgusted by the idea of children shake their crotches on tv then your opinion is invalid if you don't put it up on your 65" tv so it's like they're gyrating right in your face. You stuffy goys don't know what you're missing!

retto ago

Those kids will be mortified when they understand what the jew lured them into.

BeerNinja727 ago

That is one fucking ugly ass kike

foltaisaprovenshill ago

99.999% of kikes are hideous inbred freaks.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Looks like a Rabbi raped a donkey.

edwardbernays ago

haha holy shit i wish she could read that

Killnigs3 ago

sounds like the pedigree tbh

BeerNinja727 ago


fnbs010 ago

Is there any other kind?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Mila Kunis is surprisingly jewish

TripleZ ago

Ugly too.

zezima04 ago


StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Also horrifically ugly without a pound of fake-up

WHY is this cunt so famous? It's all smoke and mirrors, lads.

Olivefigs ago

Looks like a paki. I don’t think she is that famous though.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago don't think she is famous?

Olivefigs ago

Not that famous

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

How is she 'not that famous'? She is literally a famous actress.

Olivefigs ago

You said she is “so” famous in your original comment. I’m telling you she is not THAT famous.

Not everyone lives worshipping Hollywood. normal busy people neither know, nor care for, these overrated weirdos.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Practically everyone in the US knows who she is. I think that's 'famous'.

Olivefigs ago

You and your Hollywood worshipping posse are not “practically everyone in the US”, hope you know that

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I worship Hollywood? You are very fact, I just canceled [Netflix] yesterday.

Olivefigs ago

Well, okay you win here. I applaud your action, well done. I never had Netflix, but I must confess I do stream some shows some times.

WNwoman ago

Yeah that’s the pic I was thinking of. I can totally picture her in 30 years looking like RBG.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I mean, we can all take pretty bad pictures in the right circumstances no matter how attractive we may be, especially if we put on some weight. I've seen enough of her to find her attractive at least even if both of her parents are jews, I'd just be being dishonest with myself if I said otherwise

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

With a pound of fake-up, the right lighting, and designer clothing I would be prettier than her

and yes, she is a Jewess

Olivefigs ago

It’s true, she does look very good with all the glamour.

WNwoman ago

Have you seen her without makeup? Looks pretty rough in some pics out there without the professional makeup artistry.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Also I've never been able to confirm but from the last name I can only assume she's jewish- but Binki Shapiro is pretty hot too

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Broken link

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

works for me. just search images of Binki Shapiro, she's pretty and a good singer

Olivefigs ago

Uhh zoom into her face, maybe?

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Uhhh, hate to break this to you but she's wearing a pound of makeup there.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago


Olivefigs ago

You gotta be blind if you think she isn’t wearing makeup there

WNwoman ago

Nah she’s wearing makeup there. See the one the other guy posted.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

The only main difference between the two are her weight. In the above she has good jawbone structure, a cute nose, full lips, big pretty eyes.. makeup can help accentuate those things but can't create them out of thin air

Olivefigs ago

lol you should go check some of those asian girls makeup videos. You are in for a surprise if you think makeup can’t create beautiful features out of thin air.

toobaditworks ago

Or just a regular ole jew.

blumen4alles ago

ooh I like that

BeerNinja727 ago

I concur with that man's statement

videocodec ago

Kikes can not help but to push degeracy. Weimar was not some accident. The jew keeps pushing and pushing until society collapses or they get thrown out. They are as Cbrist said, the servants of Satan.

WyattMale ago

Kikes can not help but to push degeneracy.

Imagine hating a people or nation so much that you'd promote pedophilia to subvert and harm them.

Pure evil.

Plavonica ago

Wiemar is the best, most recent, example. If you look into how often a form of communism takes place, it's usually pushed by jews and is concurrent with degeneracy and swiftly followed by civilizational failure.

109Expulsions ago

If you study anything about Wiemar Germany from 1920-1930 we're basically at 1927.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I wish we were at 1934

109Expulsions ago

Don't worry, Fourth Reich very soon.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I'm tired of waiting

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Honestly, the 4th reich is going to be much more powerful than the 3rd due to the high prevalence of civilian gun ownership. When the right wing nationalists finally break against the degenerate communist push, it will be an unstoppable force that will assimilate the might of the US military, which prevails throughout the world. I honestly can't understand the push against us right now because of the obvious consequences, but my best guess is it's a fool's gambit, assuming they can defeat what Yamamoto clairvoyantly saw - a gun behind every blade of grass.

SweeptheLegJonny ago

God willing.

Plavonica ago

I think that the internet forced their hand. They had to step up assimilation before China was ready to accept their new hosts.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Lol China will accept the Jew just as soon as South Korea does. Not a chance. "God's chosen people" haven't faced a discriminating force such as the east asians. Fucking kikes as well as niggers will be steamrolled, as many white civilizations before our have learned. But why would you learn from whites when you're a nigger or a jew? Best to test the waters and watch history repeat while you expect a different outcome. That's that Ashkenazi IQ at work right there.

109Expulsions ago

The push you cannot fathom is closer to succeeding now than it ever has been in history, and it's been tried more times than history keeps track of.

I hope you're right. I fear the consequences otherwise.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

The consequences are I die and possibly my bloodline. I don't care to live in a world that promotes pedophilia and I'll die to defeat it (but hopefully live having defeated it). I am far from alone in my stance, so I feel we're on the winning side.

109Expulsions ago

Don't feel. Act.

ManchesterT ago

No thanks, officer. We're waiting until it's clear self defense. Can you prosecute 40,000 Kyle Rittenhouses? How about two million?

109Expulsions ago

It's been self defense for your entire life.

Nukeisrael ago

It’s just what they do. It’s genetic. Niggers nig, white people build stuff and kikes subvert. It’s just nature. And nature is wayyyyyyyy more deterministic than westerners think it is. Your life is essentially set in stone on average when you are born. “But look at this outlier!” On average nigger. Society and politics are about averages.

Olivefigs ago

It’s genetics, white peoples are self sabotaging and let themselves be subverted. Everything they built will be destroyed by others. They are going extinct due to their empathy for the outsiders.

SparklingWiggle ago

What do niggers do? Well, they, uh, they nig. That's it, they nig.

What is nigging? It's stealing, being violent, listening to boom, boom, boom, and fucking. They're low intelligence. Low enough that they can't conceive that others are smarter. They believe in magic, and that civilization was already here and white man just moved in first. They don't have long-term thinking. They lack compassion.

bourbon90 ago

Oh man one day I hope to open up a dictionary in the distance future and see a definition of the word Nig, verb, as in, "he's nigging" or "to nig" your post made me chuckle more than slightly

Olivefigs ago

Mexican latins, arabs, and indians listen to boom boom boom too

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Taco niggers, mudkikes and curry niggers are all the same anyway. Mudkikes are identical to regular kikes with a few word swaps in their child raping holy book, taco and curry niggers are the same as regular niggers except they're not as dark.

Olivefigs ago

Actually, many South indians are as dark

gazillions ago

It's just nature. So is kicking their asses off the planet. There is no benefit or reason to keep dealing with their inherent pedophilia and obstinate belief in opportunistically using people for their own ends.

Nukeisrael ago

I agree.

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KosherHiveKicker ago

It's unreal how many Pedo-Kikes are putting themselves out there to defend this fucking shit on Netflix.

Ocelot ago

They just can't help themselves. It's fascinatingly disgusting.

Killnigs3 ago

you mean offering themselves to be exterminated

PedoAnnihilator12 ago

The Code of the League of Defense against Annihilation by Jews

The purpose of this Code is the total annihilation of judaism. The legitimacy of this Code is as counter to Isaiah 60:12 which says that all Gentiles shall serve jews as slaves or perish, utterly wasted.

Any Gentile shall become a Member of this League by swearing an Oath to annihilate judaism.

Upon swearing such an Oath unbroken, all votes due a sworn Member shall immediately be recognized, but all votes of such Member shall be destroyed upon death or disloyalty, yet no vote once destroyed shall ever be recognized again.

A Member shall as Defiler have 1 vote per each Gentile ultimately convinced to join this League by such Member, 10 votes per each jewish baby kidnapped by such Member, and 100 votes per each jewish baby killed or for each jew raped for impregnation or irreversibly sterilized by such Member.

A Member shall as Annihilator have 1 vote for each jew or their servant slain by such Member, 10 votes for each rabbi slain by such Member, 100 votes for each wealthy jew slain by such Member, 1,000 votes for each Chief Rabbi slain by such Member, and 10,000 votes for each jew tortured to death by such Member.

A Member shall as Plunderer have votes equal to the real market value of funds contributed to this League, votes equal to the real market value of jews enslaved by such Member, votes equal to the real market value of plunder stripped from jews, and votes multiplied 100 times by the real market value of jewish artifacts destroyed and religious buildings razed & salted.

The Defilers by majority vote shall appropriate funds in exchange for acts that annihilate judaism.

The Executors by majority vote shall elect the Strategos who shall deliver League funds according to Defiler Appropriation & Plunderer Direction.

The Plunderers by majority vote shall direct Commanders from which Citizens shall choose their direction.

Two of three Member classes shall veto by respective majority vote any Defiler Appropriation, Strategos Delivery, or Plunderer Direction.

This Code shall be suspended upon the perceived total annihilation of judaism but shall restart upon detection of jewry.

DirtyQews ago

very jewish of you.

PedoAnnihilator12 ago

Pedokike, you're done.

My Hordes come from you from all directions now. There is nowhere safe.

Behold God's Art.

DirtyQews ago

it's okay, rabbi.

PedoAnnihilator12 ago

That's anywhere from 10 to 10,000 votes.

Isn't God's Art beautiful?

DirtyQews ago are hallucinating.

blumen4alles ago

I see you created another account. Go back to

BeerNinja727 ago

He has been doing that all fucking day

blumen4alles ago

We must have triggered the pedo kikes with all this talk about Cuties.

PedoAnnihilator12 ago

You just repost bullshit. You're nothing.

God's Hordes are coming for you. You have no virtue.

You will burn as my offering to the TRUE gods.

BeerNinja727 ago

So who are the true Gods, let the rest of us ignorant heathens in on the secret.

PedoAnnihilator12 ago

God is God.

God knows what He does.

The masters of philosophy and theology were the Mongols all this time. Their genius is almost imperceptible.

BeerNinja727 ago

That doesn't even fucking make sense (well maybe in your schizoid brain it does). What the fuck were you trying to explain about Mongols.

PedoAnnihilator13 ago

These words of thine...I have not understood.

You have nowhere near the required virtue to even begin to understand the genius of their theology.

blumen4alles ago

go back to