13445123751 ago

Every single time isn't just a meme.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I don't know what I am more tired of...niggers, or kikes?

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

Every source I see says the director was Maïmouna Doucouré.

shitface9000 ago

He was producer. My mistake.

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

Your point is still taken.

modsrcuntz ago


greydragon ago

Source that he's not? Trust your fucking instincts.

Guaranteed fucking jew.

When Muhammed Mohammud slashes necks of folks and someone on here says he is moslem scum, do you ask "Source?" because there is no picture.

The whole Netflix pedo shit is 90%+ top heavy with jews. Guaranteed.

Nesano ago

Telling somebody to just trust their instincts is autistic. If somebody's a citizen of Israel, chances are they're a Jew.

greydragon ago

What?! Could you re-read what you wrote, because I agree with the fundamental concept.

In other words, yes, my instincts tell me that if someone is a citizen of Israel, I don't need a "source" to tell me that person is most likely a jew. Are you trying to say something different?

Nesano ago

Where's the source that you're not a jew?

Guaranteed fucking jew.

modsrcuntz ago

I want a source for the post that's not an unreasonable thing to ask. It's not good precedent to just make shit up and pass it as fact. That's how truth gets discredited. Do I think he's a pedophile of course. But in order for me to be able to redistribute this information I would like a source.

greydragon ago

Do I think he's a pedophile of course.

Got a source?

modsrcuntz ago

Do you know insane you sound. I'm not asking for the information for me dude. I'm asking for sources to give to people who don't know what the hell is going on.

greydragon ago

I'm okay with sounding insane.

You did the reddit-tier level of "Source?" with nothing else. That is an insult to OP. No other way around it. If you said, "Hey, OP, could you give me a source so I can red-pill others," it would have been different. But you did the reddit-tier faggotry instead. Was that insane enough for you?

modsrcuntz ago

No that was just extremely fagot. Now you sound like a bitch who got his feelings hurt. keep living in your world where facts arent needed or any proof for anything. thatll really help your goals and the society. I can take a picture of your face and and right dumbass dick sucker next to it and you and the world will believe it because they're cropped together.... isn't that your logic right?

Mystiker ago

Oy vey, cool it with the antisemitism, goys. Stop noticing basic patterns in reality.




Nukeisrael ago

Ethnocentrism can pretty much be assumed for any ideology ever written before 1960. Absolutely when it comes to niggers or non whites. I don’t think Mussolini had any egalitarian thoughts and race back then pretty much meant ethnicity (of whites) now because they knew non whites weren’t really human like everyone else for the past thousands years. You have to remember that people didn’t even think explicitly stating race was necessary back then like it is now because people weren’t pozzed by racial egalitarianism.

Gorillion ago

Reminder that the "Love Is Love" thing you see everywhere currently is a Pedo-Acceptance motto.

LGBTP is the new goal.

figtreeofshame ago

This seems anti Semitic you goy.

MaunaLoona ago

He's the producer, not the director.

LarryWhiteContrary ago


beardedtiger ago


UndercoverGoyim ago


CarlTuckerson ago


mralexson ago

Do jews have a black muslim degradation fetish? The point of the movie was that islam is oppressive and African girls should be sluts

shitface9000 ago

They need a plausible reason to excuse their behavior.

Mystiker ago

Their end goal is to make ALL goyim their sex slaves, regardless of race. And Muslims and Jews are bitter enemies, so it's not surprising that they would make an anti-Islam movie.

mememeyou ago

Dual Citizenship = Eject button

Dougydoug ago

Color me not surprised

selpai ago

We get it. There's no one here who expects any differently.

New-World-Ebola ago

the cunt looks like trudeau.... just a cohencidence like usual

Helena73 ago

Was this archived somewhere? He’s not on wikipedia, I assume he was deleted.

Nukeisrael ago

He’s not big enough. 100% definately a jew. Seen many different sources on /pol/.

SethMoylestein ago

It's perfectly fine, gentile.

jthun2 ago

this surprises absolutely no one

roman polanski hung out in france after raping a child

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marcuscato ago


veteran88 ago

Natsoc now!

All Lauren's that also pedos to go unkilled must be destroyed and replaced.

Pedos are all traitors and hostile enemy combatants.

Nukeisrael ago

But dats SOCIALISM. Mommy told me that’s bad and only niggers, spics and megacorps get socialism!

veteran88 ago

I recon it should be called natcap this time around for exactly the same reasons Hitler used to name it last time.

Nukeisrael ago

We need to find a new name for fascism too so that boomers and normies don’t immediately think about “poo poo head” when they see the word.

Fat_is_healthy ago

The third position is what some are calling it these days. I tell people that I'm "a bit of a third positionist." The only people who know what it is are other like minded folk, which are surprisingly out there.

Nukeisrael ago

It is the third position. That’s the “neutral” way to call it these days. China is pretty much third/duganist these days and in no way commie. It’s crazy how people still think they are communists. Imagine a billion white people in a fascist state, anything would be possible.

Fat_is_healthy ago

They have been drifting toward fascism because fascism appears to be the most efficient poltical structure. The chinaman loves efficiency, seeking it out seems to be their only racial perk.

Nukeisrael ago

They’ve been fascist for decades. That’s their realpolitik and not their fake ass hammer and sickle. They already are ethnonational Han supremecists, pragmatic in their ways when it comes to science, state capitalists, corporatists and their middle class exploded. It’s just chinks are so psychopathic they need mass surveillance to not act out while a more empathic race like whites could do it internally. They are for all intents and purposes as the very least duganist and at best fascist already. The only problem is they are imperialist too which is anti fascist.

Fat_is_healthy ago

Do you know of any literature regarding fascism? It's hard finding unbiased sources and any of the early works are buried.

Nukeisrael ago

You could read books about it.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Maïmouna Doucouré is the director, a Senegalese woman. Sylvain de Zangroniz is the producer. Both will burn in hell, though.

Gorillion ago

In porn they often use female directors as fronts to get the actresses to edge into acts that make them uncomfortable.

Women are used as the "first stop" encounters on the sex trafficking road too. Eastern Bloc Girls offered fantasy modelling careers are first (once having been tricked out of their home turf) taken to a "safe house" hosted by qa friendly-seeming female face (think Jizz-Stain Maxwell). She takes their passports for safe keeping and gives them a bed for the night, then by morning she's gone along with the passports and the traffickers stop playing around.

TheSeer ago

Geez, this is some real talk. 1st stop indeed.

alacrity167 ago

so she sat there bossing the kids into doing what the producer produced?

c0ck ago

Over 650 times, with 650 different 11 year olds. Until they “found the right one.”

King_T_Roll ago

moosethenoose ago

How the hell does this guy even freely walk around?

The French are idiots.....been there.....the visit sucked.

Maat4u ago

Been there as well fucking country blows ass

Gorillion ago

The Brooke Shields "Pretty Baby" director was French too IIRC. Wonder what his "Early Life" is like.

Louise Malle

Early life

Malle was born into a wealthy industrialist family in Thumeries, Nord, France, the son of Francoise (Béghin) and Pierre Malle.[2]

During World War II, Malle attended a Roman Catholic boarding school near Fontainebleau. As an 11-year-old he witnessed a Gestapo raid on the school, in which three Jewish students, including his close friend, and a Jewish teacher were rounded up and deported to Auschwitz. The school's headmaster, Père Jacques, was arrested for harboring them and sent to the concentration camp at Mauthausen. Malle would later address these events in his autobiographical film Au revoir les enfants (1987).

Well, straight out of the gate that's an extremely jew-heavy Early Life without him apparently being a jew himself. His IMDB biography leans heavily into his French Noble bloodline though. "Cornered the Beet-derived sugar market" at some point, so who knows. Long line of Cryptos or Masons I guess.

SpecialtyPizza ago

The French are stingy bastards but they make good wine

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Cali and German wine is better

Nukeisrael ago

Yeah bro the (((French))). Not the niggers Muslim and kikes that took over.