86USSLiberty ago

Someone just showed me some faggy q post with antifa kike commie flags. The post just went on about nazis lol

Bigz_Sarducci ago

In three days we can all agree 100 percent that QAnon is a complete farce. Right Q fanboys? The next three days is thee FINAL COUNTDOWN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw No more Q drops about arrests, oh wait they stopped doing that. Other vague Qtness is a futile attempt of diverting from the initial cause. Q is a Computer A.I. as most suspected.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

epstein and his assistant lady were kind of a big deal. and we hear of a ton of child trafficking raids happening since 2017.

Q is for sure a psyop to keep everyone passive, but there haven't been "no arrests".

Not_C ago

The last time Q said, "Trust the plan" was September 1st, 2018. More than a month before losing heavily in the obviously rigged mid-term elections.

Q and everyone behind Q have had no control since then. And have no control right now.

ALIENS2222 ago

There is going to be a civil war... then a world war. Most-everyone will die. Its gonna suck most for those who don't. They will be enslaved.

Not_C ago

Wars are devastating. Cities destroyed, nuclear fallout, extremely expensive. But there wouldn't be a need for war if they could somehow convince people to line up and take injections.

Then they could kill off entire countries, or thin out the population, or kill off certain races, or target areas that have a high proportion of people that think the wrong way.

If people could be forced or convinced to take injections, there'd be no need for war. Of course, it would have to be worldwide. And everyone would need to be injected quickly before everyone realized what was happening.

ALIENS2222 ago

This is pretty much what Deagle is showing... in 4 years 4 of every 5 people in the US will be dead.

syntaxaxe ago

Jews own the left and the right

No. Jews own the Dems and Republicans. Jews own a lot of the activist orgs on the far left, but some of the far left is waking up to them. The right - that is, the actual Right, and not Conservative™ Inc. - has been on to the Jewish ruling class for years, never really having abandoned the wisdom from a century ago when people commonly recognized the problems they were causing in every host society.

The Jews own illusions and sheep. That's it. It's a powerful combination, but once a critical mass of people realize what they've done to the world, their power falls apart. More people of every political leaning, of every race and creed, are seeing it every day.

untiloppressionends ago

Imagine being so fucking ignorant that you don't know that the "60 day rule" only applies to people who are running. Barr said no one who is running is part of Durham's work, which is limited to the origins of spygate and the FISA warrants. You people are exhausting with your stupidity, ignorance, and the fucking arrogance in all of it.

GovernmentShill ago

It's still gonna happen. Honest, guise!

Nukeisrael ago

Imagine being a Qtard like you. Antifa are nazis right you absolute nigger tier retard?

untiloppressionends ago

I don't give a fuck about Q. OP is still a faggot that doesn't know what he's talking about. You retards don't know jack shit about federal procedure or law, all you know how to do is fucking cry all the time.

petevoat ago

If you want proof jews are here, look at this thread.

Nukeisrael ago

Yeah, everyone defending Q is pretty jewish.

WhatWomenWant ago

Nothing wrong with being racist, anyone in their right mind is, only whites have been convinced it's bad.

LarryWhiteContrary ago

Trusp blan!!

romanstock ago

anything on the right that redirects to 'nazis' is a psyop.

con77 ago

Q is an enemy psyop

Stubbabubba ago

I seriously don't see how the faggots don't get that. In what reality is some "insider" from high up in DC leaking info through riddles and puzzles in order to let the people know what is going on behind the scenes? It's like a fucking movie plot but these idiots eat it up anyway. Seriously fucking stupid as fuck.

BlowjaySimpson ago

It was obvious to me after a few weeks, years ago.

Stubbabubba ago

I don't think it took me that long haha. After a few hours I just got the impression that everyone following Q was just sad and bored.

ALIENS2222 ago

...so whats your plan. You are the new leader now. What do we do?

Stubbabubba ago

Haha so in your view it's either listen to Q or some random guy on the internet? I never claimed to have any answers or plans. I simply stated that Q is fake and gay and anyone that follows that shit is not as self aware as they think.

Since you asked for a plan I'll give you some advice. Be: self sufficient, prepared, kind to fellow whites, a red pilling monster, active in your community, etc. Most importantly be a parent to as many babies as you can. Raise them right.

ALIENS2222 ago

So no plan but everyones plan is wrong. Your plan will see my land taken. My small farm burned and looted. My kindness towards (((fellow whites))) used against me since most of them are just wage slaves or worse and don't follow these ideals and will use them against anyone and everyone who shows them kindness. There is no such thing as redpilling. No one cares, they must walk the road themselves. No one can carry them. My community is full of bluepilled faggots who give shit to mexicans for free. Sounds great. Have kids huh? More meat for the grinder? Bring them into what world? THIS world?

Dude, you need a real plan.

Stubbabubba ago

Haha you sound fucking pathetic.

ALIENS2222 ago

Dude... Thats a great plan. You are going to make it for sure.

Stubbabubba ago

You are the kind of man we DONT need. You come off like a loser child who wants daddy or any grown up to hold your hand and shoe you the way. Grow the fuck up, grow a pair and add to the strength of your race or go walk off a cliff. Either way with your attitude as it is I don't give a fuck what you do. If you honestly think following some Q person on your computer is going to make more of a difference than what I suggested than you are a lost cause. What would you suggest? I'm curious to see your idea of a "plan". Go on.

ALIENS2222 ago

I literally have already done what you suggested. I have a small farm. I bought land and built it up myself. I built water systems, power systems, impoved the soil and have provided for my family and self for a few years. I learned A LOT. I even raise pigs now which was a bit of an adventure but after the first round I have over 400 lbs of pork in the freezer... hooked up to a solar system with huge batteries and a backup generator. I even used an arduino to make it start up if the voltage gets too low (that took me like a year to get to work since I am not really a techie type guy and would rather have a shovel in my hand than a computer mouse). Anyway, I even have some kids that were born out here.

Thing is I am completely alone in this. My extended family HATED the idea and still hates it. My wife is game and is good at it out here and does a great job. My kids dont know any different and are strong and healthy. Moreso than any other kids I ever see. There are no other people around me who have done 1% of what I have done. Few know what I know... and it doesn't matter even the tiniest bit. If I can't come up with $700 a year for taxes then the government will take it all. If someone sues me then I have to give eveyrthing to the jews. If I want to start a real business out of my place I have to seriously suck the cock of every motherfucker in the county office and then pay them a cut forever. Do you see my point? What you said there is what I have done and it works but doesn't WORK. Do you know what I mean?

It makes my situation good but I am surrounded by an ocean of absolute dogshit. I can't even see another island of non-dogshit on the horizon. This is why I have responded this way. This is the exact same question I asked the "new awakening" nazis who got going out here in my area (let me know if you want their manifesto, I saved a copy). They had no fucking plan to actually achieve their goal. I even gave them some ideas on how to get ahold of a city council of a small town and stuff like that and they didn't really think it was all that exciting. Funny, the street shitters and jews do exactly that very effectively.

Anyway, that is why I keep asking... what is your plan... because I have seen my plan through to its finish and have been successfully pushing forward. I expected many people to notice and start to ask me what I was up to but no one gives a fuck. At best they laugh at me at worst they steal from me if I treat them good. So here I sit. I raise my animals. I cut firewood in the early spring in my woods and move it in the summer when the road is not mud. I raise my kids. The oldest one starts homeschool next year. Either the government will drive me out with taxes or assults on my family through the medical system... or goons will come down from the city and murder us... or I will get fed up and sell out. Honestly I am looking at the latter.

Stubbabubba ago

I'm doing this as well. You can't expect to fix everything wrong with the state of America. Taxes suck, we have dangerous non whites lurking around, etc. All those things you point out are true, 100%. I know the feeling of thinking people will see your example and want to follow suit but when it never happens you scratch your head and wonder why. I don't expect, as an individual, to change very much. But as a people we can do a lot. That's why it's important to build a community and do the things you've done. If we were all doing this there would be little control over us. The fact is is that people follow and if you are going to lead, you lead. Not because you want to but because you have to. If you truly have done what you said then you are the kind of person our race needs. I'm the same as you, I think and do for myself but still worry about how I'll get fucked next. THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU BECOME A PESSIMIST AND GIVE UP! The things you speak of are problems. Problems with solutions that we must all try to solve. If you are in a shot area with a depleting white population consider selling and moving to a whiter area. No matter what there is always something you can do, just keep thinking outside the box. Also if you're self sufficient enough you can offer training classes or make an income in a way that can be easily hidden and nobody will look at. Buy and sell used items online or start a hobby that allows you to sell the end product, etc. As far as taxes look at homestead rebates, etc. I'm not too tax knowledgeable hit there are ways to get around things. For now we have to do what we must until we can build enough cohesion racially to actually make a difference in a large scale. For now all we can do is bide our time and keep getting our ranks up. It also helps to listen to others with some experience. Dr. David Duke, Mark Collet of Patriotic Alternative(UK), Radio Albion are my top three podcasts. They stay current and give good examples of what we can do to effect change. You're on the right path my friend, you are doing the best thing you can right now. It seems like nothing much but it's all we have right now. We have to stick it out long term to win. We didn't get corrupted over night and it won't be fixed over night either. Good luck and PM me once in a while if you want to discuss more.

ALIENS2222 ago

I live in one of the whitest areas on earth... It is a huge detriment because no one has ever experienced niggers or haji or whatever. Totally clueless. No way to even have a conversation about race unless it is anti-whie. I enjoyed Vincent James's Red Elephants podcast on jew tube. That guy was pretty solid. They took him down. Yeah I have thought of offering classes and such but most of what I do is illegal in one way or another... That solar system? Never inspected and not to code. That cabin? illegal, not inspected, not to code, not standard construction, Water system? its legal as far as I know. Hand dug irrigation well? Not to code/illegal. I talked with a few people. Most young folks scraping by with a kid or 2 and a wife on what I have been doing. They immeidately thought it was cool them recoiled when I talked about it. You shit in an illegal outhouse! Ghasp! If the sun is not shining you cant really take a shower?! The humanity! What do you mean sometimes mice get into the kitchen and you haven't... found the hole. Then... My wife cant handle a morning without a hot shower and half an hour with an electric blow dryer you must be crazy. Shit like that.

The real issue is I am just early. REALLY early. I started in on this shit in 2007. A long time now. I am simply waiting out the rest of the world. I was pretty sure it would all blow up a year or 2 after Trump got elected. Never thought it would last this long. Unimaginable that the FED can still be propping it all up and no one knows. Mindblowing. Anyway, So now is the time... This is it in the next 60 days or so. IDK. NO one is really waking up. I see masks everywhere. I cant even go into my local hardware store to get lumber from their hard without washing my hands and having them inspected by a fucking fat bitch. I havent been back. This election will come and go. They will make the vaccine mandatory. Everyone will comply. The vaccine will have a delayed kill or a sterilization effect. They will blame that on muh virus and everyone will believe that as well. They will come up with an amazing NEW vaccine that you can get to restore what you lost... don't worry, we will loan you the money... or some derivation thereof.

I am just so unbelievably disappointed...

Stubbabubba ago

I hear everything you are saying but nothing is over. I am relatively new to the whole JQ, maybe the last 5 years. It wasn't because I wasn't open minded or too stupid to understand. It's a complete reworking of everything you think you know when you wake up, so to speak. It's a gradual process. I still think you're making accuses for not doing things, there is always a way and if anyone will find it, it's a White man.

Usernamenameuser ago

Their lives are so insignificant and meaningless that they've latched onto Q to feel like they're doing something. Thats why they're mostly retired boomers. They can't except the fact that they're not running the world anymore.

MaxShekel ago

Accept, goyim. Shaloms™✡️💎

Stubbabubba ago

I find it annoying. They are like vegans they can't wait to tell you about the "secret" thing they do so you can join and be on " the right path" . In reality they are malnourished retards who can't see they are destroying themselves. Sad really.

con77 ago

that HUGE asshole crensch banned me from Great Awakening because I insisted Q was a larp

Stubbabubba ago

If he has to ban and censor then you know it is a larp hah

con77 ago

I PM'd him a video of a guy playing with a pistol. Putting it in his mouth and pointing it at the camera. He got pissed!!

Stubbabubba ago

Hahahaha he knows it's his future.

Nukeisrael ago

And boomers will tell you he’s “redpilled” people.

Stubbabubba ago

Lolol has he named the jew? If not I'm afraid it's fake and gay.

Nukeisrael ago

Nope. If you even ask a Qtard “so exactly what had this Q faggot done to redpill people?”, they will just say “HE SAID HES SAVING ISRAEL FOR LAST AND MOSSAD! Uhhh so nothing? No bro just go read the Q map!

It’s frustrating. No, he won’t name the jew because it’s larp bullshit.

Stubbabubba ago

Exactly and even if you wanted to understand and really look into it it is a nightmare. The Q psyop is purposefully made to be time consuming and confusing so the morons sit at their screens longer instead of getting out and being active in reality.

illuminalto2 ago

It's like a fucking movie plot but these idiots eat it up anyway.

He even told them directly "You are watching a movie.", and they reply with that quote whenever you ask questions.

It's insanity.

"Did they get you to trade the walk on part in the war for the lead role in the cage?"

Yes, David, they did.

Stubbabubba ago

It's truly frightening to see people like us still clinging to a huge lie. How the fuck do you get this far and then invest into things like Q?

Haha quite a fitting lyric.

Nukeisrael ago

What do you mean “get this far?” They are neoliberal red team controlled opposition posters. They aren’t redpilled on race, aren’t redpilled on jews and aren’t ethnonationalists. They didn’t get anywhere. They browsed reddit the_donald and then invaded and ruined /pol/ and have the same political views they did years ago. Boomers cannot learn anything new.

Stubbabubba ago

People who shit on boomers are retarded too. You think we aren't in the majority? You think the majority of boomers didn't feel how we do? We are and always have been the "silent" majority. I'm not making excuses for them but why damn an entire generation? You're just shifting blame instead of trying to find common ground to move forward together.

By "get this far" I meant how do you get into Voat and understand that niggers are violent and jews subversive but still fall for Q? I was just making an observation about how easy it is for even some people who are aware to get roped into false shit.

Nukeisrael ago

No, fuck boomers. 95% of boomers are retards just like 95% of blacks are niggers. I’ve seen enough in my years on these websites/boards for the “dissident right” and they are a super vast majority of the time retards.

Stubbabubba ago

Well I think it's rather short sighted and stupid to write them all off as a group.

illuminalto2 ago

It's truly frightening to see people like us still clinging to a huge lie

I ain't clinging to shit! I knew Q was a turd within a short amount of time - it just screams "politics".

Notice how they shifted everyone HARD off of Epstein/Clinton/Podesta and have now turned to Barack election tampering - these types of cases will literally never, EVER go anywhere except round and round for months at the taxpayers expense.

If need be, they will find a scapegoat like Blagoyavetch or some other rotten ninny to pin it on and he may or may not get a payout for his time in jail.

It's utter fucking bullshit.

Stubbabubba ago

I didn't mean we cling to stupid shit like Q. I meant goats who are aware enough to learn of the JQ but dumb enough to cling to stupid shit.

Yeah it was super easy to spot right away. I really tried to give those people a chance and have them show me any reason that it was real and to this day not one convincing piece of evidence.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

At best its a changing of Guard while still keeping the goy in the same cell. Maybe spruce it up a bit at most.

Nukeisrael ago

The Q boomers on /pol/ were seething trying to defend that antifa are the real nazis. Please commit suicide if you’re still a Qtard.

petevoat ago

Alright Alex. Now fuck off to infowars.

Hodor123 ago

Fuck off Rabbi

petevoat ago

Lol, ok, jewboy.

un1ty ago

This is something a smallcap would say...

TheSeer ago

I just ask them if I can get a timeline on when the arrests will take place.

Trust the plan, man!

I ask "What is the plan again?"

And well... Be prepared for some wishful fantasies, utterly lacking in any proof that this is indeed a plan. Any delay can be rationalized. Anything that fails to occur, is still 'on deck', just postponed.

SexMachine ago

I call out all the Q bullshit. It was just to lead the misguided masses.

TheSeer ago

Run out the clock. Get people complacent, thinking someone else will save the day. Just ENJOY THE SHOW! MIGA

VAT ago

SexMachine ago

That's funny. QRV is a joke. Always has been. I just comment there too remind them that it is the Jews.

offender ago

Q lied people died

Nukeisrael ago

Q was never real and we’ve been trying to tell the boomers for literal years.

Rodjers04 ago

Sounds about right.

VAT ago

Admittedly , you have a point concerning the MODS of one of the three Q sub-verses on voat. Look at the shocking 777 downvotes of a stickied Q mod post :


Don't lump all of Q into a Jew Psyop jew-trick though!

Q made a few astounding valid predictions, not many, but I am impressed.

Q warned us all that the media would try its best with dirty tactics to smear Q like this. This is just another attack! It will not work on the dedicated.

It is common among primates and humans to gang up and bond together tormenting chosen group members.

The relentless attacks on Q by older goats here is unwarranted, though sometimes funny in the NPC context year.

A token tiny percentage of Q members could not handle "niggerfaggot" and "kike" but for all I know they were voat false flag plants to draw anger towards Q.

Q followers are no diferent from any other intelligent people, other than being enlightened.

Q is misunderstood and ridiculed because it is not normally explained in full why the movement is what it is. Its not complex but does take 3 minutes to explain Q movement.

But All the Q respondents in this thread will no doubt be bullied by some of the younger in age, but older in account age, bad apples. A few of the older goats seem to enjoy antagonizing "QTards" "Boomers" "Political heads" "Qoomers" "Knowitalls" "Qfags" etc that are flooding into their formerly semi-static space.

They do not want to understand Q at all.

Q is already proven time and time again to not be a hoax.

People are just upset that Q does not always reveal every detail ahead of an event, in order to prevent the event from NOT happening (informing enemies that are watching).

What is Q ?

The purpose of Q is to get people to research and think for themselves.

Q's core values are very simple. MAGA. Think for yourself. Stop being told how and what to think. He asks questions to draw attention to specific events. This is formally known as the Socratic Method. Which is exclusively used to discover the truth in the face of one's own biases. His main focus is getting America back into the hands of Americans and not globalists/Deep State. Which is why you know that all those who attack Q are ignorant, idiots, or shills. There are no exceptions. Basically Q is a back channel to Trump + US Military Intelligence. If you support Trump you support Q. If you don't support Q you don't support Trump. But you should decide for yourself if you care to listen to Q.

This is paste from a previous reply Another made to others on Q.:

Q is not a troll or a LARP. At best you can claim he's a psyop. And he is. Anyone telling you he's a troll or a LARP is telling you they are an idiot or a shill. Very probably a shill. Cults don't demand you think for yourself. Since Q only demands that people ask questions and research for themselves, what is the obvious outcome of the Q movement? Why is it called The Great Awakening? So yes, it absolutely is a psyop. But that doesn't mean it's bad. One of the oldest forms of psyop is to simply drop leaflets into enemy territory that food and safety is available. This was commonly used by the Allies in WWII. It's why everyone wanted to surrender to the Americans.

Q told us a peace deal with NK was a done deal. MSM was screaming that Trump was going to start nuclear war with them. Q provided unique pictures from AF1 flying over Korea (taken by anyone). Q provided surveillance pictures of a building. Months later, after the peace talks were underway additional surveillance photos were provided with Kim on top of the building. The building was a hotel where the talks were held. Kim was enjoying the infinity pool on the top of the hotel!

An anon asked Q to have Trump say, "Tippy top shape." and you know the rest. https://www.douknowq.com/135126/Q-Proof-Tippy-Top-Shape.htm

Q also makes many Alice in Wonderland references and especially white rabbits. He frequently has said, "follow the white rabbit."


Q has provided surveillance photos of Page and Strzok, while they were employed by the FBI, while they were romancing it up in the UK. They met with other, as of yet, unidentified people.

Q told us exactly 30 days, to the minute, when John McCain would be executed or suicided. What privileged is frequently provided to military officers as an honorable death? Historically it's a gun with one bullet. McCain had a closed coffin funeral.



McCain got "cancer" as he wore his boot. His boot jumped foot. Hillary also got the same boot. It's believed these were to hide GPS trackers. Suddenly the claim of arrests make more sense? Remember the Clinton's flying commercial and how pissed off Hillary was?

"The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons." "I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."


"Sec. 12. In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law." - January 1, 2019


When it Comes to Guantanamo, Trump is Truly the Builder in Chief https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/03/28/when-it-comes-guantanamo-trump-truly-builder-chief.html

US private prison program rebooted by Trump administration https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/23/trump-revives-private-prison-program-doj-obama-administration-end

Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/03/31/turley-sessions-using-utah-federal-prosecutor-much-better-trump-2nd-special-counsel/


It's pretty obvious by now: Trump is facing a coup

Every president since Reagan has been part of a Deep State cabal https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/sep/7/president-trump-facing-deep-state-coup-detat/

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I challenge you to investigate on your own in earnest. If you are honest, I am absolutely confident you will believe.

Read the comments here:


BTW, there is currently over 57,000 sealed indictments at the DOJ. The DOJ has been hiring like crazy. An average year has no more than 2,000 sealed indictments. There are simple links that let you browse through the dated headers.


Within a 24 hour period, globally, over 50 media outlets all came out with the same attacks on Qanon, claiming he is fake, fringe, and/or violent. They never did any research and never contacted anyone within the movement. Real or not, the powers that be are terrified of Qanon. They absolutely do not want you do research for yourself.

It was no Qincidence that Q = 17th letter, and Trumps entire total words of his emergency alert test, presidential cell phone alert, was exactly 17 words. (dont forget the two header words) Trump stands with Q!

Yes, Virginia, There really is a Q.

Just Believe and Do Your Part to help what is asked of us in each Q drop. Q says "you have the power" and it is because we do have the power.

You can trust that Q will deliver us the righteous justice we seek that is fast approaching!

No action is needed, at this moment because Q will do most of the heavy lifting until we are called forth, and Q will vindicate us to the nonbelievers!

"Where we go one, we go all!"

Triumph_of_Will ago

What you're not understanding is that it's not a Q, it's a white tongue giving a black asshole a conciliatory rimjob.

KingHiss ago

Well said brother.

Deflo56 ago

Great breakdown. One of the signs of QDS is the inability to let go of what you theologically know is a LARP.

I feel bad for the deranged and I get a kick out of how many shills are working it.

watitdew ago

niggers tongue my anus

VAT ago

Admittedly , you have a pount about the MODS of one of the three Q subverses here, look at the 777 downvotes of a stickied Q mod post :


Don't lump all of Q into a Jew Psysop jew trick though!

Q made a few astounding valid predictions, not many, but I am impressed.

Q warned us all that the media would try its best with dirty tactics to smear Q like this. This is just another attack! It will not work on the dedicated.

It is common among primates and humans to gang up and bond together tormenting chosen group members.

The relentless attacks on Q by older goats here is unwarranted, though sometimes funny in the NPC context year.

A token tiny percentage of Q members could not handle "niggerfaggot" and "kike" but for all I know they were voat false flag plants to draw anger towards Q.

Q followers are no diferent from any other intelligent people, other than being enlightened.

Q is misunderstood and ridiculed because it is not normally explained in full why the movement is what it is. Its not complex but does take 3 minutes to explain Q movement.

But All the Q respondents in this thread will no doubt be bullied by some of the younger in age, but older in account age, bad apples. A few of the older goats seem to enjoy antagonizing "QTards" "Boomers" "Political heads" "Qoomers" "Knowitalls" "Qfags" etc that are flooding into their formerly semi-static space.

They do not want to understand Q at all.

Q is already proven time and time again to not be a hoax.

People are just upset that Q does not always reveal every detail ahead of an event, in order to prevent the event from NOT happening (informing enemies that are watching).

What is Q ?

The purpose of Q is to get people to research and think for themselves.

Q's core values are very simple. MAGA. Think for yourself. Stop being told how and what to think. He asks questions to draw attention to specific events. This is formally known as the Socratic Method. Which is exclusively used to discover the truth in the face of one's own biases. His main focus is getting America back into the hands of Americans and not globalists/Deep State. Which is why you know that all those who attack Q are ignorant, idiots, or shills. There are no exceptions. Basically Q is a back channel to Trump + US Military Intelligence. If you support Trump you support Q. If you don't support Q you don't support Trump. But you should decide for yourself if you care to listen to Q.

This is paste from a previous reply Another made to others on Q.:

Q is not a troll or a LARP. At best you can claim he's a psyop. And he is. Anyone telling you he's a troll or a LARP is telling you they are an idiot or a shill. Very probably a shill. Cults don't demand you think for yourself. Since Q only demands that people ask questions and research for themselves, what is the obvious outcome of the Q movement? Why is it called The Great Awakening? So yes, it absolutely is a psyop. But that doesn't mean it's bad. One of the oldest forms of psyop is to simply drop leaflets into enemy territory that food and safety is available. This was commonly used by the Allies in WWII. It's why everyone wanted to surrender to the Americans.

Q told us a peace deal with NK was a done deal. MSM was screaming that Trump was going to start nuclear war with them. Q provided unique pictures from AF1 flying over Korea (taken by anyone). Q provided surveillance pictures of a building. Months later, after the peace talks were underway additional surveillance photos were provided with Kim on top of the building. The building was a hotel where the talks were held. Kim was enjoying the infinity pool on the top of the hotel!

An anon asked Q to have Trump say, "Tippy top shape." and you know the rest. https://www.douknowq.com/135126/Q-Proof-Tippy-Top-Shape.htm

Q also makes many Alice in Wonderland references and especially white rabbits. He frequently has said, "follow the white rabbit."


Q has provided surveillance photos of Page and Strzok, while they were employed by the FBI, while they were romancing it up in the UK. They met with other, as of yet, unidentified people.

Q told us exactly 30 days, to the minute, when John McCain would be executed or suicided. What privileged is frequently provided to military officers as an honorable death? Historically it's a gun with one bullet. McCain had a closed coffin funeral.



McCain got "cancer" as he wore his boot. His boot jumped foot. Hillary also got the same boot. It's believed these were to hide GPS trackers. Suddenly the claim of arrests make more sense? Remember the Clinton's flying commercial and how pissed off Hillary was?

"The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons." "I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."


"Sec. 12. In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law." - January 1, 2019


When it Comes to Guantanamo, Trump is Truly the Builder in Chief https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/03/28/when-it-comes-guantanamo-trump-truly-builder-chief.html

US private prison program rebooted by Trump administration https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/23/trump-revives-private-prison-program-doj-obama-administration-end

Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/03/31/turley-sessions-using-utah-federal-prosecutor-much-better-trump-2nd-special-counsel/


It's pretty obvious by now: Trump is facing a coup

Every president since Reagan has been part of a Deep State cabal https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/sep/7/president-trump-facing-deep-state-coup-detat/

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I challenge you to investigate on your own in earnest. If you are honest, I am absolutely confident you will believe.

Read the comments here:


BTW, there is currently over 57,000 sealed indictments at the DOJ. The DOJ has been hiring like crazy. An average year has no more than 2,000 sealed indictments. There are simple links that let you browse through the dated headers.


Within a 24 hour period, globally, over 50 media outlets all came out with the same attacks on Qanon, claiming he is fake, fringe, and/or violent. They never did any research and never contacted anyone within the movement. Real or not, the powers that be are terrified of Qanon. They absolutely do not want you do research for yourself.

It was no Qincidence that Q = 17th letter, and Trumps entire total words of his emergency alert test, presidential cell phone alert, was exactly 17 words. (dont forget the two header words) Trump stands with Q!

Yes, Virginia, There really is a Q.

Just Believe and Do Your Part to help what is asked of us in each Q drop. Q says "you have the power" and it is because we do have the power.

You can trust that Q will deliver us the righteous justice we seek that is fast approaching!

No action is needed, at this moment because Q will do most of the heavy lifting until we are called forth, and Q will vindicate us to the nonbelievers!

"Where we go one, we go all!"

