binrobinro ago

How many different colors are those kids?

walrusescapades ago

when he said its 'make or break', that's when she knew she was fucked. yet, she tells him anyway. this tells me that she's practically begging to be taken in by a strong man who will help her with her mistakes. headstrong with intelligence indeed. this guy seems strong because he at least has this standard, so naturally she respects him. she accuses him of wanting to cast the first stone, but nothing he says indicates that he judged her. truth is she judges herself and is projecting this onto him.

performance ago

Unabashed whore seeks new money.

dampkitty ago

There was a guy on Reddit, his wife slept with a nigger and got pregnant - and the only fucking thing he was worried about was his two other White kids turning out racist, because he thought they would blame the niglet as the reason they were now getting divorced...

Honestly, fuck these people

Optional_Reading ago

How many black ones?

ex-feminist ago


RecceRat ago

Writes "I'm outgoing....." no shit love, I would never have guessed!

everlastingphelps ago

Jesus said, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" to heathens still living in sin. The saved have been forgiven their sins, and it is up to us to judge even the angels in heaven (1 Corinthians 6:3).

I know I haven't knocked up four different bitches, and I just just as well that this bitch doesn't plan to "go forth and sin no more."

Phantom42 ago

"Don't judge me or cast the first rock haha!"

I've judged you, and you are found guilty.

Resist and I'll be compelled to cast a pointy rock from a magic boom stick I found in Minecraft.

DanielR ago

"cast the first stone" famously misunderstood passage. used by kikes to sin.

Jesus didnt forgive a whore ffs ! The woman was innocent of whoring, the jew trap was to make Jesus kill a innocent woman. He knew of course so He refused to kill her. Thats why the mob left, they knew it was a crime to kill her since she wasnt a whore.

(if the woman was a legit whore 1 Jesus would have craked her head with the stone ! 2 the mob would have killed her anyways even if Jesus refused, THAT WAS THE LAW)

walrusescapades ago

dude, in the passage they said they caught her IN THE ACT of whoring.

DanielR ago

They (the jews) said something ?

AND YOU BELIEVE THEM ??????????? Are u shitting me m8 ? Are u legit trolling me ?

Didnt Jesus say THEY ARE LIARS ? The sons of the literal Father of Lies ????

everlastingphelps ago

Regardless of whether or not she was a whore, she was forgiven when Jesus told her "go forth and sin no more".

DanielR ago

there are many more sins then "whoring"

Jesus forgave her of lying, trash talking other people and other minor sins we all do every day

Phantom42 ago

Now this is a solid take. That whole situation the way we were taught (the jewish rat way) just didn't sit right with me.

Like, you're telling me God (maybe quite literally based on scientific evidence) nuked two cities because they were filled with whores and degenerates, but Jesus just comes along and plays nice with something just as evil? A whore?

Now that you've put it like that though, that makes perfect sense and it's a wonder I didn't think of it that way before.

DanielR ago

probably because people pushed their narratives down your neck so much so didnt have the opportunity to

the thing is the law of Judea was to stone those who engage in whoring. Jesus would have risked nothing if he killed a actual whore, its like stopping at the red light

(there is the exception of "you are allowed to sin if there is no other option and your life depends on it", the example they give is a starving man stealing a piece of bred to not die. God doesnt want us to be retards and die obeying laws, they are all done to improve our lives not kill us. Thats why He put the exception. When a lie can save your life, God understands)

DontBeRacist ago

I work with ditzy white girl who has a child and a "baby daddy" (fucking nigger term). I saw a picture of the kid, and it looks white. I found out that she has a boyfriend now, and... and... aaaaaannnndddd..... it's a nigger. Fucking coal burner exposing her poor, unfortunate daughter to some good for nothing nig nog that just wants to fuck her.

DontBeRacist ago

They love it when people have a lack of judgement.

Gary_Busey ago

You don’t want a dumb fucking skank as a wife? Who hurt you, incel?

JL0331 ago

She has 4 child support checks coming and probably unemployment checks... I'd hit that from the back all day.

moosethenoose ago

Best Singles Ad Ever...!!

Holy Fuck how can you be so stupid you whore?

prairie ago

if you don't know the situation or what happened and why things went the way they did

Let me guess, they're all black, none of them stuck around, and they physically abused you.

ReAwakened ago

I would run from that like it was Godzilla. That ain't nothing but a bunch of pain. "Don't judge" is girl talk for "I can do what I want and there shouldn't be any consequences." All I can say is, imagine driving a pinto in the Holland Tunnel.

ReAwakened ago

How many are brillo heads?

thebearfromstartrack ago

INTELLIGENCE is KEY with her!!! 4 kids, 4 fathers. maybe niggers? and INTELLIGENCE is KEY to her.

shifty_pete ago

I’m headstrong and intelligence is key with me.

Dumb bitch thinks she’s smart because she fucks with niggers. LMAO

Nukeisrael ago

“Mom, my is my brother deandre a nigger?”

Mr_Quagmire ago


try 100x

Shotinthedark ago

4 kids at 24 is a big deal breaker. I'm betting there are a few nigs in that fruit salad

ketoll ago

If you don't know the exact situation... all 4 times.

everlastingphelps ago

She was too drunk to remember at least 2 of the 4 times herself.

TheGook ago

dripping cum, cheeto dust, stinky bra and sweat pants... now I know what roundeye was talking about.

Intrixina ago

If you're a mother of 3 boys and got another on the way, and all 4 of them are separate fathers - the absolute last thing one should be doing is looking for strange on a fucking dating website.

If you fucked up in life and have several kids to several different fathers - the correct thing to do is to fucking make sure that your kids don't grow up to do the same shit you fucked up on. Instead, in true "it's all about me" fashion, this fuckwit is out looking for strange men to fill her holes.

Also, what is it with this reverse photo bullshit?

winners_history ago

"reverse photo"

They don't know how to configure their phones properly.


Using the bible as a shield against your degenerate lifestyle, I don't think this is how it works sweaty lol

SheaButterVaseline ago

She took loads from four different guys with no protection. That is how you end up with 4 different fathers. We all know what happened.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

The neck tatt really sells it 💓

o0shad0o ago

It's a make or break...

Maybe I'm picky, but, uh, no it isn't. 3 in the stables and one in the chute isn't acceptable, never mind how many baby daddies there were.

BentAxel ago

That's like the matrix bullet dodge.

ManchesterT ago

Thing is, she will be fine, because all of US pay for her kids housing, medical, food, and education. They call this "R-selected" mating, whivh is the optimal reproductive strategy when resources are extremely abundant.

The only way to stop this plague from spreading, is to let people sink or swim. And since that's not politically viable, we will just end up bankrupted, at war, or both.

Fetalpig ago

This dump truck owes the American people know she is on welfare.

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turtlesareNotevil ago

If they are white kids at least she doesn't believe in abortion, that's the only positive thing I could think of.

turtlesareNotevil ago

It is so rare to find a woman whose children are all from the same guy, I never noticed it until it was pointed out and now I can't unsee it.

GeneralDisposition ago

People always cling to "don't judge". Okay I won't condemn but i will exercise discernment to the fullest extent.

Phantom42 ago

It's so funny because if people paid any attention to Christian teachings the West was supposed to follow they'd realize final judgement is for the Lord, but we were given the gift of something called DISCERNMENT.

AKA: Making judgements.

So yeah... I'll judge the bitch. She is guilty of being a degenerate whore who betrayed her God, her family, and her race. I'm sure her nation condones it though.

She's dead to me.

GeneralDisposition ago

That's a right attitude. Hate it for her but she has no self control or forethought. Bible also says that true believers will be judges over cities and lands just like in the old testament before they wanted to be ruled by kings. And Jesus will rule with an iron fist. Which means that bad attitudes and behavior will NOT be tolerated, you resolve it or get beaten. She would have gotten a beaten for having a child out of wedlock. She wouldn't be dumb enough to have three or four.

everlastingphelps ago

Jesus told heathens living in sin not to judge. Once your sin is forgiven, you will judge even the angels. 1 Corinthians 6:3.

Phantom42 ago

I've been Saved, so here I am.

Killnigs3 ago

i like to reel em in for a bit then crusb their souls and tell them they doomed themselves and their shitspawn to a life of hell and suffering youre only gonna get older fatter and uglier everyday from now until you die might as well just kill yourself

GhostBalls ago

'Member when we used to ship them off to homes for illegitimate mothers, run by angry nuns?

fatehacks ago

She might not even know which four.

SparklingWiggle ago

might not

No fucking way she know which four

CowWithBeef ago

She would if she's running the "live off of the child support of many men" game.

fightknightHERO ago

Imagine being such a fucking whore

you've got to have a collage education to be this fucking stupid

winners_history ago

"High IQs" in the West are primarily used to rationalize degeneracy.

fightknightHERO ago

From what i learned, the stupid people are in "higher education" and the smart ones are doing physical jobs

anonymous111 ago

God, is a whore defined by multiple husbands or if you pay her for sex?

con77 ago

never been wrong in her life

goatsandbros ago

cast the first stone

No doubt it would land somewhere in her giant cunt.

Brawndosaurus ago

I can hear the sound it would make just by reading that. Glooop

FatherlessFaggot ago

Neck tattoo= niggerlover.

DontBeRacist ago

Single word tattoos in some fancy font are so ghetto.

FatherlessFaggot ago

Yep, and they usually reference something they aren’t good at like, “loyalty”, or “family”, or “money”.

DontBeRacist ago

they're often a name

FatherlessFaggot ago

“Rakeesh”, “Damien”, and “Jameeka” come to mind.

RoBatten ago

Neck tattoo is also "I'm not going to be hired at any reasonable job and I need someone to support me"

Nukeisrael ago

(((Christian))) girls.

lemon11 ago

She twisted scripture just like Satan or a jew would. Christians are specifically called by Christ to rebuke sinners:

Luke 17:3 Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.


1 Timothy 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

Basically, bully publicly and bully often. When you don't rebuke and bully righteously, you get these people leaning on fake tolerance as a crutch to justify anything.

DanielR ago

She is a lying whore

In the Bible sin is only allowed as a last resort if its either sin or die.

I do not see her starving to death with no options aside from whoring, so as God said "death by stoning"

everlastingphelps ago

Also, don't allow women to teach men. If this bitch has a problem with me judging her, she can tell her husband to talk to me about it.



Biblically based

Phantom42 ago

Christ didn't like jews, and they were named and shamed as a Synagogue of Satan in the Book of Revelation not once but twice.

Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, actually.

mr_anthrope ago

Dumb question: Is this from a dating website? I don't see anything that says what this is.

gazillions ago

Chinese army accounts. Israeli community center accounts.

anything to all to demotivate young men.

War is war.

SurfinMindWaves ago

What possible scenario could justify that?

"The first guy was going to marry me but then he got hit by a meteorite. Then the second fiance' was struck by lightning. The third was drowned in a sewage accident. The fourth died in a concentration camp. I swear! None of it was my fault!"

jimibulgin ago

My grandmother had 3 children from 3 different husbands. All three died when babies was 2, 1, and 7 respectively.

everlastingphelps ago

Only if the fourth guy died falling out of a guard tower.

turtlesareNotevil ago

IF that type of scenario was real, and it may have been possible to be widowed multiple times in the old days, would you really want to be with someone who so obviously has terrible luck?

I'd feel like I was committing suicide.

uvulectomy ago

Women in the old days who ended up a widow multiple times were usually just serial killers.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Don't they call them black widows?

SurfinMindWaves ago

Haha - no kidding. God doesn't want her to be in a relationship.

KikesOnTrikes ago

What possible scenario could justify that?

Most likely early childhood rape

SurfinMindWaves ago

Would someone actually use that as an excuse for having 4 baby daddies? I guess nothing should surprise me.

WNwoman ago

It’s pretty common for girls that were sexually abused as children to become extremely promiscuous later in their teens. Very sad. It’s so important for children to have present protective fathers.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I don't doubt that's true, but would a young promiscuous woman have enough self-awareness, while being pregnant with yet her 4th illegitimate child, to claim that as a justification for her actions? I imagine it would be more along the lines of "I believed they loved me, they told me so and promised to raise my babies! I'm the victim here!"

WNwoman ago

Doubtful. It would take a lot of analysis and self awareness to realize this and I’m sure most don’t have the intellect to process this. It’s all so tiresome...

un1ty ago


ThAssOfHats ago

Nope, they were all her fault or else she'd be playing the pity card.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Clearly. That's why I was trying to imagine what possible explanation would make any difference.

Soyboy69 ago

In this case the four is accurate as it was a question of how many different fathers her four children have.

The_Dogfck ago

The week Jamel was made she fucked 8 dudes. DeShaun can be narrowed down to 10 or 11. I think 40 potential baby daddies is a fair assessment.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Spiiiiiiiiinnn that wheel! What dysgenic flavor will the baby be!!!

Oh sorry what? Yeah, no. This ain't wheel of fortune.

Killnigs3 ago

throw em all into a woodchipper!

SparklingWiggle ago

Including her.

CleftFootAmanita ago

A relative in my family, who is a dirt bag drug addict, has 10 kids with 7 dads. Needless to say, most of the family has cut her off.

FatherlessFaggot ago

How many are colored?

CleftFootAmanita ago

More than half

KingOfTheCorpses ago

She's a mulatto breeding sow. Just poison their soda supply.

Ocelot ago

Have you ever considered an honor killing?

ChiComs ago

The REAL question every white man thinks immediately !

"How many are colored?"

Conejo_loco ago

Poor kids

CleftFootAmanita ago

Most of them have been adopted by other family members and her HS friends. She preys on people like a jew.

Brawndosaurus ago

bribe her with drugs to get her tubes tied.

CalibanFresco ago

'I'm a whore looking for someone else to pay for my mistakes. No judging, please.'

tourgen ago

They weren't mistakes. She's collecting from 4 different men and will never have to work a day in her life. It's all day-drunk, getting dick, and letting the new boyfriend molest her children. She doesn't love them, she loves the welfare lifestyle.

Brawndosaurus ago

unlikely that they're paying child support

DanielR ago

to be honest why not pump and dump ? spread your seed around, make sure to have as many white kids as possible, even illegitimate ones

GlowWorm ago

You’re ok with leaving your son to get raised by this dumb whore?

DanielR ago

its your illegitimate son, if he dies he dies, if not he will carry your genes thats all that matters, reproduction is about spreading your genes

in that niggers have proven more successful then white men who choke on their pride

a nigger might have 7 or 8 illegitimate niglets while a white man might have 1 legitimate kid

Helena73 ago

Thats the best take.

tallarn ago

Ahahaha, yeah. Y’all know I’m hanging out on pregnancy/new mom forums right now. SO MANY IDIOTS with multiple babydaddies asking for advice. No judging!

Planetoftheclown ago

Dude, hook me up, where? I need a good laugh tonight.

GutterTrash ago

I will assume they are located on all the censored hot beds of social media where degeneracy always finds company. The rape ones are always interesting because 75% of the posts are essentially "Is this rape?" or "yeah I regretted sleeping with him half way through but said nothing, do I have a case for rape?" It is ridiculous but one of many examples you can expect to find in any hugbox community

Brawndosaurus ago

They should be arrested, tried and executed for their evil

puggy ago

"after 4 I'm done having kids but I'm sure you'll make a great dad to all of them"

prairie ago

As a bonus some might even get put into jail before they're 18 so save you some money.

MaunaLoona ago

"I'm done with boys, only real men now."

prairie ago

Missing a real woman.

CalibanFresco ago

And you'd still end up with a fifth that looks nothing like you.

RoBatten ago

Yea, with all of that DNA absorbed from many years and many cocks . . .

Titanbikes4ever ago

That's not a thing. A human body isn't capable of storing others DNA. The vagina sloughs off cells and is self-cleaning. Sperm doesn't stay in your body forever.

Intrixina ago


everlastingphelps ago

Sperm probably does stay in your body forever.

Titanbikes4ever ago

It doesn't though.

everlastingphelps ago

Cite that says microchimerism is bullshit?

Titanbikes4ever ago

IDK, a basic understanding of biology, lol

everlastingphelps ago

Well, get beyond being a basic bitch and learn about microchimerism. All mothers carry a significant amount of their children's DNA in them that they absorbed during pregnancy, even if they are an evil cunt that murders their child in the womb. In addition, the evidence is very strong (see the study above) that the additional DNA identified in women's bodies is also coming from all the men that they have had sex with. The vagina is a mucus membrane. Mucus membranes by definition allow substances to pass through into the bloodstream. If they did not, there would be no STDs in the world.

If you can't make sense of this, go get your husband to explain it.

Titanbikes4ever ago

You can diminish me all you want and call me whatever names you can think of, but I just dont agree with you, kiddo. :)

I'm smarter than my husband, vast majority of people, in fact, so I don't know how that would help. The vagina isn't a giant mucus membrane, the cervix... Kinda? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

everlastingphelps ago

The vagina is a giant mucus membrane. Anatomically it is the vagina mucosa. You really are this stupid.

Titanbikes4ever ago

The vagina is lined with a mucous membrane, kept moist by fluids produced by cells on its surface and by secretions from glands in the cervix (the lower part of the uterus).

The dunning Kruger effect is out in full force for you.

everlastingphelps ago

The vagina isn't a giant mucus membrane

The vagina is lined with a mucous membrane

Muh dunning kruger

SparklingWiggle ago

No, from the man she cheats on her new husband with.

AltUserMe ago

That's messed up but... Kinda would have expected that point to come after number 3, or number 2. Maybe you can be lucky number 5.

RabbiPuttitout ago

That last baby will likely fall out before 9 months.

hollywood2020 ago
