forgotpwagain ago

as soon as u saw him cartroll, clear and shoot so methodically I decided he's the one. and every bit of info confirmed that afterwards. be the Kyle you want to see in the world.

God_bless_America ago

This was clearly self defense, arguments can be made

He was too young

Shouldn’t have had a gun

Ect la la la

Bottom line is this he’s a very mature 17yo

Probably grew op on a farm and is a NO BULLSHIT young man who was not going to let this shit happen under his watch.

It was clearly self defense, should he have had a gun ? Maybe maybe not depends on who you ask or the law, bottom line is he’s alive because he did have one, so that shouldn’t even be a discussion in court...we have the right to self defense, to bear arms per the constitution and no where in there does it say you need to be 17-18- ect to do so....... any judge with any brains should throw this right out. The kid is not a trouble maker from what we know and wasn’t out looking for trouble but when trouble came to him he did what he had to do to protect his life .

Argument can be made he shoulda stayed home and this wouldn’t happen, That’s BULLSHIT thatS EXACTLY what the liberals want everyone locked up at home scared while they destroy the country

He shoulda been released immediately after the video was seen or never arrested at all

wokeasfook ago

Good memes will do that to you.

The kid is a monster open pit meme mine.

Tandemlee ago

How could you watch that video and not admire the guy?

His altercation is a once in a life time chance to see, I have never seen anything like it.

Attacked by 4 men, put down 3 of them, calmly, cooly, while being pursued by a mob of hundreds, walking away alone, calm, not one extra shot fired.

Only in movies do you see such a thing.

midnightblue1335 ago

At first I was marginally supportive

Why only marginally? And what changed your mind?

I had a little argument with a man at work today over this. He was saying shit like "What is wrong with his parents, he shouldn't have even been there?! What was he doing there?!" I said "He was there doing the job that the police can't or won't do- putting out fires and cleaning up graffiti and protecting businesses from vandals."

The other guy was very fixated on Kyle "shouldn't have been there" and Kyle's parents somehow being failures. I told him I think his parents raised him to have a good conscience and morals, and that he took action that many adults refuse to take in defending a community- it doesn't matter that it wasn't in his home state. It's in his country, and there are communist insurgents staging a revolution through riots- and this young man stepped up and said "Not while I still draw breath."

So what was your initial hang-up?

potemkin ago

Honestly. Lin Wood's statement about "why he was there" answers that argument. Go read it. Basically the counter to "he shouldn't be there" is "then anarchists have won" but more eloquent.

onezeno ago

What could he be convicted of? At worst it was naive to render aid to terrorists thinking everything would be okay. Do we prosecute high school kids for naïveté?

drhitler ago

and fuck all these social media companies acting like a judge in the trial, he is guilty shutup, here watch some terrorist videos

bloodlibelisreal ago

Donate to his defense fund at #fightback.

I gave 'em $20. They make it easy to do.....

Dalai_Llama ago

I imagine there were local legends like this guy back in 1775 thay never made it into the history books.

This guy is a hero of the highest order.

LargePeter ago

Just the fact that he is charged, given the video, is infuriating. It’s like the liberals just can’t accept what’s before their eyes.

potemkin ago

This is following the trend of all of these self defense shootings. You're in the demoralization phase. So far, shut blows over then quietly everything is dropped. It's been that way for all of the self defense shootings so far. But I guess we shall see.

aefibes99 ago

I really pray they get their just desserts. I'm normally not like this but they agitate so much and are completely ungrateful for the things the white man does on a daily basis that benefits them. White liberals are worse than nigs in my opinion.

Helena73 ago

At first I was WILDLY supportive of Kyle, Over the days I have come to worship him as a prophet, perhaps a living god. I hope he lays hands on queers because I think he could cure them at this rate.

prairie ago

I shot an AR-15 for the first time recently. Fuck, pressure wave across my entire body, powerful stuff. That kid was popping shots of while being pursued by a mob. I wasn't even shooting 5.56, just .223. He was a pro.

neg ago

Even if the guy went out to kill rioters on purpose, I wouldnt condone it but I also wouldn't blame or hate him. These are outside agitators destroying HIS community based on lies.

CowWithBeef ago

Trump tried to take credit for ending the violence in Kenosha, but we all know it was Kyle.

Duchozz ago

To be fair the national guard and more importantly federal agents arrested a ton of antifa bringing gasoline in to burn more buildings down like the day after kyle defended himself probably because our democrat governor who cheated his way in finally cracked after the shootings

dassaer ago

Yeah, that 'convoy' connected with front lgbt fake WI church loaded up with food water sleeping bags bricks helmets and fire extenquishers that feds got tipped off filling up gas cans. Fcking farcical the trans bitch minister didn't even know the names of the drivers that picked up the 'donated' supplies on the TV interview ....

Valcgo ago

If he doesn't get off, we have really big problems. The outcome of his case will set a really big precedent for people defending themselves from mobs of commie fucks.

DantesInf ago

Anyone got the posts / videos showing the guy behind the pedo that also had a gun?

dayofthehope ago

At first I believed in Kyle Rittenhouse, because I wanted to believe in a hero. But then I started to realize that the photographs of the guy with the arm injury were obviously fake, as well as the guy who supposedly got shot in the chest.

I started to realize that for Kyle to look as cute as she does, she had t be a female. Trannies and crossdressers. Another mark of the illuminati and false flag events.

This along with the entire MSM content is fake. Fake as antifablm which gets paid by Soros to 'protest' along with the Proud Boys that get paid by probably the same guy or one of his (((associates))).

I also have realized that Racine, WI the town next to kenosha is a major glownigger hub, a fact that is heavily censored throughout the internet, even on voat.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago


Helena73 ago

You lost this round libby. Just suck it up with some dignity.

LurkedForever ago

Everything is fake, nothing is real. Nothing really happens at all, everything you've ever seen is an illumanati plot, but Plot twist! The illuminati are really just the unwitting servants of an even LARGER and more powerful conspiracy. I could tell you, but then you'd be in danger too.

moosethenoose ago

Arm injury is not fake.

Take a bullet and the percussive damage of the exiting gasses of a rifle blast at that close of a range - apparently that is what happens.

It's the gas and the bullet that tears you up that close.

Shot from further away, it might me more what you expect as a 'through and through' wound.

You are weird.

dayofthehope ago

Arm injury is not fake.

Have you seen the photograph where he is holding the gun after his injury?

moosethenoose ago

Yes. That arm is so jacked up that his nerves are completely screwed.

I've debated about this with others as well. Are you a doctor?

Shock will also do muscle clenching like this.

Your post is odd still. But, run with that narrative I guess.

dayofthehope ago

If it was a Glock it was amazing it didn't go off

good observation. I had missed this.

dassaer ago

Why are you claiming its all fake, when you missed something as easy to see as that nigger faggot having his finger 'stuck' in the trigger guard??. There were 'close up /enlarged' photos all over social media of his gun/ hand and you didn't see it??. How does that speak of your attention to detail on anything else you have to say about this being contrived and not real??....

dayofthehope ago


dassaer ago

Cucks Only Please Ejaculate ??? ....

Zeusvolt ago

You people are sick

Floppyhorsecock ago

If he is convicted that city will fucking burn in a way different way.

Killnigs3 ago

peacefully lol

ThereIsAGoldenRule ago

Honestly, If Kyle is convicted the entire country explodes.

nobslob ago

I hope they toss the book at him and he gets life. The people need to see point blank the protesters going through the revolving door at the police station and the patriots getting the book thrown at them for daring to protect themselves or their property.

If a mob doesn't swarm his jail and free him while lynching the DA, judge, and mayor of that town this place isn't worth protecting anyway.

Him getting set free is just kicking the can down the road. Kyle was man enough to jump into this war, will the community follow?

areyoumygaffer ago

legal precedent is important. this will come down to facts and legality and he will walk.

I don't believe we'll see true mob justice or lynching in our time, but it depends. the future is bright for me. I can see dark times for others.

nobslob ago

The rule of law is broken, we don't owe our allegiance to a broken system designed to oppress us. That's why the founders included the 2nd amendment, it's our last recourse.

They would be saddened to know that we probably will go down without even using it.

areyoumygaffer ago

also said never allow banks to control money

also said it was free to white men who were land owners.

CowWithBeef ago

I want to believe, but without Kyle leading the people on the outside, I don't know that there are any leaders capable of freeing him. A Trump pardon seems more likely than your dream scenario to me sadly.

LostInTheStatic ago

The only crime he is guilty of is carrying a weapon while underage.

ScottMAGA ago

The minimum age to carry a rifle is 16, in Wisconsin. Kyle is 17.

LostInTheStatic ago

I searched again, it says 18.

Granted, I am not from Winsconsin, so I am merely looking things up.

JohnGaltApproves ago

This section applies only to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a rifle or a shotgun if the person is in violation of s. 941.28 or is not in compliance with ss. 29.304 and 29.593. This section applies only to an adult who transfers a firearm to a person under 18 years of age if the person under 18 years of age is not in compliance with ss. 29.304 and 29.593 or to an adult who is in violation of s. 941.28.

941.28  Possession of short-barreled shotgun or short-barreled rifle.

Civil_Warrior ago

If he gets off .. LEGEND

If they throw the jew book at him JEW PSYOP

BillyThe ago

Indeed. Let's toast to the little puff of vapor that used to be a bicep.

voatuser1128 ago

Should have aimed for center mass and he missed the nigger in the beginning.

cultivated_ignorance ago

The Swedish Chef did?

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Kyle helped us see Kyle

cultivated_ignorance ago

Why didn't you just say, "Kyle helped us all see Kyle"? And why did you link to that shitty music? I'm not sure I understand what's going on here.

AlxCapwn ago

Good. When I read that first clause, I thought you were going to say some dumb shit about him being some kind of Jewish asset or whatever. He IS a fucking legend. Can’t wait to hear all the howling and screeching when he’s acquitted

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

And if he isn't acquitted, they'll see what actual rebellion looks like. Textbook self-defense, from basically a child no less... if you send the message to the rest of the country that you can't defend yourself from a violent mob... well, good luck defending yourself from the ensuing, methodical, violent mob.

ScreaminMime ago

Zimmerman case all over again.

MysteriousRacerD ago

And although Zimmerman is a spic, he did what needed to be done.

Credible_Hulk ago

Let them cancel each other out win /win

blumen4alles ago

At first I was marginally suportive of Kyle Rittenhouse.

I forgive you.

What hasn't the felon (Big-Cross) who tried to kill Kyle been charged for having that handgun or attempted murder???

areyoumygaffer ago

because they're trying to spin that he was a "medic" and that while his weapon was drawn he wasn't "aiming". yeah. because he was trying for an execution in the back of the head. cowardly antifa faggot nigger.

blumen4alles ago

If you watch the video enough times you can clearly see him raise his gun after Kyle's rifle jams, right before his arm gets vaporized. Fucking clownworld.

areyoumygaffer ago

he went for a sneaky kill shot. too bad Kyle just.. disarmed him.

privacy_first ago

He needs your support, our support

Tell the story to your friends, family, there is no more time to wait

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AntiMason ago


fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Black Lives Are Meaningless?