ilovejuices3 ago

You're allowed to criticize pedos as long as you don't call them jews

clubberlang ago

we judge/s> its implied from the beginning of the title

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Wrong, I judge der Jude constantly

geovoat ago

Keeping that. Really well stated.

"As a society, we judge whites by the bottom 40%, blacks by their top 10%, mexicans by their tacos, muslims by whether they have killed anyone, and we judge jews not at all."

bloodlibelisreal ago

I jusge them by their blood libel.

thebearfromstartrack ago

bottom 40%? WTF are you talking about nigger? WHERE did you GET these figures?

NIggers top 10%...Top 1%...and NO regard to being a MONGREL (MAMZAR) HALFBREED. They NEED the braincells of the HALFBREED (eg Obama)..

Nigger you can't FAKE intelligence.

forgotpwagain ago

id say white bottom 10%, black top 0.1%, mexican by their taco, arabs and jews we're too afraid to judge

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

More like the bottom 10%. I don't think the bottom 40% of whites are degenerates.

Chingchongtingtong ago

Normies judge jews all the fucking time. " (((So and so))) was GREAT in that movie"

neg ago

Second paragraph also applies to below average intelligence though.

doxxed ago

It is kind of amazing

Unkaveh ago

As a Muslim I just want to say I love you all and all peoples! I hope you all agree with me and don't jump on me like a cracker jumps on sister the second dad leaves the room.

WhiteChickens ago

That about sums it up. lol

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tankingwrong ago

Correction, we judge jews as based on the Joel Fleischman Gold Standard. Is he as insufferable or more tolerable than Joel regardless of ideal or less-than-ideal surrounding circumstances.

reason247 ago

Well stated title.

DamonAxemaker ago

I hate Mexicans because they slum up the country. Because of them the bottom of the barrel proliferates. They spread garbage culture, garbage food and garbage everywhere and they reproduce like rabbits so it's financially feasible for companies to keep churning out low quality shit.

The same goes with their families. Rather than have one or two kids that get a good amount of care and money to raise them to be productive citizens they would rather have ten kids and not have money or attention for them so they turn out to be trash.

Of course Mexicans aren't the only ones that do this.

Varlet ago

If the mother doesn't have to work and can educate her kids then you end up with 10 more functioning members of the white race. The question stands, then, as to why we aren't doing the same.

DamonAxemaker ago

That's just it, the mothers sit around and play on their phones or watch telenovelas all day while forcing the oldest children to take care of the younger. It's a good idea but this isn't Little House on the Prairie- the mother never raised the oldest because she was too busy fucking around so not only are the kids neglected but the oldest have no idea how to take care of them.

Remember, young Mexican boys get the shit kicked out of them so they join gangs and the girls get the shit kicked out of them and molested. These aren't white people that raise kids to be responsible and look after their younger siblings.

forgotpwagain ago

arabs/muslims are the same, but more violent

assquatch0 ago

I will take Mexicans 9/10 over niggers. At least with Mexicans there’s a subculture that loves America and our hardworking values.

My sister in-law is part Hispanic and has family down in Texas, they want the wall built faster than it already is. They love America and hate the dirty spics that try to cross illegally just as much as we do

muscialfroot ago

I've talked to lots of mexicans, and they all refuse to criticize open borders. They seem to hope for a brown majority,

but don't realize it will cause the same shitty conditions that made them want to leave in the first place.

redwing14 ago

most mexicans are hard working. The issue is they also like to do crazy shit..

cantaloupe6 ago

Like what... for science

redwing14 ago

they want to be enslaved, so they can party all the time. Same with niggers. The only different of mexicans and niggers, is mexicans are into family time, and into hard work. NIggers want to lay around. Both want to be enslaved.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Taco niggers are nearly as bad as regular niggers.

philmchawk ago

God I hate whites who simp for spics. Niggers are at least funny sometimes, spics have no redeeming qualities.

DamonAxemaker ago

That's like saying I like garbage more than I like shit

500five ago

I will take neither.

Angryelectrician ago

I think the myth of the secretly patriotic mexican is just that: a myth. In secret they are only waiting to have the majority, where they will be even worse than niggers.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

La Rasa.

TameFloyd ago

La rasa isn’t Mexicans glowfag

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Is this one of those "No True Mexican" arguments? Only communist jews hurt America. They aren't real jews. Until you call them jews.

EnragedShitlord ago

Most hard working Mexicans hate niggers too. I’ve known a lot of patriotic Mexicans who came in the right way and actually contribute to society. Problem is with society feeding them all this bullshit their kids end up niggerized. Give it long enough and they could be in the same bout as the common nigger.

mitoriomyt ago

I've met Mexicans who can barely speak any English, but they can say the word nigger perfectly.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

And they hate whites more.

philmchawk ago

Most hard working Mexicans hate niggers too.

Found the boomer who has never worked a job with beaners. They stand around for 10 hours a day bitching in spanish, they are lazier than niggers.

EnragedShitlord ago

I’m 23 and I’ve been a supervisor over a pack of beans before. Had no issues except the half nigger one that was a piece of shit.

Doglegwarrior ago

the truth is by percentages mexicans hate niggers more then whites! brainwashed white liberals love blacks they love sportsball and worship them because they are on average about 10% faster and jump higher. It is fucking patheric mexicans keep it real when it comes to blacks unless they are ghetto mexicans that want to be black

Nukeisrael ago

Well yeah, anywhere a lot of them go will become Mexico. The thing you have to understand is that genes are the clay that give you a chance to be first world. Only Europeans and East Asians have the genes to be first world and that’s a fact. There is no social policy, no amount of education, nothing that will make mexicans like white people on average. In politics we deal in averages. I don’t care about your smart black friend, the immigrant from Africa who didn’t cannibalize people or be Mexican who grew up in your neighborhood. We deal with averages and genes. Mexicans CANNOT EVER BE FIRST WORLD AS A WHOLE and will always leech. Same with blacks. Same with all other races besides whites and asians (of the East). Lots of boomers and leftoids don’t want to believe it but what I say is true.

TauCeti ago

At least someone gets it. Here's a question, though. Do you think something might be salvaged using genetic engineering some time in the future?

Nukeisrael ago

Why waste it on niggers? Why not just not let them in? I never get why you civnats want niggers so bad you’re willing to genetically engineer them. How about just them not being here?

TauCeti ago

Because there is no practical way to get rid of them. What do you do with 40 million people who don't want to leave? Unless you're willing to commit mass murder.

DamonAxemaker ago

Mexicans are a conquered people. All hispanics are- they have been raided and raped by every people for thousands of years and it's still continuing to this day. The cartels are no different than the Aztecs that would burn down neighboring tribes and put their heads on poles. Thousands of years of existence and nothing has changed.

Nukeisrael ago

They are just low iq man. That’s what it comes down to. They are just whites mixed with subhumans so they can’t ever be white. It’s not magic skin color or whatever boomers believe they are just half archaic humans.

Mind_Games ago

Mexicans and Chinese have been bred to be drone/workers.

They lack any value outside of menial tasts that require no celebration or accolades.

If someone could go back into time, they should convice the English not to import the worthless niggers

but to simply strike a deal with the Mexican government where they supply us with their worthless labor and

we supply then with "security" (which they've always gotten simply due to being so close to our southern border).

Spics are still God fearing and are easily controlled with the same methods we used on the niggers and because they

don't sing, dance, or excel in running...they wouldn't have destroyed sports.

redwing14 ago

Mexicans and Chinese have been bred to be drone/workers.

I disagree.. Japanese and koreans are hard working and follow EVERY rule. Chinese and mexicans are hardworking and refuse to follow ANY rules. Chinese won't stop spitting on the ground, just like mexicans drawing graffiti everywhere.

Mind_Games ago

Lol...the Chinese and Mexicans have similar attitudes and behave similar ??? Ya don’t say. (Eyeroll)

China isn’t Japan.

Japan learned their lesson, was helping Hitler try and rid the world of the global kikeroaches and

We’re misguided in when to attack the American jew.

I have respect for the Japs. They can be saved.

redwing14 ago

mexicans have asian dna. Asians travelled all the way to nunavut. Scandinavians have asian dna. That is why sweden and scandinavian countries are VERY socialist. At the end of the day mexico, russia, china/asia, middle east, the jews, and africa, basically the entire world hates america. Not just the jews.

Mind_Games ago

You're a monumental failure and an infantile when it comes to basic biology.

"scananavians have asian DNA" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Mexico is filled with drug addicts and pushers. Their entire economy is built upon it.

Russia is now 60% bolshevik jews...with the other 40% being drone slave labor.

The middle east is nothing but an inbred wasteland ...muslim, jew...there's no difference.

Lower Africa is nothig but AIDS poverty, and wasteland.

Scananavian countries are "VERY socialist" because, they had been homogenous people.

They all believed the same values, norms, and all had the same obedient personality.

It's what made them so easy for anyone with any testosterone to quickly.

The Vikings are dead. Have been since the early 1950's when the jew context penetrated their education structure and began

their demise.

btw, they still operate under a constitutional republic, same as the U.S.

The jews have convinced them to hate us ....but with every rape, every bombing, every "no go zone" expansion...that mindset is changing.

Sweeden will be just another middle east shit hole unless drastic action is taken.

They "hate us"? hahahahahaa who fucking cares.

They abandoned their duty and their people.

redwing14 ago

scananavians have asian DNA

They do. White people originated from mongoloid dna/asian dna. Then we morphed. This is documented. quote:"R" is Mongoloid by origin. The R group then split into R1 and R2 and R1 migrated west across Europe

The problem is we never developed unity. Only the russians and the slavics have strong unity. They are the only hope for christianity. Don't be so stupid.

niggerfaggotjew911 ago

The whites imported Africans because the Mexicans and other natives know how to live off the land in America and they would just run away and blend back in to their society.

Mind_Games ago

The Jews (not whites) PURCHASED niggers from Africa from muslims .

Muslims used Jew "merchants" to transport the niggers here.

Whites were in the midwest transforming the forrest into farmland.

Who the fuck taught you history ?

Also, Mexicans only know "how to live off the land" because the whites in Spain taught them.

Its all they're good for today too. (Ranching, warehouse "farming", other menial repetitive tasks)

Nukeisrael ago

Chinks are much smarter than mexicans lol.

Mind_Games ago

both are equally as morally bankrupt when given ANY power.

Which is why both are better when ignorant and fearful

redwing14 ago

All populations have idiots that are better when fearful... most fear god, or society's judgment.

Twodivinehipsters ago

Unfortunately this is so true. Not just Mexicans either, it's North Americans too. I've noticed the eastern band of Cherokee's leader is a power tripping douche as well. I'm grateful for Europeans colonizing the country because if that hadn't happened North America would be as dangerous as South America and Mexico. Most of the issues there come from their corrupt leaders.

Nukeisrael ago

Well you better get ready because the west playing “niggers are just like us” for 60 years and the chinks are passing us up.

Mind_Games ago

The thing is when you remove the jews around the globe,...then society settles at their own levels.

Get ready ? what

doxxed ago

I have some close Mexican relations and most of the kids are by different fathers. Often a dad molests one of them. It seems to be a trend. Also housing illegals. I know of it. And voting blue even if they are against everything Democrats stand for.

mitoriomyt ago

Mexicans consider females to be sexually mature by the age of 11. This is why so many illegals are raping young girls here in the US.

DamonAxemaker ago

Yes, I'm familiar with Mexican families. A girl I know was molested by her cousins and her uncles would make sexual innuendoes to the children in the family. The grandfather was a bigamist that had a secret family he kept for years

I could go on about Mexican grossness all day but I'll just stop it there

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

That title is a good statement. I like the sentiment. Did you come up with that or did you see it somewhere?

doxxed ago

Just thought about it on way back from mexican store

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Its good. Good thinking

MaxShekel ago

White people noses look stupid. My nose is beautifully hooked! Shaloms™✡️💎

109genders ago

name checks out.

RoundWheel ago

Can you fish with it?

109genders ago

Imagine if he swam on his back in a busy ocean. People would just think his nose is a shark fin. A loan shark fin, possibly.

Angryelectrician ago
